Randi Weingarten
Randi Weingarten, American Federation of Teachers President, speaks to the crowd during in the second March for Our Lives rally in support of gun control on Saturday, June 11, 2022, in Washington. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
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Summer camps, just like schools, can be soft targets for would be killers. It’s just as important to have armed staff on campus to protect children in these venues as it is in elementary, middle or high schools.

Yesterday at a summer sports camp outside Dallas with about 150 children on site, a man with a gun entered a fieldhouse and was confronted by an camp employee who had a firearm.

According to nbcnews.com

The unidentified man appeared to have fired twice in Duncanville Fieldhouse, a youth sports and training venue in the city of the same name about 13 miles south of Dallas, police said.

The armed suspect entered through the complex’s main lobby doors and was confronted by a staff member who exchanged gunfire with him, Duncanville Police Department Assistant Chief Matt Stogner said at an afternoon news conference.

The alleged gunman then went to what was described as a classroom filled with children and opened fire from outside after he was unable to get in, the assistant chief said.

Fortunately no one inside the classroom was injured as the kids were moved to a safe location. The shooter then went to a nearby gymnasium where more kids were located. That’s when responding police officers opened fire on him.

The man was given first aid by officers at the scene and taken to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead, the assistant chief said.

It appeared no one but the suspect was struck or injured, Stogner said. The man was unknown to Duncanville police, he said.

Children attending camps at the complex range in age from 4 to 14, officials said.

This was an attempted mass shooting that was thwarted by an armed staff member, exactly the kind of person that teachers union officials say is such a dangerous, appalling idea. Without an armed person who was there and able to intervene, slowing the shooter until police arrived, what happened yesterday in Duncanville could have been as bad as Uvalde.

Where are your kids today? Is someone there to protect them if the worst happens?



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    • I just checked these after reading your comment:

      CNN (chuckle, snort)
      The Gateway Pundit

      Not a peep found anywhere, though there’s been plenty on gun control.

      • Obvious fake news, since “a good guy with a gun” has never existed anywhere on planet Earth, at any time.

        (Is a sarcasm tag even necessary?)

      • There needs to be a national database repository of Defense Gun Uses that could be pointed to when the Libturds spew their lies about no one ever successfully uses a gun defensively.

        • At the beginning of the American Rifleman, they run a collection of news snippets with just that info. Complete with references. Looks like they finally put some or all of it online (I asked them to do that LONG ago just for the reason you describe.) See “The Armed Citizen.”

        • before covid.22 over 2 million times a year, a gun is “produced” by a citizen during a crime, and the crime is stopped. Divide that by 365 and you will see what Amerika’s problem is. IT is the criminals on our streets & communist in gov’t.

      • Any media coverage will be how the perp was a victim of society with untreated mental illness acting out in a desperate plea for help until those gun toting cowboys brutally gunned him down.

      • the stupid savage race. We need to expel the 13.3% and the other communist from the red states. “WE” need to secede….. now more than ever

  1. No one is suggesting teachers or anyone else who is a civilian be armed who doesn’t choose to be but those who want to take on that responsibility with proper training should be allowed. In every state that enacted Make My Day or Castle Domain laws, home burglaries diminished. The crooks didn’t want to get shot.

  2. “Where are your kids today and who’s protecting them?” Both are adults, armed and protecting themselves.

    • “Both are adults, armed and protecting themselves.”

      *What*? How dare you raise responsible children! 😉

    • I never bother going anywhere armed anymore. Nothing much happens in this burg and the cost and hassle of renewing every other year exceeds the risk.
      But I taught both of my kids to shoot and gave them guns. My daughter got an AR for her birthday this year to add to her collection.

  3. Nobody should have to eat right and exercise. We just need to ban fat from our asses!!

    • the fat between the ears is more of Amerika’s problem. It makes you a coward (useless)

  4. Where is that jack ass from the other day posting that this never happens? Come get some.

    • They never come back. Much of their “power” is in their willfull ignorance. Think Wile E Coyote walking off a cliff. He’s safe until he looks down. So they never look down.

  5. This is the kind of incident the Democrats fear most, an armed citizen stopping a threat. The fact that the cops later made him DRT is just the cherry on top. The more dead perps the fewer bad guys will attempt this road to infamy.

