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Reader Matt S. writes,

With all the articles on TTAG about zero tolerance school policies recently and their asinine results, I thought I’d chime in from a free state – Utah. Our elementary school this year adopted the theme of “Mission Possible” to encourage kids to set goals and achieve them. Of course, that was accompanied by a number of ‘Mission Impossible’-themed handouts, posters, etc.,  featuring teachers in black suits with sunglasses, and such. With the school year ending soon, the school had a dance festival for all the kids to perform for the parents. It started with all the teachers entering on motorcycles (the PE teacher on the moped was the best), or sports cars, with various spy movie soundtracks playing. After all the teachers entered, an authoritative voice gave them their mission (if they chose to accept it, of course). Next, the car trunk was opened and waterguns of various types and sizes were retrieved by the faculty . . .

They then proceeded to engage each other, the students, and parents. I wasn’t able to tell the make and model of all the H2O weaponry that was used, but I would definitely classify some as assault waterguns, capable of sustained bursts. I didn’t see anything that was full-auto, but the guns the teachers used definitely held more than 7 oz of water.

I’m pleased to report that despite the presence of these weapons of (summer playground) war being present — inside the school — there were no casualties. There were also no ridiculous policies requiring that the entire faculty be placed on administrative leave while the incident was investigated and no law enforcement officers were called (although I saw a couple there in the audience). It’s amazing how far a little dose of common sense can go.

On a side note, here in Utah a CFP allows holders to carry in schools. You read that right.  Depending on the individual principal in charge, though, YMMV on how well the law is accepted and applied. I haven’t discussed the issue personally with the principal at my kids’ school, but he appears to be well-informed (and probably supportive of) the law in this regard.

I’m usually carrying whenever I enter the school, as I was when there was a special parent meeting not long after Sandy Hook to discuss security. During the meeting the principal covered various existing security procedures that were in place, as well as plans to assess and improve things. When the issue of guns in the school was brought up, he pointed out that there are teachers (not pictured above) in the school who carry. This was met with applause by some in the audience.

When one parent expressed concern at that news, the principal responded along the lines of, “That’s simply what the law is in Utah. They’re allowed to carry and even if I didn’t want any guns in the school, there’s nothing I can legally do.”

There was a LEO at the presentation who validated what the principal said (although he incorrectly said CFP holders are required to conceal, which isn’t actually a legal requirement in Utah). Anyway, the LEO told the concerned parent, “There are probably people here in this meeting right now that are armed.” I didn’t look around to see if anyone else had a big smile on their face, but I sure did.

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      • Of course it could. But we supporters of Constitutionally-protected Rights have our duties and obligations, too.

    • Are you serious? One incident with an unloaded gun is enough for you to judge a whole states gun owners?

      • No, of course not. When the incident occurred, I investigated what tools were available under Utah law to address a rather stupid behavior and discovered they were mighty few.

        If law-abiding Constitutionalists such as I, and presumably most everyone here, support structures and laws that inure to good Public Policy, Constitutionalists win.

        • I have a feeling if it were your son who screwed up you wouldn’t be bitching. Or you could be one of those jerks who wants ten year olds who brought their camping knife in their pocket by accident expelled and prosecuted. A confused kid messed up no one was hurt what did you want to happen? Does a life have to be ruined every time a kid screws up?

        • Golly. I suddenly want the death penalty for ten-year-olds? Stand well back.

          What I argue for are laws that punish idiot parents, not ten year olds. Big difference, there.

          Further, clarity is good. Good Public Policy arises from good law. I support fair, strong, and unambiguous laws.

        • laws Don’t Solve Everything. A Public Service Announcement Is Enough In My Opinion.

        • The government does not exist to regulate or take the place of personal responsibility. A law does not need to be nor should one be created to prevent every possible negative outcome. We are not a nation of sheep quite yet, although it appears that many would like us to be.

        • Though laws cannot replace personal responsibility, true, they can inure to good Public Policy.

          I believe Public Policy should be to treat parents harshly who allow, whether through failure to properly instruct or simple negligence, a 6th-grade child to end up with a firearm at school — who then points it at another child’s head.

          I don’t see anything particularly controversial in that stand. But I do listen, and am interested.

        • Not true: I make no money from my site. I post here because I enjoy TTAG and support firearm owners everywhere.

          True, I am trying to create a bidness that I think will support firearm owners, and am up-close-and-personal with our mutual adversaries.

          If we’re lucky, I’ll get funding to create an app we can all use. Bad thing? Well, ignore me, then.

          I, like you, am trying very hard and am totally committed — like pigs are committed to bacon — to achieve something.

          If things work out (and they may not), we’ll use gun-grabbers money to fund things we can use. And wouldn’t that be sweet?

        • Hey, TTAG has ads. Welcome to capitalism. I chose to spend my money, to the greatest extent possible, in ways that support freedom.

        • Money is bad? Profit is bad? Making money from informative helpful posts is bad?

          One of the worst things about statists in general is their contempt for making money by satisfying customers. They act as if selling potato chips and large sodas to willing customers is teh evul korporashunz brainwashing the innocent and gullible and the justification for their wise benevolent guidance.

          Such contempt for people is despicable.

          I sure hope you aren’t implying anything of the sort.

    • A gun locked in a steel box is good for what when your home is invaded?

      Kid was not properly trained (or is an idiot). Parents may be idiots. What does that have to do with passing MORE idiotic laws that will not solve an actual problem.

      Sounds to me like you’re of the UK idiotic gun restriction mentality.

      • Nope. I am not “of the UK variety.” If anything, I weep for Britain. If anything, I tend to make people slowly back away when it comes to my statements about Freedom.

        But then there is the real world. And I think there are opportunities to win when responsible firearm owners hold their own to account. In the instant case I cited, it was just plain upid-stay on the part of the parents.

        Do we really need that kind of press? I say “No.”

  1. Dan, you and other Utah dwellers are fortunate that you can exercise your 2nd A rights. Kudos to the local law enforcement and school authorities as well. As for those attending the festival good for them and their esprit de corps, realizing that fun can be had without having to come down on those who choose to use toys that seem like assault weapons.

    • Reread the very first line. Wasn’t Dan who wrote the article. He just edited and published it. :p

      That or he’s got a lot of different personalities.

    • Unfortunately, like 44 other states, Utah sold their educational establishment to the Feds (signed on to Common Core). Sieze the kids and the rest of the “Progressive” agenda follos. And goodbye fireams.

    • So true. In SF, where I reside, these kinds of restrictions apply to gun stores. Actually, make that: Gun Store, singular. High Bridge Arms is the last man standing.

      It makes entering them appear really disreputable.

    • only really been a drinker since I got married (jokes expected) but I’d give up the sauce if I could have Utah’s gun laws in NJ. I don’t need the booze to live, but I sure could use the right tools to keep living alot longer if needed.

  2. I’ve open carried in my kid’s schools before. I also happen to know that one year my youngest daughter’s teacher and principal carried regularly at school. Gave me warm fuzzies all over.

    • As a fellow Utahn I love it here too. We seem to have avoided the onslaught of Cali move ins that is ruining some of our neighbor states (Colorado). Lets hope it stays that way.

  3. Utah is where my wife would like to move once she retires. I can live with it. I wasn’t aware that Utah banned booze. I know there ain’t no lottery there.

    • It’s not banned by any stretch of the imagination. But it is controlled, and there are some weird, nonsensical liquor laws.

  4. LOL, you mean like the law in Texas that you cannot buy alcohol on Sunday before noon?

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