North American Arms PUG-T revolver
Dan Z. for TTAG

North American Arms produces those miniature .22 revolvers that are so small they will fit on a belt buckle. Or in a hat. Or in mother nature’s holster. The company’s owner Sandy Chisholm writes posts regularly on the company’s blog.

In a post that has recently come to light, Mr. Crisholm wrote some ugly things about his fellow Americans who have chosen not to get a COVID vaccination. In his September post (since deleted), he began . . .


Just when you thought the end of this life-threatening COVID pandemic was in sight, it’s become painfully clear that it is not.  In fact, we’re heading in the wrong direction. What makes this realization even more painful is that, not withstanding our missteps regarding wearing masks, social distancing, economic shutdowns and the like, the end could have been in sight. If only more of us had embraced the simple protocol of getting vaccinated, we’d be well on our way to leaving this scourge in our wake. Instead, we’re back, smack in the middle of it and “life as we knew it” is still a distant dream…

He kept digging . . .

Over the past few months, my thoughts about those who don’t believe in the value of vaccinations has transitioned from disinterest to sympathy to incredulity to contempt. I believe that those who don’t take advantage of the opportunities to become vaccinated are ignorant, misguided &/or selfish, or any combination of the three… 

Before he put the shovel down, he shared this nugget . . .

I’ll admit I enjoy no small measure of schadenfreude reading stories of those stubborn people who find themselves stricken and on death’s door, suffering from their earlier foolish decision not to get vaccinated. I look at it almost as a Darwinian effect, helping cleanse our gene pool. Excuse my lack of sympathy. Too bad. Completely avoidable. Didn’t have to happen.

It seems the responses he’s received have caused him to reconsider his angry rant. To his credit, he has posted an apology . . .

I am very sorry about some of the things I said, and not at all sorry about most others. I am very sorry about the harsh language I used in an attempt to make a point. I strongly believe in the point about promoting vaccinations, but I am very disappointed in myself for the unnecessarily inflammatory words I used in an attempt to make it and the disrespect it showed. How I expressed myself was rude and embarrassing. What hurts most is the respect I’ve deservedly lost amongst so many. I’ve spent the past 30 years attempting to earn it, and I understand the reaction from those who felt insulted by some of the language of my rant. I knew at the outset that I risked alienating some, to the degree that it would cost NAA some sales. That’s OK.  I applaud those who express themselves with their wallet; I’ve done the same. But I am very sorry to those I insulted. It was unforgivable and I am profoundly sorry. I was rude and I apologize.

Kudos to Mr. Chisholm for recognizing the intemperate and inflammatory nature of the hurtful things he wrote about his fellow Americans in the original post. Sadly, COVID has exacerbated many of the divisions in our society. Attacking those with differing views and taking pleasure in their misfortune does nothing to improve that situation.


  1. If only more of us had embraced the simple protocol of getting vaccinated, we’d be well on our way to leaving this scourge in our wake.

    Question – Does the COVID19 vaccine, any of them, prevent the infection of the vaccinated or prevent the spreading of the virus?

      • I’m a freedom-loving American and I simply don’t want to”. Ahhh, here we go. This is far and away the most frequent – and lamest – excuse.

        Sounds like Sandy can go fuck himself. Other people’s vaccination status is not his business. I think he should sell NAA immediately, and go into sucking tranny dicks, and party members for collective mandates.

        Even Donald Trump, the poster-child for the selfish exercise of frequently nonsensical individual freedoms (“I’m not wearing a mask because I don’t want to”.) has been vaccinated…

        The more he talks, the more he sounds like a democrat.

        Over the past few months, my thoughts about those who don’t believe in the value of vaccinations has transitioned from disinterest to sympathy to incredulity to contempt.

        Why? Get vaccinated, and then you are safe, right? If other people want to embrace that risk, then, how is it your business? I think people should get vaccinated too, but it’s not up to me or Sandy. Period.

        I’ll admit I enjoy no small measure of schadenfreude reading stories of those stubborn people who find themselves stricken and on death’s door…

        Great. One of those people. If he’s not a democrat, he sure is just like one.

      • I’m a freedom-loving American and I simply don’t want to”. Ahhh, here we go. This is far and away the most frequent – and lamest – excuse.

        Sandy can go eat one. Other people’s vaccination status is not his business.

        Even Donald Trump, the poster-child for the selfish exercise of frequently nonsensical individual freedoms (“I’m not wearing a mask because I don’t want to”.) has been vaccinated…

        The more he talks, the more he sounds like a democrat.

        Over the past few months, my thoughts about those who don’t believe in the value of vaccinations has transitioned from disinterest to sympathy to incredulity to contempt.

        Why? Get vaccinated, and then you are safe, right? If other people want to embrace that risk, then, how is it your business? I think people should get vaccinated too, but it’s not up to me or Sandy. Period.

        I’ll admit I enjoy no small measure of schadenfreude reading stories of those stubborn people who find themselves stricken and on death’s door…

        Great. One of those people. If he’s not a democrat, he sure is just like one.

        • I would threaten to NOT buy one of his retarded little pistols, but that was never going to happen anyway.

    • Answer – Yes. All the vaccines do. Some more efficaciously than others, but all work to an extent.

      If you are looking for an absolute “100% effective” guarantee that any give individual will be infected, then no current Covid vaccine meets that mark. But they all greatly reduce any individual’s chance of being infected and chance of becoming significantly ill (needing hospitalization) if they are infected.

      At my hospital, 98% of deaths from COVID have been unvaccinated patients.

      When the vaccines were introduced, a healthy skepticism was reasonable as the track record of side effects was pretty limited. Currently, hundreds of millions of doses of each vaccine ha been given

      • …have been given, and the side effects have been extremely limited. On the order of you’re more likely to get struck by lightning than die from the vaccine.

        • @RingoMD

          Question- How many unvaccinated are arriving in the ED or admitted for unrelated issues but get a positive Covid result while in the hospital. Bet your hospital is not tracking that.

        • Yeah, Tiger . . . and you’re pretty much more likely to get struck by lightning than die of COVID (unless you are in a high-risk group). Dude, just take the “L”. The “miracle” vaccines were a panic response to a manufactured crisis. You are panicing over a disease that has a LESS than 1% fataliity rate among everyone OFFICIALLY diagnosed with it (we literally have NO IDEA how many have had asymptomatic cases – but it is obviously a greater number than “diagnosed” cases). Concern about health risks is wise; panic over minor risks is “public health safety” concern porn.

          Do you engage in any sports like skiing, back country hiking, flying small aircraft (there are dozens of others)? If you do, then shut the eff up about the Wuhan Bat Flu. If you don’t then . . . get a life.

        • “According to the cdc, and several peer-reviewed journals like the one linked below, the vaccine does not significantly reduce the spread of the virus“

          Jwt, I appreciate you providing a link to your source but I’m not sure you even read the material at the link you posted.

          A quote directly from the title page of the source you cite:

          “People who receive two COVID-19 jabs and later contract the Delta variant are less likely to infect their close contacts than are unvaccinated people with Delta.“

        • According to the Federal Government’s own Vaccine Adverse Reaction Database, there have been over sixteen thousands deaths associated with the COVID vaccines (and over seventy-five thousand hospitalizations).

          Maybe the initial safety data provided by the pharmaceutical companies does not paint the complete picture.

        • RingoMD wrote: “Currently, hundreds of millions of doses of each vaccine ha been given have been given, and the side effects have been extremely limited.”

 which breaks down the VAERS reports (to which the CDC admits only 1% of vaccine reactions are even reported) shows over 16,000 dead from the vaccine and over 3/4 pf a million reactions.

          The European reaction #s are even higher. So high in fact that they have now buried the data.

          Furthermore, as to spreading covid,

          “In the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a pivotal study showing fully vaccinated people can spread the delta variant as readily as non-vaccinated people….

          ” …Three-quarters of those infected had been fully vaccinated. Nearly 80 percent were symptomatic.”

          That’s from PBS, not “anti vaxxers”:

          Israel, Indonesia the UK and possibly Australia are showing more and more hospitalizations of “breakthrough” vaccinated and infected patients.

          Finally, THOUASNDS OF DOCTORS are finally getting fed up with being censored, lied to and being forced to not treat their patients with simple inexpensive long-tested prescription off label mediations that work wonders in OUTPATIENT treatment of covid if administered promptly upon infection.

          Over 12,000 doctors & scientists signed this:

          perhaps do more homework (protocols linked on my name here) and help your patients more with outpatient treatments and stop worrying about improving the bottom line of Pfizer et al.

        • Miner, as usual, you spew constant lies.
          The very next sentence is:
          “But that protective effect is relatively small, and dwindles alarmingly at three months after the receipt of the second shot.”
          All you do is lie. You can’t even recognize the truth.

      • No. None of them do. Vaccinated people are still getting covid and dying from it at a rate slightly higher than the unvaccinated. If we had this performance from, say, the polio vaccine, we would be pulling it from use and asking WTF is going on?

        What is likely going on at your hospital, Ringo, is that they have stopped asking people if they are vaccinated and are then counting them as unvaccinated. That is the pattern we have seen here in PA, and I have heard is also going on in other states.

        • Hell, even the flu vaccine does better than this. When flu vaxed people still get the flu it at least has the common decency to be a different sub species. With the covid vaxes you still get the original.

        • Please share the source for this data, I’d like to see it.

          There are tons of factors involved in who gets sick and who dies, and certainly vaccine efficacy wanes fairly rapidly. The population of vaccinated people skews older and sicker and vaccinated earlier (all of which make them more likely to succumb.)

          I would have to see some serious science to state that the vaccinated are dying at a higher rate than unvaccinated. That’s not something I’ve seen published in medical journals and it’s also extremely incongruous with my personal practice experience.

