Rep. Bonnie Coleman, D-New Jersey
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During a debate over a proposed amendment aimed at removing the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) ability to establish a national gun registry, U.S. Rep. Bonnie Coleman, D-New Jersey, said what most gun-banners think but are hesitant to actually say out loud.

“I think it is a wonderful idea that we have a registry of every gun that is owned by a civilian in the United States of America because then we could have, perhaps, less killings in our neighborhoods, less killings at our supermarkets, less killings at our concerts, less killings period in the United States of America,” Coleman said.

In truth, Coleman has never seen a gun control scheme that she didn’t embrace. She is an advocate for banning so-called “assault weapons” and “high-capacity magazines,” raising the age for firearm purchasers, instituting “universal” background checks, legislating restrictive storage requirements and banning bump stocks, which the Department Of Justice did back during the Trump Administration and the Supreme Court recently overturned.

In 2022, she even voted for a federal extreme risk protection order, which would strip Americans of their right to due process if they were accused by just about anyone of being dangerous.

“Today, we passed another popular common-sense gun violence prevention measure,” she said at the time. “By allowing federal courts to issue extreme risk protection orders, this new legislation will keep weapons of war out of dangerous hands.”

Of course, most recently Coleman criticized a June Supreme Court ruling in the Chevron case that cracks down on federal agencies like the ATF making laws—like instituting a gun registry—rather than enforcing them.

“Yet again the Supreme Court’s right-wing extremist majority has obliterated decades of precedent and bestowed on itself new policymaking authority,” she said in response to the ruling. “It makes it harder for the nonpartisan policy experts and career civil servants who regulate industries from food service, to pharmaceuticals, to airlines and automobiles, to do their jobs and keep us all safe. This decision will touch every aspect of American life.

While many won’t say it, gun registration is the true holy grail of gun-ban advocates, and there’s little question why. As we’ve mentioned here numerous times, registration always leads to confiscation—taking guns from us so-called “civilians,” as Coleman put it. Even the Brady Campaign, back when it was more accurately named Handgun Control Inc., said that registration should be a final step before banning handguns.

Of course, while bans and confiscation are the biggest problems with a gun registry, there are other reasons it should never be seriously considered. For one, federal law prohibits a universal, national gun registry. Additionally, eight states prohibit state-level gun registries.

And as NRA-ILA notes in a fact sheet about gun registration, such a registry wouldn’t prevent or solve crimes.

“Most people sent to prison for gun crimes acquire guns from theft, the black market or acquaintances,” the fact sheet states. “Half of illegally trafficked firearms originate with straw purchasers who buy guns for criminals. Criminals wouldn’t register guns or get gun licenses.”

In the end, anytime gun owners hear the word “registration,” they should immediately think “confiscation.” The two go hand in hand, and gun-banners know it—even if most won’t say it.

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  1. Bottom line the Second Amendment is there so we the people will always have a way of dealing with tyrants, so tyrant at your own risk …

    • Except for extremely conservative women like my 84 year old mom I would agree. I could ask my mom, if you were denied your right to vote in order to guarantee a conservative president would you be willing give up your vote? She would say no! Not that she wouldn’t understand the premise. She hates libtards with a passion. So Grimm come up with another solution as in outreach to suburban soccer moms.

  2. Old news, but I must ask rhetorically,

    What part of “…the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

    Would a federal “extreme risk” protection order NOT INFRINGE upon?

  3. I’m so happy when a libertarian liberal or a leftist speaks what they really believe in public. Like the libertarian candidate for president Chase Oliver, and this Democrat elected female.

    Please keep talking.

  4. Don’t worry so much. It’s ok. At least She supports marriage. So stay calm and vote for her. And people like her. Your world will only get better and better.

  5. U.S. Rep. Bonnie Coleman, D-New Jersey is very familiar with criminal acts using firearms. Her two sons, William Carter-Watson and Jared C. Coleman, pleaded guilty to armed robbery of a Kids “R” Us store in 2001.

    • So, they followed their mothers example. She just uses insider trading to steal from others as well as fed guns to assist with her income redistribution instead of the direct method her sons used.

    • She, democrap Coleman, is not the only one with criminal children. In Arkansas, a female democrat leader, publicly stated the reason why she was against constitutional carry. Was because her repeat felon son, might get shot dead trying to break into someone’s home.

      And she didn’t want it made easier, for her fellow Arkansas residents, to be able to carry guns without government permission.

      After she retired Arkansas finally got permitless carry.

    • “…pleaded guilty to armed robbery…”

      For which she probably blamed the guns, as if they couldn’t have succeeded with knives or brickbats…

    • Don’t forget their amed heist at the gas station/convenience store, that charge and others were dropped as a part of the plea deal, they had been on quite a crime spree.

