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BREAKING: President Obama Plans New Executive Orders on Gun Control

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You know how they say there’s nothing so dangerous as a wounded animal? Scratch that — it turns out there’s something much worse. Nothing’s more dangerous than a (politically) wounded politician. Particularly one with executive powers. In his obligatory annual state of the union speech tonight, president Barack Obama promised new measures (“with or without congress”) to affect via executive order that would further restrict Americans’ right to keep and bear arms – all couched in a desire to prevent another Sandy Hook, of course. Congress and our constitutionally-mandated system of checks-and-balances be damned . . .

As every grade-schooler learns in civics class, the entire point of a divided government is to keep any one branch from becoming too powerful. So if Congress passes extreme, unpopular legislation, the President can step in and veto it. Alternately, if the President proposes policies that go against the will of the people, Congress can ignore them or vote them down. And the Supreme Court acts like the parent of the (sometimes) dysfunctional family, stepping in when needed to determine if what’s passed and signed is constitutional.

The president’s decision to use his executive powers to sidestep congressional approval is more than a little worrying. A divided legislative branch has meant Obama has been largely roadblocked since 2010. But with no further elections in his future, the president apparently feels free to try to do whatever he wants with the stroke of his pen. If you like your legislative branch, you can keep your legislative branch.

While congress seems to have realized that gun control is a dead issue for now, the president isn’t so content to let things lie. He issued a number of executive orders a year ago in the aftermath of Newtown. Now he appears set to use the regulatory agencies under his control (read: ATF) to go still further. A prime example is the ATF’s recent decision to expand the CLEO sign-off requirement for every member of a gun trust. Something they seemed set to eliminate, before doing a 180, supposedly at the behest of the White House.

In tonight’s State of the Union speech, Obama announced that he intends to do just that: act to further restrict the constitutionally protected rights of American citizens without congressional approval.

Citizenship means standing up for the lives that gun violence steals from us each day. I have seen the courage of parents, students, pastors, and police officers all over this country who say “we are not afraid,” and I intend to keep trying, with or without Congress, to help stop more tragedies from visiting innocent Americans in our movie theaters, shopping malls, or schools like Sandy Hook.

What’s up Obama’s sleeve now? We don’t know, but three options come immediately to mind: 1) an ATF regulation mandating universal background checks, 2) a total ban of all firearms imports, and 3) a new “assault weapons” ban. Will he pick door number one, number two or number three? Some combination? All of them? Or maybe something altogether different? As always, watch this space.

0 thoughts on “BREAKING: President Obama Plans New Executive Orders on Gun Control”

        • The only way that will happen is if the big city democRAT Liberals(it doesn’t mean what they think it means) are out voted, or voted OUT!

        • If the next president is a Conservative and has the support of Congress… FIFY.

          Even without the support of Congress he can cancel each and every Presidential Order of his predecessor(s). He can also order his attorney general to aggressively prosecute violations of civil rights, including state and local over-zealous enforcement of unconstitutional anti-2A laws.

        • Cliff? If we were writing the Constitution from scratch, a few major changes would be no voting rights unless you’re at least third generation American, none if you don’t own property, and none if you work for/sell to the government or receive a welfare check from the government.

          Franklin always said this experiment would fail as soon as people realized they could vote themselves money at their neighbor’s expense.

  1. Congress actually stood and applauded his earlier remark about making them irrelevant. At what point do you have to say we have entered some kind of bizarro world?

  2. Whatever he tries, it’s irrelevant.

    He doesn’t have the ability to enforce anything.Three states have laws on the books which disavow Federal recognition of NFA items made in-state. He can sign whatever EO he wants to ,because the rest of America will just ignore him.

    The only places which will give Obama credence are the states which already use the US Constitution for toilet paper in the Democrats’ offices.

    • This comment, that I suppose he reinforced tonight, only reinforces the point he doesn’t care about the Constitution nor about the fact his executive powers are supposed to be limited.