        • OK, RingoMD, I’m beginning to think you got your medical degree from the bottom of a Cracker Jacks box. “. . . and certainly vaccine efficacy wanes fairly rapidly . . . ” I’m sorry, what is the efficacy lifespan of polio vaccine??? How about measles vaccine? Or are you just a partisan hack??

          Be honest with the readers on this blog – you have (and WE have) NO FREAKIN’ IDEA what the efficacy lifespan is of ANY of the COVID vaccines, we aren’t even at the point where a NORMAL vaccine would have even been starting clinical trials . . . and yet you and others tell us how “safe” the COVID vaccine is. Hippocrates is disappoint.

        • “Vaccinated people are still getting covid and dying from it at a rate slightly higher than the unvaccinated“

          That’s quite the claim, that is at odds with every reputable medical source.

          Such an extraordinary claim certainly has extraordinary proof, would you be kind enough to share your source with us?

        • “Vaccinated people are still getting covid and dying from it at a rate slightly higher than the unvaccinated.”

          I would love to see this information. (Truly; no sarcasm.) I keep hearing this, but nobody ever points to evidence confirming it…that I know of, anyway.

          The summary of everything I’ve found is that the vaccines do provide protection against infection and reduce the likelihood of spreading it, but that those benefits wane relatively quickly. And the key part for me, as I and those I live with have elevated risk of complications, is that the vaccinated don’t get as sick and have a much lower rate of hospitalization and death.

          I’ve heard this repeatedly and consistently from doctors and other “official” sources…but that’s not very reassuring on its own. We’ve heard far too much wrong and downright stupid crap, not to mention outright lies, from the so-called experts over the past year and a half. Trust isn’t a luxury we have anymore.

        • did anyone else notice the CDC’s little sleight of hand trick they pulled? they CHANGED the definition of the word “vaccinated” It used to mean anyone who has had the needle poked into their arm and the juice in the syringe squirted into the recipiaient’s body. Not good enough for the good -l’coid poke.

          The new “definitioin” is now anyone who has had the injectioin MORE THAN FOUTEEN DAYS BEFORE.. in other words, no onei is “vaccinated” until fourteen days AFTER getting the injection
          Now one might wonder WHY did they do this change hoping no one would notice? Simple. About 85% of al adverse reactioins happen within the first six or eight days after getting the needle poked into yhour arm. NOW most (about 85% of all adverse reactions can be categlrorised as “unvaccintated cases”. Handy, that, no?

          Typical of CDC’s handling of this kbuki theatre show from the git-go.
          You trust a government organisation with a stake in the business of these shots to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth? I sure don’t.

          THey have a\said from the beginning that NONE of these injections prevent the recipiant from contracting the disease, OR from preading it when they DO get it.

          Take a look at what is happening in Isreal.. 97% vaccintaed populationi READ the deaths, serious adverse reactioins, severtiy of cases, etc.

          By the bye , medically speaking there IS no such thing as “asymptomatic tramnsmission”. If you have a high enough viral load to spread it to those round about hyou, you have enough viral load to make you significatnly symptomatic. If yuo are not able to spread the disease, your viral load IS by definitoin too low for you to present any symptoms. That is from virology 101, back before the Woo Flew was invented. Viruses do not change how they work. It would not be a virus if it changed into something else.

      • Well, I think you should define “infection.” My understanding is that the vaccines are intended to cause a body to develop a means of fighting the virus more effectively than it otherwise would be able to, if it becomes infected, not unlike the natural “immunity” that body generally would have after having recovered from infection. They don’t “prevent” infection at all, but rather can help lessen the severity of infection and disease in the event of infection subsequent to vaccination.

        For the record, I don’t think there is any question that the vaccines can be effective in reducing disease. I am thinking that “becoming infected” and “developing disease” are two different things.

        • In fewer than five years how many deaths will be attributable to a year or more without cancer screenings? Personally, I know two people who were given terminal diagnoses for cancers caught too late. One was actually hospitalized and discharged repeatedly for what was thought to be COVID related pneumonia. Turns out it was lung cancer. Whoops.

          Well, as the vaxxholes say, could’ve been worse. If it was COVID he’d only have had a 99% chance to make it but since it’s lung caner, well…….

      • You my friend are a liar. Your comment does not reflect the data out of both the UK and Israel. Enjoy your shot.

      • “At my hospital, 98% of deaths from COVID have been unvaccinated patients.”

        Just WHO were all of those unvaccinated patients?

        I want to know how much this is a result of Biden’s border crisis?

        I also want to know how many of these people actually believed Democrats like Pelosi who publicly told people not to trust it because it came from Trump?

      • In the late 70’s a seasonal flu shot killed 5 people and was pulled of the market.
        My, how times change.

    • “Does the COVID19 vaccine, any of them, prevent the infection of the vaccinated or prevent the spreading of the virus?”

      No it does not. This is a scientific fact. You don’t need an MD to read the data for you. Check it yourself. One very big reason people are hesitant to get the vaccine is all of the lying and propaganda surrounding it. If we had an honest health professional instead of the super shady, constantly lying St. Fauci, then many more people would be vaccinated right now.

      The truth is that the vaccines will give you a better chance of not getting seriously ill from the WuFlu and not dying from it. Why is that so hard for the Big Pharma shills to say?

      • I understand that taking megadoses of vitamin C will make you nearly immune to the COVID as well. I’ve replaced my bowl of hard candies with vitamin C capsules.

        • It’s been 13 years since I’ve been sick. I took the flu shot and caught the flu. I haven’t taken the flu shot since then. Whenever I feel a cold coming on, I load up on Zicam. The cold symptoms never last more than a day.

      • “One very big reason people are hesitant to get the vaccine is all of the lying and propaganda surrounding it.”

        One of the first things being that it’s called a VACCINE when it so clearly isn’t.

      • I already knew the answer to the question. Just pointing out the obvious and enjoying the commentary.

        Having been infected 3 times, I’m pretty sure my ability to survive another infection is better than someone with an experimental mRNA shot. Also, when I have been sick, I am nearly asymptomatic and I still avoid exposing others.

        • I meant to just expand on your rhetorical question for the “other side” that frequents this site. My comment may have come across wrong.

    • Thats a bogus question. A vaccine, any vaccine, only decreases or prevents symptoms for a person if they become infected. Vaccines are not intended to prevent a person from being infected. They do, as a side benefit, by keeping symptoms minimal, keep an infected person from spreading a lot by decreasing symptoms which make a person eject bodily fluids like saliva from coughing.

      • Which does not mean they can not spread some, just lots less on average than an unvaccinated person.

        • And why would they care? The bride and I were vaccinated in Feb and Mar, are quite literally unconcerned about other dumbass “requirements”, “lockdowns”, or “mandates”, despite being 75 and me obese, bride with cancer, WTF is the matter with our country? The problem went away due to the Trump vaccine, dickwads like Bidden and Hairass, in an attempt to pretend they had some legitimate claim to fame, continue to run their pieholes about how everyone needs to simply SUBMIT! I will not.

        • Your web site will not post replies!!!

          A long reply, took time btw, never posted!


      • “by keeping symptoms minimal, keep an infected person from spreading a lot by decreasing symptoms which make a person eject bodily fluids like saliva from coughing.”

        The viral load tested is higher in the vaccinated than those without the vaccine. If you’re coughing and have Covid, then shouldn’t you be quarantining yourself? On the other hand, if you have a high viral load, and are vaccinated, you may be more likely to be asymptomatic. Wouldn’t that mean that you are more likely to be out spreading the virus?

        “any vaccine, only decreases or prevents symptoms”

        Are you saying someone that is vaccinated against polio will still contract polio, but only have mild polio symptoms?

        • 1. viral load levels is not an indicator of vaccine effectiveness. Its possible for any person with any vaccine, for example, flu vaccine, to have higher load levels of the virus than a non-vaccinated person. However, in the general population on average the vaccinated have lower load levels than the unvaccinated.

          2. Yes, its possible for someone to have been vaccinated against polio to still contract polio and have mild symptoms but “possible” is not the real question. That’s also a bogus question, because the real question is how likely is it to happen. A vaccine for polio can’t be compared to another vaccine for a virus like SARs type viruses. Each is completely different, but each vaccine shares one common trait and that is the likelihood of prevention of symptoms and at what level and that’s the question that matters.

          Vaccines are developed based upon the average effect in the overall population, not groups or clusters or individual symptoms or viral load. The COVID vaccine in the overall general population on average decreases or eliminates symptoms in an infected person, it does not keep a person from becoming infected, and with the side benefit of decreasing spread by decreasing or eliminating symptoms in a vaccinated person if they do become infected and in doing so the decreasing or eliminating symptoms means less spreading via ejection of bodily fluids like saliva droplets when coughing.

          3. Yes, a truely asymptomatic person who is or is not vaccinated and is out in public does run the risk of spreading if they are infected, but vaccinated they are less likely to spread very much or none at all because they are asymptomatic. On the other hand an infected person will always 100% of the time spread, its impossible for them not to be a high risk for spread thus this is where the mask for the infected enters with trying to trying to keep those saliva droplets from getting into the air by decreasing and limiting their range of travel. Being truly asymptomatic means you don’t exhibit any of the symptoms which includes at some point in the virus course for everyone coughing which ejects droplets of saliva that contain the virus.

