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NRA Attorney William Brewer Intimidates, Threatens NRA Staff While Draining its Cash. Allegedly.

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

Yesterday, NRA board member Scott Bach wrote that calls for current NRA EVP Wayne LaPierre and his leadership team to resign by some board members is due to their desire for “personal advancement” or is the result of their succumbing to media spin.

Then there’s this about William A. Brewer III, the NRA’s outside counsel who’s currently billing the Association at the rate of about $97,000 per day.

Emily Cummins, who worked for 12 years in the NRA’s treasurer’s office, quietly resigned in November as the group’s internal strife escalated. Cummins, in a written statement that began circulating this month among NRA leaders, including at least one board member, alleges that Brewer obstructed the work of NRA accountants and vastly exacerbated the organization’s financial woes as he charged it hefty legal fees. Cummins confirmed that she had produced the statement, which was obtained by ProPublica, but declined to provide any additional comments. Brewer’s firm said its work was justified and of the highest quality.

The statement lays out a list of allegations regarding Brewer’s legal work and his treatment of NRA staff as questions surfaced about his law firm’s billings, which totaled $24 million over a 13-month period. In the first quarter of 2019, Brewer’s firm charged over $97,000 per day, according to internal NRA documents posted anonymously online.

Cummins accuses Brewer of trying to intimidate, deceive and silence NRA staff who were processing his bills while some accountants were growing increasingly troubled by the organization’s mismanagement, exorbitant spending and questionable deals involving conflicts of interest. Former Brewer colleagues as well as written correspondence obtained by ProPublica broadly supported her claims.

Cummins wrote in her statement that Brewer “intimidated NRA staff and threatened our professional livelihoods.” She alleged that he used pressure tactics with staffers “to keep them acquiescent,” compiling what she called “burn books” filled with personal information that he could use against individuals.

– Mike Spies in New Documents Raise Ethical and Billing Concerns about the NRA’s Outside Counsel

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