    • This isnot far from the West Freeway Baptist Church where a similarly bent dirtbag decided to play Shoot-em-Up a year or so back. Church security team, all volunteer, all voluntarily well trained in tactics and skill, were there and ready, as always. Perp managed to kill his first two victims before one of the Team drew, long shot, fired, hitting PRECISELY where he had to as perp was drawing a good bead on his next victim, the minister if I recall aright. Time from first shot from perp to dead perp was just over six seconds.

      And the whingey karens out there would try and say that guns haave no place in church, particulary not carried by church attendees. “Its just not RIIIIGGGGHTTTT!!!! they moan.Well, there are a few hundred surviving chorchgoers who were mightly glad there WERE some just like them but armed, skilled, trained, who took care of bidniss without any hesitation.

      These whingers are correct. guns do not belong in churche,s school,s kids camp, parks….. but sinde dirtbags insist on bringing them in from time to time, SOMEBODY has to be there to stop the killing when it starts. Else more and more innocents will continue to be slaughtered when dirtbgs bring guns into places like that.
      I hve yet to hear ANY plan from these mad mommies/whihgey karens that would, by any measure of certainty, keep guns out of places like schools, parks, kids camps, libaries, theatres, sports arenas, restaurants, etc. The ONLY thing that has had even a tiny bit of success some of the time is what we see happened here… dirtbag opens fire, voluntarily armed/unpaid pubilc patron/employee of the place opens fire, puts dirtbag down for a nice long dirtnap. Kids all make it home that night. But NOBODY from the karen clubs ever even grunts a whisper of thanks to or even about the citizen who took it upon himself to be prepared to defend others when dirtbag shows up.

      I think as many of the camp kids as possible should show up at the guy’s funeral. What a loser by any measure. Wear some tee shirts that say something like”Mass Shooting? Just Shoot Back” ..

      • “Church security team, all volunteer, all voluntarily well trained in tactics and skill, were there and ready, as always. Perp managed to kill his first two victims“

        “The team, well trained in tactics and skill there and ready” and the perp still managed to kill two people?

        Is that what you term a success?

        • You would have preferred more dead? Of course you would. Dancing in blood is your thing. You would have liked for all those religious folk to have been wiped out.

          Your religion of big ,gov doesn’t like people to have faith in anything else.

    • back in the day, we didn’t hang horse thieves because they stole a horse. They were hung, so the NEXT GUY would not steal a horse. It is all about risk and attrition. Do you feel lucky punk?

  6. Haz:
    let’s play fair here. the report quoted in the ttag article is from nbc.
    a quick google shows Timely reports from washington post, npr and many others…
    not saying good guy with guy isn’t Underreported, but not this one…

    • Fair enough, but Brodirt’s rhetorical question regarded why it wasn’t on every news feed. I didn’t find it mentioned on a single one of those I visit on a daily morning basis (including the five shown on my list).

      A Google search will find just a mention of just about anything…

      • “I didn’t find it mentioned on a single one of those I visit on a daily morning basis”

        The Gateway Pundit”

        Don’t be too hard on those, I don’t think anybody actually considers them ‘News’ sources.

        Fox has actually made official statements in court filings that they are entertainment, as opposed to actual factual news.

        • “…that they are entertainment, as opposed to actual factual news.”

          Kinda like Miner49er.

        • Thank you, I know I find the facts often entertaining, especially if they’re at odds with another person’s cherished delusions.

          “Not factual” “opinion”
          “an opinion using hyperbole for effect”

          “Mr. Carlson cannot be understood to have been stating facts… “

          Yep, by their own admission, Fox News is total bullshit, “not factual” propaganda.

          “A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit against Fox News after lawyers for the network argued that no “reasonable viewer” takes the primetime host Tucker Carlson seriously, a new court filing said.“

          “Fox News seeks dismissal at the pleading stage on two constitutional grounds. First, it asserts that Mr. Carlson’s statements on the December 10, 2018, episode of his show are constitutionally protected opinion commentary on matters of public importance and are not reasonably understood as being factual.“
          “Fox News first argues that, viewed in context, Mr. Carlson cannot be understood to have been stating facts, but instead that he was delivering an opinion using hyperbole for effect.“


          “I love the poorly educated!”
          Donald J Trump

    • “a quick google shows Timely reports from washington post, npr and many others… “

      As shucks, you’re going to let the facts interfere with a good narrative?

