“There’s more to the leadership of the National Rifle Association than the gun-crazy Wayne LaPierre, and it’s getting offensively worse,”a nydailynews.com op ed opines. “By profession, [newly elected NTA Prez James] Porter is an Alabama lawyer. Last June, he came to New York to speak about gun rights at the yearly meeting at the Wallkill Rod and Pistol Association, located in Orange County. Porter noted, believe it or not, that the NRA was actually founded in this state.” No way! Way! During his speech, the Southern gun rights advocate—who advocates for African Americans’ right to keep and bear arms—revealed himself to be a racist. Well, according to The Daily News . . .
“It was started by some Yankee generals who didn’t like the way my Southern boys had the ability to shoot in what we call the War of Northern Aggression. Now, y’all might call it the Civil War, but we call it the War of Northern Aggression down South.”
See what he didn’t do there? I suspect Porter was joking when he made this remark. You know; playing the dozens with his northern audience with a little friendly Southern – Yankee shooting-reated banter.
Anyone who thinks Porter wasn’t joking—that he’s a racist—should probably do a little Google searching to see if he’s ever made a racist statement before . . .
I got nothing. The anonymous Daily News editorialist doesn’t see it that way. At all.
Only unreconstructed fans of the Confederate defense of slavery characterize the North as the party in the wrong in battling to eradicate America’s original sin and preserve the union. Implicitly, they believe that Abraham Lincoln should have stood idle in the face of barbaric evil.
Huh. I guess that whole “state’s rights” debate’s got nothing to do with it then. Anyway, political correctness is its; own reward when you’re trying to fine something, anything to characterize an organization as the enemy.
Especially when you’re preparing the ground for a violent conflict to come which, this writer believes, will culminate in the federal government labeling the NRA a terrorist group. (More on that in a future post). Defining the battlespace, I believe it’s called.
Read this in that context:
Way out on the fringe, he contended in the same 2012 speech that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Attorney General Eric Holder were pushing for a United Nations Arms Trade Treaty to take American citizens’ guns away.
The man is poisonously nuts, and his stance on the Civil War is an affront to all Americans, black, white and other. The question can fairly be asked:
As it holds sacred an extreme reading of the Second Amendment, does the NRA also subscribe to the Civil War’s constitutional progeny, the Thirteenth, abolishing slavery; the Fourteenth, providing equal protection under state laws, and the Fifteenth, guaranteeing blacks the right to vote?
That’s flat-out inflammatory. Get ready for more. The NRA’s victory in Congress, its swelling membership (from four million to five million since Newtown), has statists spoiling for a fight. “This is only round one,” President Obama promised.
I’ll say this about that: Porter better bring his A game. He’s going to need it.
Indeed. In my county in Ks, my sheriff and county commission have made statements and passed a rsolution expressing support for SB102. Makes me proud to be a Kansasan. Although I am truly sorry we produced Sebelius.
Good piece. Thanks for clarifying Porter’s comments and the background context of his comments. The NY Daily News in print is only fit for lining bird cages.
But watch how many other Journalists {Journalists?} pick up the Porter is Racist Meme….its short, easy to remember and fits in the chosen narrative. The NRA must hit back on this immediately, preemptively and vigorously so as it does not become the accepted view of their new president. If you don’t believe this just remember how they were able to frame Dan Quayle, Sara Palin, Mitt Romney as dotes and idiots or evil capitalists and also have been able to keep Joe Biden from being a laughing stock for anyone other than knowledgeable readers of the daily news. It only matters what the press says about someone, not who they actually are.
Just so long as they aren’t parrots…
Wayne’s time really is past. And no, it doesn’t have anything to do with “Old White Guy” or any such nonsense. The fact is that Wayne has gotten his ears boxes in on way too many occasions, by guys he should have creamed. Someone earlier mentioned when he was on with that little weasel David Gregory not too long ago. Gregory is a half pint weasel, and Wayne should have chewed him up and spit him right out. But he didn’t. He doesn’t think fast on his feet at all. Perhaps he did at one time but that time is past.
There are many people out there on our side who can run rings around Wayne, and win debates, which means winning for US ! When I watched that weasel boy Gregory clobber Wayne again and again I just cringed. Watching it on live TV I found myself yelling the correct responses at the set, and getting angrier each moment.
Remember, the gun issue is not some part time gig for Wayne. This is ALL he does. He should be like the heavyweight champion of the world, where all challengers to our gun rights tremble to debate him. It just ain’t that way. Wayne sometimes does alright, and sometimes he does our side no favors at all.
A super articulate and passionate woman would be great for our team right now. We’ve got no shortage of them, but this stranglehold Wayne has on his position has kept anyone else from emerging. Sandra Froman (past NRA Pres.) can debate Wayne right into the ground. Why not her ? She’s a proven commodity.
