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From Tuesday’s election results, we knew the Obama campaign had an effective get-out-the-vote operation in Ohio, but who knew they’d also penetrated the budding felon demographic so well, too? reports that “An armed masked man who robbed a Warren convenience store on Tuesday also told the clerk at gunpoint to vote for President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign.” The clerk, looking down the barrel of a gun and thinking fast on his feet, was either a felon himself or thought up a quick middle of the road answer for the stick-up man. “The clerk said he was not allowed to vote. The gunman then said ‘Vote for Obama. This is Obama (expletive)’ before fleeing, reports said.” The Forward-thinking robber got away with everything in the til including the cash register drawer. With that kind of committed campaign machine, Romney probably never stood a chance.

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  1. The clerk didn’t have to be a felon to not be able to vote. He could be here illegally, or he could have been here on a Green Card, but not yet a citizen. In either case he wouldn’t be allowed to vote.

  2. Hmmm makes you wonder what happened to the 800,000 illegal aliens Obummer pardoned after they voted for him!!!
    Got new jobs on both sides of the counter maybe????

  3. So this guy robs a business blind then repeatedly tells a (possible)
    banned voter to vote anyway. Are we sure this guy DOESN’T
    work for the government/administration? If not, I think he has a
    strong potential in politics.

  4. In a sense many Obama voters are criminals since they happily accept money stolen from law abiding hard working legal American citizens by the USG gang.

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