Home » Blogs » New Jersey Gun Dealers Sued By Attorney General For Selling Ammunition Without Asking For ID Or Permit

New Jersey Gun Dealers Sued By Attorney General For Selling Ammunition Without Asking For ID Or Permit

Darwin Nercesian - comments 42 comments

A pair of New Jersey firearms dealers found themselves in hot water of the unconstitutional kind when they were sued by the state’s Office of the Attorney General for allegedly selling ammunition to undercover agents without first verifying the buyers were legally permitted to possess firearms. Permits or background checks for ammunition purchases are required in California, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey,  New York, Rhode Island and Washington D.C., making these so-called “states” membership in the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America questionable. 

With such misguided energy focused on criminalizing constitutionally protected liberties, it is no surprise that dumpster fire outlets like NJ.com have thrown their demonstrably inept hats in the ring, stating that the retailers “sold large quantities of AR-15 ammunition to undercover agents without verifying buyers were legally permitted to possess firearms, in violation of state law.” It’s not AR-15 ammunition you turds. The .223 Remington or 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge is chambered in numerous firearms other than the AR-15, including hunting rifles meant for varminting and small game. 

The lawsuits against Butch’s Gun World in Vineland and Point Blank Guns and Ammo in East Hanover were announced during a press conference that was posted by the Office of the Attorney General on YouTube, with the comment section unsurprisingly turned off, as I’m sure they anticipated some colorful ridicule for wasting tax dollars on such fool’s errands rather than training their efforts on actual causes for crime. When asked on Wednesday, the day of the conference, Rob Rone, owner of Butch’s Gun World said he had not seen the lawsuits, declining to comment without speaking with an attorney first.

Attorney General Matthew Platkin tried to emphasize that the lawsuits are part of New Jersey’s broader strategy to address gun violence as a public health crisis, which is abject absurdity on its face, as criminals have proven time and again that they will not be deterred from their activities and that regulations such as this only hinder law-abiding citizens and business owners. In truth, Second Amendment advocates, also known as Americans, understand these moves are meant specifically to stifle liberties while remaining masked behind so-called public safety measures. 

New Jersey’s Gun Industry Public Safety Act, passed in 2022, requires dealers to implement “reasonable controls” to prevent the sale of gun-related products to prohibited individuals, which would make a comedic defense in court if store employees were to state they knew the individuals making the purchases were undercover agents and therefore reasonably inferred that they would not be prohibited. 

The investigation that led to the lawsuits was headed by the newly established Statewide Affirmative Firearms Enforcement Office, created to choke off the firearms industry and gun owners from being able to exorcise their rights, however, I am sure New Jersey would explain it in a less combative and more dishonest tone.

Ravi Ramanathan, director of the brown shirt enforcement office, spoke during the press conference, calling the .223 caliber Ammunition “exquisitely lethal,” and detailed the transactions that are alleged to have taken place. 

“In March of 2024, Butch’s Gun World in Vineland sold a 20-round box of .223 ammunition, that’s AR-15 ammunition, and a handgun ammunition magazine to a state undercover investigator. In June, a different Butch’s salesperson sold a 1,000-round case of .223 caliber ammunition to a different investigator. Similarly, in March, a salesperson at Point Blank Guns and Ammo in East Hanover sold handgun ammunition magazines to one of our team members, and in May, another salesperson at Point Blank sold a 1,000-round case of .223 caliber ammunition to a different investigator.” 

NJ.com shifted their misuse of nomenclature, laughably referring to the ammunition as  “assault rifle bullets” later in their coverage. 

While I didn’t think the recent election would stifle the left’s propaganda or their will to stand in defiance of the Constitution of the United States of America, I hope the changing landscape and the country’s shift to the right will ultimately see those who violate the civil rights of Americans face legal consequences for their subversion.

42 thoughts on “New Jersey Gun Dealers Sued By Attorney General For Selling Ammunition Without Asking For ID Or Permit”

      • XZX, the couple of times I drove through NJ, no. I had to drive from Philadelphia to CN and passed through. I’ll say this, I understand why it’s called the Garden State. Like a lot of that country, if you get away from town and off the beaten path, the country side is beautiful.

        • Most of NJ, particularly southern NJ, is gorgeous.

          On the other, you’ll see bumper stickers and t-shirts with: “Jersey girls don’t pump gas.”

          Anyway, last time I paid attention to the debate, they were arguing that if people had an option to pump their own gas that would create higher prices for people who don’t want to pump their own gas. Seriously, that was a major argument, forcing people who don’t want to pay for a luxury service to help others who do want a luxury service. Of course, they also cited job loss at gas stations. Maybe there is some tortured environmental argument as well, but I didn’t come across anyone pushing that angle.

      • NO you CANNOT legally pump your own gas in NJ. But, there is a gas station right next to the Newark airport I use before returning my rental cars where I pump my own gas. But, I think all the employees are from Iraq and don’t care. Oregon finally changed their law some years ago though.

      • Was that a law proposed by a union to guarantee employment?

        We’ve had self-serv petrol stations downunder since the 70s. You would be lucky to find a few full-service petrol stations in the rural areas

      • They should require the Pumpers to wear HazMat suits……Gasoline IS carcinogenic, but not in the small quantity of fumes a self-pumper will ingest.

        Feds need to see if Professional Pumpers are getting cancer at higher rates than the general population. Might need to sue the State of New Jersey for not protecting it’s workers.

  1. As a proud gun owner and 2nd A advocate, I have to say articles like this aren’t useful in any way. Turds… Brown shirt enforcement office… the name calling is juvenile.

