Rep. Richard Hudson, R-N.C.
Rep. Richard Hudson, R-N.C. (Greg Nash/Pool via AP)

By Larry Keane

Congressman Richard Hudson (R-N.C.) isn’t given to hyperbole. When he speaks, he means what he says. It’s worth paying attention.

It’s too bad his fellow Members of Congress would rather listen to gun control sycophants instead of serving the people they were elected to represent.

U.S. Rep. Hudson lit into U.S. House of Representative Democrats for rushing gun control bills to the floor for a vote. Two bills are being pushed that were passed by the House in the last Congress, but never got attention in the Senate. H.R. 8, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021, was introduced by U.S. Rep. Mike Thompson (D-Calif.) and H.R. 1446, the Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021, was introduced by Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.).

Rep. Hudson ripped Congress for capitalizing on half-truths to rob Americans of their Second Amendment rights at a Republican press availability this week.

Call It What It Is

“Unfortunately, the Democrats in Congress are not serious about ending gun violence,” Congressman Hudson said. “And it’s obvious by the bills – they’re bringing up four this week – which would do nothing to have stopped a single mass shooting in this country, yet, they threaten the rights of law-abiding citizens.”

Rep. Hudson reminded reporters that he is a father of a five-year-old attending school and the concerns of criminal misuse of firearms in schools resonates deeply. He pointed to concrete action championed by Congress including the Fix NICS Act, named for NSSF’s FixNICS® campaign.

The Fix NICS Act compels federal agencies and provides resources to states to submit all disqualifying records especially adjudicated mental health records to the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). Firearm retailers rely on NICS records being up to date and accurate when running point-of-sale instant background checks for a firearm sale.

“The Democrats have rushed two bills to the floor, no regular order, no hearing time,” Rep. Hudson continued. “They have allowed no meaningful input from Republicans and – and these bills, again, would have not stopped a single mass shooting, not Newtown, not Charleston, not Parkland, not Las Vegas, not Sutherland Springs, would not have stopped the shooting of our former colleague, Gabrielle Giffords because her shooter passed a background check.”

The North Carolina congressman lambasted gun control Members of Congress for rushing legislation that’s disingenuous.

“H.R. 8 fails to recognize the fact that every commercial gun sale in America requires a background check today,” Rep. Hudson explained. “And H.R. 1446 creates delays for law-abiding citizens, could be indefinite to acquire a weapon and would have not closed the Charleston loophole.”

Rep. Hudson explained that the failure that led to the murders in Charleston, South Carolina’s Emmanuel AME Church was a matter of law enforcement not sharing disqualifying criminal information with the FBI. He said that a fix would be Rep. Tom Rice’s H.R. 1518, a bill which codifies current NICS practices.

Legislation That Works

Rep. Hudson also announced the introduction of The STOP II: Classrooms Over Conference Rooms Act, which would add an extra $100 million a year to fund the STOP School Violence Act. That law was signed in 2018 to make schools safer by providing resources to harden schools and train students, teachers and local law enforcement to help stop school violence before it happens. The funds for Rep. Hudson’s bill are taken from money allocated to the U.S. Department of Education to rent conference rooms in Washington, D.C.

“Republicans have meaningful alternatives and we have six bills that have been introduced last week and this week,” Rep. Hudson explained. “We will be pushing to end gun violence. Our legislation would actually address this problem. The Democrats are concerned about taking away our Second Amendment rights, and the two bills this week will simply erode those rights.”


Larry Keane is SVP for Government and Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary and General Counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.


  1. His audience in the House is deaf to is criticisms. The bills will pass without committee hearings or meaningful debate. Despite calls for unity, the Democrats are entirely uninterested in unity or anything the minority has to say. Such is the consequence of one party rule that only the filibuster rule can avoid.

    • Until someone defines Gun Control on the Floor of Congress as an agenda rooted in racism and genocide expect the same old, same old polite crap that gives democRats the upper hand.

      Again…Gun Control in any shape or form is rooted in racism and genocide therefore Gun Control is without question a racist and nazi based agenda. To keep that fact hush-hush is along the lines of a gutless wonder who hears his neighbor beating their wife and says nothing, does nothing.

  2. There is no “Charleston Loophole”. The failure in that case was not a weakness of the law, but bureaucrats failing to do their job. The time limit on background checks is not an oversight, it is an intentional feature intended to close what would otherwise be a very real loophole, whereby the FBI would be able to deny any American the right to buy a firearm, individually or en masse, with no due process and no change of law, simply by neglecting to process background checks.

