Political correctness – where would we be without it? I’m not sure we’ll ever know. But I am sure that the NRA Outdoors helicopter hunt package [description via ammoland.com after the jump] will give gun grabbers and PETA people an apoplectic fit. I know: feral hogs are a pest species. Their original introduction into North America by DeSoto’s mob unleashed a plague that wiped out millions of Native Americans, paving the way for European colonization. Feral pigs have been nothing but a PITA since. But a picture is worth a thousand words. What the antis will see here: gun-mad ‘Mericans trying to relive the Vietnam War without anyone actually shooting back. In that regard, the Credence Clearwater Revival song It Ain’t Me ain’t helping. The fact that the program uses Robinson helicopters instead of Hueys does. On the other hand, who cares? Trying to control the optics of NRA members’ flashier pursuits—from machine gun shoots to firing .50 cals—is a losing proposition. Best to enjoy our freedoms any way we can (responsibly), while we can, so we can . . .

FAIRFAX, Va. –-(Ammoland.com)-  We have had more request to put this hunt together more than any other hunt we offer and it is finally here.

The Texas Helicopter Hog Hunt has to be one of the most adrenaline pumping, sitting on the edge of your seat (literally) hunts out there.

This is just a quick weekend hunt but one I am sure we will all not soon forget.  This trip will be limited to the first 12 members that sign up, so they will not last long.  We look forward to seeing everyone there, here are the details.

We know this is why you’re here. This is the main event. With an unparalleled amount of experience and familiarity with the area we can truly offer the most intense and action-packed aerial adventure out there. Statistics say that 70% of feral hogs must be culled in order to stabilize the population.   Even though we have taken nearly 7,000 hogs in the last three years (!), more must be done. 70%  harvested of the state’s 2 million hog population? You do the math. (answer :140,000)

Now it’s your turn to book a seat helping us rid the hard working farmers and ranchers of the Lone Star State of this overwhelming vermin.

We offer you a TRUE outdoor getaway by providing not only the experience of a lifetime but also  lodging at  our full service hunting lodge. There you are able to add many other exciting activities to your getaway, including native game hunts, giving you  and/or your clients/friends/family a truly memorable adventure! Most of the near 500,000 acres that we  have access to is within 10 minutes flight of the helipads..which are right in front of the lodge!!!

The Aircraft

We choose Robinson helicopters for several reasons. With multiple light helicopters to choose from, the R22 has the lowest fuel burn rate at around 9 gallons per hour, and the R44 provides a comfortable experience for larger shooters as well as giving an opportunity for individuals to ride along. It’s engineers designed the helicopters around the philosophy of light, simple and affordable. The R22 is the  optimum choice for Cedar Ridge Aviation due to it’s incredible maneuverability even  at higher speeds, as well as inexpensive operating costs and an unparalleled safety record! With Robinson being the most produced helicopter in the world, it was an easy  choice due to it’s proven success in all aspects of the helicopter community and the  readily available parts and support world wide.

  • WHERE: Just North of Abilene Texas (We will provide directions at time of booking)
  • WHEN: Arrive Friday February 21st mid afternoon, first groups will go up that day. Depart Sunday February 23rd
  • COST: $2300 per shooter (Stand hunting can be added for $200 per sitting for when you are not flying)


  • Two hours of helicopter time
  • Firearms and Ammo
  • Meals and Lodging


  • 5 Day License (#157 $48)
  • Adult Beverages
  • Gratuities



    • Its not the NRA’s math, Ammoland decide to do the math and dropped a zero and TTAG just copied the story from Ammoland. If you bother to follow the links to the actual original NRA release, the NRA stopped at “You do the math”

      • Dude, I don’t want to get in an argument over what I intended as a light-hearted comment. But I’m seriously suppose to follow the links to uncover that Ammoland is the “culprit”? Seems a bit much.

    • Almost have the quote….
      Anyone who runs, is a VC. Anyone who stands still, is a well-disciplined VC!

      • “How can you shoot woman and children?!”

        “Easy! You just don’t lead them as much!”

        Great movie and I agree they should have used Ride of the Valkyries for the music. Best part of the video is around the 2:30min mark when they get perfectly behind a line of 6 or 7 piggies.

    • Can’t help but feel that this video would have been better served by Flight of the Valkyries for the first part…

  1. I think I know what I am doing in February…my brother in law and I have been talking about doing a Texas hog hunt for years; this would be a great way to do it.

      • I’m pretty sure that they donate most of the meat to charity, but you’d have to check with them.

        • I seriously doubt they are allowed to donate feral hog meat to charity. Them hogs are riddled with trichinosis parasites. I’m sure the hunters will be strongly urged not to take any meat from them.

        • @ William Burke

          According to the state of Texas Wildlife Department

          Is the meat good to eat?

          Yes, meat from feral hogs is extremely tasty and much leaner than penraised pork. The meat from older boars may be tougher and rank tasting if not prepared adequately. As with all pork, care should be taken and the meat well cooked. Otherwise, it should be prepared just like market hogs. The slower the meat is cooked, the more tender and tasty it becomes.


