Welcome to New Mexico: Land of Concealed Carry. Laura Mann/Unsplash Photo
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In light of recent legislative changes in New Mexico, firearms rights advocates anticipate a surge in applications for concealed carry permits following the enactment of new gun control measures. According to an article by the Albuquerque Journal, the new laws, set to take effect on May 15, include a seven-day waiting period for most firearm purchases, an exemption for concealed carry permit holders, and restrictions on carrying firearms within a certain distance from polling places during elections, again with exemptions for those with concealed carry permits.

Tom Kaye of the New Mexico Firearms Industry Association highlighted the potential for increased demand for concealed carry classes due to a lack of awareness about the new laws.

“When they are told that if they had an NM concealed carry license they could take the firearm home the same day, it will generate much more demand for concealed carry classes,” Kaye explained. This sentiment is echoed by gun store owners like Arnie Gallegos of ABQ Guns, who has observed a growing interest in concealed carry classes among customers.

The legislation has also sparked concerns among anti-gun groups. Miranda Viscoli, co-president of New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence, acknowledged the potential for an uptick in gun sales and permit applications but stressed the importance of the laws for safety.

“It does concern me that now we’ll get people getting more concealed carry permits,” Viscoli said, pointing out the ease of obtaining a permit and the lack of firearm handling knowledge among some applicants.

The implementation of these laws presents logistical challenges for gun retailers, who now face increased administrative burdens and the need for additional secure storage space. The seven-day waiting period extension for the sale of firearms and the extended wait time for federal background checks, now up to 20 days, are particularly cumbersome adjustments for small, locally owned businesses.

Despite these challenges, the response from the public and the impact on concealed carry permit applications remains to be fully realized, as the New Mexico Department of Public Safety has yet to release recent data on permit requests. However, both advocates for and against the new legislation agree that the changes will likely influence New Mexicans’ approach to gun ownership and concealed carry practices and the number of citizens applying for and holding concealed carry permits will likely increase, not what the anti-gunners had anticipated.

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  1. Gotta love unintended consequences.

    But anti-gun groups will say this is a loophole that is being exploited. To these people a loophole is something legal they don’t like or doesn’t do what they want.

    • NM will do what states like MD did, everwhere you look is now a ‘sensitive place’ that prohibits CCW/Wear & Carry.

    • New Mexico –

      State Motto : The Land of Enchantment
      ( Enchantment : noun, – To charm by sorcery; to get control of by magical words and rites; to cast a spell over or bewitch. synonym: charm )

      State Bird : Unicorn

      State Mineral : Glitter

      • (Unfortunately) I live there…

        The new state motto is –
        We may be slow, but we sure do poor work.

        So we have a famous ‘sister state’
        That sister state is Hell.
        NM is very much like our sister state except –
        Hell has better weather and
        Hell has nicer neighbors and
        Hell has a lower crime rate and
        Hell has no abortions and
        finally, Hell has no illegal aliens forceing there way in but many will arrive there anyway.

    • For some reason I’ve commented like 5 times today and its just gone into the ether. I dont know if ive been ixnayed or what

    • Some are but don’t underestimate the malicious factor that doesn’t care what the complications are so long as they make things miserable. Also tell them loudly and often to fuck off when you hold the majority and make everything difficult for them to operate. They will do far worse to you when you are no longer the majority and fixing their damage is quite expensive in all metrics when it is even possible.

  2. Oops! Maybe besides not having to wait on a Constitutional right, more people in New Mexico will also carry concealed.

  3. Didn’t some court say that illegal immigrants had a Right to Bear Arms in the USofA?
    When the water is bubbling and the cook just keeps adding fire

  4. RANKING 50 States for GUN LAWS! Texas Florida California Wisconsin Pennsylvania Michigan Arizona +.

    • Yeah,that and that anti gunm bullshit one of our Ks dem ptb’ fuckermuckers is trying to pull is disconcerting.
      Vote🙂 bwhahahaaha .
      Who sang that song, You’ve Gotta Fight For Your Right To Party,? Travis Kelce sings it.
      Huh, Ks got its 2A right to carry cause some 49nr quarter back got rich and moved back to PK and spent his money buying my Right To Bear Arms as is specified in both the United States of America’s Constitution as is my States 4th amendment.
      Vote Louder

  5. New Mexico, that’s where my Dad found our stolen race horse. Her mom was 4th generation out of Man of War. Kinda high $$.
    Dad didn’t have any gunms, he had clubs and bar stools, cue sticks and was particular to 3ft of log chain.
    Theres a lot of rocks in New Mexico.

  6. BREAKING: There have been 99 mass shootings so far this year – or not! (or …. for short, GVA false again).

  7. Squatters Got Raided By ICE AFTER NYC LETS THEM ALL GO & You Know Who Seizes The Moment.

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