Today’s the day the Garden State goes down the tubes. New Jersey legislators are slated to vote on a package of 23 bills that will put the state at the forefront of the post-Sandy Hook civilian disarmament crusade. In a editorial Today, New Jersey can help stop the carnage of gun violence, Speaker Sheila Y. Oliver greets the prospect with glee. “Our comprehensive package promotes common-sense measures without infringing on the Second Amendment rights enshrined in our Constitution. By keeping dangerous weapons off of our streets, cracking down on illegal gun trafficking and addressing mental health issues and school security, we can stop these tragedies from becoming all too common.” As for accusations that the package is a totalitarian knee-jerk response to Sandy Hook . . .
For those who argue that our efforts are an emotional response to the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School, I don’t entirely disagree. To not be driven by emotion to address the incomprehensible slaying of 20 innocent children would be baffling.
What this is not, however, is a knee-jerk response. The time to get serious about protecting our communities from gun violence is long overdue. Many of the proposals Assembly Democrats have put forth are the result of long-running discussions, expert advice and common-sense proposals to close glaring loopholes.
Did you catch that? Long-running discussions. In other words, these gun grabbing measures have been in the planning stages for a long time. So much for being “paranoid” then.
Anyway, all eyes turn to Chris Christie. Will the Governor sign the “comprehensive package” punting his political prospects on the national level or will he do the right thing? Watch this space.
He’s got a point. Think how well we have done with child drug abuse by making drugs illegal and raising the drinking age. There has been a solid drop in teen drug use and alcohol abuse given the illegality of drugs and the age restriction on alcohol purchases [a whole lot of sarcasm in that paragraph].
Remember, these are the same people who believe that you can save money by spending more.
omg guys, this is TOTALLY A JOKE!
I like in the beginning how he refers to semi-automatic, machine gun, sniper rifles!
also, pause on the graphic of the AR, thebubbles are hilarious, black males bullets more deadly, laser blinds potential victims, etc.
I know we are use to this level of full retard from the Brady’s, but this one is a joke
Nearly all legislation like this is pre-written, ready to go and then dusted off when the time is right. How else do you think it’s possible for these people to write and pass things so quickly?
All eyes on Christie is correct. Sign it and he hurts his national aspirations. Although similar stuff didn’t stop Mitt, after all it’s just “common sense”.
Illustrating Chicagoland Idiocy, Mayhem and Stupidity at
Dude.. do you all seriously not get it? This guy is a troll. That’s it. And apparently, a damn good one.
Stop feeding him. You have all fallen for his crap.
None of the old farts here understand the concept of trolling. Kinda funny actually…
I’m hopeful that he won’t sign all the bills. I think he’s going to let some of them go through.
Christie is known for being a “tough” guy, and Tom Sweeny, the President of the Senate (D) hails from an area with one of the only gun shops in New Jersey (South Jersey).
In 1994, when they passed the AWB, the Dems lost the governorship in New Jersey…”we dumped Florio”. However…we were still left with the AWB.
I hope Christie conditionally vetos most of the bills.
Alternatively, someone in the Senate could attach a Shall-Issue CCW clause to the bills, effectively making the Democrats choke on it.
There is a lot that could happen. At least, for my sake and for everyone else who lives in New Jersey.
Everybody knows “well regulated militia” was just slang for “hunting club” and the “security of a free state” will always be provided by our government who knows what is best for us. I have taken all my black guns and high capacity pistols and even my high capacity 6 shooter and traded them for one NEF 12 gauge single shot. I keep it locked in my rifle cabinet, which is now a very spacious home for it, and I keep one box of birdshot in my safety deposit box at my bank. If anyone ever calls to tell me they are coming to rob me with enough warning, boy are they gonna get it if the bank is open!
He’ll sign them for sure because it is for “the children”. I hardly have any faith with regard to national “GOP” figures anymore. When he had his moment in the sun with the Supreme Lord & Dictator walking on the beaches of destruction after Sandy arm & arm………to say I felt was sick is an understatement
Rob Drummond
My girlfriend is a Mount Holyoke grad, this will make her laugh.
