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Latest NRA Ad on “High Capacity” Magazine Ban

Foghorn - comments No comments

Fresh off the presses, here’s the NRA’s latest retort to Obama’s proposed “high capacity” magazine ban. Gotta say the editing quality has gotten a whole lot better on these videos lately as compared to the older images of soaring bald eagles and wide expanses of land. Also, I’m loving their use of the “middle class” phrase in this ad. It perfectly illustrates exactly what those in favor of civilian disarmament are trying to do, with things like mandatory firearms insurance and “sin taxes” on guns and ammo. Poll taxes indeed . . .

0 thoughts on “Latest NRA Ad on “High Capacity” Magazine Ban”

  1. I watched the video and only found a tiny bit condescending. What’s lost in the shuffle is that all of the shooters have been crazy, some of them certifiable and in need of commitment. And the liberal weenies would rather infringe on the rights of everyone who owns a gun rather than the tiny percentage of crazy people who will either kill themselves or somebody else no matter what the weapon. Liberals are so retarded.

    They see an asylum and demand everyone be released, then wail when those same people freeze to death under a bridge in the winter or shove some random person onto the subway tracks. Retards. All of them.

  2. When I see Al Sharpton on television, I mutter, “Two words – Tawana Brawley,” and change the channel. When I see Wayne LaPierre or Ted Nugent on television, I mutter, “Two words – draft dodger,” and also change the channel.

  3. Agree, much better than before…NRA really needs to step up their message delivery. I re-tweet NRA, GOA and other gun sites as much as possible (including TTAG), but the getting with the social media AND broadening their message will go a long ways to helping the 2A.

    • BTW, in the history of this country, has the Secret Service in defense of the POTUS ever fired there weapons? I admit I do not know. If they have fired their weapons, did any of them ever fire more than 7 or 10 rounds? If not, why do they need those high capacity assault magazine clips?

      • They don’t. The only person I ever knew well in the protection division (not uniformed division) was expert with a 1911, a subgun, and shotgun. He had to draw weapons, but not fire them, as far as I know. He ran the four-presidents security for Anwar Sadat’s funeral, and has run Cape Kennedy security since the late 80’s. They’re good guys in the security-guy sense. The big guns are in the SUV’s, and if they ever use them, you’ll know. Almost all the pres. security work is man-handling, since there is too much risk shooting within a crowd of people. Nut-cases are regularly pulled out.

  4. I though he was fine. If thats over the top I guess I don’t know what to say. He was measured & didn’t pound his shoe on the table like kruschev, so all in all, pretty mellow, Randy

  5. The advertisement is reductive at best. The points may be valid, but the delivery is based more on tabloid sensationalism rather than facts.

    • It’s a soundbite world. They ought to use it well, leaving little room for avoidable criticism. The prior NRA add attacking the security for Obama’s daughters at school should have emphasized the schools 11-man security staff which is there even when a presidential daughter isn’t. It’s the elite vs the no-security middle class. Most poor-neighborhood schools do have armed security these days.

  6. I don’t mind ads. It’s a good way to pay for stuff that looks free to me, but this is annoying as hell. find a better way. Please and thank you

    • Ted Bundy, who murdered women and had sex with their dead bodies got love letters and marriege propasols right up to the day he was executed. All you’re proving is that they’re a lot of sick people in this world. But that seems to surprise no one but you.

  7. This innocent until proven guilty being applied to someone who in my opinion gave up his US citizenship the moment he mailed his manifesto and backed it up by killing two citizens and a cop deserved to be treated as a terrorist not a citizen presumed to be innocent until proven guilty.

  8. The founders clearly intended that the standard military arm of the day be permitted to the US citizen. If the progressives want civilians to be disarmed, disarm the military, security forces and police.

  9. A mother in Connecticut was morally and yet not legally responsible by law to adequately secure her guns from her crazed angry son. He was able to easily steal her unsecured guns and murder her, and then go on to murder 27 children and adults. Because of that mass shooting gun rights are under a massive attack on the state and federal level.

    I’m aware of the argument that safes don’t guarantee security and that eventually all safes can be defeated. It says something that (to my knowledge) none of the stolen guns used in mass shootings were taken from secure safes.

  10. Off topic but please get rid of the f*cking ads at the bottom of the screen.

    I use the Pulse RSS reader on an iPad and the ads make the screen jump around so much that it is almost impossible to read the page.


  11. It was a House committee that passed a bill, not the Colorado House. Then ihas to pass the Senate as well. There is still hope for sense to prevail. By the way, who makes a 15 round mag for an AR?

  12. “Maine is like the Texas of New England, with a governor that has now pledged not to infringe on rights while speaking at a gun rights rally.”

    I’m glad Maine’s getting that recognition. It’s been super pro-gun for the longest time, yet often misses out on being recognized as such.

    I’m glad I live here.

  13. Took the plunge and Joined the NRA today.

    Especially after seeing this ad, I think I made a good decision.

    And it’ll be nice to get a free sticker, magazine subscription and hat. I like me a good read… and a good hat.

  14. I don’t mind it, especially now it has the little x button. If you could, however, add just small buffer separating the top of the ad from the middle section of the page that would help my eyes drastically. It looks like the page gets scrolled into or away from the ad. Very annoying and just creating a little separation would do the trick.

  15. There are only semiautomatic rifles and standard magazines (10-20 rounds for handguns and 20-30 rounds for rifles). Sure there are crazy drums and stuff (50-100 rounds) that you could call ‘high capacity’, so what?
    See the games the libtards play. And we let them.

  16. Meh.

    I’m so used to adds at the edges of the screen that I didn’t even notice it until I read this post.

    Either way; “Seriously, it’s your site. Get your money on.” – Chris. This.

  17. That looks very similar to my Daewoo DH40. I’d be SUPER happy if the made a 40 cal version of that and the mags would fit my DH40.

  18. holy crap, more spray and pray legislation

    On #17. (A3754) I like how they’re basically saying it’s ok for people who exhibit dangerous and violent behavior to do what ever they want, so long as it’s not with a gun.

  19. Depends on the gun.
    The .38 in my airweight(and both of my brothers, and one of their wives guns) is decade or so old. I bought all they had of that Cor-Bon 158 gr +p+. Several boxes.
    The .45 in my guns is 2-3 yr old Hornady Tap 200 gr +p.
    If carrying a 9mm, it is Ranger 124 gr+p+ I bought several boxes of 5-6 yrs ago, bought cheap from a dealer that was going out of business.
    Shotgun and rifle ammo is newer.


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