nra wayne lapierre
Dan Z for TTAG

The National Rifle Association was founded in 1871 following the Civil War to support and defend the US Constitution, specifically the Second Amendment – and to teach marksmanship. Today, though, with the spiraling legal problems that have accumulated under Wayne LaPierre’s “leadership,” the group spends ten times more on lawyers than it does on its core mission.

From the horse’s mouth at

The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) is an American nonprofit organization whose primary mission is “[to] protect and defend the Constitution of the United States…”, especially the right to keep and bear arms. Founded in 1871, the group has informed its members about firearm related bills since 1934, and it has directly lobbied for and against legislation since 1975.

Originally founded to advance rifle marksmanship, the modern NRA continues to teach firearm competency and safety. It instructs civilians and law enforcement, youths and adults, in various programs. The organization also publishes several magazines and sponsors competitive marksmanship events. Its membership surpassed 5 million in May 2013.

Most folks probably don’t know that LaPierre’s personal attorney billed the group $174,189 in the month of August 2021 alone.

That and the other legal fees associated with defending the Association on a variety of fronts total ten times as much as the NRA spends on “education and training, competitive shooting, law enforcement, community engagement, the NRA Range, NRA Firearms Museum, and school security combined.”

Stephen Gutowski’s The Reload has those gory details in a report

The NRA appears to be covering the personal legal fees of its top executive, an internal document obtained by The Reload shows.

Philip K. Correll, the personal lawyer of NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre, appeared on a list of outstanding payments billed to the group. The document disclosed that Correll billed the organization for $174,189 at some point during August 2021.

The payments underscore the scope of legal expenses that the organization continues to incur. The group’s financial report shows that legal fees make up nearly 20 percent of its expenses, its second-largest source of spending behind membership outreach and retention. It also showed that the group now spends on lawyers ten times what it spends on education and training, competitive shooting, law enforcement, community engagement, the NRA Range, NRA Firearms Museum, and school security combined.

The NRA did not respond to a request for comment on payments to Correll specifically. Amy Hunter, director of NRA Media Relations, previously told The Reload the report was “outdated” and “unaudited,” but positive overall for the organization.

In financial reports from NRA, The Reload notes that NRA is not taking in half the revenue it once did. But legal bills are chewing up fully one fifth of its spending.

It’s almost as if the NRA is a passenger jet and one of the engines has failed. It doesn’t matter why that engine failed, the important thing is to get it fixed safely.

But Wayne LaPierre and the cronies he’s placed on the NRA Board of Directors seem hellbent on continuing to limp along with the status quo.

That reminds me of the old Ron White joke about the plane with a bad engine.

“If one of these engines fail, how far will the other one take us?” the nervous passenger asks White.

Ron White replies: “All the way to the scene of the crash. Which is pretty handy because that’s where we’re headed.”


    • I’m fine with NRA spending more on lawyers. I’d prefer those lawyers were litigating 2A transgressions though, not being NRA defense lawyers.

  1. When will the NRA finally wise up and kick out that blood sucking tick LaPierre and all of his buddies? I only send them money because the gun club I belong to requires it, but I have been pushing them to accept other gun rights orgs instead of the NRA. The NRA hasn’t done diddly in the last few years. All I ever get are these panic induced fear mongering emails with a donate button at the bottom.

    • quote—————-When will the NRA finally wise up and kick out that blood sucking tick LaPierre and all of his buddies?—————quote

      When Wayne did away with democratic elections in the NRA and made himself dictator for life the NRA was doomed and had been on a downward slide ever since.

      I am old enough to remember the great Cincinnati Revolt that saved the NRA from moving from fighting for gun rights to moving out of Washington and going to Colorado Springs to become a lounge for the rich elite of the NRA. This of course could never happen again as now the rank and file of the NRA have no say in their own organization. But again this is way over the heads of the Far Right Morons who love a dictatorship which is also why they screamed for Trump to establish a one party system in the U.S. government. They are always their own worst enemies. The idiots continue to send money so Wayne can line his pockets with cash and laugh all the way to the bank.

      The only revolt that would take Wayne out of power would be the members refusing to send the NRA money anymore but the danger there is that it just might destroy the NRA altogether. And once the NRA is gone gun ban laws would become a common everyday passage as none of the other small fry organizations that fight for gun rights could match the power that the NRA still has over the corrupt politicians.

      One of the major factors in the loss of high paying Union jobs was corrupt politicians getting more money from the Capitalvanians who then paid them off to lower Tariffs which let in cheap foreign made goods and after that the working man was doomed to their present day serfdom as wages have stagnated over the last half century while Corporate wealth increased over 900%.

      Only big money talks in the corrupt world of Capitalvania and without the NRA gun ownership would be doomed. Big money paying off corrupt politicians is also why we do not have affordable health care either. Thank the great Criminal George Washington and his gangster criminal cronies that established the most corrupt government in the world for that.

