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An email blast from Lawrence Keane of the National Shooting Sports Foundation:

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), as the firearms industry’s trade association, has consistently opposed the concept of so-called “universal background checks.” They are also opposed by 86% of federally licensed firearms retailers . . .

We are somewhat encouraged by “The Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act,” an amendment (S. Amdt.715) proposed by Senators Manchin (D-WV), Schumer (D-NY), Toomey (R-PA) and Kirk (R-IL), in that the amendment is not as broad in scope as Senator Schumer’s “universal background check” bill that is part of the bill (S.649) about to be debated by the Senate.

Noteworthy in the amendment being sponsored by Senator Manchin are provisions to improve the reporting of records of all prohibited purchasers into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). NSSF is advocating precisely this through our “FixNICS” campaign. We are also encouraged by the amendment’s inclusion of NSSF’s proposal to allow federally licensed firearms licensees the ability to access NICS to screen current or prospective employees.  NSSF urged the Department of Justice to pursue this proposal over a year ago.

However, NSSF continues to be concerned over provisions that do not address our product liability concerns for retailers processing private party transfers and retailer record-keeping responsibilities that also expose them to possible license revocation for even simple mistakes.  These concerns are at the core of our opposition to so-called “universal background checks.”

We are also very concerned that this amendment would give priority to background checks originating at gun shows over those initiated by retailers serving customers at their retail storefront establishment. Weekends, when gun shows take place, is also the busiest time for retailers.  Instead of prioritizing gun show checks, we believe Congress should provide NICS with the resources needed to process all checks instantly, which has always been the goal of the NICS system.

While we oppose S. Amdt.715, we remain committed to participating in any constructive dialogue to find real solutions to try and make our communities safer, a goal shared by all Americans.

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  1. Personally I oppose anything that has Schumer’s name attached to it, you just know your about to get the shaft.

    • Agreed. Still may not have gone for it but Toomey would have been better off constructing his own proposal, rather than trying to fix something from Schumer. That’s a taint that won’t wash off.

  2. Looks like the carry reciprocity is not as concrete as I thought, and we already know registry violations won’t get prosecuted (F&F comes to mind). So this bills only advantage might be that it is less worthless than S.649.

    • Where does it even mention carry reciprocity? I have been over it several times and I cannot find it amongst the rest of the crap.

  3. This whole thing is a crock that shouldn’t even see the light if day. The only thing worth passing is the national carry reciprocity, the rest of it is simply incrementalism at its finest.

  4. i always wonder about people worried about making “simple mistakes.” sorry to sound like a hard ass, but i hear this and think, if they are simple, dont make them. double check your work. i dont see anything that “prioritizes” private sale background checks. i am against background checks, but complaints like these make 2a people sound like whiners.

    • I believe there is significant history of the ATF using “simple mistakes” (like accepting a 4473 with “Y” written where “Yes” was called for in the days before the check-box was invented) to reduce the number of FFL dealers over the last 20-25 years.

      • so fill it out correctly and double check work. Are people really going to risk their FFL for the letters “es” on a form? I have filled out that form numerous times, it’s not rocket science. Some places even make you do it in BLOCK CAPITALS just to be safe.

        a gun grabber will say: if we cant trust them with simple paperwork we cannot trust them with a firearm.

  5. The Manchin Toomey Amendment does not just give priority to checks orginating from gun shows, it would effectively block all checks from any storefront (non-gun show) becuase it says the gun show check must be COMPLETED before NICS can handle any storefront checks. So if there is a single “delayed” check from a gun show NICS has to COMPLETE that check first — but that could take days to do.

  6. NSSF supports in principle the Grassley proposal which helps to FixNICS so that the records that ought to be in the system for those that are prohibited persons under current law are submitted .

  7. “The only thing worth passing is the national carry reciprocity” Be very careful in thinking this may be a good thing. Anytime the” National ie Federal” becomes involved your rights are now being looked at by a different group with a different agenda. As with drivers licenses, crossing state lines becomes a different ball game with different rules to follow, as an example look at the FAR rules for the trucking industry and you get the idea. State to state reciprocity as we now have may be a better way, however know the state rules when you do travel.

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