      If only Congress would realize he is trying to do their job and it is unconstitutional…

      • if only they would care. Letting him do their job means they can complain about him when he gets it wrong and just go on more vacations when everything is okay. And keep raking in the lobbyist payoffs until they get the big one upon going into the private sector.

    • Hell to the yeah! I’m afraid he is just waiting to poke a hornets nest. For those that took the oath ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC! To current military and LEO’s. This government does not represent or reflect most citizens. To take up arms against American people goes against the values and principles of this nation. To all patriots, scour the hatchets and oil the weapons.

  3. When will Congress stop letting him usurp their delegated powers and impeach him?

    Congress is meant to be deadlocked to prevent knee-jerk reactions and passing legislation without thought, consideration. It also gives a voice to the minority party.

  4. I say bring it!

    The ATF and its rules-writing “authority” has been pushing its luck more than is prudent already. The more he pushes the closer he gets to drawing and losing a landmark court case.

  5. Stabbed in the eye with a screwdriver? He should be easy to pick out from the crowd. People notice a new eye patch on their co worker or family member.

    • The article indicated he’s already been arrested, in the commission of a home invasion the very next day.

      Now, I can’t speak for anyone else here, but for me, if I’d just been stabbed in the eye with a screwdriver in the course of my third abduction/sexual assault/feet burning torture outing, I have to say that it would give me pause to reconsider some of the life decisions which had delivered me to this moment. I wouldn’t be out invading someone’s home the very next day.

  6. Time to put executive order restrictions on the ballot. Personal agenda should not be able to make law, even if you think you’re king of the world.

  7. Hey, I’ve got a brilliant idea – why doesn’t the President stop sending arms to Al-Quaeda in Syria and the Sinaloan drug cartel. That aught to curb some of that ‘gun violence’.

    • If there was a gun in the holster, and the holster was visible, then he was most likely violating concealed carry laws. No part of the handgun can be visible or the outline either.

        • The officer didn’t say that. You did. The officer asked if there was a gun in the holster in which case he would be in violation. I’ve carried inside the Capitol legally. The police are pretty good about it.

  8. I have seen the courage of parents, students, pastors, and police officers all over this country who say “we are not afraid, BECAUSE WE ARE ARMED”


  9. You guys did the same thing at his last address. Executive order only pertains to Feds and not civilians. So, he can not do much. You know, I thought Bush would go down as the worst…but I think I am changing my mind. Obama needs one more screw to tilt the scale. Bush getting 1000s of American soldiers killed over lies and oil fields still tops it and then say “Mission Accomplished” and then more soldiers get killed. As for VP, nothing can top Cheney shooting someone in the face with a shotgun and getting away it at the taxpayers expense.

  10. The cops can easily tell people that it is legal for a person to carry like that (to educate), thanks for the call, and we will check it out. Again, this is f’n TX…WTF?

  11. He’s reaffirming his executive order powers to try and set the idea in the country’s mind that he actually can do whatever he wants. Why? Because his illegal non-recess appointments from a few years ago are going to the Supreme Court. Lower courts found that he violated the law by appointing members to the National Labor Relations Board while Congress was not in a true recess. His cronies have challenged that ruling and those members have stayed on the board while the appeals are being heard. By trying to expand his executive order powers before this case is heard by the SCOTUS he’s trying to establish a precedent invalidating any challenge to his whims.

    He’s also mentioning this gun control agenda to appease his base. He knows that pushing for more federal control is going to be costly in both time, money and political capital. He’s already under siege for the Obamacare debacle, and that pressure needs to be increased. However, I am worried that he may try to enact some orders that violate the Second Amendment and that many of the agencies that have been stockpiling arms and ammunition (really, the EPA needs guns??) will be the ones to try and enforce them.

    The members of Congress as well as any state legislator who is opposed to his control and confiscation agenda NEED to step up and draw a line in the stand. The gun control fight needs to be less about the guns and more about the restrictions on freedom. Focus on the larger picture, and start drawing real comparisons to the dictatorial governments in the last century who started with control, went to confiscation and ended with genocide. People need to understand that taking away our guns only paves the way for other rights and freedoms to be taken away.