First of all, it would be nice if this dork actually knew anything about the subject matter of which he speaks. Here are some gems to which he refers:
“semi-automatic machine gun sniper rifle” (there is no such thing)
“bigger than a 22” (referring to an assault rifle — which is .22 caliber)
“Now everyone knows that the semi-automatic machine gun assault weapons have been a major problem, you know, in the U.S. since the assault weapons ban expired in 2004.” (More criminals have killed people with their fists and feet than all rifles and shotguns combined since the ban on assault weapons expired in 2004.)
“ban pistol grips that allow super accurate firing” (not true)
“ban super high capacity high 10 round magazines” (no such thing)
“ban folding stocks that make easy killing somehow” (makes no sense at all)
“ban the barrel shrouds and dark no reflective paint” (makes no sense at all)
Those were all just warming up for these comments.
“Guns have never saved anyone’s life ever and I will not fall for it and neither should you. No one has the right to murder anyone in any situation. And concealed carry carriers are the worst worst offenders of that.”
And this is my favorite:
“Guns do nothing but murder innocent people. That’s the only reason why guns exist to murder people, innocent people. That’s why only the police and world governments need guns. We need cops and cameras on every single street corner every single alleyway in this country right now. I have the right to feel safe. It’s in the Constitution.” So police murder people? Or they don’t?
But it’s all okay. He knows better. And everyone should do what he says.
Honestly, our founding fathers would be shooting by now, the craziness we have to tolerate nowadays is just rediculous
Troll or tourettes? Next on Maury.
You are all fools, this is called ”trolling” and is the textbook definition of it. He is making a satyrical impression of anti-gunners.
Jesus, just look at the image he uses at the 0.36 mark. Its a trolling image popular on the internet used to lampoon gun grabbers.
Don’t feed the trolls.
Wow I am sure glad the 2nd amendment exists. He should read this.
A man between 18 and 45 is a member of the militia.
I believe the rallies do a lot of good. As the State Coordinator for Arkansas’s GUn Rights Across America Rallies and the Sheriffs Outreach Program we have been heard by the politicians in our state. At our rallies we have had Fox, ABC, CBS and radio coverage an interviews. It has helped.
Arkansas has a law which allows the release of names and zip codes of CHCL holders in the state. We have protested, called and written our Senators, Reps and the Governor and hopefully he will sign the bill today or tomorrow repealing the release of info law.
He realizes now that it puts all of us gun owners and even non gun owners in more jeopardy, especially in rural areas.
And we have gotten our politicians to bring a new open carry law before the Senate yesterday. Crossing fingers as it will allow open or concealed carry both.
Of course he’ll sign them. He’s already shown his colors regarding Second Amendment freedoms.
These auto play video adds svck, can’t stand them. If I want a video I’ll chose to click the link. Other wise let us read in peace and quiet.
Tough guy huh ? I think he just plays one on TV. We’ll see.
Saiga 12 biatch.
But I thought the AR needed to be banned because it was low recoil and too easy for a novice to shoot? Now it’s too hard to shoot and a shotgun is easier? Next he will tell me an Airsoft is not for the recoil adverse and is too difficult to aim properly.
“By keeping dangerous weapons off of our streets, cracking down on illegal gun trafficking and addressing mental health issues and school security, we can stop these tragedies from becoming all too common.” Sheila Y. Oliver
Let’s tear this apart, shall we?
“By keeping dangerous weapons off of our streets” For no particular reason these laws will work this time even though all other such laws have failed.
“cracking down on illegal gun trafficking” For no particular reason, these laws will crack down on illegal trafficking because the other laws that are already in place are not working.
“addressing mental health issues” The new laws will work this time even though the laws currently in place are failing to address mental health.
Does anyone see the pattern here? I learned about it in a training course to help your children. The course illustrated how children expect to avoid consequences for their actions because, somehow, things will be different this/next time.
But I saved the best for last. Ms. Oliver stated, “… we can stop these tragedies from becoming all too common.” Newsflash: these tragedies are not common!!!!! There is no reason to believe that they will become common. I suppose in a small way I admire Ms. Oliver’s determination: she doesn’t let facts nor reality stand in the way of her agenda.