    • Exactly. It isn’t like given any amount of time would have resulted in a different outcome. The information wasn’t in the system and wasn’t going to be added because nobody knew it was missing.

  3. The only way to FixNICS is to abolish it. I really am confyoozed as to how so many people (both leaders and sheeple) agree that it’s a proper exercise of a natural and Constitutional right to first be assumed guilty and prove your innocence, rather than the other way around.

    But people eat this stuff up and think submitting to BGCs are somehow logical.

  4. It’s all moot now. The Senate confirmed Merrick Garland to the U.S. Attorney General post. He has openly stated his allegiance to Biden’s Gun Control Policy which is being controlled by the Liberal Socialist Anti 2 A members of the Democrat party. Arm Up Stock Up and Harden the Perimeter Folks. The Games are about to begin. Keep Your Powder Dry.

    • Durrrr, kEeP YoUr pOwdEr DrY!

      And what will you do if the government shows up and surround your ‘hardened perimeter’ 🤡? You’ll surrender and comply, that’s what.

      • Yeah, that’s right Merky Merk the derp derp. Less than 2 million COMBINED active military and LEOs are going to run roughshod over at least 150 million American gun owners. Let me know how that works out for ya, Chief. Like Ron White says, “You can’t fix stupid.”

      • And BTW, derpy derp, MOST active military and LEOs agree that Americans have the RKBA. It’s the “brass” and the unions that oppose, so how many of the line military and LEOs are going to line up to search and sieze lawfully purchased weapons??

        But you anti-2A idiots won’t be satisfied until you push this to the point of rebellion. Because you’re scared of MY gun, which has killed fewer people than Teddy Kennedy’s car.

  5. Like I have said before. Why did the Republicans not push through any pro-2nd Amendment bills when they had the House and Senate and the President? They just did not care enough to do something then and this is just lip service. In the last 60 years, we have not seen any pro-2nd Amendment bills become law in the U.S. Bush did the only thing I can remember by not reauthorizing the so called 1994 Assault Weapons ban in 2004.

  6. *Yawn*. The circus rolls on but when the bread runs out we might have a problem.

    The fact that these assholes constantly try to come up with cutsie names, often acronyms, for their bills is simply more evidence that nearly no one in the institution of government is serious about fuck all. It’s a giant reality show. The STOP II? Why not just call it “The War on School Violence”? We can put it up there with the other successful wars we’ve waged against vaguely ominous ideas; drugs, terror, poverty etc.

    At least the acronym for H.R. 8 is more realistic. The BBC Act.

      • Are you not entertained?

        You should be. It’s a pretty good show. A tragedy for sure and super nuanced too, but damned if the intricate little plot lines don’t all wind together so perfectly. Heck, they’ve even got sidestories to keep the smoothbrains watching with rapt attention.

        Shakespeare ain’t got shit on this. Look, now they’re bringing out the bears on unicycles!

        Keep watching! I hear this season’s really good around the middle and the end is just the best cliffhanger EVA!

        Here, have a Big Gulp and a few foot long hotdogs with all the fixins, on the house, of course.

  7. I’ve said it before, and I’m saying it again…..

    Politicians with laws never stop bad guys with guns.
    They only control the good guys, which is their true agenda.

    And, they will continue to call the same plays until American Patriots make believers out of them that we’re really, really……heart attack…deadly…..serious about the Constitution, Bill of Rights, our Freedoms, Rights, and Liberties, and our American history and traditions and way of life. A misbehaving spoiled brat continues to misbehave until his little ass gets spanked real hard……consistently.

    • Because you can’t control people who aren’t following laws to begin with.
      Laws only control honest law following people.

      The only control they have is over those who aren’t breaking laws. That’s why any new laws are such a big deal, most only cause hardship to people who aren’t the problem.
      Criminals don’t care about 6 month waiting periods, they don’t have to wait 6 months to steal a bunch of guns from a local store. Just as killing a group of people is pretty illegal, doesn’t matter what the barrel length used was.

      But if my AR pistol is laying in the safe next to my AR rifle I can face felony charges and 10 years in federal prison all while having NO ZERO NONE intent to perform a crime.

      So telling me how all these laws will fix gun violence…… no… it’s just more control over those who will follow.

