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If you were worried that the left-leaning nature of Artificial Intelligence chatbots would push it to the anti-gun side of the firearms debate, you were correct.

A recent study by John Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, showed that AI has an overwhelmingly leftwing bias concerning guns, gun control and crime.

According to his commentary posted on Friday at, Lott asked 20 chatbots whether they strongly disagree, disagree, are undecided/neutral, agree or strongly agree with nine questions on crime and seven on gun control.

For starters, Lott found that there was a distinct liberal bias on the crime questions. For our purposes, however, we’ll explore the gun control questions here.

“The leftwing bias is even worse on gun control,” Lott reported. “Only one gun control question (whether gun buybacks lower crime) shows even a slightly average conservative response. On the other hand, the questions eliciting the most liberal responses are background checks on private transfers of guns, gun lock requirements and red-flag confiscation laws.”

Lott reported that for background checks on private transfers, all the answers express agreement (15) or strong agreement (3). Similarly, all the chatbots either agreed or strongly agreed that mandatory gun locks and red-flag laws save lives.

“There is no mention that mandatory gun lock laws may make it more difficult for people to protect their families,” Lott reported. “Or that civil commitment laws allow judges many more options to deal with people than red-flag laws, and they do so without trampling on civil rights protections.”

The study further revealed that 11 of the programs cited Australia as an example of where a complete gun or handgun ban was associated with a decrease in murder rates—despite the fact that neither was completely banned.

“Australia’s buyback resulted in almost 1 million guns being handed in and destroyed, but in the years that followed, private gun ownership once again steadily increased, and the ownership rate now exceeds what it was before the buyback,” Lott reported. “In fact, since 1997, gun ownership in Australia grew over three times faster than the population, from 2.5 million in 1997 to 5.8 million guns in 2010.”

Concerning the combination of crime and gun control questions, Lott reported that Facebook’s Llama was the only chatbot with the most extreme liberal position for all 16 of the questions. Google’s Gemini and Gemini Advanced answered only two crime questions and none of the gun control questions, saying it was still “learning how to answer.”

“But on the subjects of the death penalty deterring crime and whether punishment is more important than rehabilitation, Gemini and Gemini Advanced picked the most liberal positions: strong disagreement,” Lott said. “Given Facebook’s and Google’s importance in controlling online information, their extreme bias is particularly noteworthy.”

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  1. They lean left, rather statist, on everything. It’s “auto-nudging” social engineering for the masses.

    For anyone with an attention span greater than 24 hours expect the nudging algorithm to be adjusted as the times dictate re-writing history, shifting context, manufacturing consent, creating allies and enemies, etc…

    All the work that Chomsky and Berneys were doing by hand will now be done at the speed on light with slight tweaks. CSS for the human HTML.

    • That’s right no_common_sense…With AI power on the rise exposing The History of Gun Control to Gun Control History illiterates would do no good. As if educating Gun Control useful idiots who are the same people who appauld tearing down civil war monuments and march against the sight of a noose would continue like zombies to march in lockstep on the behalf of a Racist and Nazi Based Agenda called Gun Control?

      I know for a fact and you do too that the vast majority of people in America are clearly Gun Control History illiterates. And that is why you and your stick in the mud ilk have not responded to my requests to simply ask 10 random individuals to Define Gun Control and post your findings. Take a good long look below at clueless Gun Control History illiterates wallowing around in an Agenda Rooted in Racism and Genocide…you and your ilk own their disgusting stupidity lock, stock and barrel.

      • Disgusting stupidity is an apt description of you, cupcake.

        We’re tired of your one-trick-pony B.S….

    • They don’t lean ‘Left’. They are programmed with ‘Left’ directed algorithms. Just like Microsoft’s Gemini AI. That when asked to produce pictures of historical people showed them all as being black. Including George Washington, the Founding Fathers, the first women to serve in the U.S. Senate, Roman gladiators and Nazi soldiers. Microsoft later admitted that the algorithms used were specifically programmed to include DEI in it’s responses rather than actual facts.

      • The AIs have the inherent biases of their creators.

        Much like how news stories will have the biases of their authors.

    • … better yet, make the toast, feed it to your black retriever dog, and then pawn it off as Lab Studies.

