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If you’re looking for a state where draconian gun control laws have singularly, spectacularly failed to protect its citizens from “gun violence,” New Jersey is it. ‘N.J. homicides soared to seven-year high in 2013 after surges in Newark, Trenton’, reported back in January. Ah yes, Newark. A city whose gang-bangers bang and bang and bang, to the point where Mayor Ras Baraka invited criminals, gang members, and police to a church in Newark for a sit-down . . .

“During the meeting, dozens of police officers with high-powered weapons stood outside the Bethany Baptist Church, as Baraka sat inside meeting with those who have chosen a life of crime,” reported.

Anyone see the disconnect there? The Mayor was trying to get gang members to put down the guns while protected by guns. Anyway, when addressing “gun violence” at at the Jersey City NAACP’s Annual Freedom Fund banquet, Hizzoner said nothing about gangs. Instead, he waved the bloody shirt.

“While America debates the constitutionality of the right to bear arms, nobody is debating the savagery that guns have unleashed on our communities where black and brown people live,” he said.

“The debate over gun violence is not something that’s a political debate, it’s something that’s very real to families who live in these situations every single day. Who have to deal with the level of violence that is penetrating their homes, their schools, their neighborhoods, their everyday life.”

Baraka said his stance had been reinforced when he visited a 9-year-old girl who a day earlier had been shot by her 12-year-old brother, who was playing with a stolen firearm he found in a bedroom in their Renner Avenue home.

“I could not in good conscience speak this evening without letting you know what was on my heart after seeing that young girl in a hospital bed in the city of Newark, and thinking about the countless and senseless deaths that we encounter in our city every other day,” he said.

So stop that stupid political debating stuff about the founding document of the United States that protects Americans’ natural and civil right to keep and bear arms…and pass more gun control laws! Because guns! Meanwhile, Baraka hit the nail on the head, sort of . . .

“Our graduation rate is nowhere near where it should be. Our kids, it’s easier for them to get an Israeli-made Uzi or a Chinese-made rifle than it is to get a diploma made in Newark, New Jersey,” he said.

I believe the word he was looking for was “earn.” As in, “earn a diploma.” Whether it’s fighting crime or educating a populace, it’s that whole personal responsibility thing you need to make it work. That plays in Peoria, but not Newark. Et voila. 

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    • “… nobody is debating the savagery that guns have unleashed on our communities …” — Newark, NJ Mayor Ras Baraka

      I am!!!!!! Guns did NOT unleash savagery on any communities — violent criminals unleashed savagery on our communities.

      Long before anyone invented firearms, Vikings perpetrated some of the most heinous savagery ever known to mankind. The problem is people with evil hearts who have no regard for human life.

      • He’s right. Nobody is debating it.
        People who understand the physics of firearms and psychology of human nature realize that guns haven’t unleashed anything, while people who want to ban guns to control people refuse to debate gun control, because they know their position is untenable.

    • Then he will cry out against knives, and baseball bats.
      Can someone please tell me where I can easily get and Israeli made Izu? I am serious. Does he know how silly he sounds?

  1. There’s a man who knows on which side his graft is buttered. He needs to blame everything on the guns rather than his, uh, constituents. Because if this former high school principle and current tool of the SEIU loses his job, his unfettered access to public funds might be restricted, which would be a very sad thing.

    Baraka’s Central High was ranked number 300 out of 339 schools statewide. Why, hizzoner must be some kind of genius!

    New Jersey’s toilets need flushing, starting with the ward heelers, unions and politicians.

    • Oh boy, you sure are going to back up the plumbing trying that. And the halls of government will have an echo of emptyness when you are done. Since I no longer live in NJ, just work there, I can’t vote the clods out of office, I wish I could.

      • Sure, you could vote as an NJ resident. You just choose to obey the law. Without voter ID, you could vote as early an often as you could find basic info on eligible names.

        • Vote early, Vote often. It’s the Chicago way.
          Ironically, our president and attorney general are both products of the Chicago political system. They should know.
          As for eligible names, the cemeteries provide an adequate stockpile that grows and grows and grows.
          And ALL names from the cemeteries vote DEMOCRAT.