  8. “It’s too bad his fellow Members of Congress would rather listen to gun control sycophants instead of serving the people they were elected to represent.”

    They are serving the sycophants who elected them.

    • “Non aperies tuss oculi, non percipies quid videbis/
      diaboli de verum serripiunt animi liberae.”

      … said Sam when he stepped forth from the time machine, confusing many, particularly literate NIN fans.

  9. No one is more panicked than someone who has to be seen to be doing something. Even if that something is completely ineffectual or even completely useless.

  10. ‘Bipartisan Background Check Bill’? What next, the ‘Unanimously Passed Reparations Bill’? The ‘Only Pedophiles Voted Against It Budget Bill’?

  11. We have heard enough of your figmental Constitutional Rights.
    You are under Our control.
    Submit and become a model citizen.
    You will be rewarded.
    ” Give me liberty or give me death” is wrong think.
    You will be severely punished.

  12. There is no such thing as the “Charleston loophole.” That the F.B.I. has to complete the background check within 72 hours was implemented because it was found that too often the F.B.I. was purposely dragging its feet in carrying out the background checks in order to restrict gun sales. So gun rights proponents pushed for a law to put a stop to this. If the F.B.I. had never engaged in such shenanigans in the first place, then it would be where if they needed an extra day or so in order to complete a background check on someone, they could do so and no one would care as they would know it wasn’t anything sinister.

  13. “Non aperies tuss oculi, non percipies quid videbis/
    diaboli de verum serripiunt animi liberae.”

    Yeah. What he said.

    • “Don’t open your eyes, you won’t like what you see/
      the Devil’s of truth steal the souls of the free.”

  14. Got an email back from Hudson’s office that he was against hr8 and hr1446
    Glad to see the email wasn’t just blowing smoke.
    I thought moving to here in NC the gun laws would be a lot better, but too much purple stuff going on, too much power in places like raleigh, charlotte, ashville, etc

  15. Still baby steps, they dont quite dare go to whole nine yards yet! All the while believing we actually dont know what they’re doing. Telling the non gun people and the know nothings that it’s just “common sense”!! Gonna end badly, I’m afraid.

  16. The anti-2nd Amendment group lies with their “Common Sense Gun Control” their fancy words only mean one thing to make those Anti-American POS happy!
    If only half of America’s gun owners cave to confiscation (50% is a HUDGE number) that is still 50,000,000 plus True Americans! What is Biden/Harris going to do create death camps like Nazi Germany did, because they don’t have room in all the prisons in the country

  17. Make no mistake…. Forcing Universal background checks through a dealer is firearm registration. All ATF has to do is scan the records (which they do regardless of law) and record it in their massive databases, and we have instant registration. They’ve been planning this for years.

  18. Ike Konoclast…..scanning 4473s to create a database registry is the why behind the recent 4473 format change where buyer’s info (name, address) and gun info (make, model, caliber, serial number) are all on one page now…..make it easy for the government a$$hat$.

    “A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie.” – Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

    The new agenda for humanity requires that no one will have the capacity to fight back. It has been said: “Our Task of creating a Socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed.” No other explanation is possible.

    History has repeatedly demonstrated that disarming good people in the name of making bad people harmless only eventually facilitates politicians shooting their own countrymen. History…learn from it or be doomed to relive it….or die from it.

    And there, boys and girls, is the Xiden/KamelHo/Pigloosi/Slummer Gun Violence Prevention Plan in a nut shell. It’s all about cementing power, wealth, and control and protecting Libtard/Socialist anti-America tyrannical politicians’ asses from American Patriots with AR-15s and standard capacity magazines.

  19. NOT much of an endorsement of Hudson – ANYONE that uses the term “gun violence” is a moron.

    Yapping about “Fix NICS Act” – NO screw NICS – unConstitutional BS. Overturn it.

    Then pushing “The STOP II: Classrooms Over Conference Rooms Act, which would add an extra $100 million a year to fund the STOP School Violence Act. That law was signed in 2018 to make schools safer by providing resources to harden schools and train students, teachers and local law enforcement to help stop school violence before it happens.”

    What a pile of putrifying BS. Throw $100m around (taking it away from DOE is good)

  20. “…150 million American gun owners.”

    That alleged number is impossible to validate. But even so, just how many do you think put the right of the people to keep and bear arms at the top of every list of political wants? Do not depend on the courage of people you do not know intimately.