          4. Any vector of infection can spread, its a matter of how likely that spread is and not if they will. And this brings us to quarantine. A symptomatic or asymptomatic person in quarantine is less likely to spread BEYOND their quarantine environment, not less likely to spread because they went into quarantine because they could have spread before they went into quarantine. One can be symptomatic and for a while not exhibit symptoms that give them reason to suspect they have COVID, and this is the insidious part of the disease because during that time (which varies with the person) the person is still infected and every bit of bodily fluids they eject is loaded with virus. This can be tears, saliva, sweat in some cases, just speaking and breathing is spreading the virus. Its insidious because by the person starts having symptoms characteristic of COVID they have already exposed at least 100 or more people to the virus within four days of contracting it and before they exhibit symptoms. This happens because every person they have come in contact with since they were infected has been exposed and they in turn expose others. Its true that some people may not exhibit symptoms after being infected but it does not mean they do not have symptoms, the level of symptoms could be so low that its masked by other things like a cold for example or they could be so minor as to be even not noticed at all but they are still there and that person is still passing it on at some load level. this is where masks enter the picture for those who are not infected and already vaccinated, to keep from inhaling the droplets from others who are infected at some level of infection but do not know it.

          5. No one is immune to COVID. Its true that some people have a very high resistance to exhibiting symptoms of COVID, however, this does not mean that are asymptomatic. In 100% of all people tested that were suspected of being “immune” every one of them proved to have moderate to high load levels of the virus and were spreaders and did have some minor symptom like a short duration small spike in temp they didn’t notice. If someone tells you they are “immune”, its not true, if someone tells you they have been exposed a lot and did not come down with COVID you need to run away then because they are most likely spreading and if neither of you were wearing a mask its a pretty good chance you have been infected at some virus load level.

          But for spreading —– everyone with or has been exposed to the virus can spread. Its just a matter of how likely it is to happen and in general population on average its less likely a vaccinated person can spread.

        • Bobby, I appreciate your basic human decency, but I’m not sure your time is well spent attempting to correct so many on this list regarding their love of medical disinformation.

        • “1. viral load levels is not an indicator of vaccine effectiveness.”

          I never said it was. I’m talking about spreading Covid. A higher viral load is easier to spread.

          2. “A vaccine for polio can’t be compared to another vaccine for a virus like SARs type viruses.”

          You don’t say. But, here’s the comment you made that I was responding to:
          “A vaccine, any vaccine, only decreases or prevents symptoms for a person if they become infected.”

          No, of course, you’re moving the goal posts.

          3. “they are less likely to spread very much or none at all because they are asymptomatic.”

          That’s cool since the entire theory behind the mask mandates was to prevent asymptomatic spread. Thank you for debunking mask mandates for us. I agree that you’re less likely to spread when you’re asymptomatic, but you’re also less likely to spread when you become symptomatic and continue to go out in public.

          On the other hand, you can still cough when you’re asymptomatic. People cough all of the time. A higher viral load will mean it’s easier to spread the virus.

          4. “One can be symptomatic and for a while not exhibit symptoms”

          This is false by definition. You have no idea what you’re talking about, do you?

          5. “In 100% of all people tested that were suspected of being “immune” every one of them proved to have moderate to high load levels of the virus and were spreaders and did have some minor symptom”
          “But for spreading —– everyone with or has been exposed to the virus can spread.”

          Now you’re debunking your prior claims within this same comment. Again, you have no idea what you’re talking about, do you?

        • @Dude re: my main reply to you.

          You are reading and picking out of context, and interjecting misleading information you have picked up else where based on common misconceptions and confusion.

          for example

          “4. “One can be symptomatic and for a while not exhibit symptoms”

          your response:

          “This is false by definition.”

          Why it is not false:

          When you get infected with a virus your body tries to react to it by attacking the virus. That reaction is also a symptom. The noticeable symptoms of COVID like fever for example is just the outward manifestation of the body reaction to the symptom of the body response. By the time you feel the outward signs you have already been symptomatic for a bit because your body started reacting to it when you got infected.

          When we speak of vaccinated asymptomatic we are referring to the outward signs. In people who have been vaccinated the body reacts to the virus but not as a symptom but rather in a suppression mode for the body aided by the vaccine so the virus can’t develop to cause outward signs. In an vaccinated person who is asymptomatic the virus just doesn’t develop to the point of having outward signs. Both still have the virus present. In a person who is infected and does not develop outward signs for a bit, they are still symptomatic because their body is reacting to the virus even if they do not yet have outward signs.

          One does not need to have outward signs to be symptomatic.

        • ““1. viral load levels is not an indicator of vaccine effectiveness.”

          Your response:

          “I never said it was. I’m talking about spreading Covid. A higher viral load is easier to spread.”

          You implied that viral load levels was an indicator of vaccine effectiveness.

          “A higher viral load is easier to spread.”

          This is false. Any viral load of any amount is just as easy to spread as a higher or lower viral load amount. Spread does not depend on viral load amount, it depends on transmission method.

          “That’s cool since the entire theory behind the mask mandates was to prevent asymptomatic spread. ”

          This is false. The idea of the mask is to limit spread (via the main carrier of airborne droplets) from or to people thus limit transmission. It does not matter if they are asymptomatic or not.

          “On the other hand, you can still cough when you’re asymptomatic. People cough all of the time. A higher viral load will mean it’s easier to spread the virus.”

          Once again, a higher viral load does not mean its easier to spread the virus. Spread isn’t just by coughing, I was using coughing as an example. Any action that expels moisture droplets from your body can cause spread, breathing and speaking can do it too as when you breath and speak your exhale contains moisture droplets.

          I posted:

          “5. “In 100% of all people tested that were suspected of being “immune” every one of them proved to have moderate to high load levels of the virus and were spreaders and did have some minor symptom”
          “But for spreading —– everyone with or has been exposed to the virus can spread.”

          You replied:
          “Now you’re debunking your prior claims within this same comment. Again, you have no idea what you’re talking about, do you?”

          You don’t understand what you are reading. I said “everyone with or has been exposed to the virus can spread.” and its in context with what i posted previous in the reply. Anyone who has been exposed to or has the virus can spread it – but lets look at the context overall, and that is its a matter of likelihood which was one of my beginning points.

          You are confirmation biased in your reading.

        • 4. “One can be symptomatic and for a while not exhibit symptoms”

          This is still false by definition. What I believe you’re trying to describe is referred to as pre-symptomatic. That means you have the virus, and you’re about to feel the symptoms. Again, you have no idea what you’re talking about do you?

          1. “You implied that viral load levels was an indicator of vaccine effectiveness.”

          No I did not. You didn’t understand my comment, made assumptions, and you still refuse to understand it after I explained it you.

          Bobby: “This is false. Any viral load of any amount is just as easy to spread as a higher or lower viral load amount.”

          Actually no, you’re wrong again. See article linked below:

          Dr Michael Kidd, of the PHE Public Health Laboratory in Birmingham, and his team analysed a total of 641 samples based on tests from symptomatic patients and found evidence of B117 among other variants.

          “It does seem as though the patients with this variant have higher viral loads – then the OBVIOUS thing is it is EASIER for them TO SPREAD IT to other people,” Kidd said

          Bobby said: “This is false. The idea of the mask is to limit spread (via the main carrier of airborne droplets) from or to people thus limit transmission. It does not matter if they are asymptomatic or not.”

          No sh*t sherlock. The point I was making was that people said you may not know that you have Covid (asymptomatic), so you could be out spreading it without realizing it, therefore mask up. If you were symptomatic, then you knew you were sick, and you were supposed to be quarantining yourself. The masks were never for a bunch of symptomatic people going to school and work. Are you playing dumb or is this really you?

          Bobby said: “Once again, a higher viral load does not mean its easier to spread the virus.”

          Since you couldn’t admit that you have no idea what you’re talking about, I have to smack down the same dumb statements multiple times. You guys worship the expert class, so let’s hear from them:

          Nasal swabs reveal that people infected with Delta have 1,000 times more virus particles in their upper respiratory systems than those who were infected with the coronavirus that sparked the pandemic in the first place.

          “That means every cough, every sneeze is packed with that much more virus,” said Dr. Jaimie Meyer, an infectious disease physician at Yale Medicine in New Haven, Conn.

          Bobby said: “Anyone who has been exposed to or has the virus can spread it”

          I agree with that. It’s important to note, however, that the vaccines don’t prevent you from catching it or spreading it. I also agree that you’re less likely to spread a virus if you aren’t coughing and sneezing all over the place. Now why can’t the Big Pharma shills admit something this simple and true?

          “You are confirmation biased in your reading.”

          Absolutely not. I quote you and respond. The context above was that the vaccines don’t prevent you from catching it or spreading it which you seemed to disagree with. Maybe I misunderstood you like you misunderstood me above even after I explained it to you. One shouldn’t assume what another thinks.

    • Nope. And , apparently; this guy doesn’t need our money.
      For the record:
      I’m not ” anti vax”. I’m” anti mandate”. I was offered and accepted the clot shot(Phizer)at one of my jobs back in January and February respectively. No side effects, although I did see some who had a range of them going from simple anxiety and discomfort to more serious ones
      I wasn’t worried before the shots. I ,at that point;was thinking along the lines of ” OK. If we get sufficient vaccines,the PTB can’t legitimately maintain the shutdown and restriction measures that they apparently have a liking for. So let’s take that off the table”. Obviously, I was wrong;and that continually moving goalpost is like the sawdust rabbit at a dog track.
      Had they” mandated” or tried to; myself and others would have told them to catch a cold and die;and made them can us.
      Now, with the ever escalating lies, pressure and actual vaccine injuries and obvious money grab(ie ” boosters, making children-who AREN’T at risk-get the shot) I’m rapidly becoming contemptuous of the Bleating Of The Sheep and their weaponization of hypochondria, malignant overreach and the widespread cognitive dissonance that seems to have this fool at NAA and the others almost HOPING for others to be harmed for ” not choosing what they should have”.

