“After years of fighting lame California politicians who want to lock everyone in their homes so they can’t go to space or build cool stuff, Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced he was moving to a land flowing with milk and honey called Texas. Almost immediately after the move, he announced a new product the whole world has been waiting for: the Tesla AR-15.”
If your heart skipped a beat when reading that, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, Musk has his hands full with other projects these days and the Tesla AR only exists in the fertile imaginations of the merry pranksters at the Babylon Bee. More’s the pity.
“We really wanted to re-think self-defense,” said Musk. “This new firearm will be the go-to rifle for our SpaceX volunteers when they encounter hostile aliens. It’s also a celebration of the Second Amendment. If any federal authorities try to confiscate it, the rifle will automatically connect to the internet and file a lawsuit for you!”
That would make the Firearms Policy Coalition’s job much easier, no? Is there any reason a feature like that is beyond the capabilities of Smith & Wesson or Ruger?
Read the full post to find out what other features and capabilities a Musk-made AR-15 would probably have if he put his mind to it.
It should be a Railgun Ar15 if its Tesla gotta be electric