The NRA-ILA writes [via]:

Most concealed-carry permit holders understand the potential pitfalls of traveling with a firearm, given the outrageous patchwork of state laws involved in even a short interstate trip. And while we haven’t posted much about reciprocity of late, important national concealed-carry reciprocity legislation is still in play and needs your help now to gain passage.

According to a recent update from NRA-ILA, U.S. Rep. Rob Goodlatte, R-Va., who is chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has signed on as a co-sponsor for the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017. H.R. 38 now has 212 co-sponsors, and according to NRA-ILA, its prospects in the House are looking better each week.

Of course, you wouldn’t know that from reading or listening to the so-called “mainstream” media, who have declared the measure a danger to the nation. And you wouldn’t know it from Michael Bloomberg and his gun-ban minions, who have recently proclaimed victory and declared the measure dead.

H.R. 38 now has 212 co-sponsors, and according to NRA-ILA its prospects in the House are looking better each week.Truth is, concealed-carry reciprocity is one of the most important pro-gun measures under consideration this year, regardless of the lies from gun-haters.

The dizzying array of laws throughout the country can leave even the most informed gun owners confused about where they can and cannot go when they are carrying a firearm. Consequently, many leave their firearms at home to avoid potential problems with law enforcement—effectively having their right to bear arms negated because of conflicting laws from state to state to state.

In a June op-ed, author and researcher John Lott explained the problem quite succinctly.

“It’s not easy for a truck driver to avoid troublesome state and city gun laws as he drives across the country with valuable merchandise,” Lott wrote. “He can quickly run into trouble in ‘may issue’ states such as New York, New Jersey, Illinois or California, which give out few permits and require applicants to demonstrate sufficient ‘need.’

“Or imagine a single woman driving across state lines at night, hoping that her car won’t break down along the highway.”
And as Lott pointed out at the time, despite naysayers condemning national reciprocity legislation, much of the country already effectively has reciprocity through agreements worked out between individual states. While that’s certainly a positive development, it still leaves states not participating in such agreements basically off limits.

“For most of the country, reciprocity is already a fact of life,” Lott wrote. “The average state allows people with concealed handgun permits from 32 other states to travel freely. But the eight ‘may-issue’ states and D.C. pull down that average; only one of those eight states, Delaware, recognizes permits from any other state.”

Don’t believe the false claims that national reciprocity is dead in Congress. NRA-ILA still lists the measure as one of its top priorities for this legislative session. As long as that is the case, there’s still a good chance for passage.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit:


  1. How about don’t go to states that are OK with you getting killed?

    They don’t seem to want your business.

    • You Red Staters are so cool, you sell blue state patriots down the drain. Some poor sod gets busted for a bb gun in NJ,buys a blue State felony, and your Red State, enforces Blue state laws by denying that poor sod their second if they happen to flee NJ to your State. When they came for your brother, you dint give a chit, when they come for you, and they are, you are f….ked. ..And you know what? You wont do jack about it butt bend over and take it up your a…

      • In all fairness, NJ is f*cked with more than just gun laws…

        All my father-in-law’s kin are from NJ and the stories I hear during family get togethers from that place are ridiculous. No state is perfect, but I’ve yet to hear anything good about NJ laws.

        The crap I’ve heard my wife’s cousins talk about happening in NJ family and civil court cases alone were downright repugnant.

  2. Great. I do hope everyone who is happy about this will be just as happy when the feds take this inch and then the next mile, making a national “permit” mandatory. Then all of the progress we’ve made in the various forms of “constitutional carry” in so many states will be eliminated. You won’t need to travel to have your rights to bear arms destroyed. And you can be very sure that the “prohibited persons” lists will grow and grow until everyone but the elite “only ones” find themselves disarmed and, possibly, in jail as well.

    Talk about shooting ourselves in the foot.

    • Between you, me, and the door post, until the whole country goes con carry–which is not terribly likely to happen–having a piece of paper to show the the nice police officer in a state other than your home state who has you detained for a traffic violation, showing him that you are one of the good guys , is quite useful.

      • I don’t disagree, but I yearn for the day when officer not-so-friendly is the one required to provide the proof I am a prohibited person before detaining me, wherever I am in the USA…

    • I see where you’re coming from, but I think the issue is getting confused here.

      There’s ample constitutional underpinning for nationwide reciprocity — the federal gov. can enforce it via the Consitution’s full faith and credit clause. Each state can keep its own criteria for issuing licenses, but is constitutionally required to recognize a license from any other state (same deal as driver’s licenses and marriages). The way the law is being proposed, it’s in no way an overreach and in fact fulfills a constitutional requirement.

      Unfortunately, we’re living with a government that routinely defies its constitutional limits and has abandoned many of its constitutionally mandated responsibilities (of which I’d argue this is one). The federal government probably will try to twist this law, if it gets passed, to increase its own power and interfere with personal liberties at some point.