        • to Campbell Soup Brain

          Only a sick perverted mind would denigrate anyone who praised the effort and work of a teenage girl who has been trying to save the world from destruction by global warming. Obviously you in your Far Right Ignorance refuse to believe this is happening.
          Rejecting Science and the studies by the majority of the worlds leading Scientists prove you put profit above human life and the saving of the planet we all live on.

          So do you plan on living on Mars with the earth self-destructs??????

        • Funny how many around the world were saved from Fascism, lifted from poverty, helped fund the rebuilding of their country post natural disaster………all by what George and the founding fathers established.

          What would that be lil’d? Capitalism.

          Where’s the international $s to help with the CA wildfires you moron.🤔

          Thanks for playing. Now you can go back to fapping to Greta and recruiting little boys.👍

        • Only a sick perverted mind would denigrate anyone who praised the effort and work of a teenage girl who has been trying to save the world from destruction by global warming.

          LOL. She doesn’t know anything. She’s a little girl. She is just an echo of leftist programming, stuffed into her by her parents and parent’s acquaintances. Still waiting on her to fly to China and give them a lecture. 🤣🤣🤣

        • “all by what George and the founding fathers established.

          What would that be lil’d? Capitalism“

          If you think the purpose of the founding fathers efforts was to ‘establish capitalism’ I can only salute your amazing ignorance as without parallel in the known universe.

        • “Still waiting on her to fly to China and give them a lecture“

          No need to wait on Special Counselor to the President Ivanka Trump, she already flew to China, although we don’t really know what she gave them in return for her 31 corporate trademarks she received from the Chinese Communist government.

        • “If you think the purpose of the founding fathers efforts was to ‘establish capitalism’ I can only salute your amazing ignorance as without parallel in the known universe.”

          The results of what the founding fathers established is INDEED capitalism.
          Your an idiot of galactic proportions if you think otherwise.

        • “The end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations”

          Thomas Jefferson

        • And that’s corruption of the system idiot.
          The dems have been voting for money since LBJ.
          He even admitted his “reset” would keep the idiots voting D for the next 200 years. LBJ was a POS who ACTUALLY used the “N” word regularly. But that was just fine when the checks were clearing.
          What party do you support? lil’d? The troll farm?
          I thought so you idiot. Racists the lot of you.

      • The far right are anarchists. Why would they be interested in dictatorship?

        You mean the far left where all forms of totalitarianism lives.

        If Wayne is truly a dictator supported by a hand picked counsel of yes men, he is also a far leftist, which is at odds with the support of freedom of the second amendment, which lives on the middle to right side of the political spectrum.

        The NRA has a split personality of totalitarianism and freedom at the same time and is doomed to ultimate demise if it is not corrected.

      • darcydodo…By you own disgusting words that never cease to support Gun Control rot You are to the Second Amendment what a drunk farting gasbag is to fine dining. You have no podium whatsoever.

        • RE: darcydodo…”Only a sick perverted mind would denigrate anyone who praised the effort and work of a teenage girl who has been trying to save the world from destruction by global warming.”

          Only a sick pervert would fill a teenage snot nosed airhead’s mind with a one day it’s Global Warming, next day it’s Global Cooling, next day call it Climate Change load of money grabbing crap and then stoop to use her as a poster child to sell some deranged vision of an earth saving imaginary thermostat to control the sun, moon and stars.

          No telling what a pervert like you who you gets his jollies imagining Big Brother ordering people around with Gun Control would do if left alone with such a gullible airhead teen. Your desire to see people controlled by your insane leftist crap says you are a threat to others around you. I am surprised someone has not taken one of the guns you boast about owning and shoved it so far up your behind it would wink at you when you open your disgusting Gun Control piehole.

        • strangely enough, Europe as a whole receives very little foreign aid from the United States, and most of that is going to the Ukraine to resist Russian aggression.

          But that may bother you, I know how much Trump and his supporters admire Vladimir Putin. I’m sure you were thrilled to see Putin and his buddy Xi, the head of the Chinese communist party hanging out together, good times!

          “Amazing Facts about US Foreign Aid per Country”

          “Asia receives almost $20 billion from the US annually.
          Israel is the most consistent recipient of US aid, with $146 billion received since its founding.
          The US spends between $40 and $50 billion on foreign aid annually.
          Over 30,000 jobs have been created as a result of the US aid to Haiti.
          Afghanistan received $13.5 billion in 2012.
          Europe has the largest number of countries that don’t receive US foreign aid.
          Ukraine receives over a quarter of aid slated for Europe.

