Revolutionary war battle reenactment

During the annual Battle of Plattsburgh commemoration, re-enactors from New York, Canada and the Northeast demonstrate the ground battles that occurred as a naval battle took place simultaneously on Lake Champlain. They also march in a parade with their muzzleloaders, flintlocks and black powder rifles and camp on the grounds of the local historic museum.

But there’s a problem this year. State Assemblyman D. Billy Jones, a Democrat representing the 115th district, says New York’s new gun law specifically prohibits all those activities. …

“The new law the way it’s written reenactors are not allowed to carry a firearm, a musket loading type rifle, black powder rifle, flintlock rifle, whatever because it’s in violation of the new law. The new gun law of New York state has claimed its first casualty: the Battle of Plattsburgh. It’s the first event happening after the new law went into effect on the 1st. There’s nothing in the law that let’s an exemption happen or a waiver happen for an event in a historical significance like we have here in Plattsburgh. We have over 70 reenactors that were coming to this event. Very disappointing.”

Battle of Plattsburgh reenactor chair PJ Miller says some reenactors have canceled their appearance at this weekend’s events.

“Essentially the reenacting community is sort of afraid. Many people are uncertain what’s going to happen. We have had reenactors who have said that they would rather not come just in order to protect themselves and you know not get in trouble. That’s not what any of us would like to do. Because of concerns about bringing flintlocks and not being able to do their presentations as they normally would we have had cancellations unfortunately.”

In a written statement, a spokesperson for the governor says:

“Governor Hochul passed new public safety laws to protect New Yorkers and keep them safe from gun violence. These laws allow historical re-enactments to occur, and we will work with legislators and local law enforcement to ensure these events can legally and safely proceed.”

But Assemblyman Jones said he has been trying to get a response from the governor’s office for days.

“There’s been other reenactments throughout the state that have been cancelled. We have been calling the governor’s office trying to get answers on this for the past, uh, 36 hours ago I’m going to say. And we don’t have anything on that front. This is what you get when you rush through legislation.”

— Pat Bradley in North Country Officials Say New Gun Law Prohibits Battle of Plattsburgh Reenactments


    • Was not removing firearms from the “public space” Governor Hochul intention from the beginning?

      The Governor is succeeding in getting the law abiding to comply as for the the violent frequent offenders not so much.

      • 👿 Exactly! When are we going to say Enough!?
        I did a Civil War reenactment with a friend in Fla. A Few times to help bolster the Union team. I was an Algonquin scout . I wonder what they would have thought about not only my gun but my warclub?

    • Rick, ONLY in Hochul’s perverted dreams. God, I hope EVERY Gun Owner in NYS votes this woman OUT of OFFICE! She hasn’t the brain she was born with.

      • It’s not gun owners who will vote to keep her there, it’s everyone else. The “gun owner vote” in NY is badly outnumbered by the “I wish we were a despotic monarchy” vote.

        • There have been monarchies that cared far more about the rights and well-being of their people than American leftists.

        • Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
          Elections have consequences.
          You snooze, you lose.

          Napresto, you needn’t reenact the midnight ride of Paul Revere but you have had every Saturday this year available to walk your neighborhood’s precincts door to door and make a 20 second elevator pitch to your neighbors urging them to stand up for basic American values when they cast their votes.

      • I’ve little doubt that the vast majority of gun owners in the state will vote against her. Unfortunately, there are not enough of them to make a difference in the outcome. Not nearly enough.

  1. Good to see laws that target the real troublemakers for a change and not just a bunch of innocent bystanders who never bother anybody.

  2. “Governor Hochul passed new public safety laws to protect New Yorkers and keep them safe from gun violence.”

    Keep them safe? Folks are still getting their asses shot and killed.

    Someone needs to personally sue her for lying to them… 🙁

    • Hochul didn’t “pass” the legislation. The representatives whatever Neeuu Yawkers call them, “passed” the legislation, you know that friendly guy who represents your district that you kept voting for no matter what? He’s the guy who passed the legislation. All Hochul did was sign the bill into law. The rot is deeper than just the goobinator. It flows through the whole NY government and is the fault of the people counting the ballots — not necessarily voting, but the ones counting. Micha Elyi is correct. Did you in Neeuu Yawk go door to door soliciting votes for a person who actually believed in the Constitution? It doesn’t even take any money, just not watch the Sunday afternoon football game which doesn’t make a bit of difference in your life who wins, and spend that time talking to neighbors about the crappy choices they have in front of them. Or is Neeuu Yawk like Kalyfornicadia? They all stink so badly makes you want to handle the ballot with rubber gloves on.