      So you’re right to fear the consequences. But does that mean we should oppose something that’s actually right on its own merits?

      • The only sticking point I can see is states that are Constitutional carry, and don’t issue permits.

        And the answer to that is, the state will be required to issue a permit *unless* the person is a legally prohibited person, when they travel out-of-state…

        • You more or less admit the real problem, and then go on to accept a “permission slip” anyway. The real problem is that this deal would set up and cement the eventuality for a national registry via national “permit.” And then the very natural consequence of both. No thanks.

          The wolves may smile, but they still plan to eat you.

        • It’s not a sticking point. It’s called photo ID. If you’re from a state with Constitutional Carry, all you need is government issued photo ID showing you are from that state. They even got that right in the Senate Bill (which is crap compared to the House version).

          The Senate is where 90% of the problem is.

    • Yeah because there isn’t already a bunch of federal gun control. Us not having something in our favor is the only thing stopping the antis from federalizing this issue.

  3. “Most concealed-carry permit holders understand the potential pitfalls of traveling with a firearm, given the outrageous patchwork of state laws involved in even a short interstate trip”

    I disagree with that. Unless a person has traveled around with their firearm, many have no clue what a mess it is traveling. If a person lives in Idaho and never leaves, or they only travel to Washington, Montana, they have no clue how bad it is going east, especially with the consequences of making a mistake rather serious.

    • Please tell me why YOUR inconvenience in traveling is my problem? Easing that inconvenience by shackling the rest of us to the federal registration and confiscation juggernaut is seriously demented.

      • Nothing?

        That’s not what the Democrats did when they had the ‘levers’ of power and rammed the ACA down our throats…

        • That’s the only reason I vote for Republicans. The GOP achieving nothing is a hell of a lot better than the garbage the Democrats will almost certainly push through.

  4. I live in Commifornia. Reciprocty won’t matter here. The Marxist AG here will merely sue the Fed, like he has done with so many other issues lately. The ole middle finger to Trump. Looking forward to pinning down an area of AZ to relocate. See ya Jerry.

    • They need to make it reciprocal whether you have a permit from your home state or another state. In California your chances of getting a permit in most areas are slim to none. If you have one from another state then it should be good in California and everywhere else. If it’s only good if you have one from your home state many will still be left out.

      • I am not particularly well informed on the language, but I understand that one of the several bills pending requires a home state CCW for full reciprocity.m Of course, that will not stop states from issuing non res permits, and other states from honoring them. Moreover, once California representatives get an earful or three from their constituents who cannot understand why every visitor to the state who has a CCW gets to carry, and people living here cannot even qualify because they cannot show sufficient “need,” i.e., nonresidents have greater rights than residents, the pressure to go shall issue will likely increase.

        • I am particularly well informed on the issue. (I’ve carefully read through each bill more than once). The House Resolution will allow you guys in California to carry any gun with any magazine with any ammo that you keep concealed on a non-resident license. Additionally the only places that can be off limits would be government buildings and whatever the California equivalent of 30.06 is.

          The Senate Bill would let me carry on a Texas license in compliance with all California laws. Y’all would be screwed. It was sponsored by my Senator (Cornyn, not Cruz). Any challenge from the right against Senator Cornyn will be supported by me.

  5. Delaware recognizes others but requires its residents to go through hoops and fire to get one. A Delaware resident can’t carry with a Florida non resident permit but a Florida resident can carry in Delaware all day.
    Pa upped the anti requiring out of state residents to have a home state permit to get a pa non resident, or even carry if recognized. The corrupt bitch who made this rule went to jail for corruption so at least she’s a prohibited person..
    We need either a federal permit or unrestricted recognition. I don’t have a problem with a federal permit because it quickly identifies you as law abiding citizen stock. And keeps the infringers at bay.

    • Oh really? You don’t have a problem with a national “permit?” With that, the feds will finally have their gun registration, of course. And the point is that YOU don’t get to speak for the rest of us. I will never agree to any national “permit” or registration.

      • It wouldn’t be “gun registration” except only insofar as a federal permit would require you to list your carry piece(s). I suspect you own more guns than you carry. Moreover, if you buy a gun through an FFL, they already know who you are–even if the law says they cannot keep that record.

    • The federal government doesn’t have the authority to issue licenses to carry (except in D.C.) for the same reason it doesn’t have the authority to issue driver’s licenses (except in D.C.) It is neither regulation of interstate/international commerce nor necessary and proper (i.e. they have to do it because no one else can), and those are the only two powers the federal government has. What they can do is pass a law enforcing certain applications of the full faith and credit clause, which is what this bill is actually about. Similar laws exist for your driver’s license and your marriage license (imagine the legal quagmire if every state had to come to agreements about whether they recognized those permits from each other state.)