  12. This post is reaching. EO’s are legal provided he makes no new law. Also, this is more rhetoric than anything else. He is a lame duck president, he will spend more time stumping for others and playing golf than anything else.

  13. He could very well spur an armed revolution. He has miscalculated every step of the way dealing with a people he does not understand or relate to (as in Americans).

  14. I think hes just doing his yearly
    Fire arms salesman thing
    He shure sell some guns like no other
    On that note- thanks for the now new
    Nothings in stock run again mr president

  15. Whatever it is, I won’t abide by it.

    He can try whatever he wants. It won’t happen, and even if it did (which it won’t), there is no force wielded by Nature or by mankind that is ever going to make me comply. They’ll have to kill me first.

  16. Obama’s a eunuch boasting about being a ladies man.

    Universal Background Checks? On whose authority?Congress can’t even do it- the Brady Law derives it’s authority from Commerce Clause regulation of national commerce, which is why FFLs have to process BG checks but private citizens within the same state do not .

    If Congress can’t pass a law like that and make it stick, his EO will be stayed by the judiciary before lunchtime the following day.

  17. Keep your eye on the prize, obamacare. This is just a distraction. Get back on odumbocare like a pit bull on a quarter pounder, Randy

  18. Peckerwoods like el president fears that we all shoot as bad as he does , we need to remind him the rest of us know how to shoot and does not need to learn any more from the Joe Biden ,as we all know Joe is full of CRAP,IT is time to put a couple of million on the mall during a time in
    session . and do the tour of all the sites.pick a date that is in session and warm.

  19. My deleted comment was about the recent staples manager they met and found to be carrying. And my comment was ‘bets on whether or not this staples gets robbed?” I’d like to hear them address the ability of a woman to defend herself against a rapist with a gun vs without. And i’d like to know what’s stopping someone from going nuts in a mall or school with a kitchen knife. Which could easily equal the damage done in the last 10 mass shootings.

  20. I obviously disagree with him concerning gun control but so many people talk s*** on this board about loading your gun and getting it ready. For 99.9% of you this bravado is such bs. It makes us look like a bunch of psychos overreacting about a speech that ppl will forget about in a few weeks.

    • Yeah, I’m about as rock n’ roll-ready as the next guy, but it’s going to take something a helluva lot more concrete than some poorly interpreted (sorry Nick) remarks on a vague 4 lines out of a canned address.
      Last year, I was ready for a fight. This year, I’m just going to stay weary as I watch this guy piss his legacy down the tubes.

  21. Looks like an SBR, too. Man, will that guy be sorely disappointed to lose it, too, ’cause you know those jack-boot morons will never give it back under any circumstance.

  22. I’d love to see a state like Texas push back & push back hard. Seeing as the law has no meaning anymore it would be great to see all federal lands confiscated as a starter & maybe property next. Just a pipe dream I know but I sure would be proud of that great state, Randy

  23. Oh Nick, as soon as it looks like Im out of the woods with Creedmoor Tx, all of the sudden Obama is at it again? Maybe its time to get one of the sovereign indian tribes to take us gun guys in and we just buy vacation homes on the reservation where we can keep our stash of fun weapons that the Govt doesnt allow. Just kidding, Im gonna fight for my rights!

  24. Whatever Obama does, or tries to do, will be overturned by Congress, SCOTUS, od the next POTUS…Go ahead Obama, give it your best shot, because you’re just not good enough…”We The People” have defeated an entire country to win our rights and freedoms, so one individual is no match for “We The People”…

    • Ha!

      Over a hundred years of development and people are still happily carrying around 3 lbs of hog leg, steel in .45 acp with only 1 or 2 more rounds than a revolver and calling it “new.”