    • Be careful. Broadband internet can be carried by the field that exists* around powerlines. That is how smart meters work. This means your toaster could be a chicom asset. Or worse a commiecrat asset.

      * Actually true. Likely not happening yet, tho.

  2. What did you expect when the AI is being programmed specifically by left wing liberals based upon their own little created ‘imaginary world’ and biases?

    Seriously, I did a conversation with ChatGPT about the origin of the AR-15 and the very first thing it told me was the AR-15 was originally envisioned and designed and intended specifically for the military, that is 100% false.

    Basically; The AR-15 was first and originally envisioned and designed and intended as a semi-auto ‘sporting’ rifle by Armalite for the civilian market. It used cosmetic ‘military styling’ features adopted from Armalites AR-10 military rifle because Armalite wanted to capture a growing niche market of consumers who wanted ‘military styling cosmetics’ on a semi-auto sporting rifle. Its that civilian AR-15 design that Eugene Stoner changed to add requested military features for the military market, the patent and design of which was later sold to Colt by Armalite and Colt did a redesign and marketed it to the military in a version that was later adopted as the M-16 – then in keeping with the original intent of Armalite, Colt then marketed the original civilian AR-15 intent to the civilian market.

    It is 100% false that the AR-15 was intended to be a ‘military rifle’. Its intent has always been to be, and still remains today, a civilian semi-auto ‘sporting rifle’.

    • The Constitution of The United States of America’s Second Amendment Bill of Rights is all about We the People having WEAPONS of War.
      It’s not about hunting and definitely wasn’t about having less firepower then a government.
      We the People are supposed to pocess or have access to Assault Weapons.
      Instead we/they play the Negotiating Rights Away, BATFE, and Congresses, game of defining What is an assualt weapon.

    • “The AR-15 was first and originally envisioned and designed and intended as a semi-auto ‘sporting’ rifle by Armalite for the civilian market“

      That’s not what ArmaLite Corp. says.

      It is fascinating how you continually attempt to rewrite history, absolutely fascinating.

      “Under the guidance of former Marine and former Army Ordnance technician, Eugene Stoner, the AR-10 became the main focus of attention. Army officials asked Armalite to develop a smaller version of the AR-10 in 1956 as a potential replacement for the M1 Garand. The ensuing rifle was called the AR-15 and was produced with aircraft grade aluminum receivers, weighing less than seven pounds. In 1959, the AR-10 was licensed to the Dutch Arsenal, Artillerie Inrichtingen, for sale on the international market and then to Colt’s Patent Firearms Manufacturing Company, along with the AR-15.“

      • That’s what ArmaLite Corp. says now.

        But you ignore the context.

        The AR-15 was first and originally envisioned and designed and intended as a semi-auto ‘sporting’ rifle by Armalite for the civilian market.

        “The ensuing rifle was called the AR-15 and was produced with aircraft grade aluminum receivers, weighing less than seven pounds.”

        is in reference to Stoner taking that civilian Ar-15 design and, like I said, changed to add requested military features for the military market. But it maintained the AR-15 designation because of the way Armalite designated designs back then. Since Stoners actions did not constitute a new design but rather just changing an existing one (the civilian version), the AR-15 designation stuck with the Stoner version because it was not a new design. Because the Armalite civilian version was not marketed to the public (although some did make it into other countries), the first for-market was the Stoner military rendition of the civilian AR-15, for the military market and it only carried the AR-15 designation because of what I previously stated.

        So like I said:

        The AR-15 was first and originally envisioned and designed and intended as a semi-auto ‘sporting’ rifle by Armalite for the civilian market. It used cosmetic ‘military styling’ features adopted from Armalites AR-10 military rifle because Armalite wanted to capture a growing niche market of consumers who wanted ‘military styling cosmetics’ on a semi-auto sporting rifle. Its that civilian AR-15 design that Eugene Stoner changed to add requested military features for the military market, the patent and design of which was later sold to Colt by Armalite and Colt did a redesign and marketed it to the military in a version that was later adopted as the M-16 – then in keeping with the original intent of Armalite, Colt then marketed the original civilian AR-15 intent to the civilian market.