        • Yeah.
          Lil’d may want to comment about how US $s get sent to prop up EU countries that have a retirement age under the US standard of 65 years. 🤔

          Or how US $s are historically used to prop up the value of the Euro. 🤔

          Hi, i’M liL’d, AnD cApiTaLiZm aM bAD. 🤪

          Make no mistake lil’d, you’re a waste of space on the planet earth. Wear that crown and sash proudly now. 👍

        • “Lil’d may want to comment about how US $s get sent to prop up EU countries“

          I’m happy to offer a reply!

          Actually, no country in Europe is in the top 10 US foreign aid recipients, as a matter of fact, the top five countries have large Muslim populations.

          “10 countries that receive the most U.S. foreign aid:

          Afghanistan ($4.89 billion)
          Israel ($3.3 billion)
          Jordan ($1.72 billion)
          Egypt ($1.46 billion)
          Iraq ($960 million)
          Ethiopia ($922 million)
          Yemen ($809 million)
          Colombia ($800 million)
          Nigeria ($793 million)
          Lebanon ($790 million)

        • Oddly enough, Europe as a whole receives very little foreign aid from the United States, and most of that is going to the Ukraine to resist Russian aggression.

          But that may bother you, I know how much Trump and his supporters admire Vladimir Putin. I’m sure you were thrilled to see Putin and his buddy Xi, the head of the Chinese communist party hanging out together, good times!

          In any case, the Republicans love giving money to Putin:

          “Russia receives an average of $274,780,483 in foreign aid from the US per year.

          While the aid to Russia decreased dramatically in recent years, it was once one of the biggest recipients of US foreign aid, receiving around $1.5 billion annually from 2005 to 2008. A good chunk of that came from the department of energy and was earmarked for supporting safe handling and use of nuclear materials for civilian projects.“

          “Amazing Facts about US Foreign Aid per Country”

          “Asia receives almost $20 billion from the US annually.
          Israel is the most consistent recipient of US aid, with $146 billion received since its founding.
          The US spends between $40 and $50 billion on foreign aid annually.
          Over 30,000 jobs have been created as a result of the US aid to Haiti.
          Afghanistan received $13.5 billion in 2012.
          Europe has the largest number of countries that don’t receive US foreign aid.
          Ukraine receives over a quarter of aid slated for Europe.

        • too Campbell the soup head.

          I might also add that studies show that when you compare the U.S. gross wealth per year compared to some of the Western European nations like France and Germany and Britain they actually give more of their wealth away to 3rd world countries than does the cheap and stingy U.S. of Hillbillies.

          Just to make it clear the gross amount of money the U.S. gives away is more than the European countries do but less than its ability to give according to its yearly wealth as compared to the Western European Countries who give away a higher percentage of their wealth.

          And I might add for the empty soup head of Campbell if the Socialist Countries of Europe were such failures they would not be giving away so much of their wealth to needy countries. The stats do not lie only the far right radical Hillbillies like Campbell the soup head do.

        • Thanks for helping make a case against so-called foreign aid, Miner. That’s very…right-wing of you.

  2. The NRA, just like the federal government, took the people’s money, then turned it into a shit show. They created the mess they are in. What was once a noble and great venture, they have destroyed. Most of us see the how they can right this wrong, but power and corruption is preventing them from doing the right thing.

  3. I haven’t heard much about Ron White in a while. Are those guys still around?

    It isn’t THAT the wind is blowin’
    It’s WHAT the wind is blowin’

    Dear NRA members:
    Here’s your sign.

      • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

        EDIT – The Blue Collar comedy gang is still doing their thing, as Jeff Foxworthy’s wife told him : “You can still make jokes on stage about my ice cold butt in bed as long as the checks still keep arriving”.

        You just gotta love a practical woman… 😉

    • Same. If they ever start protecting the Second Amendment by doing anything other than wearing a bullseye on their expensively tailored suits, maybe I’ll rejoin. In the meantime, I’ve contributed to the FPC and SAF. There’s more than one way to support the 2A.

    • Same here. Not interested in supporting them untill they replace WLP and make the board 12 members max in size.

  4. Good riddance, hopefully soon. Dropped my membership years ago when it became clear it had morphed into a grift.

  5. My gun range requires an active NRA membership to join or renew your club membership.

    The man who endowed the the land to the club 50 years ago had it written into the bylaws and there is no appetite amongst the leadership to change to a different organization like GOA or just remove the requirement all together.

    So in the end I’m forced to send these assholes 30.00 bucks every year despite how much I hate what they have become… FU Wayne…

    • …or maybe you have your head buried in the sand. This organization is sick and needs to get fixed. Imagine how many people would sigh up again if that happened. Wayne has to change or go.

    • One thing’s for certain, and always left out of the “NRA bad” posts that settle here:

      Not one, nor all of the other firearms organizations together could withstand 10 days of what NRA has endured thus far from a concentrated attack from the left. And Leticia James’s efforts have been further-fed by others who claim to support the Second Amendment, though they were never able to make any impact on NRA, its leadership or its direction. If a fourth of this effort was directed at any of the spinter organizations they’d be out of business and their “officers” living in some shelter in Central or South America.

