Joan has lived most of her life in Portland and bought her first gun at age 20. It was a surplus WW2 era 1911 that she still has. Even after many episodes of kitchen table gunsmithing it’s still reliable and she says, “I just like the feel of it.” Her most recent acquisition is a Ruger LCP .380 that she loves, but finds a challenge to shoot accurately. She shoots better with her S&W .45 ACP revolver. “Those moon clips are faster than a speed loader,” she says. A .45 LC cylinder is on the shopping list . . .
She started carrying a concealed handgun after 9/11 and got her Oregon carry permit a few years ago to make it legal. “I like to carry when I travel,” she said, and locally she carries when it feels like she may be going to a part of town where a bit of extra security is comforting. Typically she carries in her purse, but has a collection of holsters available. Driving trips also afford chances to find a deserted spot “and “blast away for a while.” She stopped flying a long time ago because, “I don’t like the way they treat you at airports.” Welcome to the club.
Joan complains that her Oregon License to Carry a Concealed Handgun “is not recognized hardly anywhere. I believe that’s because Oregon doesn’t recognize anybody else’s license.” She has considered writing letters to politicos about that but never seems to get around to it.
After serving in the Navy during the Vietnam era, she began a career as an electrical engineer and has been enjoying retirement for many years. As you may have guessed by now, she started life as a male and began the transition to female about ten years ago.
A couple of years ago she discovered the Portland chapter of the Pink Pistols which hosts occasional shoots in the hills of the Oregon Coast Range. She invited me to come to an annual range day with a group of cross-dressers and transexual folks. “Their biggest concern is what to wear,” she laughs.
Joan joined the NRA about two years ago and enjoys reading The American Rifleman each month.
Although she’s a member of the NRA, she isn’t a big fan. “Too much Obama-hate, I really dislike that hate attitude.” She’s voted for Obama twice, but has been pretty disappointed and the recent anti-gun frenzy annoys her. “I think they need to quit over-reacting after these school shootings,” which she notes are a tiny percentage of overall deaths.
Does she ever vote for a politician based on their gun rights position? “It’s a factor, but I look at all the factors. It’s the whole package. You have to take the bad with the good. Sometimes the politicians I would tend to support do have negative stances on gun ownership. That bothers me…the present President had so much promise, but his negative gun stance is one more strike against him.”
I asked for her feelings about the sudden change in the President’s gun control position after the election. “Although I did not expect it, I am not surprised at his anti-gun noises. It seems like a typical sleazy politician move, especially after assuring us folks earlier that he had no plans against gun owners. I hoped that he would be more active on issues more important to us ordinary folks in his second term, rather than using his time riding on the anti-gun emotional bandwagon.”
“And Democrats believe Republicans will have a hard time explaining why they voted against legislation that secures more money for school safety and…”,
Not really, Miss Political Science major, you’re logic is all wrong here. Believe whatever ya want for the press.
IF, and when, our Senators and Reps vote the way that ‘we the people’ demand that they do… much “explaining” isn’t required.
Who made who?
Beautiful photos but you might want to completely wipe the EXIF…
Just emailed Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, we’ll see what he says.
When my dad arrived in Columbus Georgia in January of 1942 he was actually shocked by all the “No Coloreds, Dogs or Soldiers allowed” signs at most of the local establishments. There are many military communities where the locals love to take the troops money but treat them like $hit. This sounds like the military equivalent of “Town and Gown.” The post-commander needs to pay a visit to the local Chief of Police and County Sheriff and explain to them that bad things will happen to them if they continues to harass his soldiers. Sadly, there are few Commanders today with the fortitude of Jim Gavin and Matt Ridgeway to set the locals straight.
Contrary to a lot of the wishful thinking here, there are quite a few congressional districts where a Republican might have a hard time justifying a vote against a background check bill. While voter intensity is obviously key there is a risk that the marginal voter in those districts may hold the vote against the incumbent as a tie breaker.
The fact of the matter is that the views of TTAG posters do not reflect the majority of potential voters. Need proof? Look at our current gun laws. This isn’t to say elected officials should vote for bad legislation, just that there is a risk to doing the right thing.
It’s gonna be close, but I think there’s a good chance the Senate’s not gonna pass it. New polls came out this week proving what we all know- people don’t really like the gun control package agenda, and more than half disapprove of Obama’s efforts to politicize it.
While maybe only half of Americans own guns, I think it’s safe to say there’ still a fair majority who don’t like being told what they can and can’t own.
