Ruger has announced a new addition to their family of impressive revolvers. Their new SP101 Match Champion is chambered in .357 Magnum has polished and optimized internals and a 4.2-inch barrel with an 11 degree target crown. These beauties have an MSRP of $859 and we can’t wait to get our hands on one. Stay tuned.

Here’s their press release:

Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE-RGR) is proud to announce the new Ruger SP101® Match Champion™ – a five-round revolver designed with the competitor in mind. With its ergonomic enhancements and tuned action, the Match Champion delivers fast, accurate shots and takes the popular SP101 to the next level.

Chambered in .357 Magnum, but capable of firing .38 Special, the Match Champion has a full-lug, 4.20″ barrel with an 11-degree target crown for competition accuracy, a chamfered cylinder and custom Altamont hardwood grips with stippled and checkered sides.

The Ruger SP101 Match Champion has a number of features competitive shooter will find appealing, including polished springs and a polished hammer strut combined with trigger and hammer shims for a trigger pull that will help deliver shots on target with ease.

The fully adjustable rear sight combines with a fiber optic front sight to create a great sight picture for both plates and targets, and the polished trigger guard allows for smooth shooting all day long.

For more information on the Ruger SP101 Match Champion or to learn more about the extensive line of award-winning Ruger firearms, visit or To find accessories for Ruger firearms, visit or your local independent retailer of Ruger firearms.


  1. Normally I’d be excited but I already have a 4.2″ SP101 and this new MC doesn’t really have much that I can’t do with what I already have.

    • do you like it? I really want one for general woods use and lucking up on deer while putting up stands and scouting. Plus the wife has a hard time racking a slide so light .38’s for her.

      • I do like it. The double action trigger is on the heavy side but trigger jobs (like what is theoretically done on the MC version) do help. I really like the single action trigger. It is lighter and more compact than a full size GP100 for carrying in the woods but has the barrel length and enough heft to still fire full power .357’s reasonably comfortably. 38 Specials are a lot of fun to shoot. I’d call it a compromise gun, not the best at any one thing but pretty good at a lot of things. I would recommend it for what you are looking for it to do.

    • biggest take away from this release is that it looks like Altamont Grips will finally be making a one piece wooden grip for Ruger Revolvers! Previously they only made the rubber ones with the wood inserts.

  2. My first thought is a good instructors piece for noobs… not like there’s a bunch of S&W model 10s laying around any more.

  3. This is appears to be a more attractive buy than the 2″ , six-shot .38 Special, Colt Cobra which has a MSRP of $700. (To say nothing of the fact that Colt sells no modern handguns in California, while Ruger has been quite good about keep up a supply of revolvers, even if most of its semis are now malum prohibitum.) The devil will be in the trigger. I look forward to a review.

    • If it’s anything like the GP100 MC, the trigger will be smoother than the stock SP101 but the lawyer springs are still too heavy. Slap a Wilson spring kit in it and I’d expect it to be pretty good. Ruger triggers feel a lot different than S&W’s, but if you like Ruger triggers like I do, you’ll appreciate this one. I just hope they don’t have QC issues.

      • All of my revolvers are single action, but my EDC is DAO, so a bit of weight isn’t much of an issue, as long as there is no grittiness, no stacking, and the pull doesn’t come so far back to the frame that it gets difficult to finally get to the sear. With this style grip, that should not be a problem. The only Ruger triggers I’ve tried were on their semis, and those were none too impressive. Mushy, some might say.

      • I totally prefer Ruger triggers to SW; revolver and semi auto. Haven’t tried any 2.0 SW’s but their older semis were absolutely awful.

        • Ruger revolvers have the advantage of being pretty serviceable. S&W revolvers can be like Humpty Dumpty…it might just take all the kings horses and all the kings men to put it back together again.

        • ‘Absolutely awful’ doesn’t even begin to describe S&W’s older striker trig gers.