      The biggest obstacle Jeff Knox, Aaron and the rest of the Dorr family, Dudley Brown, Erich Pratt and the others who want to be the big dogs face is the NRA and its long history of success. Unable to raise their little splinter groups to fill in some voids left due to the huge legal expenses faced by NRA (funding lost primarily in the PVF/elections area); the only hope for these leaders-in-training to ever approach NRA’s level of influence is to bring NRA down to the height their own little groups. If it was possible to raise theirs by any other means they would’ve done it by now, particularly over the past 2 1/2 years. God, how that must frustrate them.

      Anyone who believes NRA would never have faced the onslaught of legal issues, even if WLP had never been born, is delusional. It will continue to bear nearly all of the brunt of such attacks as ong as it exists. So, go ahead, cast all the aspersions you can: Should NRA ever fail, the other little yappers will go down like dominoes, probably in weeks.

      And those of you who always clammor for some sort of armed revolt and all that “keep your powder dry BS”? God help you if you ever try to round up some good people to join you. It will be a learning experience for you while it lasts. Youi obviously have few followers…

      I believe I’ve read NRA’s epitaph perhaps 15 times or so since the kook Patrick Purdy shot up a Stockton, CA school yard back in 1989. I remember those AK photos with the taped on bayonet paraded around by the news media. WTH? Still here. And after WPL’s reference to “jack-booted thugs” and Bush the First’s revocation of his membership? Still standing. Jeeze, even the Hogg kid hasn’t been able to do it- he can’t even torpedo Mike Lindell.

      Me, I’ve never regretted any of my time or monetary support for NRA, which has been more than considerable over the past 45 years or so. The rest of you- choose wisely who you choose to support but heed this warning: If NRA were to disappear, so will the 2nd Amendment if left to the devices of the rest of the “gun” groups. I pray we never have to find out, or that I’m proven right.

      • I will never question how important the NRA is. I question how its being ran. I have just as much right to that as I have to question Goodwill or The Salvation Army. NO ONE is more responsible for their image than they are. Just as a criminal is responsible for their actions.

        • K. On that point I can agree, but having a bunch of people with little to no actual current relationship with the inner workings of NRA tossing info around the internet using here-say statements and “testimony” is similar to Michael Brown’s homey swearing that the “Gentle Giant” had his hands up when he was plugged by Officer Wilson in what has now been determined, in a court of law as self defense.

          Even when most people with any brains at all know they are perpetrating a lie, they stick with the narrative because they don’t give a rip how, through, or by what means their own aspirations are accomplished.

          We should continue to remind the pack of pseudo lawyers here that there is an actual court case underway against NRA and naming WLP as well. So…

          What are the bomb throwers around here going to do if NRA is, and/or WLP is exonerated? Anyone think these 2A “freedom fighters” will then apologize, join NRA or start donating to ILA, PVF, or NRA in general?

          Give me a break. They’ll continue to complain and try to deflect, just like they were doing long before Leticia James was elected.

        • @Craig in IA
          I’m certain people will complain.

          People are tired of the bs. Especially from within. At this point, the grading system the NRA uses needs to be stopped. The Democrat party has gone full bore lunatic. There is not a single one of them that should be getting any money or any favors from the NRA. This needs to stop. We need an organization that is more transparent with everyone. If your that afraid of what the other side will say then your not doing it right. There is no reason to stay in New York. People are making it clear what they want. Whether its based in truth or not, Wayne is keeping people from joining and causing people to leave. If his activities are legit then that must be put out there for everyone to see. Otherwise, he must go. The NRA will NOT win against the kind of propaganda the left puts out without that. They WILL look exactly like the left paints them in the eyes of the public. Too many members ARE telling the NRA “not another cent till WLP goes”. This is getting blown off and dismissed. You don’t win converts that way.

          There are reasons GOA and others are now options. If this isn’t takin more seriously *by the NRA* then they will lose. NOT by what we do but by what they do.

        • Sorry, prndll. In your world,“everyone” is tired of NRA. In the real world away from the craziness of the internet and other forums where only opinions seem to matter and where facts and opinions rarely align, “everyone” is not, or NRA would’ve boarded up the windows a year ago.

          As in any matter in the American system of Justice, it is often better in the long run to let the courts go through the process and stay out of the way. Otherwise we end up with fiascos like the Kavanaugh hearings, the present January 6 “Insurrection” nonsense as compared to the double-standard lack of prosecution in the year-long BLM riots; the “Russian Collusion” scam, etc., etc.