She voted for a Chicago politician twice. It is no secret that Chicago politics is considered the sleaziest and most corrupt of all politics. Has been for decades and decades. I hoped she has learned that lesson.
She has found her path in life and she seems happy. She is probably better off than most. Good choice on the 1911. I too prefer it over my pocket .380 but the option is good to have.
Justin Heiskill, I believe.
A) Good for her. B) If the NRA embraced the Pink Pistols and made them a larger part of their public persona we would all be a better off.
The good news is that firearms designs are public domain. It would be a shame if legacy arms makers go out of business, but the market has demonstrated the demand, and companies will fill the order.
If firearms designs are public domain, why does S&W have to pay a royalty to Glock for every Sigma they sell?
It’s difficult to read an article with that picture above; not a complaint, just something I noticed.
First rule of Gun Club: Don’t eat our own. As someone whose positions aren’t in lock step with either major party, I sympathize with gun owners who don’t fit stereotypes.
Well, yes, in the sense it’s harder to justify sending back a moldy crust of bread than it is a plate of manure. Of course, that’s assuming the moldy bread isn’t being served with a side of merde à la diarrhée.
Pity, I was hoping Freedom Group would be sold to someone with an interest in making reliable firearms.
Hey, I wanna see my comment! It’s only fair!
I’m always surprised there aren’t more LGBTQABCCan’tKeepUpWithAcronyms gun owners than there are.
maybe they’re just careful with opsec. keeping the gun or the sexuality in the closet, or on a need to know basis.
The police are not required to explain themselves. They explain themselves to the judge.
Let’s imagine this: Say ten blocks away someone used an AR-15 and killed 25 people and escaped on foot with another person, short in stature. Now they’re out looking for the killer and they come upon this man hiking with an AR-15 and his son. They do not need to have a conversation to explain why they are arresting him. They just arrest him. He has no idea that the murders have taken place, so to him he is being wrongfully arrested.
The place to argue about whether the arrest is proper is in court, not at the point of arrest. If you think it is an unlawful arrest and your safety is in danger, then resist, but you’d better be right and the risk better be worth it.
If you vote liberal Democrats into office but claim to support our civil right to own guns. You are either lying to yourself or us.
It was Hope that he wouldn’t flip and take his party down this road again.
Yeah, that didn’t turn out so well. Hope got Burned.
We need as much bipartisan support for gun ownership as we can get. We need to encourage Democrats to own guns. What kills gun control best is Democratic opposition.
Well that sucks…after shuttering the Marlin plant and consolidating select models into the Remington plant it would never be the same. I seriously doubt that Marlin will ever rise from these ashes intact…the factory is gone, the skilled workers are gone, the product tooling and such has been taken so it does not look good. RIP Marlin
I think if the companies become independent competitors again rather than brands under a single roof this could be a good thing.
While looking at the nice eye candy on each arm is fine, it only serves to distract from the rat in the middle. George seems like a shady guy at best IMO, gun guys tend to pose with blue steel and walnut.
This is why TTAG > other gun blogs. Interesting article.
Where is my ccommentt about wanting to see a post featuring bbeeaauuttiifull lleessbbiiaaannnss holding their guns?
It’s good to hear of people with lifestyles that aren’t mainstream who are into guns. The question is one of right to life, regardless of what choices that person has made. Everyone has the right to defend him or herself. I would shoot with the Pink Pistols , instruct them if they wish, discuss differences and welcome areas of agreement. We need to make friends and encourage unity in our movement. By they way, my S&W model 25-2 .45acp revolver is a tack driver!
EMAIL/CALL YOUR SENATORS!! this can’t be said enough!
I think if I contact my representatives any more they’re gonna put me on a “stalker” list.
When TTAG wrote about the current CEO appointing himself, it smelled bad to me back then. With this situation, the smell is only getting worse. I sure hope that the legacy companies survive and get into the hands of people that actually care more about making quality firearms, and less about partying with the “ladies”.
We don’t want to be associated with something that’s against public opinion, but in the end, we like money.
I already contacted my senators …..about 6 times each. Only problem is I’m from Pennsylvania and I have toomey, who helped write the bill, and Casey who said he’d support it. Neither one seems to listen to their constituents.
Yeah, so lets vote their sorry asses out!
I think they need to work on banning pressure cookers next. Then the gardeners and canners would be up in arms.
Live steaming on cspan
Well, no. This fight will never end. Eternal vigilance. The price we pay.