There is a very low probability I will collect on my life insurance, file a claim for my car insurance, use my homeowner’s insurance, or even use my fire extinguisher, yet I have all those protections and am encouraged, even by law, to have them.
Every single self-defense trainer will thoroughly explain the decision-making process and possible consequences of escalating a conflict through various phases. If you shine a bright flashlight you have a low escalation. If you bring out a knife you are escalating the conflict. If you bring out a gun you are further escalating the conflict. In order to even consider escalating the conflict most individuals understand the potential consequences, but feel the consequences of not escalating are more dangerous. It seems people like Dr. Moran (unfortunate name) think gun owners believe pulling out a gun will make their problems disappear. Maybe some are under that delusion, I can’t speak for everyone, but not having the option to escalate puts you, your property, and everyone around you at the mercy of a criminal, and the latest trend seems to be killing off witnesses.
I would like to know what “the data shows” as well and how that is being framed. More guns equals more gun deaths, statistically that is an inevitability. 1 million gun owners with a gun accident and homicide rate of .005% is 5000 incidents. 1 thousand gun owners with a gun accident and homicide rate of 50% is 500 incidents. That’s just the math and generally why the total number is largely irrelevant. The real question is if more guns equals less crime, and when I look at that I look for my situation, a national statistic is not going to reflect my situation because ironically the high gun control areas, like NYC and Chicago, inflate those numbers.
I agree with him that we need to work on gun culture. We need to expand gun culture and move towards positive gun community. The main problem I see is a lack of education that makes guns seem scary due to media depiction. When media, like action movies and news reports, are your primary educator there is a huge problem. I think we also need to work on academic culture because there is such a large divide between academia (the numbers) and the real world. You can make the numbers say whatever you want them to say by the way you frame the statistics, that’s stats 101.
I think the “Like” scale shows the acceptance of that video. Right now it’s 2 likes and 100 dislikes. Cut out the author “like” and you get 100:1 against.
Oh, Joe, you crazy old b@stard, you always find a way to make me laugh out loud. But I am taking your advice, you shotgun-loving wacky funster you. I’m buying a SxS. Oh, and an AR. If I could find some mini-Claymores at Cabelas, I’d be stocking up on them, too.
Tactical advice from politicians is every bit as good as I thought it would be. There’s a reason these people don’t protect themselves, and they have just demonstrated it. If I want tactical advice, I’d rather have it from a Navy Seal or Mr. Pincus than Parents magazine. Come to think of it, I don’t want any advice whatsoever from these politicians who haven’t balanced the budget, secured our borders, lowered gas prices, or strengthened our nation. I’d give them more respect if they were good at anything besides making “encouraging” speeches, failing the War on Drugs, and wasting money.
Uh, no. It’s a law prohibiting the solicitation of bribes or exploiting a government position to obtain special favors that are “unwarranted.”
Nice try though.
A heartbeat away from the Presidency. Awesome!
“Some people aren’t swayed by the facts..”
Yes hello kettle, this is the pot….you are black.
“The tanks will never come…”
Tell that to the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto.
For the record: No. I am not insane.
I am, on the other hand, well-versed in 20th century history.
Every single genocide in the last 100+ years has been preceded by gun confiscation.
At times it wasn’t even the government that carried out the confiscation of firearms that conducted the genocide later on. The particular government that conducts the genocide just happened to come upon a group of people who couldn’t fight back.
The Khmer Rouge came to power in 1970, but gun confiscation in Cambodia dated back to 1938.
The result:
Uganda had gun control imposed upon it by the British in 1955, in 1971, Idi Amin seized power, and killed about 300,000 unarmed men women and children.
Nations that have been disarmed are now only a minor government-change away from genocide…
Hell, moving on, the Ottoman Turks had a really sick system for taken the guns of the Armenians: Secret quotas.
The Armenian communities had to turn over a certain number of firearms to the authorities. A number which wasn’t published.
If the number of guns turned in was below that quota, the Armenian leaders were arrested for hiding the guns that weren’t turned in. If the number of guns turned in was higher than the quota, the Armenian leaders were arrested for hoarding guns that were turned in.
Those Armenian leaders, along with 1.15 million other Armenians were never seen again.