          And while a number around here will blast me for so-stating, it was probably better all the way around that NRA, with its high profile at least among the MSM and other Leftists remained relatively silent in the George Zimmerman and Kyle Rittenhouse cases. Justice seems to have been served in both- flag waving and shouting would’ve only added to the many distractions and eventually even lead to a total miscarriage of Justice or further fanned the flames of violence in the streets. Of course I know there seems to be more than a dedicated few around TTAG who’d relish that type of outcome but they never seem to actually grab their guns and get out there and lead. The keyboard warrior stance is a lot more safe.

        • When I say everyone, it’s figurative. When I say every7one is tired of the bs, I mean bs. I don’t mean the NRA. It’s a very old org but there are ALOT more Americans now. Too many that only know the propaganda from the MSM. People that own guns and believe the NRA is a terrorist organization. It’s all very frustrating and many of us feel that. I don’t need to see them interjecting themselves into every situation. But it’s obvious that things are not right. Personally, I was very put off by their initial reaction to the bumpstock issue. I believe if it were not for that, the whole thing would never have ended up at Trumps desk. I have no problem with Wayne’s need to look good. He should. But too much focus is being put to his wardrobe. I have no doubt that part of that is just part of the propaganda. But WLP isn’t doing much of anything to cool that fire down. Then there is all these 2A issues that needs attention all over the country that the NRA isn’t there for. The American people NEED to see them up front lighting the way. They NEEDED to be all over the Virginia problem and more than just providing everyone with cases of 30 round Magpul mags. There should not be a single instance of gun store shutdowns where they are not seen. Their website needs to make it VERY clear to the world EVERY little thing they do to help every American. Support for Youtube personalities in this fight needs to be seen. We need to see the NRA dealing with schools that suspend kids for BB guns in the camera background. We desperately need to see their presence when it comes to parents that are gun owners being persecuted. People NEED to feel like the NRA is on their side. Few do.

          5 million out of 350 million is NOT acceptable. That is abysmal. Especially now….after 2020 happened. That looks like just the diehards that will stick with them no matter what.

        • @Craig in IA
          We can agree to disagree on things. I leave that door open for anyone here. But there are things that are there that are getting ignored, bypassed, and overlooked (seemingly on purpose).

          Perception is an important factor to consider. Most especially when the war that we are fighting is one of propaganda. We are dealing with lunatics using mind games and twisted truth.

          We are ALL keyboard warriors here. TTAG gives us a place to vent and for that I am grateful. Orgs like GOA have become very appealing to people and that is there for a reason. We can discuss facts and even use those facts to sway opinions but that will only go so far. When the ONLY thing people see from the NRA is them playing defense at a time like this then it will not go over that well. Too many politicians have lost touch with America and too many people feel like the NRA has lost touch aswell. THAT is the NRA’s fault. THAT must be corrected.

        • “5 million out of 350 million is NOT acceptable. That is abysmal…”

          While I agree with this point in your “assessment”, 5 million members, or 4.8, or whatever the actual total is at present is still light years ahead of ALL of the rest of the little groups combined. Sometimes the forest is difficult to see due to all the trees.

          Add to this the fact that NRA offers a complete package for firearms owners: training, safety, competition and other programs that are the international standard, among other services. Things that require a lot of brick and mortar. The gaggle of groups that claim only 2A “protection” pretty much need only some contacted, as-needed staff and a mailbox number beyond their paid leadership.

          If that’s all one wants or expects, fantastic. I would rather invest my time and resources beyond the barest of

          Oh, and BTW, I’m fairly offended by your remark that we are “all keyboard warriors” around here. I don’t know what you’ve ever done beyond responses to TTAG but I, and thousands of NRA members have long track records in dealing with those who would take away our rights and liberties. Track records we are proud of.

        • @Craig in IA
          No offense intended. This is a meeting place of sorts. That’s all it is and the keyboard is it’s interface. Neither of us has anything to prove to the other. There is much I don’t say here as it is a public forum and a record of things that likely wont get erased. Things like specific firearms that I may or may not own or posses. I am a member of 3 orgs that I send money to. I have my interests and have employment aswell as full rights. The fact that I comment here has no bearing one way or the other on other things I may or may not do in life. I am part of this and will continue to be. I’m certain your the same way. Some of us are older and some not but we do have things in common. Male or female, rich or poor, black or white…our freedoms are being attacked and the first order of business is to understand who the enemy is. That is not the two of us.

  6. When the Left comes for you, your defense is going to cost a lot of money. You will be facing off against powerful institutions, the government, and the media. If it can, the Left will kill you and pick your corpse clean. Ask Joe Rogan. Ask Kyle Rittenhouse. Ask Bret Kavanaugh. Ask Clarence Thomas. Ask anyone who has been “cancelled.” There’s a long list.

    The reason that the NRA is Target One is because it is an effective organization advocating for what the Left hates most, which is freedom from the Left.