    • Ragnar, the answer to your *critical* question is very clear, it is “both yes and no”! We have been informed with absolute authority that 1) The vaccinated can both contract and transmit the virus (which would seem to mean the vaccine is useless), and 2) the vaccinated can neither contract nor transmit the infection (which I choose to believe), and therefore should be removed from consideration on the subject, period. If you’ve been vaccinated you are no longer involved. No mask, shoulder to shoulder with thousands, there is no threat to you. And you are no threat to others. If that is the case, mandates should all be dropped, if you choose to refuse vaccination you are on your own, our nation is based on the concept of FREEDOM, not absolute guarantees of safety from silliness. But 20 years from now we will have the answer for you, today the REAL answer is that no one knows. Everybody is wiling to tell you the answer, but nobody actually knows the answer yet.

      • As I stated above, I already knew the answer.

        My next question is; why is natural immunity not being recognized? Why must those with natural immunity from previous infections being told, threatened even, that they must get an experimental mRNA shot?

        • “why is natural immunity not being recognized?”

          My theory: some of it is politics, but it’s mostly $$$$. The pols and media refusing to acknowledge natural immunity are nothing more than shills for Big Pharma. They don’t make money from natural immunity or generic drugs, existing treatments, etc.

    • The Covid spike protein injection does not prevent catching Covid and it does not prevent transmission of the virus, either.

      It’s NOT a vaccine as we have traditionally known the definition, it has no weaked Covid in it at all. Covid has not been isolated or multiplied in vitro for that.

      Mr Chisholm’s expectations of what he THINKS he knows is mirrored in society to a degree, however, as time goes by and the science keeps coming out, what we have learned about it is substantially different that what the press or current Administration has said. Dr Fauci’s constantly changing and highly contradictory statements are also part of the problem.

      Another issue is that the “covid” test so commonly referred to is actually a generic Sars virus test, it cannot tell the difference from covid or the flu, and cannot tell the difference between live or dead virus. In fact, you can have the test, be pronounced negative and start suffering the symptoms within hours. I was tested negative for surgery and I was suffering Covid within hours.

      So much for testing.

      Unfortunately Mr Chisholm has stated some very underinformed opinions which are likely tainted by the misinformation deliberately propagated in the media. How that affects his business isn’t on those who withold their purchases, it’s on him and him alone. As a business owner it’s exclusively his choice to reveal his opinion, and since he chose to express himself, that is exactly where the blame can lay. He could have kept his personal opinion to himself, and we’d be none the wiser, his business would continue as it had.

      When you expose your opinion and then wrap your business in that limelight don’t blame anyone else. I look forward to his complete retraction in a few months, like many others who now publicly question what they were told and how it’s NOT what has happened to them. I don’t wish on him the tragic results of others, tho. Unlike him, this isn’t a time to incant dire health or death on innocent Americans who are being lied to and decieved.

      We were supposed to mask to flatten the curve. Now we are being demonized, told we will lose our jobs, and the goal posts keep moving. Hesse, in Germany, has instructed grocery stores to refuse sales to all the unvaccinated, and Israel, where most are vaxxed, just lost their vaxx passport to force them to take another booster shot to regain it. It is now said by the makers their initial 8 month vaxx is only good for weeks and repeated boosters are needed.

      Pfizer reports they will bank $33 BILLION in sales and every booster could earn as much as $5 BILLION more in profit. Mr Chisholm can hate the unvaxxed all he wants, as of right now the vaxxed are the majority of patients in E wards in Israel and Wales, with our numbers obscured with contrived rules to suppress the actual number.

      Yet Texas, Florida, and other states who dropped or didn’t have mandates rank the lowest in cases and hospitalizations, along with Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland.

      None of this, of course, seems to be in his database of knowledge. And neither will one of his products be in my possession. We will see who suffers more for it.

      • Unfortunately, the pols (including the most powerful and influential politician, Fauci) and media are focused on politics and shilling for Big Pharma $$$. If they were focused on saving lives then we would hear more about treatments and prevention, as well as an honest assessment of natural immunity, outside of the one size fits all “pandemic cure” vaccine.

  2. Mr. Chisholm, no one wants the impotent death traps you market as firearms anyway. I have friends who are literally midgets. They own glocks. I’m glad you’re proud of your Fauci-ouchie, and I hope the jab kills you. I eat COVID and all of its variants for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. P.S. whatever happened to the flu? Cuck.

    • B-b-but, nobody wants to get shot with one! According to dumb people, that makes them great for self-defense!

    • James,

      NAA has been on my “never buy” list since I first heard of them. Relatively crap products, with their ONLY virtue being their relatively low price. There are lots of bargain options out there that are FAR superior to anything NAA puts out. Now that I know the CEO is an elitist @$$hole, NAA has now gone on my “wouldn’t take one if you paid me to” list.

        • “NAA will be just fine regardless of whether you two clowns do business with them.”

          Oh, thank goodness.
          Now I can sleep well at night. 🙄

          Troll harder 🤡.

        • Let me guess – NAA will do just fine because there are ignorant clowns like you out there who will happily drop two and a half to three bills for a poorly made POS “pistol” that is an inconvenient, slow, pain-in-the-@$$ to reload, is “accurate” enough to get most of the bullets on the paper SOMEWHERE at 10 yards or less, and ain’t made all that well, with a grip that REQUIRES and unnatural and relatively ineffective hand position. I shot an NAA mini-revolver at range sessions with a friend who owned one (he had bad taste in women, too). It was crap. The recoil is too snappy to maintain sight picture (and the sights are s***, too) – it’s a “point shoot” gun, at best.

          Single action only revolvers are for Cowboy Action Shooting and collecting – they have no place in rational self-defense carry – and if you’re going to use the old “it’s a back-up gun” trope, well, there are better back-up guns. MUCH better. There are micro-compact single stack .22 and .25 pistols that have an equal or better grip, are almost as small (and equally concealable, unless you are an anorexic midget), and fire better self-defense cartridges.

          The case FOR an NAA mini-revolver is simply incoherent – and would be even if they WERE well made. It requires an inconvenient/ineffective hand position to hold, fires a sub-optimal cartridge, is slightly better than “spray and pray” accuracy (and that is a deal point with a cartridge that requires good shot placement to have any effectiveness).

          Dude, you have a NAA mini, and you like it? Great, you do you. But arguing that is something other than the cheap POS that it is makes you look like a clown.

      • “Relatively crap products, with their ONLY virtue being their relatively low price.”

        The older ones (+20 years) had some problems, I had one.

        I have a newer one, and the quality is vastly improved. It has been rock-solid in performance for me.

        It’s a compromise gun, as all guns are. For its unequaled compactness of size, there’s no better, except for the wonderful (and long out of production) 2-shot derringers from High Standard…

        • Geoff,

          I respect and enjoy your opinions; you seem like an ‘honest broker’ when it comes to gun issues.

          It would SLIGHTLY change my opinion if I had convincing evidence that the NAA revolvers had evolved from “KelTec level thrown together POSs – without the innovative design elements that make KelTec BARELY tolerable” to . . . a better-made POS, that still has no credible option for grip/hand position, is MARGINALLY ‘accurate’, shoots a substandard cartridge, is a pain-in-the-@$$ to reload, and ain’t that much (if any) more concealable than better options.

          Gee, what an improvement!! I can buy a POS, relatively ineffective “self-defense” gun that is a pain in the @$$ to shoot, or spend another $200 or so, and get a DECENT, modern, concealable handgun. Hmmmm . . . I think I’ll pass on the NAA POS. Even before finding out that its CEO is a nitwit, authoritarian clown.

          If you like your NAA, you can keep your NAA. I prefer better options, and am willing to pay for them. I am personally fond of revolvers . . . but I don’t carry one for personal defense. As a ‘bear gun’ to wear while I’m hunting? Sure (although my younger son has ditched his .44magnum revolver in favor of a 10mm semi-auto on his hunts). As an EDC defense weapon? Sorry, I’ll pass.


    • I’ve been swimming in covid since it started, bitch, and I have not gotten it. Some people are naturally resistant. Some had a previous corona virus like SARS, or MERS, or any of the 4 or 5 others that cause common colds, and they have antibodies even a decade later. Some people had mild cases of covid and are now immune.

      The only family memeber I’ve lost to covid was vaccinated. Several unvaccinated diabetic, obese, COPD family members got it and recovered with no permanent issues.

      At work I’ve watched old people with a dozen serious co morbidities get it and recover like it was any pneumonia, and I’ve watch young barn building Amish guys built like brick shithouses suffer horribly and die. It’s different for everyone. There are a lot of factors and variables and anyone who says they understand them all or there is a magic bullet solution is blowing smoke up your ass.

      I bet back in 2020 you were calling it the Trump vaccine and saying you would never take it.

      • “I’ve been swimming in covid since it started, bitch, and I have not gotten it“

        The plural of anecdote is not data.

        • And the definition of “I believe it because someone who supposedly knows what he/she is talking about said so, and all the ‘smart folks’ believe him/her” is intellectual laziness and pathetic credulity. If you are too lazy/stupid to actually do your own research, and objectively EVALUATE the claims being made by the “experts”, that’s your problem. Having St. Fauxi give me his LATEST spin, after his history of flip-flopping, ridiculous projections that were never subsequently reported on (after they proved to be as bat-s*** crazy as many of us knew they were when made), and flat out lies, means exactly diddly-squat to me. But for brainless sheep like you and dacian the dim, as long as one of YOUR alleged “smart people” says something (especially if it agrees with your political prejudices), well, that makes it gospel.

          MinorIQ, you are a pathetic clown of a brainwashed Leftist sheep, who wouldn’t know an original idea if it fell out of the sky, landed on your face, and started to wiggle. You “know” nothing that you haven’t been fed by your self-designated “experts” – who have been right about absolutely nothing, ever – but you keep drinkin’ that Kool-Aid.

          I like your comments, MinorIQ – for no ‘price of admission’, I get to enjoy you beclowning yourself on the daily. I always chortle when I see a MinorIQ comment – “Oh, goodie! What inane nonsense is the idjit spouting, NOW?”.

