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You want to become an NRA-qualified instructor? Take an NRA Instructor course. Unless you do something incredibly stupid—“candidates must possess and demonstrate a solid background in firearm safety and shooting skills”—the chances are close to 100 percent that you will emerge with a certificate. I’ve never heard of anyone failing to get the paper. On the civilian level, that’s not that much of a big deal. For law enforcement, well, I wonder . . . And yes there is a non-white face in this NRA video. He’s cuddling with Eddie Eagle at 3:21.

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  1. I just passed the 15 hour NRA instructor course getting 99 out of 100 questions correct. They only answer I got wrong was the NRA order line phone number. I used the 866 number on the front of the brochure, but the correct order number is on the inside page. I’m still pissed and I’m willing to bet that the majority of people will call the number on the front only to find out it’s the wrong number. These fools should have the ORDER number in plain sight, not some other dumass number that just wastes everyone’s time.(I hope the NRA guys that are processing my certificate don’t read this, or I may never see it.)

  2. I took a pretty intense course several years ago with about twelve other men. The course was over three weekends and resulted in certification in several NRA disciplines (all civilian, no LE). The instruction was very professional and most of the students were the same. There was however, one individual that everyone began to realize had no business teaching anything related to firearms to anyone. The chief instructor agreed and he was not given any certification. I believe that the system worked in this case.

  3. The NRA courses are not hard but people do fail them on a regular basis. Depending on course, one might have to study. I help teach the RSO course here at my range in CA (Cert required for employment and volunteer members must have cert to act as a RSO when employees are otherwise busy).

    For the RSO exam, the test is open book, but students do not see it before it is given. Nor do students grade the exams. We tell them to mark their binder’s of information as it is presented. Every time the course is offered, 3-4 people fail. Generally we tell them to go home, study and come back for a second attempt. If they can’t pass the 2nd time, they must retake the course ($200 a pop).

    And yes people do fail the 2nd time.

  4. I took the NRA LE Handgun/Shotgun instructor course a couple of years ago. There were approximately 25 students in the class. You are given two tries to pass the handgun and shotgun qualification courses. About half the class failed on the first try, and one guy had to take the “walk of shame”, being dismissed from the class for failing the handgun qualification course a second time.
    All-in-All, it wasn’t HARD, but it wasn’t a joke either. If you’ve got experience shooting, beyond standing there punching holes in paper, then it’s not overly challenging.

  5. These Law Enforcement courses are not a joke. I just completed my second school and watched the instructor drop 2 students by day 3…a 3rd on day 4 and 2 more who could not pass the shooting assessment on day 5. The reason a high percentage pass is because you MUST pre qualify and they do verify the documentation you submit. This division of the NRA has no political association with the politics of the NRA civilian side and these instrutors are ALL previous Law Enforcement, take their job very serious and have a high level of integrity

    • You guys are mixing up NRA Pistol Instructor with NRA LE Hangun Instructor. They are not even close to the same thing. Combine Basic Pistol, Personal Protection Inside and Outside the Home and add a Police Firearms Qualification standard to pass and you are still only about halfway there.

      It is no joke. Regular NRA courses are more about safe gun handling for novices and people wanting basic skills for CCW.

  6. I took the NRA Law Enforcement Handgun Course about 2 years ago. Ether the folks putting the course down are either Navy Seals or never took the 5 day course. It was no joke and much to be learned. If I remember correctly everyone did pass the written exam, but 3 or 4 did not qualify on the range. BTW: Background- Former MP, Current NRA Pistol Instructor disciplines and NRA Training Counselor and Florida ‘K’ Firearms Instructor, ALICE Active Shooter Response Training Instructor. Thanks

  7. The NRA LE course is challenging. In my experience, somewhere around 20% do not get certified. It is usually do to the shooting qualification.

  8. I attended the NRA Police Firearms Instructor for Police Handgun and Shotgun at one of the training academies in the state of Mississippi. This was my second time to take the course (for recert). There were numerous civilian correction officers in the class, all of which were ordered to attend the class whether qualified or not. Most didn’t know which end the bullet came out of. Needless to say, one male passed and the rest failed. They were offered the opportunity to come to the next class and retest.

  9. I’m an NRA Law Enforcement Handgun Shotgun Instructor, Chief Range Safety Officer and Florida K Statewide Firearms Instructor. When I took the NRA LEO course I barely had handgun experience. I was a new FLETC Police Officer and was too far back on the FLETC Firearms Instructor list to wait. I passed the Shotgun portion with no problem because of the Military I’m use to Long Guns. I failed the first Handgun Qualification because I had 3 shots outside of the 50% reduction target. I qualified on the second time with only 1 shot outside of the target and it was a big relief. I’m on my 4th year as an NRA Law Enforcement Handgun/Shotgun Instructor and I love it. Training Counselor next anybody with any info on that course please share?

  10. I’ll be attending in November this year, 2023. I retired from the Federal Bureau of Prisons after 25 years. I was a Lead Firearms Instructor and Tactical Leadership Instructor (SWAT) for a few decades with the agency. When I retired I figured what the heck, I might as well get my K license with the State of Florida as all I had to do was furnish my agency certification and take the test. Well… the time has now come to renew my Florida K license. One must have a recert to renew their license. If you’re retired, one can’t do that with the agency anymore. Only option, the NRA Instructor Certification. So, I ponied up the bucks and registered for the NRA Leo Handgun course. From the description it looks like a little more in depth than a regular firearms instructor taught at FLETC but a little less than full tactical training. I’m really looking forward to attending and will post a breakdown in November.

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