        • S&W revolvers are pud-easy to disassemble and re-assemble. I think it might take me 90 seconds to detail strip a S&W, and about 120 to put it back together. Having the correct tools helps, of course, especially for the rebound spring. They’re also easy to tune.

          Rugers are even easier to disassemble/re-assemble; tuning? I dunno. Never have had a customer ask for a Ruger to be tuned.

          The difficult revolvers to tune are Colt double actions. There’s fewer parts with more complicated interactions in a Colt.

        • ‘Never have had a customer ask for a Rug er to be tuned.’

          Well there’s your answer right there. To be honest I installed lighter ham mer springs and tri gger return springs in both my GP 100s, but beyond that I know what more I’d want.

  4. What is this thing for? (in other words, if you think it is neat and want to buy it and shoot it, cool. But it does not seem to fill any niche in terms of any particular competition or as a defense gun beyond a regular SP101.

    • I’d say it’s best role is as a packable gun for hiking/hunting that is lighter and more compact than a 6-gun yet has a 4″ barrel suited for full house .357 magnum use against wild critters. In my neck of the woods we don’t have moose or grizzly/brown bears so .357 mag is enough power for anything we would potentially see. Personally I schlep a GP100 in most cases but am confident with the SP101 when I want to downsize the size/weight for whatever reason without giving up punch.

      It’s also a fun range gun.

    • Sorry, I was behind the curtain with my secretary.


      Give me a 3″ SP with the MC treatment and I’m interested. Just don’t see the point of a Canada legal bar rel on an SP.

      Also, is that front si ght a GP style with the push button replacement? That would definitely be a plus. The Wiley Clapps and MCs have Novaks and the fiber op tic isn’t very bright because the sides are closed off. These seem to be wide open.

      • I believe this one is the same front sight as the regular 4″ barrel SP. No it is not the push button type. Yes, I was disappointed, the push button on the GP/SRH front sight is a great setup since more and more people like to try out different sight combinations and don’t have the skills or tools to deal with semi-permanent mounts.

  5. I mean… if you’re going to get a Ruger revolver that large with adjustable sights, etc… why not splurge and get an extra round with the GP-100?

    • Guv and Hannibal. 4 inch barrel makes it legal to carry hunting in CA. 5 round cylinder and smaller frame makes it easier for someone with advanced age and all that implies to carry it.

      Same reason I stick with my mossberg 500 as a general purpose hunting gun. Aluminum reciever shaves a little weight and makes the gun easier to carry long haul.

      Also one of the reasons I have a selection of H&R single shots. Weight. Every year the hills get taller and my knees get worse.

      Rabbit season starts in a couple of weeks. H&R single shot and 12 shells equals a full morning of hunting for me.

      • S,R&Co makes more rev olvers than I can afford to buy, so I have to pick and choose. Just because it’s not right for me, doesn’t mean it’s not right for anybody.

        • I can’t say I have one of every revolver Ruger makes, but I can select one that’s just right for any occasion. Ruger revolvers are a weakness of mine. I tell my wife I need one to hand down to each kid, grandchild, great grandchild, etc. and Rugers are known as guns that will last for generations. Since my oldest son is somewhat of a ladies man, I expect I’m going to need a lot of revolvers!

      • JWM – How was the surf fishing a few days back? Ice fishing, what I remember of how cold the water was in San Fran in August. No wonder escaping Alcatraz was near impossible…

        • We were crabbing. Dungeness. Got 3 nice keepers and threw back 6-8 smaller ones. Pacifica Pier.

          You want a good wet suit if you go in the water here.

  6. Why are revolvers not MA & CA compliant? Crazyness!

    I have a .44 Mag Redhawk, love it & wish I had more cash to spend on ammo!!

    • For ammo savings – reload. For more savings – cast your own bullets. The bigger is the cartridge, the bigger are your savings. I can spend as much time shooting my Super Redhawk .44 magnum as I like and then spend some more enjoyable hours casting, powder coating and reloading for it.

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