    • One of them was in possession of a machine gun yet after release from prison both were able to obtain government employment. I wonder how that happened?

    • Hey some of us are marginally competent and occasionally hardworking besides politicians are a class of their own.

    • [setting SAFE, Sam, and a few others aside]

      I was working on my college degree, and some fellow students decided to visit the offices at ODNR to see how the job market was shaping up. They ended up in the office of a Geraldine Ferraro wannabe, and couldn’t honestly give her the answer she was looking for when she asked whether they were registered Democrats. She recommended they consider fast food.
      They gave her an even more different, but honest, answer. A couple months later I tried my luck, and ended up in front of the same woman, who told me the same thing.

      • Civil service laws enacted almost a century ago largely fixed that behavior… the late 90’s.

      • Reply to this has been moderated for a while but up until the late 90’s or so it was the case up here as well even with laws to the contrary. Still had to pass and score well on the tests but good luck getting that interview.

    • Interesting item from that. Basically, the NFA is “ok” because:

      Congress, subject to constitutional limitations, has authority to regulate the manufacture, transfer, and possession of firearms, and may tax unlawful activities (from the majority decision)

      Apparently, the NFA was seen as “taxing” arms that were “commonly used for unlawful purposes”.

      Taxing something that is, by law, illegal, seems a very weird system of law. Note, a “fine” is not the same thing as a tax (even though they result in the same transfer of wealth), as a fine is based on a factual finding, whereas a tax is pre-emptive and mandatory.

      • “Taxing something that is, by law, illegal, seems a very weird system of law.”

        That’s how they got Al Capone, and who knows how many other criminals. Income may be from illegal activity, but you still gotta give .gov their share.

  6. Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ) is that special kind of stupid.

    I’m sure in her non-existent to shallow democrat tyrant understanding of constitutional rights coupled with her non-existent critical thinking and logic skills, she believes that some how or another having a registry of who owns firearms somehow keeps criminally minded people from exercising their free will to commit crimes and that some way or another criminals will line up to register their firearms.

    This is how she thinks it works:

    Thing 1: “Hey, lets go rob that store and shoot the guy.”
    Thing 2: “Nah man. I can’t. My gun is registered.”

    See, Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ) is that special kind of stupid.

  7. She wants a common sense gun policy…….How about putting anyone shooting or carrying a gun that is used in the commission of a crime INTO JAIL! The extreme left wants to always blame the right when they are the ones that continually let such criminals back out on the street to re-commit more serious crimes. The BGs don’t care what the laws say. Doubt if many can even do that.

  8. She isn’t being truthful. The end goal is door to door confiscation. I would respect all democrats if they were honest about that but honesty isn’t in their in vocabulary.

  9. We need an Attorney General and a DOJ that will start charging these politicians with TREASON, I’m done with these morons.

  10. If she thinks the American people, who she DOES NOT represent, will comply with any gun registrations or gun turn ins, then she is as delusional as Biden

  11. “Common Sense” would recognize that the major factor for gun violence, and its increase, lies clearly at the foot of the democrats. Ever since they have been in charge all crime has increased exponentially and the need for American citizens to arm themselves and defend themselves has grown accordingly. The democrat’s lunacy to create a “facist” and “socialistic” society in which they are the power in charge into infinity requires that America be disarmed. This is why they must consistently find ways to achieve this objective. Not in my world!!!!! This is why the democratic party must be abolished as it has consistently failed to understand the objectives of the founding fathers and the Constitutuon.

  12. “Uncredited” Planet of the Apes extra, Bonnie Watson-Coleman, should know a thing or two about crime, her two sons have been arrested and convicted of a convenience store/gas station armed robbery, knowing they were Federal fugitives she gave both of them her vehicles and credit/debit cards to finance their life on the run, they were later APEprehended by U.S. Marshals after a lengthy chimphunt.

  13. If we deported young black males from the country we’d drop the murder rate about 60%. No one wants to have the conversation though…

    • Because it’s the flawed approach of broad-based punishment to address the actions of a tiny minority. Other than the racist fantasy, it’s the same mentality as seeing a tiny proportion of AR-15 owners misusing them and thinking that banning AR-15s is a effective spproach to reduce ” gun violence”.

  14. More importantly, I would love to see every single person who holds a government office, have to disclose every single penny they possess. Investments, donations, and any other financial holdings they are connected to. You wanna know how many guns I have, where I got them and have them be tracked? Same for political cash!! The love of Money has been the motivator, directly or indirectly, for most decisions, including homicides. We’d see most offices vacated within seconds.

  15. how fkn’ stupid… killers and shooters use guns THEY buy themselves and use it for crimes as well as their ghetto trash mothers, girlfriends and others who have yet caught a felony.. democrats should STFU because nothing they have done has ever helped..


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