Many gun owners have said for years, maybe decades, that the background check system — whether it’s the FBI’s NICS system or state-run operations — could be used as a convenient way to shut down gun sales in an emergency or other situation.
Anyone who voiced that opinion was usually laughed at by people who called it tin foil hat paranoia, saying nothing like that would ever happen in this country.
Tell that to the people in New Jersey who want to buy guns now.
New Jersey gun owners and Second Amendment advocates take issue with [Governor Phil] Murphy’s position on firearm dealers.
“Gov. Murphy surrounds himself with armed guards,” said Alexander Rubian, president of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society. “Clearly he understands the benefit of the Second Amendment. Why is his life more valuable?”
Rubian pointed to the spike in gun sales in recent weeks as proof why these businesses should be considered essential.
“When the police have no legal obligation to protect citizens, which was upheld by the United States Supreme Court, yes, any person would believe gun stores that sell many tools for self-defense is extremely essential,” he said.
– Alex Napoliello in Gun dealers are not considered an essential business, and they’re not happy about it