  2. Of course it’s easier. Somebody already made that firearm. All you have to do is put it in your hands.
    And education, well, that takes time and consistent effort for the students, the teachers and the parents.
    How many of these NJ yoots are being raised by a grandmother on social security because dad ran out and moms a rock smoking whore? When I was a kid in the 80’s and in a decent neighborhood the number of my peers in that exact situation was already way too high. Doubtful it has gotten any better.

    I’m willing to bet NJ is one of those places where the schools have a nasty habit of dumbing things down to well below the lowest common denominator in a misguided attempt to increase graduation rates.
    Protip: that diploma means nothing if you haven’t learned anything

    • “Protip: that diploma means nothing if you haven’t learned anything”
      I beg to differ, Sir.
      That diploma, along with all the others is VERY important to school administrators throughout New Joursey!
      Without it, where would they be?

  3. I thought it was savages that unleashed savagery. At least according to my research savages were savage before guns came along…

    • I happen to have a couple of Savages and really like them. They are fine rifles for the money. Please do not bring Savages into this discussion.

      • My family and I are with you on that one! Kudos!!!!

        (for the record…we like our Savages also!)

  4. If Mayor Ras Baraka has not read (if he has the stomach for it):
    ……”Negroes and the Gun: The Black Tradition of Arms” BY Nicholas Johnson
    It’s available on
    He might learn something

  5. I lived in Newark for 4 years…. It’s a hopeless dump ran by gangbangers.

    Their excuses are pathetic, and idiots like these gangbangers and “Mayor Ras” should just stop breeding….. And I thought Sharp James was as bad as it could get…

  6. “a 9-year-old girl who a day earlier had been shot by her 12-year-old brother, who was playing with a stolen firearm he found in a bedroom in their Renner Avenue home.”

    Lets not possibly hold the parents responsible, that would make wayyyy too much sense.

    Apparently there is a large stock of Norinco stuff somewhere in NJ, whod have thought.

    • The parents are just struggling to make ends meet in an oppressive society ran by the white man. They had no choice but to resort to a life of crime, no choice I tell you! It’s obviously not their fault and if it wasn’t for the white man, they’d be living honest lives and that stolen gun would not end up in their apartment, unsecured, just waiting to jump into that little boy’s hands. They’re all victims here, don’t you see that?

      Also, even though a criminal was in possession of a stolen gun, we must introduce more gun control to punish the law abiding citizens. Again, makes perfect sense.

  7. To you it looks like the Mayor meeting with gangbangers. To him it looks like a meeting with the local Democratic ward committee chairs.

  8. If the gun had not been stolen they never would have had this tragedy happen. If the the illegally acquired weapon had not been in their possession (illegally) this tragedy would not have happened. Why are the laws not stopping the CRIMINALS from committing these CRIMES? Because CRIMINALS (yes they are criminals) don’t obey the laws! The law abiding are the only ones who are affected by the law. Does the parent even have a firearms id card? Did she or the other person of legal age to purchase go through the process of getting a permit to purchase a firearm?

  9. Because of the disarming of civilians in NJ, the return of “Highway Robber” as a job option has occurred.
    Gov Christie is no friend of the 2nd amendment either. The organized crime is strong in NJ. The left always seems to be on the same side of issues as organized crime and big business.
    Organized makes a lot of money in NJ because they know that shop owners can’t shoot them when they come to collect “protection payments.” “Protection” that the unconstitutional gun restriction necessitates.

    • Yep, organized crime syndicates (and legislators who support them) love gun control.

      Remember California State Senator Yee, the leading advocate of gun control in the Golden State.

      Feds: Leland Yee shook down NFL team, ‘Shrimp Boy’ headed organized crime group

      Yee, Chow and 21 others charged in the case – facing counts of extortion, arms trafficking, murder for hire, and drug trafficking and sales, among others – were arrested in an series of FBI raids in March that netted suspects from across the Bay Area and beyond.


      And then there’s Chicago-style handgun control.

      Chicago’s Handgun Ban and RICO

      The Alderman leading the drive to disarm innocent Chicago residents was Alderman Fred Roti.

      The U.S. Attorney General, in 1991, identified Alderman Roti as a made member of the Chicago Mob. In 1999, the Justice Department again identified Alderman Roti as a made member.