    I get that nobody likes Wayne LaPierre. He’s not a sympathetic figure. But if you think that the attacks on the NRA are all about WLP, stop kidding yourselves. This is all about putting the NRA out of business and us along with it.

    Let’s not be the Left’s “useful idiots,” okay? They really doesn’t need our help.

    • When the Left comes for you, your defense is going to cost a lot of money. You will be facing off against powerful institutions, the government, and the media.

      What are your rates ralph?

      I get that nobody likes Wayne LaPierre. He’s not a sympathetic figure. But if you think that the attacks on the NRA are all about WLP, stop kidding yourselves. This is all about putting the NRA out of business and us along with it.

      Absolutely agree with this. The left would like nothing more than total division.

      • Personally, I’m not afraid to say I “like” WLP and will until it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he is guilty of any crimes or misappropriation of funds, since a number of those funds came from me. No one, in the history of NRA, has raised more money for the group and its causes. For people like you, who probably don’t even belong: Who would you propose run NRA? And how about naming someone that you actually know personally, and who has a proven track record at fund raising and running a $350 million operation.

        • Uh…. Are you talking to me? Because if you are, I think you misunderstood what Ralph and I are talking about. I am of the opinion, most of the animus toward WLP isn’t because WLP is misappropriating funds, but because he is head of the NRA. And that the “left” is reveling in our own division.

          I actually have a lot of respect for the WLP, ever since he said the words “Jackbooted thugs” that sent fuddtard Bush Sr. into a fudd meltdown resulting in him tearing up his NRA lifetime card. A lot of people don’t like WLP, and have believed the accusations. I’m of the opinion, WLP should step down, not because the accusations are true, but because a huge portion of the membership believe them, and it is better for the NRA that he does step down. That and he is in his mid seventies, and when is he waiting to step down? 80s? 90s?

    • If you know you’re in thr sights of political hacks, you better make sure to be on the straight and narrow. The problem is that all evidence points to Wayne and cohorts doing what they’re accused of. Instead of being a figurehead, Ollie North saw the problems, started investigating them, and was kicked out when he found misdeeds. Bill Brewster (an outside lawyer) is essentially running the NRA because Wayne thinks he can keep him out of jail. If Wayne and his cohorts cared about the NRA, they’d quit and most of the legal problems become moot. It’d be worth the golden parachute of continuing to pay their legal fees to get them out.

      • “ If Wayne and his cohorts cared about the NRA, they’d quit and most of the legal problems become moot.”

        That has to be one of the most ignorant comments ever to be written in any TTAG reply. WLP or not, current Board or not, Leticia James and her ilk are on record as saying they will destroy NRA. If WLP retired, or even died tomorrow, the lawsuit will continue. Why not? NYS people aren’t spending their own money…

        • It’s not an ignorant comment. Go look at their financial ledgers. Go look at the court documents. The revolving door between the NRA and Ackerman McQueen is a matter of public record, as are the “consulting fees” and improper bookkeeping, as well as the lawsuits, counter lawsuits, and attempted bankruptcy proceedings that gave us a much better view into the finances of the NRA than anyone expected. I get that you’re an out of touch boomer that’s deeply involved and invested in the NRA. Perhaps you’re high enough up that you get to enjoy some of the gravy train and you don’t want it to end. I don’t know. I do know that you being in the NRA makes you a completely biased and unreliable source. Like it or not The “division” within the gun community over the NRA becomes moot if WLP and his cronies step down and set the NRA back to it’s original purpose and stop using it as their personal slush fund. Whether you think that’s fair or not doesn’t matter.

    • I agree. It’s the NRA first, and then all other 2A support groups will be targeted next.
      But Wayne LaPierre and the NRA board are all responsible for putting the NRA in this vulnerable situation in the first place. The government was just waiting for them to screw up. So they could take advantage of it. Unfortunately this entire situation it’s going to have to play out.

      LaPierre is acting like a man about to drowned. And he will spend the entire assets of the National Rifle Association, if necessary, in order to stay out of prison. Because unfortunately the board has given him that kind of power.

      • Fun fact: the NRA tried to stop the appeal of the district court dismal from going forward in Heller. It pressured the Cato Institute, and the lawyer who eventually successfully argued to sustain the appeals court deciding, Alan Gura, not to go forward in the case, and only when it was inevitable did the NRA concede and support it.

  7. Life member, so they’ve gotten my money. Every year they have “deals” to increase the life membership. Last year I sent the envelope back with a personal letter telling them that I would not again increase my membership as long as LaPierre was in charge. If more life members, and others who get offers for membership did the same, maybe it’d finally have some effect.

    • Gipper’s Ghost,

      The only action which will truly motivate the NRA to change is disappearing income.

      The only question is how much of their income has to disappear before they decide to change for the better.

