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In this episode I talk with Chris Dumm about the Crimson Trace junket, the Sig MK25, and firearms ownership in the pacific northwest. Grab the episode directly by clicking here, or subscribe to the podcast (which gets you more stuff and gets it to you faster) by using this link in your favorite program or clicking this link for iTunes.

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  1. You forgot about Utah which is right next to Idaho. We got a 0 from the Brady campaign so we have some good gun laws. Sure we may have strict rules on tracer rounds, but that is understandable with how much of Utah burns every year. I would like to open a range & see about changing the laws to allow traces at that range as well as the bombing grounds which is now the only place they can legally be fired.

    I don’t know if you can use a can when hunting, but since I don’t now hunt I’m not to worried about that, yet.

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