  25. I just bought a satin nickel 12 GA for $349 including shipping on the web. I can’t wait for it to get here. I also bought some 12 to 20 GA converters in stainless steel for flexibility. I’m ready for the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. I purchased my lowers and jig from Sierra Nevada Arms. I am not mad or irritated at how long it’s taking to receive my products. I am a small business owner and a metal fabricator. All you individuals crying about how long it’s taking should have spent 2 or 3 times more money and picked it from a website. WE bought into a dream. We gave money to individuals in hopes that their dream comes true. Some fail, some succeed, but that’s what life is about. I bet six cups of coffee from Starsmucks that Sierra’s business plan would work. If I receive my lower than it would have been worth it. All the cry babies want everything for nothing. Next time open up your wallets and pay the full price for these things. I’m sick and tired of hearing all you guys bitch.

  27. Reminds me of the Aquilla 6o grain HP which had three petals break off and a separate base.
    How much does it cost to machine each bullet? For me to consider this ammo it has to be under $1 per round.
    I believe a modern bullet needs penetration through car bodies and glass and good expansion.
    How about a hollow point with a solid metal insert instead of polymer?
    Or a FMJ that penetrates then tumbles to reveal a hollow point that expands.
    Any new ammo has to be affordable.

  28. Spend 15 mins on mom’s facebook page and you’ll see they are nothing but a propaganda machine. Like an ad agency devoted only to disarmament.

  29. This article is somewhat misleading. Taken in context to everything Obama said in his SOTU, basically he made more empty promises he has little authority or capability to follow-thru on. Sure he can push through more EO’s to specific agencies, but in order to emplace trade changes and nation-wide bans on weapons, he will need the approval of both houses of Congress. And we’ve seen there is no support there. 2014 is a mid-term election year and it is unlikely there will be any significant changes as many politicians won’t want to risk their jobs (btw still get out and vote people!). This is mostly bluster and politicians pandering to the “hearts and minds” of the electorate. Same thing in PsyOps. Curious will be how many take it hook line and sinker after 2014 and where it will lead us until 2016.

  30. If you follow the link there is a picture labeled something like “the disassembled weapon.” It shows the magazine removed and nothing else. It made me laugh.

  31. As a female, the ad screams fake to me for all the reasons others have posted. Also, new in box? Did she buy it to resell? Was she ticked off at a boyfriend/spouse and sell their gun? No picture? I looked on the WV Guns for Sale FB page and did not see the ad. Has anyone checked with the administrator of their page to see if the ad EVER existed?
    Having done my research on the MDA group, a fake propaganda ad would not be above Ms. Watts. Wish some of her followers would do some research too rather than blindly follow the “OMG emotion” factor that she promotes.

  32. Exercising your rights under the law is apparently disorderly conduct in Texas.

    If they want to ban open carry they should have the balls to float the idea to the legislators. As it is, they are cowardly thugs in uniform. This de facto ban and harassment of citizens is tyrannical.

    I wouldn’t open carry a rifle like that and I think people doing it in malls or restaurants sometimes harm our cause, but these Texas cops need to respect the rights of the people.

  33. Here is something from out in left field that a President could do but I don’t think Obama is smart enough to go there. Registration is not unconstitutional especially if ordered under the auspices of the militia clause. As Commander in Chief of all military forces including the unorganized Militia, He could order a census of firearms, which would include the owner’s, SSN, location and serial number of all weapons. He could state the government needs to this for purpose do logistics. Be hard to challenge his authority in court.

  34. Who does this jackass think he is, emperor obama? I hope America doesn’t make the same mistake and elect someone of his ilk in the next election

  35. If any of you have read the John Douglas books, this is the type of behavior that eventually ramps up to killing to get the same thrill. This guy is bad news.

  36. I only shot barnes tsx and ttsx in my 243win howa in South Africa we shoot impala and warthog which is slightly smaller in size then your deer but accuracy is excellent with barnes x at 100meters it is 1\2 inch and still have to have a impala ran one foot on me after been shot (always vital area) have shot to date more than 12 impala already hard to find barnes over here but will not shoot anything else.