    • Your caps lock is sticking. Looks like your brain might be sticking as well. And, you should fix that broken TV tuner, it’s stuck on CNN, and those talking points are soaking into your head. Actually, you don’t sound like you’re from North Texas at all. You’re probably from Bahhston.

    • NTexas,

      Please do all of us a favor, and learn how your “caps lock” key works. Putting your incoherent rants in ALL CAPS just takes annoying comments and makes them “avoid even reading this drivel”. Do better.

  4. Dude. think what you think. say what you will. have the balls to stand behind how you feel and what you say. when folks tell you to GFY and take business elsewhere, you need to understand that is the cost for freedom of expression.

    hiding behind? I am sorry for my language makes you sound like a pussy. those are you words and thoughts. you still like when the unvaccinatwd die, you just wish you said it nicer. you are still a shit no matter. GFY.

    • The stats show you are way less likely to die if you are vaccinated. That is fact no one can lie about.

      • You’re welcome to follow the links to the studies cited in the article I linked to, but I suspect you’re way too lazy and disinterested to bother, so I’ll sum it up for you. The vaccine immunity wanes and after 6 months may actually leave you more susceptible to the disease than the unvaccinated. Natural immunity is far superior. Bottom line is more people have died in the USA of COVID in 2021 than in 2020. Not only do we have the vaccines but we know much more about how to treat severe cases now than in 2020, so something must not be working.

        • “Bottom line is more people have died in the USA of COVID in 2021 than in 2020.”

          So using the Left’s standard of 2020, that means every death is on Joe Biden’s hands. He was even handed over vaccines that were fast tracked by the previous administration. Hmm… I’m sure it’s still Trump’s fault.

        • To the Governor.

          If you would stay off of nut case far right web sites you would realize what you said was untrue. Also you do not know if you will ever get natural immunity if you wait to see and end up dead. Even a 5th grader could understand that fact.

        • to Dud Brain

          Anyone who would defend how Trump handled the pandemic is either in need of psychiatric care or is an abject total liar. It was only after Biden took over that he put the full weight of the Federal Government behind funding the fight to end the pandemic. Under Trump and the greed monger gangster criminal Republicans they left it up to the states and it was a disaster as many of the States were bankrupt before the pandemic and did not have the recourses or the man power to do much of anything and they didn’t. Only a Moron like yourself who worships Trump because he is a racist could not see the truth or the history which has been right in your face unless of course you only hang out on Foxy News which is Trump run.

          The majority of all vaccines happened under the guidance of Biden.

          Give up Dud Brain only a retard would believe your outrageous posts while kissing the dick of Trump.

        • The proof is in the pudding small d. More are dying under puppet Joe. Puppet Joe is intentionally withholding life saving medication from people for political reasons. He’s as sick as you are.

        • And who can forget puppet Joe’s brilliant plan for saving America from the virus? 100 days of masking up! Remember that? LOL

          I’m sure the formula used to come up with the amount of days required was very complex. It was pure coincidence that it came out to a number like 100. I’m sure it was totally not arbitrary at all. /s

        • ” It was only after Biden took over that he put the full weight of the Federal Government behind funding the fight to end the pandemic.”

          Strange, more are dead now under Biden than all of under Trump…

        • Dacian, what part of ‘follow the links’ did you not understand? I don’t think the NIH is a far right website.

          Also, I have natural immunity. It was a mild flu. I did wake up 3 times one night in a cold sweat so I did break a fever. Otherwise no big deal at all. I’ll happily take my chances next time around.

        • ” you do not know if you will ever get natural immunity if you wait to see and end up dead ”

          Well, dead is also natural immunity, so…

        • Dud Brain you live in your own kiss the dick of Trump fantasy world

          There were 500,000 deaths under Trump or have you already forgotten about that. Seek help so you can stop lying between your teeth.

        • “Dud Brain you live in your own kiss the dick of Trump fantasy world”

          I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised to hear such a filthy homosexual slur from the resident hateful bigot, small d.

          “There were 500,000 deaths under Trump or have you already forgotten about that.”

          Your TV doctors are lying to you again lil’ d.

          “As of October 13, 2021, a total of 718,681 COVID-19 deaths have been reported in the United States.”

          Also CDC:
          “COVID-19 death total in 2020: 345,323”

          718,681 – 345,323 = 2021 total of 373,358. Can you tell which number is larger, lil’ d? We still have 2.5 months to go.

        • to Dud Brain

          quote———-I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised to hear such a “censored, censored” slur from the resident hateful bigot, small -quote

          No Dud Brain your the Trump sucker. Notice the use of the word “your” grammar police, ha,ha.

        • I’m a liar by quoting the CDC? Are you accusing the CDC of lying? Your link is from January of 2021. My link from the CDC was from last week. I know there were some articles about revising the Covid deaths due to initial over-reporting.

          Yeah right, I’m sure everyone here believes that you intentionally use the wrong word as YOU’RE calling people morons because that makes perfect sense. All smart people do that. LOL

      • Citation, dips***??????????

        No, of course not. And if you COULD link a ‘study’, I’m willing to be a hefty chunk o’ change you could not define the study parameters, comment on the statistical rigor of said study, or recognize any flaws in the data interpretation. You read headlines, in your Leftist thought bubble (and that not very well), and claim a mantle of “intellect” and “education” (which you have still not supported).

        You are a brainless troll, with delusions of gender.

        • to the “The lamp that went out in his head”

          Look Moron we had a Doctor post here today and all the ignorant Hill Jacks like yourself screamed at him “Do not confuse us with Science and medical facts as we wish to remain ignorant”

          Sorry but I will stick with a Medical Doctors posts. Its time for you to wade through the cow shit and milk the cows Jethro.

        • Shorter dacian the dim,

          “I believe every word that comes out of Fauxi’s mouth, so I don’t NEED to read or understand actual clinical studies!!”

          Good Sweet Baby Jeebus on a Nuclear-powered pogo stick, dacian, you are a poster child for pig-ignorant “credentialism”. I’m betting that your ALLEGED extensive “education” never included little details like research, logic, or critical thinking (or, apparently, thinking of ANY variety).

          You are such a caricature of a woke Leftist idiot, you debunk yourself every time you set fingers to keyboard. BTW, dacian the dim, how do Fauxi’s, Brandon’s and Heels-up Harris’ d***s taste?

      • Who didn’t know this asshat was simply going to regurgitate the socialist talking points? Hell, I’d even bet he simply copied and pasted it from someplace else.

      • The vaccinated are the ones who spread it this summer…there was a video about it by an Expert in the field, but of course taken down by the nazi social media. Before covid- 35 million cases of flu that year…after covid – 2,000…people who don’t see what a scam they pulled on us are Fucking idiots…period.

      • COVID is an engineered virus. It was MEANT to go on for years. Don’t believe me? Do a search for patents on the COVID itself, as well as the treatments. COVID was patented years before it was released. The only question is, whether it was released intentionally. It’s about equally possible that the release was unintentional. But, guarandamntee – COVID was genetically engineered, partly with money from Bill Gates and from our own NIH.

        • Actually it was Faucci that was funneling $$$ to the Wuhan lab for gain of function research. Illegally, btw.

      • How so Dacian?
        If the vaccine works what’s the fear of the virus.
        You got yours I didnt get mine, why would you fear me having covid?
        Because supposedly I should only be able to infect the unvaccinated.
        Parvo was supposed to eradicate the coyotes, they dont get it no more but your dogs do. Coyotes didnt have veterinarians giving them vaccines. A bunch died, some lived it’s how nature works.
        Ahh the Human, wanna be gods living forever.

        • “You got yours I didnt get mine, why would you fear me having covid?”

          Because the TV doctors told him to be afraid. If there’s one thing we know about lil’ d, it’s that he always listens to the TV doctors, especially the political ones.

        • Dud brain your the biggest Moron on this site. Of course I listen to Science and the Medical profession. You are so wacked out you do not even know how asinine your posts are.

        • According to the wacked out and totally ignorant Hill Jacks on this site we should not vaccinate children for diphtheria, small pox, polio, mumps or all the other child hood diseases.

          What we do need is A National Health Care plan that would treat these wacko’s mental problems and also give them a good sedation.

        • “Dud brain your the biggest Moron on this site. Of course I listen to Science and the Medical profession.”

          For the last time its YOU’RE. And no, you only listen to the professionals that tell you what you want to hear. I’m sure you don’t realize this, but sometimes scientists and doctors disagree.

          A comedian and podcaster just called out one of your TV doctors in a lie, and your TV doctor admitted it.

          Also, quote me where I said people shouldn’t get the vaccine. I’m for people being informed and making their own decisions. I’m against the constant lying and propaganda.

        • to Dud Brain
          quote—————-A comedian and podcaster just called out one of your TV doctors in a lie, and your TV doctor admitted it.———–quote

          Wow you really are a nut case. Now your telling us Comedians and podcasters are more to be believed than the Medical Profession who spend their entire lives studying infectious diseases.

        • dacian the dim,

          No, you flippin’ peabrain, NO ONE is saying that we rely on Joe Rogan for medical advice. What we ARE saying is that Sajay Gupta, one of your ilk’s “experts” on matters COVID, went on Rogan’s show and ADMITTED that he and CNN lied about Ivermectin. ADMITTED it. Out loud. Unequivocally. And then the next night, he went on clown Don Lemon’s show, and doubled down on his original lie – after freely admitting, the day before, that it was a lie.

          Think that might have something to do with why the rest of us who comment on this blog find your (and MinorIQ’s) pretensions to intellect, and your reliance on proven lying “experts”, to be so laughable. Why would ANY rational person believe a word that came out of Fauxi’s or Gupta’s lying mouths? Oh, I guess I answered my own question – you and MinorIQ are many things, but “rational” isn’t on the list.