    • “Endowment” member here…and an NRA member since my college days in the ’70’s. There was a time not too long ago when I funneled all my political support money to the NRA. No more. I’m a retiree who cannot afford to waste any pension or savings money on poorly run organizations. FPC and USCCA receive my current support until NRA cleans house. Sad. I’ve been an enthusiastic supporter of the NRA.

  8. My multi-year membership expires this spring. For now I’m supporting GOA and GSL. When the NRA cleans their house, I will rejoin.
    We had to “clean house” on our local school board 20 yrs ago. Happily the parents got more involved. It was a win for the kids and parents and retired residents.

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

      “We had to “clean house” on our local school board 20 yrs ago.”

      There is going to be a lot more of that in the immediate future, nation-wide, thanks to Leftist Scum pushing their Marxist-based ideology on small kids…

    • The Board members who tried to get one a few years ago were driven off the board. Since the Board is personally and criminally liable for misdeeds, they understandably resigned instead of putting their heads in a noose.

  9. I admit it, i’m a moron. I am very sorry for posting my lunatic rantings, I get off my meds sometimes and can not think clearly and mom is a bed hog so I can’t sleep very well.

    • Congratulations lil’d!
      Admitting it is the important first step to joining rational thinking people worldwide. 👍

      Best of luck on your journey to reality.

    • In the same way that we are/were the real target of the left, and Trump just happens to be in the way.

  10. Am I inferring wrong from this that the nra only spent less than 20k on most of its core activities in a month and raised how much money?

  11. From the article (allegedly

    “[NRA] membership surpassed 5 million in May 2013.”

    I find it interesting that the NRA is touting membership numbers from 8 years ago. Could that be because membership in 2021 is significantly lower? Hmm.

    • Gutowski is reporting that the NRA stated in 2021 court documents, testimony I believe, that membership is just under 4.9 million. The wrong direction in a period of time where many millions have purchased their way into new gun ownership.

    • 5 million?….out of 350+million!
      5 out of 350! Is this meant to impress? After 2020?

      Something needs to be looked at here.

  12. When an organization spends about half of its money on membership acquisition/retention and legal fees, that is a very sick organization.

    Of course that same organization also spends a substantial amount of money on employee compensation in addition to membership and legal fees. Dare we say that they spend another 20% of their income on employee compensation? If that holds true, then the organization only spends about 30% of their income on their alleged core mission. And that, ladies and gentlemen, I abysmal.

    I would never give money to a charity where only 30% of donations go toward their charitable cause. In fact I would insist on calling that organization a scam rather than a charity.

  13. The resident prog moles certainly reveal their actual allegiance to the MSM when the subject of the NRA comes up. Great troll/clik bait.

    • Being a gun owner does not automaticly mean being an NRA member any more than it means being a criminal. It is certainly possible to be a gun owning pro2A American and still be against the MSM and also not be an NRA member.

      One thing does not require the other. Correlation does not mean causation.

  14. I’m still a member, Life Benefactor, and they still do good things such as bankrolling the NYSRPA v. Bruen case in front of the Supreme Court currently; those of us in NY with legal guns appreciate someone fighting for our rights. That said, Gutowski, the WSJ and others have reported enough about the state of the NRA that I think it’s time for Mr. LaPierre to step down and for a new leader to refine the organization’s mission for the good of NRA, it’s members and it’s services. I will not abandon the organization but until WLP steps down, I’m uncertain that I’ll send in any more money either.

    • I am in about the same situation exactly, Life Benefactor member and all. If WLP had stepped down after the last attempt to unseat him the NRA would be well on the way to recovery. At the same time WLP would probably be in Prison, so in essence the members, who still donate, are paying for this grifter’s freedom. I am hoping that there will still be an organization to donate to after LaPierre has finished using it. I hesitate to wish him ill, but if he suddenly somehow went belly up the Second Amendment would, on balance, benefit IMHO. Without WLP New York would loose their main target.

  15. The 2nd Amendment was there before the NRA. If losing the NRA means losing the US Constitution then we are in more serious trouble than any of us realize. This is upto us. Being dependent on these organizations to defend your rights misses the point. We decide through our votes who runs this country. The best way to protect your rights is to NOT vote for those that seek to remove youre rights. That is what Democrats are doing. Nothing about the NRA one way or the other has more value or is more important than that. If you are a member then fine. If not, then fine. But every vote that goes left is a vote against the 2nd. That’s where the focus needs to be.

    I cannot speak for anyone but me. I will never give any Democrat my vote. Regardless of Trump, the NRA, or anything else. I’ve made my mind and my choice. They have proven themselves to be against American ideals time and time again. Vote them out and the NRA won’t need to be so defensive.

    • Yep. I may decide not to vote for a given Republican, but voting for a Democrat is one thing I will NEVER do. Made that decision in 2012/13, and events since then have only made me wish I had seen the light sooner.