    • Ensuring Democrat control for generations is a feature of driving out the Undesirables, isn’t it?

      I’d been wondering why so few people seem to notice that.

    • “Looks like Bruen was a success. mUh sYstem wOrks!”

      Yes it was/is; gave us a much needed tool. Also gave us the challenge of chasing all the roaches (and we know how they multiply). We won a battle, not a war. The closer you get to an enemy’s core, the more fierce the fighting.

    • The system does work, the New York legislature went mask off racist in writing the law you’re using to mock the SCOTUS case letting us all know what wonderful people the party of slavery still is.

      It’s not my fault y’all voted for a creepy rapist that was replaced by a racist who-ah.

  3. This may be an unintended consequence for Hochul and her kind, but I’d wager it’s a happy one. Accurate history is left’s inconvenient truth. Pardon the puns.

    • Can’t have the sheep realizing arms confiscation is what kicked off that whole revolution thing. Might give them ideas.

  4. Uhhhh, hello!! Muzzle loaders and black powder guns aren’t “firearms” for most purposes.

    Oh wait. I can’t cite US federal law in a fascist state like New York. Hochul gets to decide what legal terms to use, and what they mean. Sorry, false alarm.

    • “Muzzle loaders and black powder guns aren’t “firearms” for most purposes.”

      Federal law, maybe, state law, some states do consider them ‘firearms’.

      New Jersey is one of them…

    • read the federal difinition of “firearm ‘. Muzzleloaders are certainly included. HOwever they are, asa class, exempted most gun control laws, and do not require FFL’s to oversee transfers

      • She was just protecting the citizens from all those gang bangers with muzzle loaders. They are a real menace to society with all those 1700’s assault weapons. Just think of all the ride buys that could have happened if they had horses !

    • In the great liberal state of Colorado muzzle loaders and black powder guns are damn sure firearms. Here a BB gun is a “deadly weapon”. Of course a lot of New Yorkers, folks from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan have moved here and brought their stupidity with them.
      We are all DOOMED.

      • Fellow Commieradoan here. That’s why I moved to the North Eastern High Plains, just a hop, skip and a jump from Kansas. I can be in Goodland before the County Sheriff can make it from his office to this little one horse town. 🤣🤣

    • This Hokle person could be Brandon’s vice president!
      Identifies as a woman (I think)
      Hates firearms
      Denies the Constitution & science.
      Says will never retire.
      Can string sentences together without repeating her(?) self for now.

      • She would have been disqualified from candidacy for both the Vice President and Supreme Court Justice because she doesn’t have enough melanin. Possession of melanin and a vulva were Biden’s prime qualifications for his picks.

  5. What is this crazy lady talking about, black powder muzzle loaders are not even considered firearms by the ATF, and when you order one online, it ships directly to your home, no FFL required. More hype to scare the Democrat sheep….

    • And how does new York state classify them ??
      This just proves how this crap law effects more law abiding citizens then it will ever effect a single criminal.

        • What were police doing in your home? Did they have a warrant? Because that is the only way police are getting in my house.

        • Mr Bennet, for your edification, there is no such thing as a “firearms permit” in NYS except for a pistol permit and to enter your home, they STILL need a warrant. it’s called the 4th Amendment which deals with “search and seizure”? Be sure the brain is engaged before putting the mouth in gear?

      • I guess Pirates are next. I recently noticed A friend who is a Street Performer Pirate in New Orleans has started carrying a replica pistol, he must have frightened some Snowflakes. I need to ask him about it.

      • I was talking about a pistol permit ,I have had one for over 15 years and they will come to your home if you have 4 or more handguns on your permit ,they do ask first , but you better ok it.I have been inspected 3 times

        • you are incorrect just because you have a pistol permit they still need a warrant to search your house to get a warrant they need probable cause and being a gun owner is not probable cause, you do not loose your rights by being a gun owner.
          If they try it again say no and you are calling your lawyer.
          If they try and escalate record everything and slap a multi-million dollar lawsuit and criminal charges against them.