        • Me: “and your TV doctor admitted it.”

          lil’ d: “Now your telling us Comedians and podcasters are more to be believed than the Medical Profession”

          Now you’re telling us you aren’t even reading the comments you respond to.

          Okay, maybe this is the last time? Its YOU’RE.

        • To Dud Brain
          Your so dumb you do not realize comedians and politicians often twist what doctors say.

        • And Dud Brain I have been using your instead of you’re just to see if you caught on to what I was doing. You didn’t.

        • To The Lamp That Went Out In His Head
          quote————Why would ANY rational person believe a word that came out of Fauxi’s or Gupta’s lying mouths?———–quote

          Your ignorance is appalling. We believe them because they are on accredited news programs that have won many awards while Far Right Nut case news media like Fox News has won Zero awards. Its not rocket science except to the ignorant.

        • Shorter dacian the dim,

          “I believe in “Teh Science” as told to me by outlets that all of the smart people who agree with my political opinions (and are certified by other ‘smart people’ who agree with THEIR political opinions) have told me to believe!!!”

          dacian, you aren’t even a decent caricature – you’re just a loudmouth clown of a pathetic sheep. Have a nice life . . . naah, just f*** off and expire.

        • To Wacked out of his head
          quote—————–So explain the 35 million cases of flu before covid and the 2,000 cases of flu after…MORON…———-quote

          The only ignorant Moron is you. Its an easy question to answer for anyone with brain one. The mandatory wearing of masks in many states, the shut down of many businesses, and the social distancing and shut down of schools all contributed to a flue season that was the lowest on record.

          It astonishing the amount of ignorant Hill Jacks that are still against the vaccine and you are one of the star poster boys.

        • dacian the dim,

          “flue season”?????

          Are we all supposed to replace our chimneys because dacian the dim (and his self-selected “experts”) tell us so??

          Pass, child.

      • Since it has been proven COVID can infect animals living by themselves in nature, it already will never go away.

        • If an animal is living by itself in nature, how the hell can you claim ANYTHING has been proven about it? That statement is nonsensical, an obvious lie.

      • Oh…you mean all those fancy 99 cent store masks littered all over the streets?..or those cheap handkerchief ones? No way your explanation makes 35 million cases go to 2,000…what a sheep…please explain why there aren’t thousands of dead homeless all over the streets…no masks, no vaccines…you would’ve made a great nazi…

  5. By the numbers this covid-paranoia everyone has is textbook irrational phobia. 99.8% get over it just fine. Sure, we’re a nation of lazy fat fucks but with the hysterics going on you’d think we’re sitting at a population that’s 99% geriatric, morbidly obese and quadriplegic.

    I foolishly expected that as time went on and the data came out people’s fear would temper and reason would set it. Now I’m seeing this heightened paranoia jumping to the seasonal flu so it looks like we’ll never be rid of these assholes. At least not until a real pandemic worth worrying about sweeps through and wipes them all out.

    Spare me the anecdotes. The data doesn’t lie. It may be sexist, racist and transphobic but it doesn’t lie.

    • A friend of mine pointed out “How many people have died at home from covid? How many news stories have you heard that went ‘Another body of someone who died from covid found in their apartment .’ or ‘Another family all found dead of covid in their house'”

      This pandemic is less deadly than gas leaks.

    • Shire-man said “I foolishly expected”

      You’ve got to factor in the success of government over the last 20 years, in overhyping terrorism, the creation of DHS and all it’s subsidiaries like TSA. The propagandists know their trade, and the sheeple aren’t given a chance to recover. 24-7, new propaganda is released to keep the sheep off balance.

    • So true, just ask Ruger.
      It’s been ~35 years, and people STILL remember the BS Bill spewed to Congress.

      SOP? Kick a cheating whore to the curb, then NEVER allow her to darken your doorstep again.

      • Ruger has seen its sales grow in an almost straight line since those comments. The company had revenue of $556 M in 2020? Yeah, they’re really hurting. Everyone says they won’t buy Ruger, but then does anyway. Typical of right wing doofs to loudly say one thing, but actually do the exact opposite.

        • Teh CEO,

          Perhaps “Chief Clown” would be a better handle for you.

          Yes, Ruger sells a lot of guns. And yes, their products ain’t COMPLETE shite (merely WAY too heavy, and not particularly accurate). I own a couple. Doesn’t mean Bill Ruger wasn’t an opportunist sell-out, who expressed (stupid) public opinions that attempted to shaft the gun community, because they (at the time) might have boosted HIS sales (since, at the time, he produced relatively few semi-auto pistols, compared to his revolver sales).

          But Bill Ruger is dead. His company now produces some decent, practical, modern firearms. I buy them as necessary to fill in my gunsafe, like when I gave my Colt Python to my son, and replaced it with a Ruger GP100, ’cause it was a cheap substitute for a gun I rarely used. Doesn’t mean Bill Ruger wasn’t an opportunistic, lying POS.

          Next time you, dacian the dim, and MinorIQ have a circular mutual onanism session, y’all might want to give some thought to applying intellectual consistency, in the future.

          Hah!! “. . . intellectual . . . ” consistency. Like any of you are capable of ANYTHING “intellectual”.

  6. Am vaccinated but this guy others pushing mandates can fuck off. He just made range toys and while I wanted one of the belt buckle guns I’ll just spend my money on a million other things a million times more fun/practical. Boot lickers need to be put in the camps they’d love so much.

  7. He backed down because he feared lost sales. He fooled no one and would have gotten more respect if he had NOT apologized because he was correct in everything he said and the majority of Americans who are sane agreed with him.

    And the average gun owner is not the type of people who hang out on right wing gun nut forums anyway so his fear of lost sales was more imaginary than real. The average person forgets most statements completely 3 months later. If they did not politicians would never get reelected.

    And despite all of the rectum gas from the Far Right if they need your product because your product is either unique or fits in with a need they forget all about politics and buy what they want and need.

    And the best part of his statements was that he was correct when he said “We are getting rid rid of thousands of the Far Right Neanderthals that will not be alive to see the next election”.

  8. At a personal level, I partially agree with him. I think it is much better to get the vaccine than not, and it is free. I take no pleasure in anyone’s suffering – I had the it back in Mar 2020 and not being able to breathe is a scary thing.

    I have to respect other people’s wishes on not wanting the vaccine. It is a choice and should remain so. Spouting off junk science to anyone who will listen could make you morally complicit in their death.

    People in charge of companies need to stay out of hot issue politics – it will always return to bite them in the posterior regions. Their stance will always affect the business, there are more people depending on your business’s success than just you, so maybe KYMS for the sake of your employees?

    • I had covid. I got over it. I regained my sense of taste & smell. I won’t get the vaccine poison especially when a guy I know dropped dead 2 days after getting the jab. Never thought NAA was worth getting(seem junky). The owner just cut his throat. SOL slick…

    • ‘…and it is free.’

      ‘There’s no such thing as a free lunch.’ – Milton Friedman.

    • “and it is free”

      Oh yes, such the bargain.

      Just believe the government flip/flops and sacrifice the civil rights that allows you and your physician to decide what’s best for you.

      Because SloJoe sez one size fits all medical treatment is ALWAYS best for everyone dontchaknow.
      I’m SloJoe, and I forget this message.🤪

      Anyone who wants the Fauxchee Ouchee is welcome to get it. For some people it’s the best choice.

      For others, it’s not.

      ‘I believe you have my stapler?’
      -Milton Waddams.

  9. Perhaps when someone e loves dies from a “breakthrough” infection, known by those who are acquainted with yearly flu shots, as what regularly happens to a surprisingly high percentage, he will realize karma is not merely a bitch, but a vindictive, bat-shit crazy, ex-wife, Bitch!

  10. Everyone is getting too emotional about this. People just need to calm down, relax, and come to grips with the fact that this whole thing is about 90% politics and 10% medical. Being that most of it is politics, that in itself puts it in an entirely different category where it all can be taken with a grain of salt. You want to do something about it? It’s all in how you vote next time around. Vote Democrat and you will get more fear, cowardess, and lunacy.

  11. I completely disagree with the owners opinions regarding the vaccine, BUT, he has a right to speak his views. If someone dies because they chose not to take the vaccine then it’s not my business to tell the owner of NAA how he should feel about that random person. As much as I disagree with him about the COVID shot I don’t really care that he put his opinion out on his own company website either.

  12. They tell you too look at the ‘facts’. But what are really the facts today? Is it having 4 other issues and so happening to have non symptomatic covid infection in your system when you pass, so you are counted as having passed from covid even though you had cancer, hypertension, diabetes and obesity?

    Straight from the god like cdc that all the ‘facts’ people want you to check…but when you check the ‘facts’ not really what you are being told.

    Dont be stupid and listen to the talking heads, do some reading….

    Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The number of deaths that mention one or more of the conditions indicated is shown for all deaths involving COVID-19 and by age groups. For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death.

  13. From what I understand NA has lost some sales. The owner’s insincere apology for tge sake of bucks is not foregivable.

  14. I had COVID March/April 2020. So did my wife. Took the vaccine in Feb 2021. My wife, March of 2021. We both came down with COVID again in AUG 2021. The first round left me with Atrial Fibrillation. I fought it for over a year and just about beat it a month before I came down with COVID the second time. Fighting it again. My wife was sicker the second time, in spite of the much heralded vaccine. The doctor admitted her to the hospital and gave her the monoclonal antibodies. Turned her around in twenty four hours.

    • You won’t hear much about the very effective treatments for Covid unless it involves a new patent. The pols and media ignoring, and even demonizing, these treatments are bought and paid for Big Pharma shills. Blood is on their hands. The Biden administration restricted life saving treatments to people for political purposes. Why isn’t that a huge story?