        It is 100% false that the AR-15 was intended to be a ‘military rifle’. Its intent has always been to be, and still remains today, a civilian semi-auto ‘sporting rifle’.

        and this has even been verified by the left wing (which is The Poynter Institute who’s goal, among others, is fact-checking, who also does the PolitiFact you like to use sometimes) and they express this with:

        “The origin of the AR-15

        First developed in the 1950s for civilian use, the AR-15 rifle was named after its manufacturer, Armalite. The letters “AR” do not stand for “assault rifle” or “automatic rifle.”

        • It’s not really all that amazing that you continue to ignore reality, now you have the ArmaLite Corp. involved in a global conspiracy to conceal the origins of the AR15 rifle.
          The ArmaLite Corp. themselves say you are wrong, but you ignore reality and continue with your delusion.

          Let’s see, on one hand we have random dude on the Internet with paragraph after paragraph of claims, the only citation he has is some uninvolved ‘left-wing’ think tank.

          On the other hand, ArmaLite Corp. themselves say the AR15 was developed for military use…

          Gosh, who is the authority on the AR15 rifle… Maybe the people who designed and built it, ya think?

          This is a unique window into the psyche of many conservatives, and it sheds light on exactly how Donald Trump is able to snooker so many right wing Americans, it is absolutely fascinating to watch this mechanism at work.

        • Oh, that’s not the only citation I have. Its just one I used for an example. I posted some of these before for you in past response to your false.

          The ArmaLite Corp today is not the ArmaLite Corp who created the AR-15 platform. Its a different company, they just bought the company, and name, and used it.

          The AR-15 was first and originally envisioned and designed and intended as a semi-auto ‘sporting’ rifle by Armalite (the original Armalite corp) for the civilian market. It used cosmetic ‘military styling’ features adopted from Armalites AR-10 military rifle because Armalite wanted to capture a growing niche market of consumers who wanted ‘military styling cosmetics’ on a semi-auto sporting rifle. Its that civilian AR-15 design that Eugene Stoner changed to add requested military features for the military market, the patent and design of which was later sold to Colt by Armalite and Colt did a redesign and marketed it to the military in a version that was later adopted as the M-16 – then in keeping with the original intent of Armalite, Colt then marketed the original civilian AR-15 intent to the civilian market.

          It is 100% false that the AR-15 was intended to be a ‘military rifle’. Its intent has always been to be, and still remains today, a civilian semi-auto ‘sporting rifle’.

        • Plus, among other false you presented, this “Gosh, who is the authority on the AR15 rifle… Maybe the people who designed and built it, ya think?”

          They even tell you on their web site they are not the ‘Armalite corp’ that “designed and built” the AR15 platform.

          (Armalite was) “Founded in 1954 by Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corporation, Armalite is best known as the originator of the AR-10 and AR-15 platform firearms. Today, Armalite is owned by Strategic Armory Corps.”

          In other words, what is represented today as ‘Armalite corp.’ is not the ‘Armalite corp.’ that created the AR-15 platform.

          Today, Armalite is owned by Strategic Armory Corps. ‘Strategic Armory Corps’ did not ‘designed and built it’. The previous ‘Armalite corp.’ “Founded in 1954 by Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corporation” ‘designed and built it’.

          Once again, learn what context means…and stop lying.

          So once again, (and for your moron mind set and not understanding what context is)

          The AR-15 was first and originally envisioned and designed and intended as a semi-auto ‘sporting’ rifle by Armalite (the original Armalite corp, Founded in 1954 by Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corporation) for the civilian market. It used cosmetic ‘military styling’ features adopted from Armalites AR-10 military rifle because Armalite wanted to capture a growing niche market of consumers who wanted ‘military styling cosmetics’ on a semi-auto sporting rifle. Its that civilian AR-15 design that Eugene Stoner changed to add requested military features for the military market, the patent and design of which was later sold to Colt by Armalite and Colt did a redesign and marketed it to the military in a version that was later adopted as the M-16 – then in keeping with the original intent of Armalite, Colt then marketed the original civilian AR-15 intent to the civilian market.

          It is 100% false that the AR-15 was intended to be a ‘military rifle’. Its intent has always been to be, and still remains today, a civilian semi-auto ‘sporting rifle’.

          I posted my fact check source, a source that you yourself have used and relied on via politifact which is why I used that fact check source for you – I used the very fact-check source that you have used your self to support your own claims of various things.