This crap about “don’t change horses in mid-stream” is just that: crap. We need the absolute best, sharpest, quickest, and most passionate defender of the 2nd Amendment possible out there for us. Wayne ain’t that guy.
Please tell me exactly how he’s racist? Besides the fact that the civil war was NOT just about slavery ( I know it was a big factor ) but it seems like every time someone has even the slightest deviation from what these left leaning jackholes have as an opinion, instead of an open debate based on facts, they get all emotional and start calling you every name, baselessly of course, like a 3 year old child. ” If you don’t play my way, I’m taking my toys and going home…..AND I’m telling.”
“Gun-crazy”. And here I thought that was the point.
Somebody get him a historian, QUICK! Because slavery was NOT the primary reason that war was fought.
Liberals will die to defend the belief that the Civil War was fought over slavery and nothing else. History never suits the liberal. It only proves them wrong. Like their memory lapse over the fact that Lincoln was the first Republican president.
For the love of God & Country, doesn’t ANYONE in the MSM study history beyond their 8th grade humanities class? There is so much wrong with that piece that it isn’t even worth picking apart.
Slavery was already beginning to make its way out the door in the south in the 1860’s, popular support of it was waning. It was only a matter of time before the practice ended anyway. The war was about state’s rights. Lincoln wanted to own the nation and have the southern states play ball with the fed. The south told him to suck it. Lincoln tried to garner support to go to war to prevent secession but it was tough to come by. So, what does any power do to gain support from the masses? Heartstrings and bloody shirts. That is all the slavery issue was to the Civil War. Something everyone could get behind to destroy, though it was a mere blip on the radar as to reasons for the war. The writer of that article should probably do some historical study that doesn’t involve a modern day college campus. Anyone who thinks that all of those southerners who fought in the Civil War were fighting so the rich plantation owners could keep slaves is seriously deluded.
Well said. However, the victors write the history, and the story needs to make them the heroes.
Nothing wrong with old white guys.
Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, Franklin.
Dumb question.
Someone with the username TrackingPoint and linking to the tracking-point.com website posted in the thread from a couple days ago that “the password feature is optional.”
I thought it was curious, and wondered if they were actually from the company why they didn’t say more than that. Maybe they just didn’t have time.
Ah, the favorite weapon of the left, the old tried and true race card.
Y’know, every time someone quickdraws the race card as though it were a challenge coin, they muddy the field and so make actual racism, where it does occur, more difficult to combat.
I’m beginning to believe that the connonical requirement for an editorial slot at the N.Y,T. is an I.Q. of room temperature – in Celsius – in an igloo.
“is it time to find a new face for the NRA? One that isn’t an old white guy?” That’s a pretty RACIST statement to make, no? If LaPierre was BLACK, would you say it’s time to find someone other than an old black guy? I don’t think so.
This guy is exactly what the gun community needed. And I’m glad he’s stuck around. Shot my first gun about a year ago and like him, dove head first into the community and culture. Now I concealed carry every day, legally, and I live in California. I once was basically anti gun and it also was from fear and lack of knowledge. Once I understood guns I fell in love. Within the first couple shots I was hooked. My experience was very similar to his. I discovered his channel almost right away and have been hooked since. His videos have given me a lot of knowledge and insight, as well as help me win a lot of arguments with family who were once nearly anti gun. This guy is a great face for the new wave of gun owners.
Who’s racist, the man who fights for self-defense rights for minorities everywhere, or the progressive who fights to try to take guns away from people in the inner cities–those who need them most to protect themselves? When you look at the demographics of places like Chicago, it’s damn obvious that the gun control agenda is racist as hell.
It’s also sick, imho, that you get all these murders, just about every friggin day, in inner cities. And the media says nothing. And Obama says nothing, he doesn’t care. Then an extremely rare shooting occurs out in the mostly white suburbs and Obama and the media jump to “action” and demand gun (people) control. Who’s the racists???
What else is sick, to me, is that Obama, if he cared about the violence in the inner cities, could make a HUGE impact instantly. Bush (a neo-con, remarkably similar to Obama in many ways) could have as well. But they choose/chose not too. End the war on drugs. The drug enforcement stuff has huge racial undertones. And how do you think the gangs fund themselves, it’s JUST LIKE ALCOHOL PROHIBITION with the gangs back then (the original gangs!) But they choose to go full speed ahead, in fact Obama has been far worse than Bush on this. Yet the media won’t even TOUCH this. If the media cared one bit about minorities, if Obama cared one bit about minorities, they’d do something about this. Sadly the only politician really touching this one recently is Rand Paul.