      • to Dud Brain

        Its not news because Biden did not restrict any Medical procedures or treatments that were proven safe and effective. Remember it was Trump that advocated drinking bleach and horse medicine. Only a wacko like you would make up such nonsense.

        • Lies. Just like the media does you twist the words ignoring context and meaning.
          And just like the media you deserve no credibility whatsoever.

        • dacian the dim,

          Please stop bragging about your “Ls”. The original patent for Ivermectin (you know, the one that got its developer a Nobel Prize), was for HUMAN use. It was later discovered that it was ALSO effective for parasitic infections in animals. Ivermectin, like MANY other drugs, is commonly used for “off label” treatment – like for COVID.

          Please, you pathetic half-wit, if you are going to spout inane lies, try to do a better job.

        • *comment is awaiting moderation

          This seems to be getting worse. Does every comment with a link get moderated now?

        • “Remember it was Trump that advocated drinking bleach…”

          I wonder if this “dacian” person can provide a quote.

        • From your article:
          cited emails from federal health officials to the state’s health department in recent weeks that she said “did not provide any indication of any upcoming limitation to supply.”

          At a minimum, the puppet Joe administration is dangerously inefficient and ineffective. At most, they’re punishing political rivals. Even the NJ governor complained about not receiving any advance warning. Your TV doctors would be talking about this for months if it was Trump doing this. Since the media protects puppet Joe, they’ll sweep it under the rug with the rest of his failures and scandals.

  15. Has anyone considered that if you’re unvaccinated and get hospitalized by covid you are going to get stuck with the bill because the insurance companies ain’t going to cover you. I really don’t care either way on the issue. Also, I appreciate the irony of comments to pg2 from some of you regulars on this site.

  16. I’m sorry he felt the need to apologise. Can’t really find much wrong with the original vindictive. It hardly surprises me to find those who prefer to drink the anti-vac koolaid and think it’s freedom tea here….

    • Very impressed that you were able to type that with one hand, while committing onanism to your “St. Fauci” candle image of the COVID Gnome. Your talent impresses.

      COVID vaccines MAY be more effective at risk mitigation than the additional risks we incur by taking this untested vaccine – ask me in 10 years, when unanticipated side effects are FULLY known. In any normal situation, a completely new vaccine (in one case, made using a completely new METHOD), wouldn’t even be in clinical trials, yet. And yet we’ve jabbed hundreds of millions of Americans with it.

      YAY, us!!! I’m so tired of you alleged ‘smart folks’ (you’ve now joined the dacian the dim and MinorIQ club of ignorant, authoritarian ‘smart folks’), who couldn’t evaluate s survey/trial for methodology, controls, sample size, or conclusions if your life depended on it.

      Now, I wouldn’t have spent money on his piece-of-crap, ineffective, dumbass firearms, anyway, but his ignorant, authoritarian rant has put his products on my “wouldn’t take one as a gift” list.

      Go act superior somewhere else, troll.

    • elmoron…Are you so drunk on a so-called vac that is experimental and not FDA approved that you do not realize if you grow an arm out of your forehead in the future you and yours do not have any legal recourse? And you sit on your pompous stupid butt bad mouthing others who refuse to join you…Apologize butthead.

  17. I live in a county with a 99.1% vaccination rate for all eligible people: we still have masks mandated for all businesses and schools, schoolchildren masked from leaving home until they return, people alone in cars with the window down wearing masks. In other words no change at all, fear (which drove the vax rate) is still king.

  18. Well what a surprise. A FUDD that sells FUDD products, acts like a boot-licking FUDD.

    Honestly, I’m not at all a surprise. There’s always been a faction of the firearms industry that’s been just fine with taking a wizz on the rest of us if it suites their own politics. Case in point Bill Ruger Sr of Ruger firearms and his role in getting the Clinton era AWB passed.

    • Ruger Sr. was not alone. The hunter crowd and others laid down The Constitution of The United States at the feet of democRats and boarded the Gun Control Train faster than defenseless Jews in socialist nazi Germany boarded one way freezing trains to concentration camps thanks to…Gun Control.

      You can expect the knee jerk Rugers when the history of Gun Control and its racist and genocide baggage is off the table, ignored or forgotten. When the day comes Gun Control is defined according to its diabolical history Gun Control Rot will be as acceptable as the N-Word.

  19. Ehh, sometimes I get drunk and say things I wish I’d have never said too.
    Apologies not withstanding.

    • possomo…Sometimes I post and for no reason whatsoever I get a, “Your commit is awaiting moderation.” I refresh the page and the post is gone along with my time and effort. I was told this is some program glitz that was being worked on. Let me work on it and I’ll get drunk and fix it for free:)

  20. Well the problem with vaccinated people who blame unvaccinated for spreading the disease is that they are just dead wrong. If you are fully vaccinated you can not only get the disease but you can spread it. Variants of viruses can be both milder and more severe so the argument that if you get the vaccine and get sick your symptoms will be milder is not necessarily so because it all depends on the strenght of the variant. Also, you don’t think the powers to be are going to give you the real numbers on deaths for the fully vaccinated or equally important the fact that the CDC reports over 2 million cases of reactions to the vaccine world wide in almost 20 or so categories. Haven’t seen that in the news now have ya! So for a lot of people who have taken the time to dig out the truth and science and have not simply listened to the promoters, there is plenty of reasons for people to be leary of taking the vaccine. Lies, mistruths and under reporting the problems are amongst the most deadly reasons for making people wary of being vaccinated. Honesty is always the best policy but Covid-19 has been so politicized that many people just don’t believe the narrative and rightly so.

    • This just in:

      “By WSAZ News Staff
      Published: Oct. 18, 2021 at 4:58 PM EDT|Updated: 16 hours ago
      CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) – A man from Sissonville, West Virginia joined Gov. Jim Justice’s virtual briefing Monday updating the public on the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

      Christopher Holmes joined the briefing to share his story of survival following his battle with the deadly virus.

      Holmes said he spent 80 days in the hospital, fighting for his life against COVID-19.

      He admitted during the briefing that he and most of his relatives were strongly opposed to getting vaccinated against COVID-19 until infections started to spread through the family in early June.

      “My whole family ended up sick other than my daughter – she’s the only one that had the COVID shot. My wife, my son, and my daughter’s boyfriend, we all ended up with COVID and I kept getting worse and worse,” Holmes said. “On June 14th, I went into the hospital, and from there, I just kept getting worse.”

      “They had to put me on a vent. They had to put me on an ECMO machine. I pretty much had hoses sticking out every hole of my body. I had a feeding tube. The hoses from the ECMO machine – they had to put two holes in my neck – my daughter said they were probably the size of garden hoses. They had to put a [tracheostomy tube] in me so I could breathe and I’ll have that scar for the rest of my life.”It was tough,” Holmes continued. “I was there for 80 days. I had to take a total of 160 shots in my stomach for blood clots. It was tough for my family. One minute, I’d be doing great. The next minute, the doctors would tell [my wife] that I wasn’t going to make it.”

      Holmes said it was a miracle he made it out alive. During his stay in the hospital, he lost 110 pounds and all of his muscle.

      “I had to learn to walk again,” Holmes said. “I couldn’t go up any steps. I had to go to rehab and I’m still rehabbing now; it’s a long battle.”

  21. As far as I know if you’ve been sick your better of not getting stuck, in fact its recommended to wait 90 days as to not wreck what your body already made. Ive been all over the U.S sucking wing sauce off my fingers and not giving 2 thoughts to the Commy Flu at this point I think I may already have an Immunity so why do I need to ruin that with a “Vaccine” that by all sense of the word doesn’t actually stop contraction. Lowder with Crowder stated a study in Isreal where those with natural anti-bodies are 27 times less likely to get covid again. So what about us? Are we the enemy?

    • Well I got the first shot but not the second, now I’m worried the first shot fucked everything up and I’ll have to get the second? Then I hear boosters.
      How long does it take for that first shot to wear off? I think I fucked up.

  22. It’s typical of a liberal to go on rants and raves or even do illegal Sh!t and then turn around and think an apology will fix everything. This man’s true self has out and now the only thing I would feel sorry for is if his business did not go bankrupt!

    Fed up and sick of the tyranny & socialist ways that the left thinks they are above everyone else & if you don’t agree you are a terrorist or Nazi. These are the type of people I’d love to run into at night on my country Road!

  23. I’ve had .22lr naa for 15? years, neet toy, usually take it when fishing for when they ain’t biting and boredom kicks in. It’s not obnoxiously loud with shorts. Have thought of getting a larger model mostly because i like sa revolvers.
    No jab, never will, and they can’t make me.
    Had the rona back in July. Never got tested but three others in my home tested positive and I had mostly the same symptoms sooo… Felt terrible for nearly three weeks.
    As for this pos ceo I will not buy anything he is affiliated with ,ever. Shot himself right square in the ass/wallet.

  24. Reading his rant reminded me of my 10th grade English teacher. She hated the overuse of the word “very”. She told us to substitute the word “damn” and then strike through the word and delete it as it was inappropriate for our papers.

    She was a hoot! Worked for Time magazine as a writer until they started giving writers strict, politically motivated, rules for submitted content.

    One of the few, true Educators I was fortunate to experience during my school years.

  25. Well, as far as I am concerned NAA can FOAD as a business entity after his complete revelation of drinking the kool aid.

    I would definitely make sure to steer anyone looking for something like their stuff away from NAA.

  26. If he wants his graphene oxide & toxic waste injection, he can have it. This turkey ain’t stupid enough to fall for it.

  27. He sounds just like the people who demanded everyone take the HIV vaccine. As soon as “Big Pharma” produced one.

  28. ” I enjoy no small measure of schadenfreude reading stories of those stubborn people who find themselves stricken and on death’s door, suffering from their earlier foolish decision not to get vaccinated. ”

    I wonder if he feels the same level of schadenfruede towards the vaccinated people who still caught COVID.

