Michelle Lujan Grisham moms demand action
New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (AP Photo/Morgan Lee)
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We told you recently about a measure under consideration in New Mexico that would place a waiting period on gun purchases even after the buyer had passed the federal background check.

On Feb. 12, a somewhat watered down but equally unconstitutional background check bill, which had been amended in the state Senate, was approved by the state House of Representatives and is now headed to anti-gun Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s desk for nearly certain approval.

The final version of HB 129 sent to Gov. Lujan Grisham mandates a seven-day waiting period on any gun buyer, other than a concealed handgun license holder, who clears an FBI background check to purchase a gun.

The legislation also states: “If the required federal instant background check has not been completed within twenty days, the seller may transfer the firearm to the buyer.” Under current federal law, if there is a NICS delay and it doesn’t respond within three days of the background check, the FFL can choose to complete the transaction.

One thing the N.M. legislature apparently failed to consider in fast-tracking the measure is that waiting periods do not change the background check process. No additional investigative measures are taken no matter how long of a waiting period is imposed.

Also, according to NRA-ILA’s fact sheet on waiting periods, there is no evidence that waiting periods reduce suicides, homicides or mass shootings. No studies that identify causal effects have been identified by any of the independent literature reviews conducted since 2004.

Unfortunately for New Mexico gun owners and future gun owners, Gov. Lujan Grisham will almost certainly sign the measure. She listed a 14-day gun purchase waiting period on her extensive wish list of anti-gun legislative at the start of the legislative session last month.

Most readers will likely remember Gov. Lujan Grisham as the tyrant who last year instituted, and re-instituted, a 30-day ban on concealed and open carry of firearms in parks in Albuquerque and surrounding Bernalillo County.

Another anti-gun measure is also making its way through the legislation process in the Land of Enchantment. Senate Bill 5 would create “gun-free” zones around polling places, alternative voting locations, mobile voting sites and ballot drop boxes, including for citizens who have a concealed handgun permit.

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  1. When I was in the army I was roommates with a guy from New Mexico. This is not the New Mexico he talked about.

    • Apparently this Kamala Harris wannabe bimbo governor is not the only wacko in NM politics. What is WRONG with NM? Too many Californians expats ran out of gas on the way to Austin?

      • Californication has decimated many a red state, especially in the western regions. Whenever I see a Cali license plate on the interstate I cheerfully salute their presence with my middle finger before rudely cutting in front of them. With a Republican super-majority in my state I’m safe, for now.

  2. Another feel good, do nothing but punish law abiding citizens for being law abiding citizens.

    • Speaking of punishing, CA is even worse that what we’re reading above about NM. From the NM version:

      “…mandates a seven-day waiting period on any gun buyer, other than a concealed handgun license holder,…”

      CA says hold my beer, bruh. We’ve had a 10-day wait for over a generation, and no exemption for either CCW holders or even LEOs.

      • the NM bill started out as a 14 business day (so call it 19 calendar, more depending on holidays) wait.

  3. What part of Discrimination don’t they understand? Perhaps Discrimination being inherent with Gun Control is the farthest thing from their minds thanks to shtforbrains gun talking bliwbags whose Contribution to Defending The 2A is to bark at citing the History of Gun Control…So don’t blame it all on the ignorant governor, include the zipped lipped Gun Owning gutless wonders who did not stand and Define Gun Control for the gullible Gun Control History illiterates residing in NM, IL, CA, HI, etc.

    Gun Control is Racist. The only people who have a problem saying that are bigots…you know who you are.

  4. waiting periods … because nobody has ever held a grudge longer than 7 days / 10 days / 14 business days / whatever.

    • Inversely, nobody has ever encountered a threat that isn’t evident 3 weeks prior to it’s materialization.

    • waiting periods … because nothing says “a cooling off period is logical because you might do bad things” when the person buying the gun already has some at home, or even right there with them on their person (CCW, LEO).

  5. my niece has lived out there since before i was born.
    raised a big pile of army boys.
    they hate this stuff.

  6. Justice delayed = justice denied.
    I assume those illegally obtaining firearms promise to wait at least 7 days, too?

  7. a bunch of women wack jobs with nothing better to do. it will just get struck down again in the Supreme Court. you cannot limit any aspect of our rights. shall not be infringed when are they going to get that through their heads.

  8. Imagine if for any other right the government forced you to sit and wait while it asks “are you sure you want to exercise this right?” as it states you down with all its own guns, prisons and soldiers.

    Nothing creepy or totalitarian about that.

  9. 2nd attempt in 2 days to post this

    Falsehood. Even without the below study common sense tells one that hotheads often commit murders that are crimes of passion of the moment.

    We find that waiting periods reduce gun homicides by roughly 17%. We provide further support for the causal impact of waiting periods on homicides by exploiting a natural experiment resulting from a federal law in 1994 that imposed a temporary waiting period on a subset of states.

    The above stats were from pnas.org

  10. I’m starting to understand why woman landowners who were voting during the founding, eventually had their vote taken away.

    And unfortunately people have forgotten why it was taken away. And the reasons are not taught in the history books.

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