Racists in the Democratic party seem to get a free pass. I don’t just mean people like Dick Harpootlian (chair of the SC Dem party). I mean the subtle bigots who think that a ticket needs to be “gender balanced” because women will only vote for another woman, or that minorities will only vote for democrats… well, because.
Racist or not, the NRA does not really need another southern white old man who talks about the “war of northern aggression.”
“Have fun storming the castle!”
I was a liberal in college until I found the library.
So a mentally defective clown with a room temperature IQ wanted an audience for his big exit. He wanted to be known. Well, it didn’t work. I just read the story and I’ve already forgotten his name. I guess that nobody ever told the fool that if you want to be remembered as someone good, someone the world will miss, you should do something good.
Why not? Air guns are cool. Just don’t knock your eye out, kid.
The Daily Snooze would no doubt be surprised to know that its idol, Barack Obama, has killed more “people of color” than the NRA’s new President.
I shoot my airguns more than my firearms.
Beeman R-1
Beeman P-1
kinda reminds me of the SKS/VZ58/FAL combo that was being talked about a couple years ago on some of the gun forums. Hey, if it works and you can, why not?
Please explain to me why the rifle that was designed to “Repel Major Assaults” is now considered an Assault weapon?
In the 1960’s the M16 was presented as a rifle that could “Repel Major Assaults” due to his size, weight, and shape (not to mention the smaller bullet). Would that not make it an Anti-Assault Rifle????
Is it “the job of the media” or it it more like “media hand-job”? Exactly.
Need some Blackout!!!! Blaaargg!!!
Bill Maher conveniently “forgot” about the battle of athens, tennessee in 1946.
Its okay bill, nobody takes you seriously anyways.
and the Taliban and Iraqi Insurgents have mauled and bankrupted the most powerful war machine in the planet. ..being armed with rifles and home made bombs.
Seriously, does this douchebag even think before he says anything?
Definitely funny. The Onion is all about bullshit, exaggeration, and hyperbole. What’s funny is this bullshit exaggeration and hyperbole from the onion is something the antis believe or think happens at an nra convention.
Let’s use the anti-gunners’ favorite diatribe here: cars aren’t designed to kill so this is apples and oranges. Okay, let’s run with that. A motor vehicle is designed to transport people, a gun is not. No argument there. Guns are used in crimes. Yep, some of them certainly are. (So are some cars, but I want to take it easy on the use of logic, lest hoplophobes’ heads explode.) You have to be licensed, insured, and trained to drive a car, but you can go in and buy a gun if you pass a background check. True again.
However, there is one thing to be easily determined using the car vs. gun fatalities arguments. Using the US Census Bureau’s most recent data (only as recent as 2009, sadly) I see that auto-related deaths were 35,900 in total. Gun-related deaths were 9,203. Therefore, even with licensing, insurance, education, training, and various state and local laws, deaths are still caused by car accident nearly four times more often than intentional gun misuse. It follows that mandatory licensing, training, and insurance is not the answer and is therefore not the answer to gun violence problems. Let’s not add to the equations such facts as the cars having seat belts, air bags, crumple zones, and all those safety features, because then the 4 to 1 comparison gets even more mind-boggling. I guess that’s the real “apples and oranges” comparison to be drawn, then, and the main reason the anti-gunners don’t want us to broach the topic.
Oops…I guess I did, huh? So sorry about that…
Keep up the good work.
This is, without doubt, an absolutely terrible idea. I’ll point out one thing though — unlike any of the gun control groups I’ve tried to engage with on Facebook, right now there’s a large active thread on this guy’s FB page started by an opponent. It hasn’t been deleted and there are antis posting way down the thread.
Somebody supports free speech, somebody else doesn’t…
There’s a small but substantial minority of college gun enthusiasts.
In my experience, we tend to be either business or science/engineering majors. It’s the humanities/liberal arts types that usually go for the anti-gun idiocy.
Collegehumor stopped being a college student site when its creators left College themselves, and it was never a particularly good one to start with.
Love titanium…
I’ve got a William Henry in titanium with damscus blade. It’s a thing of beauty!
They are also assuming that slavery was the driving cause behind the Civil War, not the fact that the Gub’ment didn’t have a legal right to stop the southern states from succession but didn’t want to give up the power…
This just spotlights how ALL the MSM unabashedly supports the gun grabber crowd without fear of backlash because they are all in it together when it comes to supporting the grabbers, the Democrats, and their pet causes from 2A destruction, to abortion, to ‘bama Care, to class warfare, to social re-engineering…
These MSM lap dogs (and doggettes) prostitute themselves to the Democratic party and their causes every hour of every day.