  16. God damn that Wayne LaPierre, Marian hammer, and roughly 55 other useless board members at the NRA.

    Absolutely useless one and all. This Crew is just about single-handedly responsible for ruining our organization, and placing our constitutional right to keep and bear arms in jeopardy.

    I could type on this thing half the night with stories of gluttony, waist, grift and spending.
    And then some of the cowards on the board resigned once they were told that the liability insurance that Shields them from lawsuits is being canceled by the carrier. Take Ted Nugent for example. Someone please tell me what action he took on the board in all of the years of him being a member that directly benefited a right to keep and bear arms in the overall health of the organization? Nada. Yes, I like Uncle Ted and I like his rap, and I like his music, but let’s face it folks he was only there for the free stuff. The swag, the gimmies, the free hunting trips, the free ammunition knives and guns. Once he found out he can lose everything he owns in a lawsuit, he bailed and basically said I wasn’t built to be on a board sitting in a chair of some such thing. Well Ted, what the hell do you think is the job of the board of directors? You are supposed to be set in policy, monitoring the actions of staff and the executive director, making sure that the organization is running like a well-oiled watch.

    Then there’s Marion Hammer. A nice lady yes, but tell me what has she done over the last two decades in support of the organization and the second amendment? Oh that’s right, she was Wayne’s number one cheerleader.

    Rinse and repeat for about 55 or 58 of the other 70 board members. And besides which, why the hell do we need 70 members of the board? Tell me another organization that has 70 members on their board of directors? How does anything get done? Oh that’s right, it becomes a cheerleading section for Uncle Wayne again.

    Wayne, with his thousands of dollars in clothing, shoes, hair care, trips abroad, apartment for his squeeze, and now almost $175,000 in billable attorney fees for just one month last year.

    I have supported this organization for almost 40 years and I’m sick to my stomach.

    Wayne if you’re reading this and I suspect you’re not please retire already. Cut and run and take your money and write off into the sunset. I guess you won after all.

  17. Those of us that serve and have served, those of us that defend and have defended the Constitution, those that are U.S. citizens and share the freedoms of the men and women that fought and shed blood in the past and whose decendants have stayed within the envelope and seal of this countries borders, and immigrants grafted hereto, share the privileges and judgement of the good and bad things done to and by this society with men and women that did not step foward. Those few men and women who stepped foward (little more than than 30% of the Colonists) known as “Patriots” and defeated the tyrannical rule and unrepresented governance of these Colonists, are the reason we share this country with men and women of different and opposing ideologies of thought. If it takes more bloodshed and more revolution to defend this Constitution at some time in the future and iron out unreslovable differances, I am sure there are men and women that will rise to the occasion and take tyranny and unrepresentative government to task. Lady Liberty holds the scale and may the balance always remain in favor of The Republic! May grievances always be resolved in peace. May the Commander in Chief always defend the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

  18. In particular, I found this little offhand comment very illuminating as well.
    “The payments underscore the scope of legal expenses that the organization continues to incur. The group’s financial report shows that legal fees make up nearly 20 percent of its expenses, its second-largest source of spending behind membership outreach and retention.”
    We’ve all long suspected that the NRA spends 95% of the money you send them on flyers trying to get you to send them more money. This little pearl pretty much confirms it. If the legal expenses total 10 times as much expenditure as to what they spend on the things THEY’RE SUPPPOSED TO BE DOING, then how does the larger expenditure of “membership outreach and retention” compare?

  19. The NRA is toxic. Some of that is imposed upon it, but much is self-inflicted.

    I think we’d do better with an organization dealing with gun safety and training separate from legal fights to begin with. It would be nice if one could take on the mantle of helping gun ranges set up without the baggage of the NRA and its suits.

    • Hey, Hannibal-

      You’ve already got plenty of rights-only “organizations” that have zero training, education, safety, youth, women’s, competition and other programs that bring masses of people together. Aren’t they, and their primarily uninformed, misinformed and politically-inexperienced disciples the ones whining about NRA’s influence in the first place? Their meager membership numbers reflect their appeal to the American public.

      Your choice of words above make it difficult to determine, but if that sort of thing is what you are attempting to advocate, you’ve already got “that organization”. It/They are not, however, nor never will be, the main player in the game. Their meager membership rolls reflect their general lack of appeal to the American public as a whole. While they offer rhetoric galore, they provide little that is actually tangible beyond a t-shirt or bumper sticker.

  20. Honestly, at this point I think this is the NRA’s most useful purpose: to be the lightning rod for all the anti-Second Amendment lawfare. They have been…let’s call it disappointing for a while, but they are the big bogey man of the anti-2A groups. Let them keep attacking them and let actual groups that do good work continue unmolested.

  21. Why did it take an anti-gun, anti-civil rights person like a Michael Bloomberg, and his media Outlet The Trace, to finally expose the corruption inside the National Rifle Association???

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