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Last year, we intrepid reporters made it out to the desert near Las Vegas for the SHOT Show Media Range Day. It was billed as an opportunity for the press to get a peek at the newest gear and guns coming out and get some experience handling them. In reality it was more like an excuse for SHOT show exhibitors to bring their friends and goof off on the range. In other words, it was overcrowded and we couldn’t get as much trigger time with the guns as we would have liked. This year, things will be different…

The NSSF has decided to chop the media day into two halves. The morning session has been reserved for select media on an invite only basis, while the afternoon is more of a free-for-all (still need to register and all that jazz ahead of time, though). From the NSSF:

The next Media Day at the Range will be held Monday, January 14, 2013. At the upcoming Media Day there will be two sessions. The first session will be open to invited media members only at 8:30am. The invited media registration is now open and the invite email has been sent out.

The afternoon session will be open to pre-approved and at-large registered media beginning at 1:00pm. The NSSF pre-approved registration email has already been sent out to those individuals. The at-large registration will open October 1, if space permits.

There will be a no guest policy in effect at Media Day at the Range 2013.

This change has been made thanks to feedback from Media Day last year, to have an even safer shooting environment and to allow exhibitors to spend more time with members of the media.

Do you guys care? You probably don’t. We would have brought you the best coverage of SHOT Show 2013 either way. But this definitely helps, since all four of your intrepid reporters are on the VIP list and got the invite.

Needless to say, we’re looking forward to once again bringing you the BEST coverage of SHOT Show 2013. Aww yeah.

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  1. “But this definitely helps, since all four of your intrepid reporters are on the VIP list and got the invite.”

    I’m glad to hear y’all are considered part of the select “big kids table” club. Looking forward to the coverage again this year.

    • Matt in FL,

      You’re icon pic shows you to be looking mighty fine. All this time I thought you were just some dude.

      • Haha, I just signed up with Gravatar. I really am just some dude. But that’s a good picture. With those eyes I wish I could say I knew her.

    • I guess they all wanted to be “tacticool” at SHOT? Nobody heard about trying to be the gray (or grey) man and blend in with your surroundings?

    • Not me: I wore blue jeans and a bomber jacket. And I’ll do it again next year. I’ll probably be sporting the mission backpack, though, since my wheelie bag was too much of an anchor.

  2. Looking forward to it! Last year, you guys made it feel almost like we were there. And what I especially liked was you reported on who was nice and friendly and shared info freely, and who was not willing to talk to you or any of the other “unwashed”. To me, it gives an insight to what the company is about in regards to customer service.

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