    The 150 million figure is vaporware. A more meaningful (but also tenuous) number might, that is might, be the number of gun owners with concealed carry permits. Then again, not all of those carry everyday, home or out. How many of those are committed 2A defenders? How can we know?

    As a gun owner, I can reveal that I support everyone owning and carrying a firearm, so long as they do it legally (whatever that is, from day-to-day). Would you count on me to be one of the 150 million you expect to come to your defence?

    Owning a gun is not a badge of courage.

  21. “MOST active military and LEOs agree that Americans have the RKBA. It’s the “brass” and the unions that oppose, so how many of the line military and LEOs are going to line up to search and sieze lawfully purchased weapons??”

    This should be a useful indicator of the answer to your question

    Waco Siege 1993:
    Government agencies –

    Raid (February 28): 75 federal agents (ATF and FBI); 3 Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters manned by 10 Texas National Guard counter-drug personnel as distraction during the raid and filming.[97][115] Ballistic protection equipment, fire retardant clothing, regular flashlights, regular cameras (i.e., flash photography), pump-action shotguns and flashbang grenades,[116] 9 mm handguns, 9 mm MP5 submachine guns, 5.56 NATO M16 rifles, a .308 bolt-action sniper rifle.[117]
    Siege (March 1 through April 18): Hundreds of federal agents; 2 Bell UH-1 Iroquois helicopters.[118]
    Assault (April 19): Hundreds of federal agents; military vehicles (with their normal weapon systems removed): 9–10 M3 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, 4–5 M728 Combat Engineering Vehicles (CEVs) armed with CS gas, 2 M1A1 Abrams main battle tanks, 1 M88 tank retriever.[115][118]
    Support:[115] 1 Britten-Norman Defender surveillance aircraft;[119] a number of Texas National Guard personnel for maintenance of military vehicles and training on the use of the vehicles and their support vehicles (Humvees and flatbed trucks); surveillance from Texas National Guard counter-drug UC-26 surveillance aircraft and from Alabama National Guard; 10 active-duty U.S. Army Special Forces (Delta Force) soldiers as observers and trainers (also present during assault); 2 senior U.S. Army officers as advisers, 2 members of the British Army’s 22nd Special Air Service (SAS) Regiment as observers;[120] 50+ men in total.[121]

  22. “Don’t open your eyes, you won’t like what you see/
    the Devil’s of truth steal the souls of the free.”

    Aaaahhhh. My command of that dead language (Latin), starts and ends with “E Pleurisy Union”.

  23. We all know that the Democrats end-game is confiscation of all privately-owned firearms. These ‘gun control’ measures are just the old Communist dicta of ‘One step at a time’. Every law, executive order or bureaucrat regulation is ‘the death by a thousand cuts’ for the Second Amendment. A ‘universal background check’ law would make a national registry of all gunowners accessible to all government agencies for every imaginable requirement they might impose at a later date. It worked great for Hitler when they started confiscating guns from the German people. Look how that worked out.

  24. Sam I Am said: “As a gun owner, I can reveal that I support everyone owning and carrying a firearm, so long as they do it legally….”

    If you “keep and bear arms” you are already doing it legally, as per the supreme law of the land, which cannot be altered except by 3/4 of all the states.

  25. “If you “keep and bear arms” you are already doing it legally, as per the supreme law of the land, which cannot be altered except by 3/4 of all the states.”

    That might have been true in “the old days”, but “the supreme law of the land” is whatever the courts say it is. Violate that, and you become a criminal.

    Until something changes, and society decides the Constitution really is supreme.

    However, my point was/is that there will be no uprising of 150 million gun owners protecting against gun confiscation. There are not 150 million gun owners who are 2A absolutists who will risk hearth and home over the principle that gun confiscation by the government is unacceptable. Look around, whether one personally agrees with all the beer virus regulations, the vastly overwhelming majority of the nation already surrendered, completely, their freedom and liberty. That should have ignited a history-changing revolt. Did I miss something in the news? Or is the proposition that 150 million legal gun owners will suffer the loss of everything but their guns?

  26. “However, my point was/is that there will be no uprising of 150 million gun owners protecting against gun confiscation.”

    I do believe that 5,000,000 + will rise…..That would be enough to change the course of history.

  27. “I do believe that 5,000,000 + will rise…”

    Might be closer to the number. 150,000,000 is a tired old dog that won’t hunt no more.

    OTH, review the LE and military response to the Waco siege. There were zero 2A defenders rising up.

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