I wholeheartedly disagree with your assessment that the defeat of the Manchin-Toomey amendment would end the debate for 2 years. Gun-grabbers are out for blood. If they are denied even a drop, they will not stop until they have it.
Manchin-Toomey is not perfect, but when you weigh the benefits against the negatives, it truly is a gun rights bill. Protections for interstate travel, protection against any federal registry (and not just against the AG. The bill levies steep penalties for any federal employee who creates something that can be construed as a registry), continues to allow private sales without background checks, protects gifts, allows CCW permit holders to use their permit in lieu of a NICS check.
The point is, allowing Manchin-Toomey to pass will give the grabbers the “win” they are looking for, and will shelve the debate. I find that scenario far more likely than Bloomberg, Obama, Biden, and the Disarmament Activists simply giving up if this Amendment is defeated.
I don’t get it. What you’re saying is that if M-T passes and the gungrabbers get their win, they’ll go way, but if they lose they’ll keep fighting. Do you understand how utterly preposterous that is?
If M-T is defeated, the gunbgrabbers will be back. If M-T passes, the gungrabbers will be back. Any other train of thought is insanity.
I don’t hate M-T. There are some good things about it. But I’m not supporting it because the potential for mischief is far too high.
Why in the world would foreign students want an education here in the first place Mr. Kerry? The US ranking in education is ranked 9th out of 34 industrialized nations for education. Are the only ones in our colleges the ones that can’t make it in their own country? If you listen to the Teachers/Professors Unions this can be fixed if we give them more money but aren’t we are the highest paid educators in the world now?
Everyone who reads this NEEDS TO CALL NOW! I was EASILY ABLE TO GET THROUGH TO MY SENATOR. This thing needs to die and the phone lines should be shut down!!
Just because the intruder was unarmed (and unclothed) doesn’t mean he wasn’t dangerous…
All emotional trash on the left. The one thing they could do to save innocents(get rid of criminal safe zones) they won’t do. What a treat to listen to the mental hospital logic of the left, Randy
Being from Texas I have a pretty decent idea on how my Senators will vote, I’ve contacted them already (and regularly). What’s the “etiquette” for talking with other Senators. What would be the best way to approach that?
e.g. “Hi, I don’t live around here, but your vote affects me, can you please vote no to this so you’re not a kill joy? K, thanks.”
Just a general question.
How about: “Hi, I don’t live around here, but your vote affects me and I can donate money to your opponents in the upcoming primary election.”
The Conn. Senators are clearly pandering to their idiot constituents. They are rehashing the old we have to do something because it makes us feel better arguments in favor of the S 649.
What a naive idiot.
Outside groups don’t get to conditionally — and publicly — vote yes or no on pending legislation, particularly based upon as-yet unwritten amendments. All that will be remembered from this debacle is that two major gun rights organizations supported bipartisan universal background checks — and that Sens. Toomey and Manchin are “staunch Second Amendment advocates.”
With friends like this, who needs enemies?
i want to see Toomey vote No. that would be hilarious.
This data sharing of Missouri CCW holders’ firearm information and personally identifiable information (PII) with the feds comes as no surprise at all.
As I’ve stated on these pages before, the gun control clowns in government will not abstain from storing and data mining information collected in the course of firearms transactions conducted under code requirements that require divulging PII. If it furthers their agenda, they will find a way to do it.
Despite promises not to use PII to identify targeted firearms owners, if the government, whether it is state or federal, finds a need for that information and a gun grabbing administration is in power, they will either surreptitiously or openly use it. The only factors in the process are how the political winds are blowing and how securely the grabbers feel they are positioned in office when they compromise the data. The Democratic People’s Republic of CA is a perfect example of that.
Just missed… needed 3 more….
My feelings are at the opposite end of the spectrum compared to how I felt watching the live stream of the ny safe act passing. Unfortunately I still live in ny. I’m really pushing myself to leave and never look back. But it’s hard to leave the place you grew up at.
Holy carp. If you haven’t been rolling your own for the last 20 years, I have no idea what to tell you.
Everybody does it, and has been for decades. Get some appropriate steel for a c-note and have it watejetted/lasered/whateva. What is this TTAG for 8th graders?
He can’t EO over Our Constitution
Mostly hot air, as usual, out of Joke Biden, this is actually good news as it appears Obama will double down on this gun grab rhethoric and expend his diminishing political capital on it, helping the GOP in 2014.