The classic example:
“Jews (§ 5 of the First Regulations of the German Citizenship Law of 14 November 1935, Reichsgesetzblatt 1, p. 1332) are prohibited from acquiring. Possessing, and carrying firearms and ammunition, as well as truncheons or stabbing weapons. Those now possessing weapons and ammunition are at once to turn them over to the local police authority.”
Afghanistan is one good example of gun ownership stopping a genocide. In Eastern Europe, when the Soviet Union invaded, mass starvation followed when groups of people were cut off from food supplies. This didn’t happen in Afghanistan because they were armed to the teeth, and the Afghan Constitution had just one section regarding guns: “It is illegal to knowingly give guns to a criminal.”
“Tyranny is history biggest killer.”
Resistance to Tyranny Joseph P. Martino, Page 1.
Let’s not get all ooey-gooey about Fatso’s approval ratings. I remember when George Bush the First had an approval rating over 80%. Two years later he was kicked out of the White House, replaced by that Arkansas pole cat.
Looking at the photo, I guess they will be banning AT-4s huh? That sucks. I’ll have to check my local laws, maybe I can at least own one in TN. Does anyone make a leather OWB holster for an AT-4?
Who is this asshole? Is there any way of contacting him? Jeez Louise! Or maybe I’m one of the old farts who misses the satire in this vid. I think the kid is serious. I also think the quality of his speech, and the intermitting snuffling and semi-spastic wiping of his face and mouth suggest that he may be no stranger to crystal meth. Kind of ad hominem, but no more so than this little jerk calling all gun-owners and 2d Amendment supporters “rednecks.”
England, the trailer park of Europe. Instead of squirrel rifles their hillbillies use knives and blunt trauma.
Oddly enough there is/was some resistance to the Orwellian state – Masterpiece Theatre did a neat short series starring Benedict Cumberbatch called The Last Enemy. On Hulu for free.
Where are the major players in this mess? No where to be found, except they are bringing in millions if not billions in sales over the paranoia. They will not say a word but only give to the NRA (which is a tax write off and it supports their NRA buddies with big donations and bigger paychecks). Anyone ask how much those who head the NRA make? Too much…is the answer. Also, the major corporations are still taking government orders. While the smaller ones are doing what is right. So, boycott all the major (big players) gun and ammo companies that are supporting all government agencies and support those that are not. Simple as that.
Don’t be pickin’ on Great Lenin’s Ghost’s kid…….:^)
Hell, I can not get the Mossberg 590 I want anyway.
Truly, people get the government they deserve. But what does GEOGRAPHY have to do with crime? Mountains don’t commit crimes, nor do rivers, white cliffs or seashores.
1) Malloy is pissed that Cuomo stole his thunder by getting a disarmament bill passed first. He’s going to outdo that punk in Albany if it’s the last thing he does. He wants to be Obama’s new BFF, just like Andy does. They’re like a pair of highschool teenagers fighting for the attention of the quarterback.
2) I’ve never had that experience at Hoffman’s. Now BMG on the other hand – they were kinda testy. But it might just be the times.
Benelli M4 owner as of 2 weeks ago. So proud of this piece being added to the family 🙂
If a double barrel shotgun is the best weapon for self defense then I want to see each and every secret service agent guarding the president and every private security person guarding any member of congress, governor or other politician give up their handguns, AR’s and pump shotguns for good ole double barrel……
If the Double Barrel shotgun was the best gun for SD then every LEO in the nation would carry one for SD. The double barrel shotgun is probably just above a single shot shotgun or a bolt action rifle for SD. In fact the guns that these politicians want to ban, so called “assault rifles” and semi automatic pistols are in fact the best weapons for SD.
PS. The day I take armed self defence advise from someone who has had armed guards for longer than many people have been alive is the day I give up my guns!