      What are you, some kind of liberal commie?

  7. Frankly…Any nitwit blowbag in favor of Gun Control is a threat to the freedom to protect children and those incapable of defending themselves.

    Furthermore…What praytell would stop a teacher holstering a firearm from teaching I ask you Randi Weingarten American Federation of Teachers President? While armed I can clean house, wash cloths, get groceries, feed the animals, bake a cake and mow the lawn and post pro 2A homework on this forum.

  8. I’m so glad that there was someone there to stop the jackass.
    What is wrong with out society that we keep having these despicable monsters that want to shoot up a bunch of kids?? A rhetoric question, but a great reason to stay armed.

    • At this point I’m gonna go with “brought to you by Pfizer” and a few close associates. I mean think what an utterly bizarre thing it is to even have the thought of shooting children, much less seeing it carried out again and again. It’s not even homicidal lunatic normal. It’s ‘arranged’.

  9. Jeez what the hell is wrong with people?! Also, it seems a locked door was also a hero…

    It’s like I said, children are intentionally being targeted now.

    • Yup. It has gone into Monkey See Monkey Do territory. With no end of monkeys in sight.
      Best way to treat this sort of monkey is to make every one of them DRT well before they manage to claim their first victim. Now, this monkey instead of being a sick hero of sorts, is an utter failure.

    • Naw, you aren’t seeing the right picture. This is shining stars taking one for the team to further the outrage for pushing gun control. You can’t seriously believe that according to the FBI, since 1966, there have been 16 school shootings. And then suddenly there is an attempted spate just prior to an important SCOTUS ruling which the anti’s have been hair on fire about? And it’s all just simple coincidence? With at least 2 of the other recent mass shooting being conducted by clear-cut leftists. And a failed assassination attempt on Kavanaugh by the same?

      Come on…

    • Of course its kids being targeted.

      1. Its the idea of dead or wounded kids that invokes more terror and the shooters, at some level, know that.

      2. Kids are less likely to be able to fight back, and mostly they think (and for the most part in most situations the shooters are correct) any adults around are not likely to be armed in such settings like this camp or a school. Thus its easy targets.

      3. Lock down procedures are likely, in some settings, to leave kids and staff exposed if they can’t be implemented quickly enough and then if they are implemented quickly enough in some settings those who are late in getting to a safe lock down area are not let in because procedures are such that the doors are not opened once locked until police come to get them or the shooter is dead/captured, or the all-clear ‘safe’ code is announced. Its for this reason most of the dead and injured in school shootings get killed or injured by the shooter within 30 feet of a locked down area, because shooters ‘hunt’ these areas because they know of the weakness in the lock down system because they know the alarm in schools spreads after, mostly, they are already inside the school and prepared to encounter students trying to get to lock down areas or trying to get into areas they can not get into because they are already locked down.

      4. As a society, our children are a primary weakness and targeting children invokes the most fear and horror that shooters wish to generate in their adverse mental health driven agendas of insanity. So horrible and fearful that it will not be forgotten, that the news will make sure the public knows of them and what they did, that their actions will cause a lot of pain and problems for society, that they through their actions in their delusions and crazy will make their insane points and show their insane hatred, that in their insanity made their ‘mark’ on the world, that in their insanity they were able to vent their hatred or frustrations such that it will not be forgotten.

      5. the shooters overall are not really big on encountering resistance, most run away or surrender or move on to other areas when encountered by armed force if they are not captured by force or killed, but some don’t. Most settings dealing routinely with large numbers of children (e.g. schools) are very ‘soft’ targets, most in so called ‘gun free zones’ (which is one of the biggest false logic jokes and lies ever perpetrated on the American public by the government and the anti-gun idiots), and the shooter is likely to be able to shoot for a while before encountering any resistance.

      This camp was an exception. They had the advantage of a single entry point to the facility through the lobby area, and a staff member being armed to delay the shooter, and sound the alarm early, enough to give enough time for lock down procedures to be effective. Schools for the most part are not like that because in most schools there are multiple points of entry that may be available and the shooter can be in the school and shooting before they are detected and a warning alarm given.

  10. A pretty accurate graphic really. But what happens when the teacher is teaching firearms? I mean, it kinds flys in the face of certified NRA instructors that were so afraid of losing their jobs to permitless carry.

