Image via Facebook (NYPD).

It looks like NYPD will have an opening soon. One Queens karaoke bar regular, a New York police sergeant in his day job, involved himself in a dispute with fellow patrons at 5a.m. Monday morning. Seems the men didn’t tip their waitresses and Sgt. Raymond Wong sought to right the wrong as a “white knight.”

Things went sideways for the him when the three other patrons told Mr. Wong to mind his own damned business. Things escalated and the argument turned physical. Pretty soon Sgt. Wong found himself on the receiving end of a little rough bar justice. That’s when Wong drew his GLOCK and fired three shots at the men.

Being a representative member of the NYPD’s finest, he missed. With all three rounds.

The New York Post has the story:

The three men, two 38-year-olds and a 37-year-old, were arrested, the sources said. Charges against them were pending, cops said.

Wong was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. He was arrested Monday night and charged with two counts of assault, police said.

Wong was suspended without pay following the incident. His poor marksmanship may have saved him from a lengthy prison term. Maybe (soon-to-be former?) Sgt. Wong can apply for a job ensuring gun safety on Alec Baldwin’s next New York City film project.


  1. This is my not-one-tiny-bit-surprised face…

        • Thankfully not as easy as it used to be so we can slowly remove some of our garbage officers and some of the incidents see the light of day. Possibly the only upside of our criminal justice reform.

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    • “Sum ding wong.”

      I’m looking at it this way –

      If NYC is forced to issue carry permits, they will likely have a shooting test. Can’t let the untrained be walking around with dangerous guns!

      So, all a potential applicant has to do, is shoot as well as a NYC cop.

      I don’t think the NYC pols fully realize yet what a *massive* shit-show is on the near horizon.

      Rail-cars of popcorn, and tanker-cars of ‘adult beverages’ for all of us.

      *snicker*… 😉

  2. Had a session at the local shooting range. the police force was also training there (annual handgun qualification). to be really succinct: I wouldn’t want to be an innocent bystander when those guys were using their guns in an encounter with A bad guy.

  3. U.S. Cops are some of the most untrained police in the industrialized world. Few get adequate training and few even know their own state laws. Most could not hit a cow chained up in a barn stall.

    On average U.S. cops gun down over 1,000 people a year compared to civilized nations like Germany that only killed 12 people in 2012, and China that killed only 4 compared to Capitalvian that gunned down 1,200 people that year. Most foreign Nations provide adequate funding for the training of police as well as vetting out applicants that are psychopaths , sadists or suffering from PTSD. In Capitalvania any psychopath that wants to become a cop is welcomed with open arms and told to shoot first and ask questions later.

    In Capitalvania life is considered cheap and expendable and police are given “qualified immunity” which is simply “a license to kill with impunity”. Some get as little as 4 weeks training before they are turned loose on the public to gun down people for failing to change a burned out license plate bulb while Republican Jackbooted Fiends cheer them on. It is a sick society gone completely mad and it reminds one of the corruption, madness, brutality and downfall of Ancient Rome. History does repeat itself assuming global warming does not kill off every human on the planet before that happens.

    • U.S. Cops are some of the most untrained police in the industrialized world. Few get adequate training and few even know their own state laws. Most could not hit a cow chained up in a barn stall.

      From my experience, many trained military are similarly unqualified marksman.

      And yet, we hold military or police training as the “gold standard” for civilian-involved shootings. THAT’s the real takeaway…

    • I started reading D’s comment above, saw some discrepancies within the first few sentences and intended to reply, then got bored halfway through due to the same, tired diatribe. Almost fell asleep on my keyboard.

      Slapped myself awake, never finished the rest of Dacian’s word salad. And I’m happy as a clam for getting back to my life.

      • Oh, crapp! I responded to “D.” He made some sense when talking about poor marksmanship and knowledge of state laws, then he threw in a slam against Republicans that was unjustified. I’ll be more careful and read who’s writing before wasting time reading.

      • The latest FBI data for 2020 shows that Legally Armed Citizens. Shoot and/or Kill more Criminals than Law Enforcement.

        • “The latest FBI data for 2020 shows that Legally Armed Citizens. Shoot and/or Kill more Criminals than Law Enforcement.”

          Language is fun. Which statement is intended here? Legally armed citizens shoot more criminals than they shoot Law Enforcement officers? Or, legally armed citizens shoot more criminals than do police?

      • Ya, when I see who placed the comment my scroll down while ignoring function automatically kicked in. Why anyone would read his always long winded psudo intellectual spew more than once is beyond me.

    • You were doing alright, until you spewed “Republican Jackbooted Fiends.” That was inaccurate and uncalled for.

    • @dacian Funny you mentioned China as “civilized” as police “only” killed 4 in the line of duty, where the CCP secret police have executed at least 20 million and as many as 50 million and it still continues today, just they are more secret about it. Police in America kill people more often than some countries because their citizens don’t fire at police first. All things being equal, the Wong guy never practiced his firearm skills, luckily for the victims

    • Most Chinese police do not carry firearms, and as the private ownership of firearms is essentially banned, the circumstances in which an officer would shoot anyone are also rare. That is not the situation here, so apples and oranges.

