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North American Arms Owner Apologizes For Contempt-Ridden Rant Against the Unvaccinated

John Boch - comments No comments

North American Arms produces those miniature .22 revolvers that are so small they will fit on a belt buckle. Or in a hat. Or in mother nature’s holster. The company’s owner Sandy Chisholm writes posts regularly on the company’s blog.

In a post that has recently come to light, Mr. Crisholm wrote some ugly things about his fellow Americans who have chosen not to get a COVID vaccination. In his September post (since deleted), he began . . .


Just when you thought the end of this life-threatening COVID pandemic was in sight, it’s become painfully clear that it is not.  In fact, we’re heading in the wrong direction. What makes this realization even more painful is that, not withstanding our missteps regarding wearing masks, social distancing, economic shutdowns and the like, the end could have been in sight. If only more of us had embraced the simple protocol of getting vaccinated, we’d be well on our way to leaving this scourge in our wake. Instead, we’re back, smack in the middle of it and “life as we knew it” is still a distant dream…

He kept digging . . .

Over the past few months, my thoughts about those who don’t believe in the value of vaccinations has transitioned from disinterest to sympathy to incredulity to contempt. I believe that those who don’t take advantage of the opportunities to become vaccinated are ignorant, misguided &/or selfish, or any combination of the three… 

Before he put the shovel down, he shared this nugget . . .

I’ll admit I enjoy no small measure of schadenfreude reading stories of those stubborn people who find themselves stricken and on death’s door, suffering from their earlier foolish decision not to get vaccinated. I look at it almost as a Darwinian effect, helping cleanse our gene pool. Excuse my lack of sympathy. Too bad. Completely avoidable. Didn’t have to happen.

It seems the responses he’s received have caused him to reconsider his angry rant. To his credit, he has posted an apology . . .

I am very sorry about some of the things I said, and not at all sorry about most others. I am very sorry about the harsh language I used in an attempt to make a point. I strongly believe in the point about promoting vaccinations, but I am very disappointed in myself for the unnecessarily inflammatory words I used in an attempt to make it and the disrespect it showed. How I expressed myself was rude and embarrassing. What hurts most is the respect I’ve deservedly lost amongst so many. I’ve spent the past 30 years attempting to earn it, and I understand the reaction from those who felt insulted by some of the language of my rant. I knew at the outset that I risked alienating some, to the degree that it would cost NAA some sales. That’s OK.  I applaud those who express themselves with their wallet; I’ve done the same. But I am very sorry to those I insulted. It was unforgivable and I am profoundly sorry. I was rude and I apologize.

Kudos to Mr. Chisholm for recognizing the intemperate and inflammatory nature of the hurtful things he wrote about his fellow Americans in the original post. Sadly, COVID has exacerbated many of the divisions in our society. Attacking those with differing views and taking pleasure in their misfortune does nothing to improve that situation.

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