    But ya know, If teachers didn’t want to be armed, there wouldn’t be any of them getting Concealed Carry Licenses. There ARE a growing number of them.

  11. The shooter was Brandon Ned, a 42 year old black male. Ned had a criminal history that included convictions for intoxication manslaughter, drug possession and unlawfully carrying a gun. Another repeat offender.

    • SO GLAD to know the Background Check System worked as planned…….. AND that camp volunteer security did too. Or maybe the hero was simply a lionhearted sheep dog.

  12. This was an attempted mass shooting that was thwarted by an armed staff member … teachers union officials say is such a dangerous, appalling idea.

    And there you have it. A large number of people in our nation elevate emotion above everything. If an idea is appalling, there is no price too large to pay to fight against it and everything is on the table to fight against it.

    Note that elevating emotion above everything means that there are no timeless, objective standards of, well, anything–especially wrong versus right.

    • Would you be speaking of the majority of women or those professional career grifters who pander to them for personal gain and/or agenda? Or maybe you speak of both?

      • BOTH … Moms Demand Action and Everytown for (Alleged) Gun “Safety”-(?) are the best examples of emotional grifters ever.

  13. That teachers’ union spokescreature inthe picture… is it a woman who looks like a man or a man who looks like a woman? Either way, it looks like the spokescreature has mental health issues.

  14. It seems kind of a stretch to say he was thwarted by the good guy with a gun. He was engaged at the first location, but then went to two additional buildings but could not get in. Seems he was more thwarted by locked doors than anything else.
    Did the good guy just let him go and try those other two buildings? Did he not engage him any further than the first location? More details would be nice.

      • It says nothing about the gymnasium being locked. So as I said, more details would be nice.

        • It was actually in a large indoor facility, the Duncanville Fieldhouse. The gymnasium was locked down as were all ‘class rooms’ and areas where the kids were moved to safety. Had it not been for the delay and detection by the defender, the alarm would not have been sounded soon enough for the lock down to be completed and the shooter would have had access to exposed kids and staff in the facility.

          The shooter didn’t get a chance to attempt entry to the gymnasium or take a shot at it. The police had arrived and engaged him before he could do that.

    • It was the encounter with the good guy defender that caused the shooter to be delayed and detected which also caused the alarm to be sounded and gave time for the camp to go into lock down.

      Had the shooter not encountered the defender by by-passing the lobby/reception area the shooter would have been detected too late and would have been able to have access to more victims. Had the defender not engaged the shooter and slowed him down there would not have been enough time for lock-down to be fully implemented and the shooter would have had more access to the kids and staff.

      The good guy with a gun, our heroic defender, definitely thwarted the shooter and saved kids and staff from death and injury from a mass shooting, by the actions taken to engage the shooter.

      This is a perfect example of why school staff should be armed. Police in this incident arrived in about two minutes, but in that two minutes a lot of people can be killed or injured. Armed school staff can provide that thwarting or stopping or delaying factor that saves lives because they are all over the school and most likely to encounter or be able to encounter the shooter sooner.

    • Perhaps our staff member isn’t the hero cowboy gunslinger. He DID, however, deter the shooter from entering the lobby. Alarms were sounded, lockdown was initiated, police were called, and the police responded promptly. Let’s not demand that staff all live up to some John Wayne standard, created by Hollwierd, for public consumption. Staff did engage, staff did deter the initial ‘assault’, and staff did buy time for law enforcement to respond. I’ll praise that staff member, while suggesting that he gets more range time to improve his shooting.

  15. I still see this shit on reddit’s popular feed. Guess what the massive amount of left wingnuts are saying: “But nobody actually stopped him”.

    I can’t even. For decades we have been arguing that good guys with guns are deterrents – not an end all. Self defense above all else, and this was a clear example of someone willing to carry for self defense encountering an active shooter and guess what they did, deterred them. But of course, because the guy wasn’t instantly killed during pre-cog thoughts of commiting the crime, guns are still to blame. ffs…

    No amount of force feeding these people will stop them from their agenda. At this point, I’d almost love to see a 30 year stretch with “no guns” just to prove them wrong. Then their excuse will be “it may take longer to weed out all those illegal guns that were here before”… and then 100 years later it’ll be the same excuse. Eventually, the psycopaths that will stop and nothing to commit these crimes will result to creating more explosives. We’ll have IED’s setup all over roads blocking off first responders from getting to an area they chose as their target and will be free to use whatever weapon they want.