      • I recall a photograph of a Chinese cop, it was a revolver, with a lanyard ‘ring’ on the butt of the pistol.

        They literally keep a leash on their pistols…

        • Really lanyard’s have been used by the military for decades and they are not as bad idea as modern gun owners think. The idea was that if you let a gun slip from your hand you would not lose it in a crisis situation nor could someone just grab your gun and run off with it. Do not laugh there have been quite a few actual instances of this happening in the U.S. were some punk did indeed grab a cops gun and run off with it just because he wanted a gun.

        • That’s why I tie a string on the trigger gaurd, well not really, it’s for dragging a gunm behind me because I cant find a holstein that fits.

    • Lil’doofus, when you mention 4 weeks of training, or whatever, you should note that in most places only ONE DAY of that time is spent on firearms training. Similar to my arrival in Vietnam, I had been in training for around 21 months at the time, of which 3 days were devoted to firearms training. To be fair, all that training was to enable me to kill a great many from the air and without a firearm involved, but they did issue me a .38 revolver and a select fire SBR nonetheless, with no additional training required.

  4. As a long time USPAS competitor, I took some newbies to the PD range for their CWP class. The first thing the Range Officers did was hand out bulletproof vests for everyone…. Then we had the class, and I could see why. Their safety and gun handling was TERRIFYING!! Anyone handling a gun this poorly at a match would be DQed (disqualified), and ordered off the range. Having a cop in charge of gun safety on a movie set will almost GUARANTEE negligent discharges!

  5. You shouldn’t be allowed to have a firearm unless you are just as well trained and capable as a police officer.

    • That’s ridiculous. Look at all the good Wong’s training accomplished. You want people trained like that?

    • Well, not exactly. Maybe you mean “should not be allowed to carry in public” until thoroughly trained. You’re gonna have to go shooting with your own weapon often to get proficient with it. That’s where I am right now. I applied for my CCW permit, but I won’t venture out in public armed until I have spent many hours at the range. If I could afford it, I’d speed things up by getting tactical defense training, but I’m handicapped and not able to go through the rigors of tactical shooting ranges. It’s more like sheltering in place, but with the ability to defend my place. In the mean time, I’m just spending quality time at the range. Shooting for pleasure is a blast. Nothing makes me more content than a warm gun barrel.

      • wait a second… Just to make sure you need to get some self-defense liability insurance. there are several offerings available, but you need to shop carefully. You want one that is unlimited, its going to cost a little more but believe me its well worth every penny and more. For example, Second Call Defense insurance is cheaper but its limited and if you get tied up in litigation your costs could very easily be double that of the Second Call Defense limit – so you would want to kind of stay away from Second Call Defense if you could afford better – Second Call Defense represents the middle-of-the road in self-defense liability insurance land.

    • “You shouldn’t be allowed to have a firearm unless you are just as well trained and capable as a police officer.”

      That’s the nugget of pure, 24-carat *gold* in all this – If they think they are gonna be cute and require a shooting qualification test for a carry permit, it can’t be any more difficult than their own police standards, since we will sue, and win.

      What a giant, stinking turd to drop on their dinner plate, and watch them eat.

      Extra-bonus good news for us is, this makes a case for re-introduction of real firearm safety in high schools on the national level, like sex ed, and driver’s ed is already done now… 🙂

    • Huntmaster, I think you have that backward. A police officer should not be allowed to carry a gun unless his firearm skills are as good as mine!

    • To Huntmaster

      Quote————You shouldn’t be allowed to have a firearm unless you are just as well trained and capable as a police officer.————quote

      Let us hope that is never the case considering what morons the average cops are.

      I always laugh when some Hillbilly makes fun of say the French Police that were involved in some very serious hostage situations and unlike the moron U.S. cops that got the hostages killed or even accidentally shot the hostages the French succeeded in blowing away the terrorists and rescuing the hostages. But , hey, they are trained professionals and they certainly proved this on more than one occasion. Its worthwhile watching foreign news channels as you see things that are seldom broadcast by the U.S. News media and of course never broadcast by the hillbillies on Fox News.

  6. Police in general are not known for their marksmanship.

    (Former) Sgt Wong’s performance is within the statistical limits of the NYPD. Perhaps if he fired 5 more rounds he might have scored 1 hit.

    Although (former) Sgt Wong could probably lose a gun fight in an elevator or phone booth.

    • “Although (former) Sgt Wong could probably lose a gun fight with an elevator or phone booth.”

      I think I fixed that for you.

  7. It seems that the safest place to be in NY City is to be the actual guy the police are actually attempting to shoot.

  8. Seems obvious. New York City needs to stipulate a stiffer trigger pull. A 150 pound trigger pull would eliminate almost all instances of police missing their targets.

    • “A 150 pound trigger pull would eliminate almost all instances of police missing their targets.”

      Disagree. 70lbs should be sufficient. Recommending more that 70lbs is something a liberal/leftist would come up with; extreme, excessive mandate.