  29. Well, I don’t really give a rat’s a$$ about the “data” or the latest screed from the CDC…

    I’m not an anti-vaxxer. I went in and took the first shot. I ended up in the hospital for most of the month of March with some very serious lung issues. So you all can kick around all the data points you want and call up all the studies you can find. I’m not going to play around with a dog that already bit me, so I didn’t, and won’t, go back in for the second shot. Blame the whole f—ing pandemic on me, I really don’t care.

  30. I will never consider buying any NAA products….Used to think they looked fun, didn’t know they were produced by an asshole.

  31. What a lot of people are forgetting is we are fighting a bio weapon and not a naturally occurring virus. We chase #19 around looking for a cure and #20, #21, #22 are waiting to be released. A good way to grind down an economy especially your adversary. The Chinese communist killed more of their own people in WW2 than the Germans and Russians killed their enemies. Killing a few million people is part of doing business to achieve their goals.

    • theyre not forgetting
      theyre refusing to accept
      they cant overcome their normalcy bias
      and their cognitive dissonance

  32. If I can’t fight with it, I don’t need it, and I’m not going into a fight with a tiny 22 hidden up my ass. I don’t need this guys products, never did. He hasn’t lost my money only because I was never going to give it to him.
    To him I say: Your guns are irrelevant. Go hide from covid in your basement. When you see Joe, tell him I said “Let’s go Brandon”.

  33. “Sgt. Stephen Desfosses, 52, a veteran of more than 30 years with the Norton Police Department, died on January 13. He was one of at least 231 officers who died of Covid-19 this year, according to the Officer Down Memorial Page (ODMP).
    There were 245 law enforcement deaths from Covid-19 in 2020, according to ODMP.
    Police officers around the country are lagging behind others in getting Covid-19 vaccines
    Police officers around the country are lagging behind others in getting Covid-19 vaccines
    The coronavirus has become the leading cause of death for officers despite law enforcement being among the first groups eligible to receive the vaccine at the end of 2020. The total stands at 476 Covid-19 related deaths since the start of the pandemic, compared to 94 from gunfire in the same period.“

    • get out of here with that cnn shit…
      they havent been right or told the truth about anything in almost 6 years

      • To Sound Asleep.

        CNN has won numerous news casting awards while Fox News has won Zero, Nada, Zelch. Now what part of this do you not understand Sound Asleep??????

        • Oh, dear!!! You mean a bunch of Lefty/authoritarian idiots voted to give an award to another group of Lefty/authoritarian idiots, so I should ABSOLUTELY believe the awarded Lefty?authoritarian idiots – despite the fact that they have been publicly caught in almost countless outright lies – because they have awards from other Lefty/authoritarian idiots?? Is that how this works??

          dacian the dim, we were all WELL aware that you had no ability of independent thought (or, quite probably, any ability of ratiocination at all). Trumpeting your “Ls” does not make you look ‘smart’ – it makes you look like even more of a moron than we already thought you were.

          Trust me, dacian the dim – we’re not laughing WITH you; we’re laughing AT you. You make Bozo the Clown look smart. But you are at least great for a (condescending) laugh, so . . . keep posting illiterate, counter-factual, unresearched, idiotic Leftist talking point nonsense. Everyone needs a little humor in their life, and you are a cheap source (cheap, in every sense of the word).

    • “There were 245 law enforcement deaths from Covid-19 in 2020, according to ODMP.”

      That’s a very small number.

      • To Cloud Busted Brain
        245 dead people is far too many when most would be alive today if the Morons had got vaccinated.

    • And, MinorIQ, exactly how many of those SUPPOSED deaths from Wuhan Bat Flu were vaccinated. You didn’t say, and neither did the article you linked.

      Two possibilities: (1) many/most of the deaths WERE vaccinated, which implies that the vaccine ain’t doin’ its job, or (2) all/most weren’t, which means they chose to take a risk (which they do every day when they go out on the street), and suffered the consequences – which they have EVERY RIGHT to do.

      Not seeing the problem, here. ‘Splain it to me, Lucy.

      • To The Lamp That Went Out In His Head.

        Only a complete Moron or nut case would not see the problem. When you do not get vaccinated the death rate per the stats is way higher than when you do get vaccinated. Now lie your way out of this one.

  34. I kind of wanted one of those .32 pistols that N.A.A. makes but I’ll just stick with my LCP. This D-bag just saved me from spending hundreds of dollars on his products.

  35. FDA Panel Testimony.

    I will not check back or have any follow up comments.
    Let this be your invitation to go down the rabbit hole.

    Seek truth. Not everything is as it seems.

    God Bless you all.
    If you do not know Jesus, or cordially invite you to get to know Him. Time is short.

  36. Everyone is looking at this wrong. People assume since he is in the firearm industry he would be super conservative, far right politically & socially. So they are shocked and surprised at his words.
    That is not the case. He is just another uber-woke “progressive”, full of hate and his opinions are dictated by udentity politics. But he shelves his “values” for a fat paycheck. Like many on the left, his values are weaker that the desire for personal wealth.
    He will work against you on most things, and talk trash about you… but he is happy to take your money.

  37. “In August, unvaccinated people had an over-six times greater risk of testing positive for COVID-19 and over 11 times greater risk of dying from the virus, compared to the vaccinated, according to federal data pulled from 16 states and jurisdictions.

    In every age group, the death rate was higher for COVID-19 among unvaccinated populations. Americans 80 and older had the highest rate of deaths among fully vaccinated people per capita, though their risk of death was about 5.7 times lower than their unvaccinated counterparts in the same age group.“

      • To Sound Asleep.

        Again accredited news programs have won many news awards which includes abc news. Fox News has won zero awards. Its not rocket science except to the ignorant like yourself.

      • To Jimmy Joe Jethro

        Again ABC has won many news awards for outstanding broadcasting compared to Fox News which has won zero. Even a retarded piss ant would be able to understand the difference. Far Right News outlets have become propaganda machines and nothing more. They pander to the ignorant who get their news from only far right sources and have never learned critical thinking. They tune in to propaganda machines that reinforce their prejudices and ignorance of the world.

      • I ask you Jimmy Joe Jethro. How many times have you listened to France24News, NHK World, BBC Worldwide News, DW News, CNN etc, etc. The answer is no of course and with a wave of the hand you claim all of these accredited news sources are broadcasting lies. You prove you are not a product of higher education. Stay ignorant Jimmy Joe Jethro its less of challenge to life.

  38. Another company on my do not buy list. Right next to Springfield Armory and Rock River Arms.

  39. Never did see the point of NAA .22. Strikes me as a gun that people who are not serious about personal defense buy.

    • I like them personally. I have other more powerful, easy to shoot options but the minis are easy to throw into a front shirt pocket or sweatshirt pouch while at home. I like them as backups to a larger pistol when out around town. They are fun to shoot, at least I think so.

  40. Love him, hate him, or just want to cuddle a little, Trump pulled out a massive fan to blow away the smoke and started chucking rocks at all the mirrors. Nice to know where people really stand when the issues get real…

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  42. I agree with Sandy Chisholm’s original statement. It expresses, with more eloquence than I can muster, my frequent, seething rage against the stubbornly, stupidly unvaccinated. I am disappointed that Chisholm caved. He had nothing to apologize for.

    Note that there are people with legitimate medical conditions that preclude vaccination. They get a pass. In fact, it’s incumbent on the rest of us, who can be safely vaccinated, to do so for their protection. If we don’t get sick, we can’t infect and kill them.

    We reach herd immunity when there are so few people left who are vulnerable to infection that the disease dies out for lack of new hosts. There are two ways to get there. One is for everyone medically eligible to get vaccinated. The other is for the unvaccinated to catch COVID and die of it. At this point, I’m good with either way.

    • 1. What percentage of people who catch Covid die of Covid? Herd immunity relies on a third factor, natural immunity from people who catch it and recover, which outside of people over 65 is almost everyone.

      2. The problem with Sandy’s comments aren’t the support for the vaccine. That’s a legitimate position. The admitted delighting in the sickness and deaths of others, many of whom would be his own customers and contemporaries is the disgusting part. There’s a big difference in believing in the efficacy of the vaccine, and believing it should be forced on everyone and laughing when someone unvaccinated dies.

      Some research and self reflection might be in order.

    • Gee, Kendahl, aren’t YOU the good little brown-shirt wearing fascist clown!!

      Got any Jews or n***ers you want to lynch??

      If the vaccine works, you have a choice – get it, or not. IF it works, and you get it, you have absolutely nothing to b**** about, so . . . STFU. If it DOESN’T work, then . . . it doesn’t matter whether I get it, or not, so . . . STFU. Pretty much . . . STFU.

      Whether I do, or don’t, get the Fauxi Ouchie is MY business. If you’re so afraid of a disease that has LESS than a 1% death rate that you quiver in fear at the idea that someone around you didn’t get the jab??? That sounds like a “you” problem, to me.

      Get it, don’t get it; the number of f***s I give is zero. It’s nunya dayum business whether I did or didn’t, and I’ll thank you to butt the f*** out, and keep you idiot opinions to yourself.

  43. Bet you he has a cosmopolitan wife and college aged girls who pounded on him to “make a statement.” Well, he did.

  44. Yeah this guy is gross and inept. Interesting he says he’s OK loosing sales, I guess he is cornering the marketshare on the Mask wearing Covid zealots who delight in the deaths of their fellow man conceal carry useless tiny .22 single action revolver market…
    I’d like to see NAA disinvited from SHOT show next year for starters. This has got to be one of the biggest “know your audience” fails this year, right along side playboy publishing a naked gay man as their centerfold this month 🤣🤦🏼‍♂️

  45. I hope NAA goes out of business. Never buying anything else made by NAA or any company that is related to Sandy.

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