Mr. No One Special, a retiree from Missouri, sends in his “No Frills, No BS” submission from Everyday Carry.
By the way, did I mention you can join the EDC community at Everyday Carry? Not only can you (anonymously or otherwise) submit your own stuff, but you can look over other peoples’ stuff and evaluate them for ideas that will work for you!
Anyway, Mr. Special writes this about his ensemble:
This is my EDC currently. The firearm, holster, and knife can change depending on which way the wind blows but this is what I’ve settled on for quite a while now. Everything pictured should speak for itself.
*I shouldn’t have to say this because if you look it up anyone can tell it’s a new item from the manufacturer but yes the knife is new obviously.
Yes, his stuff looks new or well-taken care of.
He’s a Smith & Wesson M&P Shield carrier, with a spare magazine of hollow-points. Bonus points for carrying in a (good) Crossbreed Mini-tuck holster. Like many, I’m appreciating “tuckable” holsters on some occasions. After all, it’s nice to wear a dress shirt once in a while without a jacket or other cover garment. Nestled right beside the gun and mags is a SureFire 6PX Pro. $84 at Amazon. Nice.
The RapDom tactical black tri-fold wallet is a new one.
Great photography too, Mr. Special.