      As long as every state is choosing to or being forced to abide by the full faith and credit clause, and at least one state will issue a license to non-residents, a federal license to carry is unnecessary. Even if one of those conditions isn’t met though, it’s still unconstitutional. Rectifying an unconstitutional state law with an unconstitutional federal law is swallowing a spider to catch a fly, as it gives the federal government the power to regulate something they have no constitutional authority to regulate. If a federal permit ever comes up as a bill I’ll be writing my congressmen to oppose it, and if it passed I’d be behind anyone trying to get it struck down by the Supreme Court.

  6. National reciprocity is unlikely to happen while there is a single Democrat in power, a single RINO in office or a single billionaire like Bloomberg or Soros (to name only two) who is willing to crush freedom.

    But national reciprocity simply cannot and will not happen as long as there are conspiracy kooks who actually believe that reciprocity is a Commie trick to take over firearms licensing via the back door.

    Yep, son, we have met the enemy and he is us.

    • Yeah, I missed where it said how they are going to force Paul “fudd” Ryan to allow it to come up for a vote, seems how he very recently said he doesn’t think its the “right time” to try passing any firearm legislation. More NRA propaganda, making people think they’re helping get something done.

    • It’s like they think the feds aren’t already regulating firearms like crazy. Like this law would be the camel’s nose. The camel is already in the tent.

  7. There will be no national reciprocity or hearing protection act. It’s called the US Congress.

    “Conservatives” are funny people. I heard huge crowds cheering their God king Trump when he said he was protecting their 2nd amendment. What has he done? What can he do? Mind you this was at a rally for Swamp creature “Luther Strange” (yes, that’s his real name, and it’s not from a Marvel comic villain). As long as people like Mitch McConnel, Paul Ryan, et al are in the GOP I don’t think anything super cool will pass. Not to mention aren’t 60 votes needed in the Senate? Fuhgedabouit.

    • Rumor has it that the impediment to the national reciprocity in the House is Paul Ryan, who was reported to have said that “the time is not right.” And without him, the bill doesn’t make it to the floor for a vote. The same is true in the Senate: McConnell is stalling or blocking the bill pending there. As to 60 votes, remember that there are enough Red State Democrats to get the required majority who damn will better vote for the bill–if it gets that far–if they expect to get re-elected.

      • “…remember that there are enough Red State Democrats to get the required majority who damn will better vote for the bill–if it gets that far–if they expect to get re-elected.”

        That’s the key that a lot of folks are clueless about.

        The Leftists have a *serious* problem with the possibly having the senate go filibuster-proof against them in the ’18 mid-terms. Making them very vulnerable to *pressure*…

      • If the majority of members sign a discharge petition, it doesn’t matter what Paul Ryan wants. It will go to the floor for a vote.

  8. It sounds to me like we need to be laying on the pressure to Ryan – McConnell.

    Using any dirty trick we can think of.

    Any Ideas, Ralph? 😉

    • We need the Pink Pistols to do the heavy lifting on this one. Dems shrivel up like Kelsey’s nuts at the slightest whiff of being homophobic. Which is why the Dems created their astroturf front group, Gays Against Guns, as a counterweight.

  9. NRA is wrong, national reciprocity is dead because of Paul Ryan. Please don’t tell me to trust them, since they have done nothing at all to earn our trust. The do nothing Republican “leadership” is the reason we don’t have this already. If the rest of the Republicans in the House and Senate won’t do something about their worthless “leadership” why should any of us bother to vote for them?

  10. Illinois is a “shall” issue state. Granted we were the last to issue permits but still a lot friendly than NJ, Hawaii, or Commiefornia. As far as cost, average resident, $350-400. Non resident $300-? The real crime is the fact that our crooked legislature refuses to recognize any other state’s permit.

  11. I have a resident CC license in Florida my. I need to drive to Wisconsin. Which state is missing reciprocity? Of course, Wisconsin! Now I need to see if I can get a Utah or TN or other non resident license to augment Florida but then the question will be whether various States recognize nonresident Utah licenses.

    Constitutional carry is cool but seems to typically leave non-residents out as well, meaning it could allow residents to carry without license but not allow non residents any valid means if carry unless it maintains reciprocity.

    In my mind it is fairly simple- possessing or carrying a weapon shouldn’t itself be a crime, concealed, open, in a car, in a house, on a road, with a fox, in a box, etc. The crime should be what you are doing with said weapon, if it is illegal already. Like murdering people, robbing gas stations, selling drugs, etc.

  12. Pretty sure Paul Ryan made it clear this was not coming up for a vote this year. I hope I am wrong, but I’m pretty sure I’m not.

  13. Don’t get your hopes up. Sen John Cornyn, Speaking at the Texas Federalist Society chapter annual meeting this weekend said that it would not be brought up for a vote in the senate because it didn’t have enough Republican votes.

    I, for one, would like to know who the rhinos are.

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