      Roti served on Chicago’s City Council from 1968 through January of 1991. He was Chicago’s longest serving Alderman at the time of his indictment. Was Roti one bad apple? No, 30 other Aldermen since 1973, went on to be convicted felons. Few professions have a higher felony conviction rate. These are the people that are elected to pass local ordinances in Chicago.

  10. And somehow, despite the mayoral meeting being attended exclusively by “those who have chosen a life of crime,” and surrounded by armed police, no arrests were made? That tells you all you need to know about whose side that particular government is on.

  11. “I believe the word he was looking for was “earn.” As in, “earn a diploma.””

    Nah, Hizzoner said it right; “get”, as in entitlements, thievery and intimidation. I’m certain anyone who ‘earns’ something in that neck of the concrete jungle is truly in the minority.

  12. ““Our graduation rate is nowhere near where it should be. Our kids, it’s easier for them to get an Israeli-made Uzi or a Chinese-made rifle than it is to get a diploma made in Newark, New Jersey,” he said.”

    Okay… I managed to do both (well not in Newark)… what’s wrong with them?

  13. “Whether it’s fighting crime or educating a populace, it’s that whole personal responsibility thing you need to make it work.”

    Boom. There it is. And as I recall, the President ran on a platform that included ushering in a “new era of responsibility.” Guess that went the way of hope and change.

  14. I don’t need a gun to be savage, it just makes it more convenient. I don’t need an electric stove or gas range to survive, it’s just more convenient. Humans are savage creatures and nothing will ever change that.
    People are still going to beat people to death, push folks off the platform in front of a subway train, run people over with cars, knife people to death and NOTHING is going to change that UNTIL society changes and really, I don’t think our society will change, at least not for a few hundred years.

    • Society has always had crime and savagery, in fact today it’s actually possible to avoid it. Firearms, communications, education and large numbers of decent people have actually made it safer than ever. And for some reason people prefer to disarm the decent.

  15. “Police officers did not go into the church during the meeting. It was all part of a deal in which the only security personnel allowed inside were members of the Nation of Islam.”

    Wow. Just wow.

    • It was all part of a deal in which the only security personnel allowed inside were members of ISIS.”

      Fixed it for them.

  16. “While America debates the constitutionality of the right to bear arms, nobody is debating the savagery that guns have unleashed on our communities where black and brown people live.”

    Sorry your honor but in my area it aint nobody white selling dope, beating people up for what little they got or breaking into our houses, they look like you and me. Criminals are not the people who jump through political hoops to get guns legal. every time the cops arrest one they find guns and not one legal. There aint enough cops to protect everyone here. When seconds count the police wont even come to the towers.

  17. Stupid lotus eaters half a scoop shy of a lobotomy but toe over the line of full-on retard. The MD turds are gonna low-crawl up on ya some night and you won’t have a 54oz. soda to throw at them.

  18. Given that over 90% of black victims of violence were victimized by black perpetrators, perhaps the good mayor should instead ask why so many black people are killing each other in their own communities.

    But listening to the rest of his speech, it’s clear that he’s just a racist, progressive, blowhard. So I don’t expect him to ask any difficult questions or do anything to provide real solutions to real problems.

  19. it’s easier for them to get an Israeli-made Uzi or a Chinese-made rifle than it is to get a diploma made in Newark, I am sure that Uzis and SKSs are used all the time by the gang bangers. As for the Uzi, where do I get one? As far as diplomas go, what do you expect from the Pubic School System?

  20. nobody is debating the savagery that guns have unleashed on our communities where black and brown people live,” he said. So the guns are releasing the inner savage that resides in black and brown people?

  21. “While America debates the constitutionality of the right to bear arms, nobody is debating the savagery that CRIMINALS have unleashed on our communities where black and brown people live,” he said.

    Fixed it for you pal.

  22. I loaded all 13 of my guns, laid em on the table and pointed the muzzles at the front door and left the house. You know what? Not one of my loaded guns killed anyone that day. As one other poster said: He, the mayor of Newark is just a racist progressive and I would add a race bater

    Cheers & Tighter Groups: Eaglesnester

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