    • “More hype to scare the Democrat sheep…. “

      So isn’t it fascinating that it was Democrat politicians who pointed out the problem with the new legislation.

      “State Assemblyman D. Billy Jones, a Democrat representing the 115th district… “

      Perhaps the Democrats are not a monolithic group as many conservatives claim, perhaps there are Democrats who actually support the second amendment…

      • “Assemblyman D. Billy Jones, a Democrat representing the 115th district, says New York’s new gun law specifically prohibits all those activities. …”
        “We have over 70 reenactors that were coming to this event. Very disappointing.”
        He said as he doubled over in laughter…

      • Your commend–Perhaps the Democrats are not a monolithic group as many conservatives claim, perhaps there are Democrats who actually support the second amendment…

        This statement is the most blatant form of gaslighting I’ve seen! You act as if democrats don’t vote in lock-step! Next you’ll tell me the earth is flat because 1 scientist said so!

      • MINOR Miner49er It seems that MOST DEMONcRATs are Leftists. Sorry but them is the facts. In spite of your false declaration.

    • Now you have done it! Some of them might just read this. They will be screaming for the law to change. Wait until they find out how easy it is to make powder😱

  6. The governor said in speech that the second amendment was only meant for muskets. She said that just a month ago. So I guess she lied about that too. But don’t worry. Soon you will have legalized recreational marijuana in the state of New York.

    I’m so happy for you, that you are getting what you wanted, from the New York state government. And I’m sure now all the crime will just go away. I remember being told that by the drug legalization crowd.

    • “The governor said in speech that the second amendment was only meant for muskets. She said that just a month ago.”

      In that case, the 1st Amendment doesn’t cover radio, broadcast television, the internet, or anything electronic…

      • That is the 1st amendment to Libertarians liberals and the Left who agree with her. Because they are quite comfortable allowing multibillion-dollar private tech companies, to work to prevent, family-owned gun businesses from being able to communicate, with their customers and suppliers.

        All of them are comfortable applying this discrimination to small businesse, and individuals, who they disagree with politically. And that they do not like.

        They support using Birds to send messages. Or using two tin cans and a long piece of string.
        Those are acceptable forms of the First Amendment communication for the “other” people. In the 21st century.

    • Does that mean she also only uses quill pens that you have to dip in ink? Or that she only uses words that were in use at the time if the ratification of the Constitution? I mean, that’s what she should do if she was intellectually honest. Hahahahahahaha!!! Sorry, back to our regularly scheduled commenting.

  7. I attended a Civil War reenactment in Newport News Virginia many years ago. It was amazing. It was great to see people willing to take their personal time, and personal resources, to display living history to the world.

    But the goals of the enemies of Liberty has always been to Destroy the historical record. With lies and falsehoods. The people behind the very popular stage play “Hamilton” decided to not use replica muskets in part of their stage play. As a way “to show solidarity” with the anti-civil rights movement in the 21st century.

  8. There have been many attempts in the past, to ban the use of muskets in Historical Battle Reenactments. Now they have finally succeeded. I remember when the NRA use to fight against this kind of stuff.

    I got another fund raising letter from them. I will mail it back to them with a note. And not the dollar kind of a note.

    • Chris
      I found an old check book from a bank I no longer use. I’m going to start using those. $100, $500 the more they piss me off at the moment the more $$$.
      With a big VOID on it, and why they ain’t getting anything from me.

  9. Wait, didn’t the Democrats always say the only arms protected by the 2nd Amendment were muskets?

    • It’s muskets owned by the State and issued to the National Guard. By the standard of Revolutionary War arms, muzzle loading rifles and blunderbusses would also qualify, but you won’t find a Dem who could tell the difference between a Brown Bess and Pennsylvania long rifle.

  10. Two of the original colonies, New Jersey and New York, who were at the forefront in the charge for independence, now serve as role models of oppression for the honest citizen. It is a sad thing to see.