  9. Not sure it is a good idea to carry a firearm into a bar to start with. Second it’s not s good idea to intervene in a dispute like that while you are carrying a gun in a bar because then you become the initiator by getting involved in something that is none of your business. Third, when you are a cop and do what this guy did I am not so sure you should be a cop.

    Not sure what is going on today but it would appear there is a far greater number of people who are one sandwich short of a picnic.

    • Be careful with your first point. “Bars” don’t exist in many states due to alcohol/food ratio requirements. I can remember a time when 3/4 of restaurants in my state were off limits simply because they had a state beer/liquor license.

      • Florida has a 51-percent stipulation…

      • Dafook does “off limits” mean pertaining to restaurants and liquor licenses? Gotta say, though, story did not sound like this guy was “intervening”, sounds like he was instigating a bar fight at 5 AM!

        • “Dafook does “off limits” mean pertaining to restaurants and liquor licenses?”

          If their state law says concealed carry is not allowed in an establishment that serves alcohol, a carrier cannot enter.

          Florida, for example, says if over 51 percent of sales come from alcohol and not restaurant food, no carry is allowed…

        • “If their state law says concealed carry is not allowed in an establishment that serves alcohol, a carrier cannot enter.”

          Yes, indeed. I’ve bounced off that magical barrier many times. 🙂

    • Agreed that there are places where it’s not a good idea to carry a gun. Not because of the gun but because it’s a poor idea to carry yourself there due to the inherent danger of the environment. The best way to “win” a fight is not to be there when it happens.

      The places you really need a gun are the ones that should be safe, and are most of the time, but can’t be guaranteed. The other places are the ones that you can’t avoid, if you expect to go about your ordinary business, regardless of the danger.

    • “Two Wongs don’t make a right.”

      All these insulting and negative comments about (former) police officer Wong are clear evidence of anti-Asian racism.

      However….your comment should have been written, “Two Wongs don’t make a wright.’

        • “Your comment is Wright, but I know someone who is Reiter.”

          Actually worked in a university dorm dining hall with sisters named Reiter, from Muenster, TX.

      • I was brilliant. Fabulous. Unappreciated! Apparently SOME people were born without a sense of humor. There were lots of people with that handicap back when I was attending STFU. Someday, hopefully, they’ll find a specialist who can cure them.

        • “Apparently SOME people were born without a sense of humor.”

          Seems to be the case more and more these days.

  10. “The three men, two 38-year-olds and a 37-year-old, were arrested, the sources said. Charges against them were pending, cops said.”

    For what? Not leaving a tip, which was still voluntary last time i checked, and then be harassed and shot at by a cop? Barfights are always a shitshow, but i don’t think their lawyers will be sweating all that much.

  11. come on guys, the reason he missed was because he was drunk. probably shot the ceiling.

    “His poor marksmanship may have saved him from a lengthy prison term”

    sliver lining.

  12. @hawkeye
    “I dunno Sam, but I think he’s correct either way.”

    Would think clear intention would not generate a question. But, then, there is that indecipherable Second Amendment.

  13. “Cops get less range time than most people commenting on this forum.”

    Why would cops not want to be very skilled with their sidearms? Always puzzled me.

    • Sam

      No idea why but I have met cops who had never fired their weapon even in training.

      Had the state Swat team out to the army range once and we cleared the area they were so bad.

      • “Had the state Swat team out to the army range once and we cleared the area they were so bad.”

        Even the sniper?

        • I can only speak in regards to one department where the captain disbanded the swat team he formed due to more than half of it’s members being unwilling to train to maintain let alone improve their skills. Whether or not it is a status thing where laziness sets in being common in general I do not know but I have seen it in the area

  14. I’m surprised that Wong’s buddies didn’t show up, fire off a couple of hundred rounds, and accidentally kill the waitress, an innocent bystander, and the bartender’s dog.

    • He tried to dial 9 1 1 but being a little intoxicated hit his speed dial 900 number instead, elsewise that probably would have happened

  15. “I’m surprised that Wong’s buddies didn’t show up, fire off a couple of hundred rounds, and accidentally kill the waitress, an innocent bystander, and the bartender’s dog.”

    Agree. The whole story smells funny: a real NYPD cop would have done a complete mag dump.

  16. Last week the NYPD Commissioner was crying that allowing citizens to carry firearms in the city would lead to violence. Hypocrisy.

  17. “Maybe (soon-to-be former?) Sgt. Wong can apply for a job ensuring gun safety on Alec Baldwin’s next New York City film project.”

    Or maybe go to work for Chicago, I hear they are interested in criminals getting away with it and a cop that can’t hit the target really helps that along.

  18. Don’t worry, the men arrested will be promptly released.
    Maybe not even charged.
    As is the way in NYC.

  19. “Seems the men didn’t tip their waitresses and Sgt. Raymond Wong sought to right the wrong as a “white knight.””

    that’s not “white knight”, its just stupid.

    • Wong’s tips didnt make up for his wang, even though he carried a big phallic symbol,he got jealous the guys not tipping was getting most of the attention .

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