    The laws may be unconstitutional, but they are the laws on the books. The parties knowingly broke those laws. Do we need to challenge these laws? Absolutely. And we will, but editorials like the one above don’t help the message. Its makes us look like whiney children.

    • NT,

      (Does that stand for “Never Trump”, by the way???)
      You certainly have the whole “RINO/MitchMcConnell/George W. Bush ‘Republican’ thing down, don’t you? The Leftist/fascist Dimocrats have been calling anyone SLIGHTLY to the right of Leon Trotsky racists, and misogynists, and homophobes, and xenophobes for decades. And then Dimocrat Leftist/fascists and “Surrender to the Left” ‘Republicans’ demand that WE police OUR speech???? AYFKMRN???

      Yeah, hard pass on that one, Chief.

      • I criticized the juvenile name calling only to be called a Never Trumper and a Rino… that’s actually pretty damn funny.

        if you want to choose to allow the dems to set the bar for what is an appropriate way to elicit change than you can do so. I simply believe that we can choose to be better.

        • The tone probably ensures that nobody on the other side of the issue will get past the first paragraph. But I don’t think this article was written with the idea of winning converts.

        • Nope, no screaming here. Of course, the next 12 months should be fascinating.

          Trump is handing the government over to a foreign-born billionaire globalist (quite literally The Richest Man in the World),and packing his cabinet with other millionaires and billionaires (Linda McMahon $1 billion+, Matt Gaetz, $33 million, etc)

          Hey, what’s a tariff? Anyone, anyone?

          The wealthy globalist elites are very excited to attend Trump‘s inauguration, they’re gonna party like it’s 1929!

          • gates, zuckerberg, bloomberg, soros. Only billionaires on your side are not evil, right?

            harris is poor? sanders is poor? bidens are working class, right?

          • I can tell you that Joe Biden never gave “gates, zuckerberg, bloomberg, soros” their own government advisory commission:

            “Trump names Elon Musk to lead government efficiency drive
            By Daniel Trotta and Eric Beech
            November 13, 20242:05 AM ESTUpdated 7 days ago

            Musk and Ramaswamy will lead efficiency department
            DOGE intended to dismantle bureaucracy, cut regulations, restructure agencies
            Musk and Ramaswamy’s work to conclude by July 4, 2026
            Will take ‘advice and guidance’ from outside government, work with OMB“

            It is fascinating, the right wing conservatives all seem to detest the ‘billionaire globalist elites’, but now they are putting a foreign-born billionaire in charge of “dismantling bureaucracy cutting regulations and restructuring agencies”.

            So did I miss the election where the American people voted for Elon Musk and Viveik Ramaswamy?

            And why wouldn’t Donald Trump want background checks on his staff?

          • “So did I miss the election where the American people voted for Elon Musk and Viveik Ramaswamy?”

            Yes. Yes you did, among many other things that went over your head. I’m enjoying the freakout over a potentially more efficient government. That’s a Democrat’s worst nightmare.

          • You’re all for open borders, miner. Until you’re not.

            Your billionaires didn’t need to be elected or appointed. They just needed their check books.

            Do you really think hunter biden sold paintings because of his talent?

          • “You don’t get it guys, I get physically ill if I don’t sledgehammer Trump into everything ever!”
            People don’t fail to take you seriously for your beliefs alone. People don’t take you seriously because you are completely obsessed with the guy.
            Not every single thing ever has to do with him and you REALLY don’t need to copy paste goddamn whole news articles to shit on the guy.
            We get it. Find ANYTHING else to talk about for once. Maybe G U N S.

          • “Hey, what’s a tariff? Anyone, anyone?”

            It’s the thing that the Puppet Administration liked so well, they decided to keep them intact from the previous administration. I must have missed you crying about that before Trump won. You just repeat what you’ve been told without question, don’t you?

      • exactly, what an idiot

        In the 40s, in some parts of the world, the law said to throw jews in gas chambers. They knew the law, they broke it, they shouldn’t have been born jewish.

        Being silent on unjust laws allows them to win. I’m sure you’ll have a strongly worded proper letter sent to me in dissent….

    • Make no.mistake about it the blue NJ Gun Control ag and his ilk assume Gun owners are nazi vermin when in fact it is the ag and his ilk who are the nazi vermon and the History of Gun Control Proves It especially as it pertains to the third reich.

      The problem is the majority of Americans are unaware Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is Rooted in Racism and Genocide. And if the above wimp dulyfooly could grow a pair he would get off his behind and ask 10 people to Define Gun Control. Of course like the other blowbags on this forum who I asked the same the response will be Crickets.

    • And when interviewed a group of people best described as POC were all able to produce a driver’s license or something similar.

      I think the racism is of low expectations from their lily-white social champions.

  2. “created to choke off the firearms industry and gun owners from being able to exorcise their rights…” Pretty funny, but I think you have it backwards. Exorcise: To eliminate or suppress. So it isn’t citizens who are prevented from “exorcising” their rights, but instead New Jersey’s Gun Industry Public Safety Act that is intended to exorcise 2A rights.

  3. if you’re selling to some one you don’t know, there may be some basic precautions that need to be followed, esp. if you’re licensed.
    acquaintances that don’t trigger your spidey senses to tingling? coin flip.

    • “acquaintances that don’t trigger your spidey senses to tingling?“

      Yes, I’m sure that seems like a reliable indicator that a potential buyer is not a criminal…

      I wonder if the jury will concur.

      • If we followed the constitution we could do away with these illegal rules.

        Then .gov agencies could concentrate on more squirrel murders.


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