        • Any carcasses that they leave out overnight tend to be eaten by the remaining hogs before morning (so I am told by people in the know).

          I went on a hog hunt about a decade ago, and was told that the local vet had not found a case of trichinosis in the last 30 years.

  2. For $2300 there would have to be naked women covered in honey pouring Jack Daniels straight into my mouth while riding a white tiger. That’s on fire. And flying.

  3. So for $2300 there are no fully auto, completely over the top guns available? Pass. Hard pass.

      • True story. I had a Sgt. while I was in the National Guard that got up real early on the first day of bow season, stepped out on his back porch, and arrowed a deer while he was still in his PJs. A little while later he crawled back into bed and his wife said sleepily ‘I thought you were going deer hunting this morning’. He said he replied to her ‘Yeah, I’m done.’ I wish it was always that easy.

  4. Killing invasive species helps the environment, but the animal rights people disapprove. This looks like a good time. I’ve spent time in a Robinson as a passenger helping count cattle, and it was great fun, but after I became a mom I decided on less risky activities.

  5. My father was a Green Beret in Vietnam and he told me that one time they took a Huey with a minigun out to go hunt some bears…he said they shot the bears clean in half!

    Helo hunting is fun, but not very sporting…I tend to enjoy a good stalk when I hunt.

    • Hunting hogs isnt about being sporting…its about eradicating a destructive, invasive species.

      • Hunted hogs two weeks ago and stalked up on them right after sunset and dropped a 120 lb sow with my 6″ .357 Magnum.

        The ribs and pork loin were delicious!

        • Nice. Ive always wanted to hunt some hogs; cant find people with a hog problem who will let me hunt their land, Im a broke college student so a guided hunt is out, and public land hunts are really regulated for some strange reason.

  6. PS: was in Turners the other day- ammo is starting to come back, and they had a couple ARs on the shelf-
    Asked the counter guy about ordering RRA-15- cant get it apparently in CA,
    so he showed me the
    SR-556VT- nice, but a bit pricey at $1900.

    then he offered the opinion that 5.56 not allowed for hunting pig, recommended .243 minimum.
    I just looked at him and said, ok, thanks!

    Any TX pighunters like to opine? What ammo-
    and what gun was that in the NRA helo video- anyone happen to know?

  7. For $2300, that isn’t too bad of a deal!
    If I had the extra cash I would be on it in a heartbeat!

  8. One thing that drives me nuts about the part of Texas I live in is that it is nearly impossible to hunt without paying to do it. I can understand ranchers and owners of parcels big enough to hunt on charging to hunt deer and dove. What I don’t understand is why they charge to hunt hogs. They want the hogs gone, especially the ranchers, hogs regularly kill calves colts and they’ll destroy a good pasture by eating all the grass including the roots. Rather than discourage hog hunting by charging for it, you’d think they’d invite folks out to kill hogs.

    Of course after that rant…if I had $2300 bucks I didn’t know what to do with I’d be out shooting hogs from helicopters next February.

    • There is not a hog problem in Texas, there is a cash in opportunity for the landowners. When you start baiting hogs, trapping and stocking, that’s a problem created to make money. While I don’t mind paying a fee, a guide, dressing fees, I do resent the per lb charge and limits to one pig per trip. I do understand landowners not wanting idiots shooting up the place and making some money, but don’t whine about an artificial problem. Cause you turn us loose and pigs will disappear just like the gators did until they were protected.

  9. The funny thing here is that the federal government has done this for decades to control feral horse populations as well. In Australia, they have New Zealanders come in to kill kangaroos with helicopters to both control the population and as a food source; the reasons they have Kiwis do it is because no Australian would want to be seen doing the work

  10. Man, Imagine hog hunting with a mounted M60…….
    Using ‘The Pig’ to hunt pigs, what fun.

    (Hmm….What about a minigun? That’d be a blast).

  11. This isn’t the penacle of hunting ethics. If you’re good enough to reliably make a clean kill out of a helicopter, go for it. But if not, you need to keep on the ground.

    • Despite the tasty bacon, and the requirement of a hunting license, this is more ‘pest eradication’ than ‘hunting’.

      Still though, it was sad to see them move on after only wounding/paralyzing some of those hogs in the video. Don’t leave maimed animals just to maim some more, make sure you put them out of their misery.

        • Agreed. I cant help think how many people those hogs could feed if the ranch coordinated the hunt to be followed by a portable meat processor. Wasting bacon is a terrible violation of ethics.

    • After seeing this guy take a few dozen shots and miss every one of them, I thought that maybe given the price of ammo it’d be cheaper just to use the helicopter to run the pigs to death, or at least run them until they got too tired to run, and then land and use a club to bludgeon them to death.

  12. Given Robinsons’ reputation for beaking the main rotor shaft I’d feel a lot better in a Huey actually. Or an MD-500.

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