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SHOT Show: Shiloh Sharps Model 1877

Joe Grine - comments No comments

Courtesy Joe Grine

A Shiloh Sharps has been on my wish list for quite a few years, so I definitely was looking forward to seeing their booth at SHOT Show.  Not having much, er, any experience with these types of rifles, I was impressed with their weight.  Barrel length and diameter is also impressive, as was the many options for front pinhead sights and rear tang sights with Hadley eyedisks.  More Pics after the jump:

The hand engraving was truly a work of art:

Upgraded woods are also available:

Prices start at $1900 or so, but can reach north of 6K once they are hand engraved, case colored, and other options are added.

Other models are also available:

Courtesy Joe Grine

Courtesy Joe Grine


0 thoughts on “SHOT Show: Shiloh Sharps Model 1877”

  1. I’m sad because there are some ruger semis i would like in the near future, but oh well. the plan is to be free in 5 or so years. i guess i can wait till then. this will mainly hurt my family that won’t leave the state even if it is slipping into the ocean.

  2. So many uptight people with no sense of humor ’round here, I’d feel more offended looking at all of you who thought it was anything worth being offended over! Luckily I know better. That will not change my opinion of KAC one bit.

  3. ????? Why not just buy a ruger mur’ican or some other entry-level hunter probably get a better shooter with fewer $ kinda like trying to make pig skin into a purse when it already makes perfectly fine pork rindeds

  4. Rent the movie Irreversible. It’s has the most horrific and compelling X rated depiction of what a brutal rape is all about. It’ll leave you shaking and angry, pissed off and wanting to kill any son of a bitch that would dare to do that to someone. Women who shoot to stop a would be rapist should get some sort of public recognition award in my opinion. For that matter anybody. It is a vile and despicable crime only eclipsed by murder.

  5. Like it, will get if this is just a normal 30mm mount (Strikefire). I’m just running a TRS 25 at the moment, no cowitness what so ever

    • You can probably co-witness a TRS-25 if you run an Ultimak gas tube rail. It worked with a Primary Arms micro-dot, but the sight window was rather small because the scope was so far away.

  6. That does it. This has been a very bad day. My son’s inheritance is shrinking. Post by post the work of the devil is accomplished. I don’t think I’ve ever read any recommendation to re-balance a porfolio into guns. I’ll have to print one to show the wife.

    • Oh geez.
      I was just thinking about that stupid commercial with the opera singers and the need cash now song.
      I keep getting these checks but the lump sum would be nice… It would get spent in one day down there.

  7. As a retired Army NCO, umm, no. Joe will beak this, lose his cable, and then use the phone to call his stripper girlfriend back home about why the Army is taking his (her) money away. Joe’s busted equipment and home life make the battlefield complicated enough.

  8. Ruger is hardly the first to go here; no GenIV Glocks have ever been available for new purchase in California due to the fact that they’d need to be functionally modified (to incorporate a mag disconnect) and the GenIII’s are rapidly dropping off the list (we’re actually on a bit of a buying spree at the moment because there’s a bunch coming off the list in the next few months, which is an interesting exercise given the no-more-than-one-handgun-purchase-ever-30-days restriction). With microstamping now a required feature and with most manufacturers having an insane backlog of orders from the other 49 states this functionally kills the addition of new firearms to the “approved” list which means that, barring litigation, in less than 24 months no new handguns will be available for purchase in the state — although, for the moment at least, private party transfers through your friendly local FFL holder (who also must be licensed by the state and approved by local law enforcement) remain an alternative.

  9. Steve in MD,

    They currently do not make one that is MD legal. Which is why I bought two last year, one for me and a lefty for the wife. Prior to 1 Oct 13, I was able to buy them without the MD State Police check, since they were so new they weren’t on the regulated weapons list. So walk in, NCIS check, walk out, pew pew.

  10. Hey guys. I’ve been shooting a Pedersoli 1874 Sharps – the Long Range model – for about 14 years now. It’s chambered 45-70. Been shooting BPCR about that long too. Took about 2 years to get a really consistent accurate load – there’s a lot to learn. But the folks in BPCR are some of the best, and always willing to assist and share knowledge. The comments above are correct – these guns are superbly accurate once you figure out the loading process. I even got the wife into it. Her gun is a Pedersoli long range rolling block, also 45-70. She beat my score for the first time two months ago – I may never live that down. I also have shot a few disciplines, but have stuck with BPCR. There really is something to settling in those sights on those tiny targets, then touching off that big gun, seeing the flame and smoke, and hearing that lovely sound, and watching the steel go down. Some of the guys I shoot with have the Shilohs – sometimes I beat them, sometimes not, but we have a blast. Would love a Shiloh, but until the two girls are clear of college, my Pedersoli’s are plenty good enough! Just got a rolling block in 40-65 – getting ready to start working up loads – sights are coming. Here we go again!

  11. I have a Shiloh Business in 45-70 with the MVA long range tang passed to me by my Uncle ( now in his 80’s). What are they like to shoot? The best analogy I can come up with is the Naval Big Guns. If you think you would have a mile-wide grin after lighting off a 16 inch battleship round..with the silk bags,swirling smoke and flame; then this gun ,shooting a 500 grain cast bullet, is something to consider. Point Oscar is still there and I can hear the command “batteries release” !

    I would also add if you want it as a smokeless hunting gun….check out the Accurate 5744 powder.


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