
Are you an unlucky Empire Stater who’s feeling the effects Governor Andrew Cuomo’s pride and joy, the SAFE Act? Have you been flipping the pages on your calendar, noticing that the April 15 registration date is coming up fast, and wondering if or how cops in New York will be enforcing this marvel of civil rights abrogation? Never fear, the law enforcement brass are way ahead of you. The New York State Police has recently issued a revised SAFE Act guide (PDF) to its officers to – again – explain the law’s provisions and how they’re to to about enforcing it. And given the the December Western District ruling that the mag cap ban is unconstitutional, they’ll be letting that part of the law slide until the matter has worked its way through the courts. Read it and weep.

[h/t OneIfByLand]


  1. And given the the December Western District ruling that the mag cap ban is unconstitutional

    Let’s be clear here. The total ban on the previously grandfathered over 10-round capacity magazines has not been overturned. Only the requirement to load just 7 rounds into a 10-round magazine has been overturned.

  2. From the PDF guide for State Police:
    A semiautomatic pistol, able to accept a detachable magazine and has at least one of the
    following characteristics:

    a. Folding or Telescoping Stock
    b.Thumbhole Stock


    “A” is a short barreled rifle, and “B” is…what the hell is that? Is there one? I’d like to see a picture.

      • He’s saying a pistol with a thumbhole stock. It’d still be an sbr, but this basically makes no sense because neither are pistols and just furthers the notion that they have no idea what they are talking about.

  3. “If a licensee becomes ineligible to hold a pistol permit, the Safe Act requires the person to surrender all
    firearms to police, including all rifles and shotguns for which no license or registration is required.”

    Wow!, just wow.

    • The more I read this, the more arbitrary is seems – to the point that is just seems like a set-up for an all out confiscation. Since they can, at a whim, revoke your pistol permit, they then have a reason to seize all of your weapons, of any kind.

      • It’s going to be real simple to just deny renewals. Then the turn in begins, but first they want to see how it goes in CT. Pretty crafty to let them do it first.

        I must have missed that part of the USC where our rights were subject to renewal and approval by the state.

    • I would assume that it is not the losing of the pistol license that results in the required surrendering of arms, but the state of ineligibility for such. Meaning, whatever you did (be a felon?) that causes you to be ineligible for the pistol license also makes you ineligible to own long guns.
      It’s still all a load of bullcrap, but perhaps not as arbitrary as it initially seems. What it really depends on is what makes someone ineligible for their pistol permit in the first place, which I’m not inclined to research right now.

    • And in good ol’ Ny we lose our pistol permit for things such as being the victims of domestic violence. I wish i was kidding.

  4. Imteresting… It boils down to “if it has a detachable magazine and a characteristic.”

    I jest, but not by much.

  5. As Sam Gamgee once said: “No welcome, no beer, no smoke, and a lot of rules and orc-talk instead.” Welcome to the Shire under Saruman.

  6. The possession of most pistols will now be a crime, given the popular 15 round capacity.

    The possession of a fully loaded pistol will now be a crime (can’t load more than 7 rounds in a mag)

    Background checks on all ammo purchases

    Seizure of weapons without due process based on doctors being required to rat out patients.

    hmmm…. whatever could go wrong?

    Oh… except when the crimminal doesn’t care if they die during their attack; which is, generally…. ALL OF THEM.

      • I would think a Deagle would. I believe that when CT reduced the two feature test to a one feature test, they got rid of the weight as one feature.

    • He SHOULD be indicted for doing what he did in secrecy, in the dead of night. But considering how of much of a hold the gun grabbers have in the area, little chance of that.

  7. Yet another “ugly” gun ban. What does a muzzle brake, compensator, or flash hider have to do with anything? Well, to an uninformed politician, it obviously makes the round more deadly. Bayonet lugs? Give me a break. When was the last time anybody ever put a bayonet lug on a MSR, (with an emphasis on the “M”). You don’t see pics in the posts of this blog, or, what our beloved writers here at TTAG call the dead tree rags, of fancy new rifles with bayonets. This is almost identical to the Clinton ban, yet scarier.

  8. I wonder if the C96 style pistols(internal, non-detachable magazines) will come back due to regs like this. We’ve already seen a compliant AR-15, albeit it looks like its from Voltron.

  9. Another really fun feature of this un-SAFE law is that police officers – state. local. and fed – will get to find out what it is like to be one of the peasantry as soon as they retire! Their prior immunity from the disarmament provisions will begin to erode as soon as they get their retirement party. Wonder how they will enjoy that?

    Or do all NY cops retire to Florida? I know a huge number of California cops retire to Nevada and Idaho, to escape the taxation and gun laws that they helped to enforce in the PRCa. A certain amount of irony, there.

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