So you’ve bought the new FK 7.5 Field Pistol. Your 1973 Ferrari Dino 246 GTS has been serviced. You still have $11,999 burning a hole in your pocket and don’t know how to spend it. The new-to-the-U.S. Tactical Imports GM6 Lynx is for you! The Hungarian-made, 25-pound, semi-automatic bullpup rifle is chambered in .50 BMG. How short is it? . . .
The GM6 Lynx is only 44.3” long even with its 28.7” barrel. “Due to the bullpup configuration, most of the weight is re-distributed to the rear of the rifle allowing for the possibility of off hand firing,” the company’s website kinda promises. “This is near impossible with most other .50 BMG rifles.”
Don’t forget to pick up a spare five-round magazine — for just $375 USD. The gun ships inside a proper Pelican case with cut inserts. So there is that.
The GM6 can be transported with the barrel and bolt locked to the rear which makes it even more compact. The barrel is released by pressing a button at the front of the barrel jacket. Careful! It will also load the rifle if a loaded magazine is inserted.
The company claims the long recoil system can achieve sub-MOA groups with its match grade Lothar Walther barrel. With .50 BMG, but likely not off hand.
Tactical Imports of Canada will now ship one to your FFL. Well, after a six-month special order wait. Check out their website here. Don’t have the full $11,999 on you? Don’t worry, they offer layaway. Seriously.
Some times its a pain in the ass to read what blog owners
wrote but this site is rattling user pleasant!
When I used to do accident investigation and safety training as part of my job one of myvpet hates was when someone said something was just “common sense”.
My usual reply was then why did you do “x” without being safe injuring yourself or others.
“Common sense” seems to mean I am too lazy to be able to think.
“… sub-MOA groups with its match grade Lothar Walther barrel. With .50 BMG, but likely not off hand.”
Sub-MOA groups not likely off hand, unless you’re Jerry Miculek. He would put all the bullets in the same hole.
Yeah, that’s 230+ grains of powder cooking a few inches from your face. I think I’ll just sit back and watch someone else shoot it.
Which series of COMPLY tips fit the GunSPort Pro’s?
This from Wikipedia:
“Common sense is sound practical judgment concerning everyday matters, or a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge that is shared by (“common to”) nearly all people.[1] The first type of common sense, good sense, can be described as “the knack for seeing things as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done.” The second type is sometimes described as folk wisdom, “signifying unreflective knowledge not reliant on specialized training or deliberative thought.” The two types are intertwined, as the person who has common sense is in touch with common-sense ideas, which emerge from the lived experiences of those commonsensical enough to perceive them.”
The problem is that there is no “sense” on these issues that is “common to” nearly all people. The perceptions, understanding, and judgments of those favoring more gun control are entirely different from those opposing it. There is a good deal of unreflective faux knowledge that feeds the perceptions and judgments, and detracts from the understanding, of those who favor more gun control.
My wife “of dark-skinned African descent” calls herself black. Works for me.
Why would anyone buy this over an M82 Barrett?
I’m not much interested in a .50 BMG rifle, if I was, it would be one of those $1500 uppers that turn an AR in a single shot bolt action.
Bike squid— hope it was not a total waste and he was a organ donor!
“Common sense” gun control is of a kind with “common sense”:
* slavery
* Jim Crow
* anti-sodomy laws
* Sharia
This scalawag successor to infamous Carpetbagger-Governor Terry McAuliffe is soft on crime but tough on teh Constitutional rights of law abiding citizens! No big surprise!
Just like the absolutely GORGEOUS Operator 10mm 1911, you can add this to the list of exceptional pistols from a company with top-shelf customer service and a class-act custom shop who NOBODY will do business with, after their political betrayal in Illinois. Which is an absolute lose-lose scenario for both Springfield and the American gun community. It’s a pity that some CEOs are so shortsighted and inept that you can hand them a successful business and they’ll run it into the ground.
Why the AR height optics on a stock design that requires optics to be close to the barrel bore? Tall AR optics don’t work well for the shooter on traditionally stocked rifles.
Thus, Mr. Kennedy wants to prohibit free speech for people who are “stupid” and “uncaring”. Got it. Once again we see a self-proclaimed elitist proclaiming, “Rights for me, none for thee!”
United States Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis provided the appropriate insight and “remedy” for the speech of “stupid” and “uncaring” people:
If Mr. Kennedy’s positions and policies are so right, they will withstand the scrutiny of free speech. Therefore, the only reason that Mr. Kennedy would want to suppress his political opponents’ free speech is because he is too lazy to respond or because he knows that his opponents are right and he is wrong.
Problems lay on both sides.
State independence vs Federal control could go either way depending on how you feel about it.
States able to make their own laws could result in major problems such as we have now where some drugs are completely legal in one state but a felony in the next.
Just as you have constitutional carry states next to states that gun ownership or possession is a felony.
This causes a lot of problems for a country as a whole when things get too far out of hand.
Say a drivers license.
You wish to go visit your family in Utah, but you have to pass through 3 states to get there… ok.
First state says cars cannot be older than 5 years, drivers must have that states drivers license and take a competency course every year and must not be on any prescription drugs.
Second state allows vehicles of any age but you also need a license from that state as well as a personal insurance policy of up to $1 million and radial tires are illegal.
State 3 only allows minimum of two people in a car when passing through the state and all cars must meet their emissions criteria and have a visible state sticker renewed every 6 months, cars must be no less than 25MPG rated.
So now your trip just turned into a nightmare, in order for you to comply, you have an enormous task of making sure every law is followed, which can be done, but greatly restricts what you can own and causes a lot of places for error that can easily transition you from honest citizen to criminal just by crossing state lines.
All of this and you never left your own country.
Honest American one day, Criminal the next.
This is why individual state laws need to stick to individual state needs, such as housing regulations, business locations, tax amounts, etc… things that impact only those who live there.
Originally the idea of having Federal laws and State laws handled this issue. Federal laws covered every state, state laws dealt with state specific issues…
But eventually shit got out of hand and states stated just doing whatever the felt like and started treating out of state residents like refugees from 3rd world countries.
This is why you will often see other countries tell us we are not one country but 50 separate countries that share a checking account.
Kudos for using the term “poaching” correctly in this case.
I would have no problem with it if she were on her own land.
Is it available for civilians