  37. Now here is a profound thought.

    Multiple police officers busted down the door of someone’s apartment with the expectation of encountering an extremely hostile, dangerous, armed person. They were so sure that the person was extremely hostile, dangerous, and armed that they went in “heavy” — meaning many officers, guns drawn, fingers on triggers, moving fast. In fact they went in so “heavy” that they actually shot and killed one of their own officers during the raid on the empty apartment.

    And yet lawmakers and police in California tell us citizens that we shall NOT be armed in public to defend ourselves from such people. Which is it? Are people like the man who lived in that apartment — the man upon whom police conducted a “heavy” raid — dangerous or not?

  38. My thanks for the compliments all. I thought I might have overdone the verbiage a bit. 😛

    I guess the NPR line riled me up a touch. It is annoying to have it assumed that thoughtful people cannot also be violent when the situation requires it. Or vice versa. Socrates was a hoplite, Marcus Aurelius a general, Ben Jonson a soldier and champion (a literal one). To paraphrase the wisest man, there is a time for everything, a time to think and a time to act. The trick is distinguishing the two.

  39. I haven’t shared anything in a couple of weeks, but this president absolutely makes me sick to my very core. Impeach this fool now who is so intent on rewriting our great American Constitution. This man is absolutely drunk with the power of the executive order.
    HE GOT TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. “With the first link, the chain is forged.
    The first speech censored,
    The first thought forbidden,
    The first right denied,
    chains us all irrevocably.
    The first time any man’s freedom is trodden on, we are all damaged.
    I fear that today.” – Patrick Stewart as Jean-luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    I fear THAT today.

  41. From what I read here why cant the cop just give him a few stern words about brandishing and be on his way, no harm done? Why does everything have to be a prosecution? (assuming there is nothing more to this story)

  42. There’s a lot we don’t know about this story. If the car almost hit him, but kept going, what reason did the guy have to pull his gun?

    Why did he plead to having a prohibited weapon, when the law on prohibited weapons in PA is pretty clear?

    Getting “almost hit” by a car isn’t a reason to draw on someone, unless the driver turns around for another pass, or gets out with the intention of hurting/killing you.

    I don’t even like cops, and am firm believer in the RKBA, Article 21 of the PA Constitution, and the 2A, but I think that the guy was wrong in drawing. The judge, however, is a fucking moron.

  43. I can’t figure out for the life of me why he pulled his gun out in the first place though. Car almost hits him, get out of the way, and maybe get verbal (if you want to take it there) but to pull your gun out? I can’t see why that would be an option in this case. As civilians we don’t get to shoot first and ask questions later.

  44. Why all the hating on wolves? Wolves form a community. They take care of each other and their young. They kill when they are hungry. They rarely if ever attack people.

    Human predators destroy communities. They sell each other out and neglect their young. They kill when they are afraid, or sometimes they kill just for the sake of killing. They attack people without provocation.

    Comparing wolves to human predators is an insult to wolves.

  45. “So, yeah…their marketing turns me off. But it’s also what’s (apparently) selling every round they can make, so I don’t know that I can fault them for that.”

    Their strategy seems to be to sell as much ammo as possible before the reviews get out and people don’t want to buy it anymore.

  46. Excuse me, I don’t know how I screwed that up with the twist rate, yes the original M16 was a 1 in 12 twist rate. But it was highly effective for the light M193 of 55grains. And what are you trying to suggest is the whole concept of the 5.56?

  47. Cop should have apologized for almost hitting him. Guns re-holstered. And a handshake. Thats the kinda country I want to live in!. But I live in a country where the police have the power to kill, assault, falsely arrest, and pretty much wipe there a$$ with the constitution. If a cop shoots you for no reason he gets a medal. If a armed citizen shoots a felonious cop he’s charged with murder.

  48. Sure. Just depends on how many citizens they are willing to kill and how many gummint stooges they are willing to have killed. The problem they may have is running out of stooges before we run out of armed citizens. The other problem they will have is the number of military veterans and active duty soldiers who take their oath “to protect and defend the Constitution” seriously.

