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The New York Post headline paints one picture of Staten Island gun slingers: Shoot! SIers sure love guns. The facts paint another: “A middle-class enclave on the South Shore of the city’s southernmost borough is the gun capital of New York, with 509 residents — or about one in every 57 males — legally packing heat.” I Googled state stats for concealed carry and found a 2004 chart at Staten Island’s concealed carry percentage (1.75 percent) ties with Oklahoma and falls between Arizona (1.76 percent since zooming to the top of the charts) and Montana (1.70 percent). What’s more (or WAY less), “There are dozens of ZIP codes with only one permit issued, including in Queens, The Bronx and Brooklyn.” And if Providence (pop. 170k) grants me a concealed carry permit I’ll be the first one. Ever.

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  1. Wow, looks like all the gun haters should move to NY because it’s such a SAFE place to live. The criminals love NY because it’s easy pickings for them cuz their the only ones with guns.

  2. Are those permits to own or permits to conceal? I bet I have more legal guns in my house than most of those zip codes. It’s a good thing for those New Yorkers that no one would every illegally possess a gun.

  3. And the black neighborhoods almost zero gun permits, compared to the white enclaves? I interpret this as more of the racist legacy of the Sullivan law, originally crafted to keep guns out of the hands of Italians other recent immigrants, and concentrated in the hands of the Irish and other more-settled immigrants.

    Way to go NYC! Not.

  4. This newspaper article is utterly preposterous. Concealed carry handgun permits in New York City are reserved for the rich, famous and friends of mayor Bloombag. More likely, the permittees shown in the “report” by the Post (a tabloid of no distinction whatsoever) either have what’s called a “Premises Permit,” which allows holders to maintain guns at their stores, or they own hunting rifles. A Premises Permit does not allow carry, concealed or otherwise.

  5. My reaction from having lived in NYC for 20 years – I’m surprised there are so many permits, be they “premise permits” per Ralph or bona fide concealed carry permits per the Post. In two decades, I never met anyone (outside of police officers) who admitted being a gun owner.

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