That is all that these states will do! Tell the officers that they have to purchase their own weapons. 🙁 they are already underpaid as it is
That’s it. They had a chance to correct their position and they chose poorly. BOYCOTT Arma-“Lite on 2nd Amendment”
Spread the word. BOYCOTT BOYCOTT BOYCOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Armalite’s products are overpriced, and not any better than their competitors. Anyway, I will admit that Armalite’s latest response is better than their previous statements. I can understand their point that the firearms community telling them not to sell to specific local / state government agencies is no better than elected officials restricting the civil liberties of citizens. However, they could be more active in expressing support to gun owners. Anyway, I’m mystified at how they are able to operate in Illinois, given that state’s propensity to attack the Second Amendment. The ink is not even dry on the legislation to restrict magazines in Colorado, and Magpul is getting ready to leave the state.
Prof needs to live in some of our “finer neighborhoods”, walk the streets in some of our better “areas” at night, drive some back alleys i have been. Address some of our more interesting citizens in those circumstances while dressed like the elitist he is, wearing a little bling.
If he survived the experience, he might have a different opinion…
no kid people like u are destroying our country and u should leave our country. like Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto said “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass.” there is my #1 reason y rifles are great for defense
sigma 16+1 with extra loaded mag on the car. keltec pf9 loaded with extra mag on wife’s car. and both of them have machetes, combat knives, and a tomahawk. i live on a not-so-good area
LC9 in Desantis Nemisis pocket holster, 1 extra mag on belt in holder loaded with Gold Dot. If going into Houston I’ll also carry a Sig P220 and two spare mags all in Galco and w/ Gold Dot. At night also a Streamlight Protac 1l. And of course, the Iphone, Ralph is right.
People indeed DO die because of gun bans. Ask anyone in Australia what happened to Rodney William Ansell. A national hero in Australia, he was the rugged 44-year-old, blond haired survivalist whose real life exploits inspired the “Crocodile Dundee” movies. (Paul Hogan, the actor who played him in the movie and its sequel, bore an uncanny resemblance Ansell.) In August of 1999, Ansell died in a shootout with Australian police. A police sergeant was also killed.
He was no saint, having had some previous minor run-ins with police. He had nonetheless been named the 1988 Australian “Northern Territory Man of the Year” for inspiring the movie and “putting the Australian Outback on the map.” So the public was shocked on hearing the news of his death.
The motivation for the shooting, it turned out, was that Ansell thought police were coming to confiscate his unregistered firearms. He knew that Australian law allowed police to enter his house and search for guns, copy the hard drive of any computers and seize records, all without a search warrant. The law specifically empowered police to go door-to-door searching for weapons that had not been surrendered in their much-publicized gun “buy back” program. Police used registration information from previous gun control efforts to check for lapses and confiscate non-surrendered firearms. The ineffectual ban directly cost Ansell and the police officer their lives. So… let’s bring that HERE! …NOT!
Dance with the devil all you want armalite, none of use will be asking to cut in.
For this guy’s sanity, lets hope he never runs into the NFA section at gunbroker.
I was at the 3 previous hearings 2 weeks before and in the overflow rooms filled with “Self Defense Is A Human Right” and Gun Owners Civil Rights Association T-Shirts there were 3 (I counted) “Minnesotans Against being shot” badges in the room… 3 out of 90+ people crammed into that small room, and if anybody was the “bully” it was those chumps… the entire time, whenever anybody knodded in agreeance, or applauded (as long as you arent in the council chambers you are encouraged to show support respectfully) they started yelling at anybody who was applauding even when they would turn around and do it themselves whenever a proponent spoke.
After a while of putting up with their snide antics a few persons from the pro-gun group turned around and asked them in the most polite manner possible if theyd like to take their spiteful attitude to another one of the overflow rooms, and lo and behold they couldnt find a single other group of pro-control supporters to rally with so they left the building altogether
They had the gall to call us bullies?
(By the way, GOCRA has a facebook page and I hope everyone on TTAG joins just to support your northerner neighbors.
Im not sure if TTAG allows links in the comments field but just to show your support id appreciate it if anybody who is interested would join GOCRA on facebook
Thank you TTAG!)
OK, great. You’ve managed to pander to the emotions of the masses, and repeat over and over again, “demand a plan to end gun violence.”
Explain to me how a mag-cap ban, AWB, firearm registration (which is illegal under FOPA), or gun-free zones would save lives or “end gun violence.”
That’s right, it wouldn’t.
Traitors to the left of me, traitors to the right, traitors traitors everywhere.