    • You’re describing Australia’s 30 year stretch with no guns. They still have killings and crime and violence centered around firearms.

  16. Randy Weingarten looks like a whiney rainbow BUTCH anyway so I can’t expect her to be of sound mind to begin with. I don’t think any school is mandating all teachers to be armed. The rumor that such a mandate has been proposed is a vicious LIE started by rabid gun haters and as I understand VERY UNTRUE. The push has been for teachers who volunteered to be armed could do so but was never mandatory. If these teachers, and/or the spoiled-rotten and corrupted teacher’s union doesn’t like working with their co-workers being armed then they can go work elsewhere and realize they don’t get their piss-ant way every time they kick and scream their dissatisfaction. From what I understand about 75%+ of the teachers in public schools nowadays don’t need to be around children anyway. Most are gay and nothing other than others gays cares yo be around them.


  18. Its was the encounter with the good guy defender that caused the shooter to be delayed and detected which also caused the alarm to be sounded and gave time for the camp to go into lock down.

    Had the shooter not encountered the defender by by-passing the lobby/reception area the shooter would have been detected too late and would have been able to have access to more victims. Had the defender not engaged the shooter and slowed him down there would have not been enough time for lock-down to be fully implemented and the shooter would have had more access to the kids and staff.

    The good guy with a gun, our heroic defender, definitely saved kids and staff from death and injury from a mass shooting, by the actions taken to engage the shooter.

    This is a perfect example why school staff should be armed. Police in this incident arrived in about two minutes, but in that two minutes a lot of people can be killed or injured. Armed school staff can provide that thwarting or stopping or delaying factor that saves lives because they are all over the school and most likely to encounter or be able to encounter the shooter sooner.

    • I don’t think lockdown WAS fully implemented. Or, if it was, the lockdown was pretty ineffective. The shooter entered the gymnasium, where children were present.

      IMO, you cannot rely on locking down a facility. There are always holes in the physical security, even if there is time for everyone to reach a ‘secure’ location.

      The armed staff member was the key to protecting the children, not the lockdown.

      • “The shooter entered the gymnasium, where children were present.”

        No, the shooter did not enter the gymnasium. He went to the gymnasium but didn’t enter or shoot at it. The gymnasium was locked down too. The police stopped him at the gymnasium.

        yes, the armed staff member was the one that protected the children by his actions. But the shooter got past the armed staff member but by that time lock down had been accomplished and once past the armed staff member the lock down kept the kids from being accessed by the shooter.

        Had the shooter not encountered the defender by by-passing the lobby/reception area immediately instead of being delayed by the defender the shooter would have been detected too late before he got into the area and would have been able to have access to more victims. Had the defender not engaged the shooter and slowed him down there would have not been enough time for lock-down to be fully implemented and the shooter would have had more access to the kids and staff.

        It was the encounter with the good guy defender that caused the shooter to be delayed and detected (sooner) which also caused the alarm to be sounded and gave time for the camp to go into lock down.

        So yes, the armed staff member was the key to protecting the children. Basically,

  19. Giving credit where credit is due – the cops did alright as cops go.

    It was the armed staff who prevented a bloodbath. When one or two seconds counted, that staff member was on scene, and taking action. We might fault his marksmanship, but he was taking the right action, at the crucial moment. The gunman retreated from the lobby, and went looking for other targets.

    The cops arrived two minutes later, and engaged the madman. That’s good, as police responses go. But it wasn’t nearly as good as the on scene staff member who thwarted the gunman’s initial attempt.

    Worthy of note: It appears that all the people at the camp were black? How ’bout the staff member who shot back? Imagine that – progressives would have us believe that black folk are only ever victims of firearms incidents.

    We need a new drive in this country. We need to arm a lot more black folk, a lot more women, a lot more Asians, a lot more Native Americans, a lot more of everyone. Us good white guys can’t be everywhere, to protect everyone from the crazies.

  20. This story started with the Langley report and he has since correct the error he made due to an inaccurate NBC story and pulled the claim that a member of the staff “engaged” the shooter with a gun. Thank God the police had a response time of 2 minutes and no children were harmed. When I heard of this story I scoured the internet for confirmation but could find none. The next day the Langley report issued a correction

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