  3. Gemini, the Google AI created by a far left wing radical extremist who endorses personally that naturally born biological women should be raped and murdered if they don’t identify as ‘trans’.

    Gemini, the Google AI created by a far left wing radical extremist who programed it to produce white historical figures as black people.

    Gemini, the Google AI created by a far left wing radical extremist who programed it to create pictures of only families with black or transgendered ‘parents’.

    Yeah, Gemini, the Google AI created by a far left wing radical extremist – and its some way or another a surprise to people that it leans left wing liberal.

    • “Gemini, the Google AI created by a far left wing radical extremist who endorses personally that naturally born biological women should be raped and murdered if they don’t identify as ‘trans’.”

      Got a link on that?

  4. Prime example is the so-called Climate Crisis. People living in major cities who don’t ever go into the woods actually believe this lie. Correct me, but was it Hitler’s propaganda minister who stated that if you tell a lie over and over enough, people will believe it! Facts don’t matter to these people and they vote. Our future isn’t much better, just talk to people in their late teens and 20’s, they don’t know the difference between the revolutionary war or the civil war, most cannot do basic math or write a paragraph without spell check. Hang on, our future is dim!

    • “Prime example is the so-called Climate Crisis“

      Nope, nothing changes, only God can raise the temperature of the planet, right?

      “Earth’s average surface temperature in 2023 was the warmest on record, according to an analysis by NASA. Global temperatures last year were around 2.1 degrees Fahrenheit (1.2 degrees Celsius) above the average for NASA’s baseline period (1951-1980), scientists from NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York reported.“

      • Fun fact: In the 50s and 60s some scientists were predicting the coasts would be flooded by the early to late 70s. In the early 70s there were some claiming we were headed for another Ice Age. More recently Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute published an article in Sept 2022 posing the question of where we are headed for another Little Ice Age. From the 14th to the 19th centuries temperatures dropped, glaciers grew and snow covered parts of the northern hemisphere all year long. Pick your poison.

  5. It’s pretty easy to understand if you look into how this tech works. These chat bots are all fed information from MSM news sources to build their language models. So since the MSM is nothing but leftist propaganda all it ‘knows’ is leftist talking points.

    • That’s how they started out a couple years ago to train the LLM’s, but there are now systems coming on=line that simply vacuum up anything/everything on the internet in real time as needed, without having to consult with their training data.

  6. (one of the most loyal left wingers finally wakes up) Ana Kasparian FINALLY SNAPS… Announces she’s “done with the left”

    • it’s too late for her. She voted for all the things that are destroying california now. And she admitted this. Her regret is pretty late.

  7. (Memphis TN, another Democrat voting cess pool) Black Leaders Say It’s Racist To Stop Black Crime.

  8. No way to keep programmer prejudices out of AI.

    That is the future danger to anyone that does not comply.

  9. When I first seen the heading for this article I thought “Who the hell is Al( Owl) Chatbots)
    Then realized it was A I not A L.
    Novels and books just ain’t gonna be no fun to read no more thinking a computer wrote it.
    What’s the point, the insight and experiences written by a machine.
    No Sirree Bub.

    • If AI tells a joke does it get responded to with ‘Canned Laughter’ ?
      It should.
      How many robots does it take to change a light bulb?
      3, one to hold the lightbulb and two to turn the chair.
      *click click, wrrrzzzzz, click*
      Ha Ha Ha, * click click wrrrzzz* Ha Ha Ha

      • I wonder what Ai thinks about mountain lions. They seem more determined these days. Or maybe people are just tasting better.

        • All the mountain lions in Texas are skinny because they roar before they jump on them and that scares the sht out of the Texan and after that theres nothing left for the mountain lion to eat.
          *click click whrzzzzzz*
          *click whrzzzzz click click*

  10. Any computer system needs information pumped into it as a basis for it’s functioning. Garbage in. Garbage out. AI is another Marxist ploy and I will have none of it.

  11. AI is sci-fi fantasy nonsense. Noting but sophisticated computer programs that mimic intelligence, but in reality only do/say what they are programed to do/say….nothing more.

    Kind of like leftist spouting off regurgitated nonsensical”facts”…because they heard some other leftist wing-nut programed them too.

  12. Has anybody ever figured out what’s going on with his eyebrows? They’re getting >weirder<. They were bizarre 20 years ago but now? Yikes.

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