  49. P.S.: But, now that I’ve thought about it some more, I can’t really justify boycotting a manufacturer for remaining in a Slave State primarily because I would be left with no guns to buy.

    I bought my Smith & Wesson M&P because I wanted a domestically designed and built striker-fired pistol, which ruled out Glock, FN-H, and SiG Sauer (which are pretty much the only other games in town). But Smith & Wesson is still, for some ungodly reason, based in TAXachusettes.

    I bought my Remington 870 Express because 1.) again I wanted something domestic and 2.) ’cause fuck it I wanted one and this is ‘Murica damnit so I shouldn’t have to choose. I also based my purchase on its reputation for reliability, not to mention the enormous selection of after-market accessories. Recently though I’ve been leaning towards selling my 870 and snapping up a Maverick 88, even though Mossberg is still, for whatever asinine reason, based in DISconnected-cut.

    I’m holding off on my next rifle purchase first and foremost because I’m still a poor college student and I’ll be waiting while I’m in school for some manufacturers to also take that fateful first step. Even if they don’t, I’m still going to buy an AR-15 of some flavor.

  50. Of course she’s suffered personal attacks, and over the internet, no less.

    Classless, baseless, and indefensible ad-hominem attacks are their forte` and literally their only argument. No one who stumps for gun control is ever going to make fun of her to her face — regardless of of whether she’s armed or not. They’re all cowards. Period. Instead, they’ll all be little Keyboard Kommandos using big words (and in the wrong context no doubt) to give an air of intelligence and authority. They won’t even show up to their own rallies in any significant numbers just so that they won’t be made fun of by us.

    My message to Kathy would be this: Don’t let the hateful remarks of your intellectual lessers get to you.

  51. “….Kathy said that she’s been subject to numerous personal attacks on the Internet because of the photograph”

    Of course the spinelss anti gun idiots would attack her through the internet, they dont have the balls to attack her in person.

    Go ahead, attack a people of the gun, see how that turns out.

  52. I think what they meant to say is “Girl Scouts is not a political organization. We are only here to sell as many expensive cookies as possible so that the organizations management can be well compensated and we will pay the kids with a trip to an amusement park.”

  53. When I was a Girl Scout, marksmanship was a badge you could earn. (If I remember right, it’s been a while). There are 2 things in this picture I love. My 2A rights and cookies!

  54. Okay, we need to stop the continuation of scare tactics here. It doesn’t matter how many executive orders this idiot pens. They are not laws. They are not legally binding, especially if they violate the constitution. THe only thing that can affect gun ownership is a law enacted by congress and then only if it is ratified by the house and signed by The present douchebag occupying the White House. Learn Civics 101. THe bigger danger is for people in states like California who are allowing their state governments to enact unconstitutional laws.

  55. Is this product really happening or is it a vapor gun? 🙂 I know it was at shot show but there is no mention of it anywhere except on S&W’s web site and their one youtube video. None of the retailers I spoke with have any idea if of when it’s coming out. Buds and Cabelas also have no mention of it.

  56. How can this man, who took an oath to the constitution, say these words and not be immediately stripped of his title? How can he even function with such a crushing paranoia of people and crowds?

  57. A grown man that is “frightened and anxious” of an inanimate object, should really just go ahead and have himself neutered and join a band of eunuchs…………..

    I only hope that he doesn’t have children, as I’m sure his progeny carry the same recessive “lack of sack” gene and we have enough of the emasculation already in our society.

  58. Does that mean if someone calls about someone “carrying a bag large enough to hold a bomb” that some woman will be arrested for having a purse ?

    If I lived down there I’d want to find out, a bunch of times…

  59. the most powerful man in thw world has even more power due to the Patriot Act. The abominantion should never had been passed, yet it was by most of congress(republicans and democrats) They want control and that is what they got. Any politican for freedom would be working hard to overturn that.

    H E L L O O O! is any one in here? Does anyone care? All of our rights have been sold down the river.


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