  11. Also no 21 gun salutes (no guns in cemetery) and no shotgun or rifle merit badge for the boy scouts in NY camps.

  12. Time for real New Yorkers to wake up from this WOKE ninny that was appointed to office.

    • The Owner of my company, not only had a cannon or so, on the 4th of July he would pull one on a trailer in the Township Parade. He had a Mortar Cannon built out of a 16″ round by 24 inch chunk of Stainless he got, with a Titanium base. His neighbors loved him. He would fire off an Airhorn to alert them he was gonna fire the cannon. He was considerate. Legal in Ohio.

      Sadly he died 6 years ago. His Wife and Son now run the Co. But She also gave me an Ithica Model 37 Police special, (slam fire) 12g Shotgun. I was on his list if he ever wanted to part with it.

  13. Own a musket for home defense, since that’s what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. “What the devil?” As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he’s dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it’s smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, “Tally ho lads” the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.

  14. Muzzle loaders helped to win The United States of America’s freedom.
    Yessiree Bub , ban them damned things before it happens again.

    • No, Alec Baldwin and Liam Neeson will be free to film their gun-filled violent movies in New York while those same actors continue trying to disarm all law-abiding citizens.
      I bet more people have been shot and killed by Alec Baldwin than all historical reenactments combined.

      I thought only New Jersey banned muzzleloaders — now New York state is banning them too? New Jersey has no exceptions for re-enactors, AFAIK, so I guess New York is following New Jersey’s lead.

  15. Far from the first victim , many gun raffles , QDMA events , high school trap teams , hell 21 gun salutes have been cancelled. Plus hundreds of thousands of concealed Carriers are risking jail daily .

  16. -sarcastic mode on- As the battle was fought by white males, reenacting it would only perpetuate a racist, binery oriented toxic environment. Therefore kudos to the gov. -sarcastic mode off –

    • “-sarcastic mode on- As the battle was fought by white males, reenacting it would only perpetuate a racist, binery oriented toxic environment. Therefore kudos to the gov. -sarcastic mode off –”

      There is a new movie out, “The Woman King”, celebrating female warriors protecting an African tribe that was deep into the slave trade, and only stopped when blockaded by the British Navy in 1851.

  17. “In a written statement, a spokesperson for the governor says:

    ‘Governor Hochul passed new public safety laws to protect New Yorkers and keep them safe from gun violence. These laws allow historical re-enactments to occur,…’ ”

    That’s a flat out lie.

  18. I am having a hard time trying to visualize a miscreant holding up a 7-11 convenience store with a muzzleloader. Maybe it would be more intimidating if the miscreant had a fixed bayonet?

  19. @Harry
    “…if you have a pistol permit they still need a warrant to search your house…”

    It might be that a condition of granting the permit is the waiver of a warrant, and pre-permission to check the status of firearms at any time.

  20. DOH! “unexpectedly” NY citizens now find out that there are unintended consequences that come with such laws, but at least everybody is “safe” from reenactors

  21. Funny thing, in California, a black powder firearm is not a firearm unless loaded and primed, or in the possession of a felon. Cannon are legal as well.

  22. I remember when President Clinton was President, the situation was almost the same. I don’t remember the numbers, but was perhaps a thousand, maybe more, for the Battle of Antietam. President had military helicopters flying all over the Maryland territory because of the reenactors were carrying black powder replicas of the kind and type of rifles that the North and South were carrying, and he was worried that the reenactors were going to march on Washington, D.C. with these weapons. Why was he so upset, it was rather simple, someone on his staff that knew nothing about Civil War guns had declared that the one shot black powder rifles were assault weapons. And what made them, was because a bayonet could be mount on them. Right, assault rifles. That’s part of the problem with some of the legislation that comes out, whoever wrote the Bill, knew nothing about the guns in question. Our current President doesn’t seem to understand what an assault weapon might be either.

    • “President had military helicopters flying all over the Maryland territory because of the reenactors were carrying black powder replicas of the kind and type of rifles that the North and South were carrying, and he was worried that the reenactors were going to march on Washington, D.C. with these weapons.”

      “You step out of line, the man come and take you away”
      – Buffalo Springfield

  23. These damn crazy Dim’o’craps must be stopped. This is totally insane! Those are early 1800s Flintlocks. Plus there are NO projectiles, bullets or balls, loaded. These morons simply want to control us in everything we do. Tell them to shove there law up their a**s and have your reenactment. Load live in case one shows up to object.

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