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New from Retay Arms: Inertia-Plus Shotgun Action

Robert Farago - comments No comments

Press release: WASHINGTON D.C. January 2, 2018 – RETAY ARMS LTD. STI. of Konya Turkey announces that it plans to debut its brand new Inertia Plus ™ semi automatic shotgun action at the 2018 SHOT Show in Las Vegas, Nevada . . .

Engineers at RETAY Arms have been developing and testing The Inertia Plus ™ system since 2015 with the goal of improving the functionality of the traditional inertia rotating bolt head designed by Bruno Civolani in 1967.

The Retay Arms Inertia Plus ™ system uses a specially adapted torsion mechanism built into the body of the system’s bolt head. The mechanism is charged with the kinetic energy produced as the floating bolt-head rotates backward out of battery during the initial phase of recoil cycle.

This kinetic energy is stored momentarily within the bolt body as the bolt body moves backward in the second phase of recoil cycle. During the bolt body’s recovery phase the torsion mechanism releases the stored kinetic energy to apply additional forward rotational force that assists the forward movement of the bolt-head ensuring that it locks securely into battery with the barrel chamber, making the action ready for the next shot under all conditions.

Retay Arms Interia Plus system

The system eliminates the bolt-head lock up issues that can be experienced with a traditional inertia system when cycling lightweight or lower velocity shotgun shells. The Retay Inertia Plus ™ system also eliminates the need to fully spring slam or manually “click” the bolt into the battery during initial chambering.

RETAY expects their new Inertia Plus ™ system to benefit consumers by offering a single platform that provides a higher level of performance across the entire spectrum of shotgun ammunition types.

Retay Arms Interia Plus bolt

By improving cycling performance with low recoil loads and without sacrificing the virtues of lightweight, low maintenance and all weather reliability that the inertia action is known for, Retay is prepared to offer shooters an action that will provide greater confidence in any hunting, shooting or defense scenario.

RETAY currently holds PATENT PENDING status for various aspects of the Inertia Plus ™ mechanism in TR and the EU and has filed patent applications for the same with the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Retay Arms Masai Mara shotgun

RETAY expects that the Inertia Plus ™ system will be available in the United States later this year in limited release in a designated model variation based on its highly acclaimed Masai Mara shotgun platform.

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “New from Retay Arms: Inertia-Plus Shotgun Action”

  1. Conflating and associating CSA (uniquely American) memorabilia, with National Socialist German Workers Party (uniquely not American) memorabilia is just bizarre, unless you are a member of the National Socialist American Workers Party (Democrats – or “Crimocrats”, as I have come to regard them). Then apparently, it all makes sense.

    Naturally, the next thing the National Socialist Crimocrats need to do is conflate and associate the above items with the U.S. Constitution, and bill of rights, and by extension you and I – in order to relieve us of our God given, and Constitutionally recognized and guaranteed rights.

    Really they would just prefer to round us up and exterminate us, and given the opportunity, they’ll do just that.

  2. Not sure why all the whining about the charging handle. I mean, you really shouldn’t need to use it very much. Once when you initially load the rifle, and then maybe once to unload it if you decide to quit before emptying your magazine.

    Otherwise, you should be able to operate all day without touching the thing.

  3. Whatever works best in that particular gun. My Model 10 likes Golden Sabre 125 grain +P, my LCP II likes the ARX. My SR1911 9mm and my SCCY CPX2 both like Sig VCROWN 124 grain standard pressure the best. Still working on finding the right ammo for my Bond Bullpup.


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