According to, the UK is home to 1.8 million firearms, up two percent on last year. That’s legally registered firearms. It’s safe to assume that there are half again as many illegal firearms lingering within the island nation. Which kind knocks the wind from the sails of gun control advocates who like to hold up The Land of Hope and Glory as the gun-less prototype for U.S. firearms legislation. Or does it?


  1. You know what, you can count on one hand the number of times I’ve used the UK to make a point. It’s you and your friends who continually mention it, usually with repeated inaccurate statements which your post title along is enough to refute.

      • I didn’t think Italian wine was that strong to impair your ability to count…

        perhaps I should give some to the antis in my class, I’m sure I can get some classy quotes from them.

      • Robert, That’s a pretty slick trick. Knowing that most of your readers wouldn’t bother to click on those links, some of your most intelligent members of the “intelligentia” have actually stated it as a sort-of moral position, you just threw up a bunch of random links. The first three have nothing to do with England.

        As I said, I don’t often use England as an example of anything. It’s you pro-gun guys who do that and usually what you say is false, like all that crap about “banning” guns and crime going up because of it.

        • I’m curious. Why’d you put the word “banning” in quotes?

          Are certain firearms banned in England, or not?

          • You need to jump through a heck of a lot of hoops in order to get a shotgun license.

            Yet handguns are effectively banned for the UK – even though they’re the most effective weapons for self-defense.

          • Oh, I know the answer. I was just wondering if MikeB would be honest that his scarequotes were just that – pointless.

          • I often put “ban” in quotation marks because the way you guys like to use it the inference is total absolute ban of all firearms. You do that in a transparent attempt to slant the argument in your favor. If one particular gun is banned and all others are allowed, and you want to say guns are “banned,” you need those quotations marks to maintain some semblance of honesty.

          • So I guess the answer to my question is ‘no’, then?

            If two or more guns are banned in England, then it’s perfectly accurate to say, “Guns are banned in England,” while it isn’t at all accurate to say, “ALL guns are banned in England.”

            I’m sorry you don’t get the distinction, but given what I’ve read about you on here, I can’t claim to be surprised.

  2. If one were to have a boat and a place to, umm, store firearms, the UK would be a great place to shop.

    There’s a massive pile of full-autos that are now just “collectibles” and require no paperwork. (The UK ‘de-activation protocols’ are a complete joke.)

    If one were to have a few IQ points and a vert mill, you could have quite an armory.

    Hypothetically, of course….

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