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Obama’s NRA Double Standard

Robert Farago - comments No comments

(Planned Parenthood protest courtesy tumblr.com)

A TTAG reader writes:

In this AP story [Obama Backs Planned Parenthood in Political Fight] the Prez states: “When politicians try to turn Planned Parenthood into a punching bag, they’re not just talking about you. They’re talking about the millions of women who you serve.” Yet when he’s turning the NRA into a punching bag, he’s just talking about some mysterious monolithic entity and not the millions and millions of Americans who they serve? It’s funny how that works.

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Obama’s NRA Double Standard”

  1. Conservatives can’t win on anti-abortion or anti-gay. Liberals can’t win on anti-gun, anti-military, or anti-middle class tax increases. Both sides should stop doing these things.

  2. Ghandi said a peaceful protest is the most powerful means of change, but what they edited out is that next best is a big ole can of whip-ass. Goooooo, India.

  3. “I feel a little safer now that you boys have helped me pick out a gun. Now, if I could just get rid of that target between my eyes.”

  4. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=10&ved=0CGQQFjAJ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.michigan.gov%2Fdocuments%2Fmsp%2FMSP_Legal_Update_No._86_2_336854_7.pdf&ei=XcR7UfOqBofbrAGEhYDYBA&usg=AFQjCNHl6rDZtR9iEJ4cy_kpnq3Izc9Vyw

    Is the link for the Michigan State police legal update, which Doug B. mentioned above. I carried this copy with me. It’s dated 2010, but I did verify with the MSP this is still current.

    A friend of mine in the same district will be crashing the May School Board meeting. With all the worry about cost of protecting our children in schools we’ll be pitching a dirt cheap idea.

    Parent Guardians. Since the CPL holders can carry why not let us? I will freely volunteer my time to randomly roam the halls of a school in my child’s district and I’m certain I’m not the only one.

    We can protect our own kids thank you. No need to find funding. We can make schools a less tempting target. I think I’ll advocate only patrolling schools a parents child isn’t in. Less chance of a conflict of interest.

    I’m open to suggestions.

  5. In the disputed Kashmir because of the fear of women by Pakistani Muslims, the Indian army has changed their gender deployment strategy

  6. Yeah, as soon as one were to finish caning that little bastard, move on to the parents.
    Pretty sure Eddie Eagle programs cover this, you know, if Philly can overlook the rest of the organized pure evil concentrate that is the NRA.
    Why, I bet you they could call them up on the bat-phone, and even though Castle Dracula is a busy place, they would take time out of their busy seal-clubbing days and send them some materials for the schools.

  7. Because it’s on Netflix streaming and it’s got guns in it.

    Personally, I watch it to give it a view. It is pretty bad, but I see it as a duty. I’m hoping that my viewing of it is being tracked somewhere where someone in charge of what shows to make is taking note and perhaps turning the television industry into a more gun friendly environment.

    So I’m hoping that the entertainment industry loves money more than they love their liberal agenda, which is why I watch it, and anything on Netflix directly having to do with guns.

  8. I like articles like this, because they continue to reinforce our complete and total moral superiority in this fight. Our opposition truly are monsters in every sense of the word, each one just as bad as any murderer or sociopath. The only difference is they haven’t the fortitude to enact the violence they barely contain in their black hearts.

    I wonder how many of them could ever realize that many gun owners are arming up because of people like them.

    As perhaps disheartening as it is to be reminded that so many of our “countrymen” living amongst us are mortal enemies, it’s good to be reminded of it. If/when the inevitable social unrest comes, it’ll be that much easier to give them what they deserve.

  9. And how much are spending on ammo cuz you know you have to test out the new ones, do training on the new models, and the old ammo goes stale after a number of years. Yeah, they ain’t just spending $645k.

  10. Once in a while I watch the duck people in La. and i do like to watch Personal Defense om Wed or Friday nights, but the other gun shows on TV blow…I go to the interwbs for my gun fix.

  11. One of the morons (COMMIE SYMPATHIZER) I work with said we’re lucky these idiots didn’t use AR’s, because then we would have certainly seen a ban. This fool can’t wait for the next mass shooting so that we can all lose our gun rights. He thinks we’re all paranoid and that we just need to call 911.

  12. Not really television, but symptomatic of Hollywood, it really annoyed me to see that “woody” in “Toy Story”, a quintessential American cowboy toy, NEVER had a pistol in his holster. And yet the spaceman’s laser worked. (!) Sort of.

  13. Good video, always like his stuff and even follow via twitter…As for the anti’s, they will continue to make a run at UBC + whatever they can in the coming months and years.
    I just re-upped with NRA, finally joined GOA and dropped 4 emails each to my US Senators, Reps and to my state reps and the Gov.

    Don’t take your foot off the accelerator.

  14. Wujiang pulled out a Qin Ming ebook to read. The Yamagami land free of charge? The human world Overseer make? I the wind after that goes Qin Ming e-book, mouth he recites Street. All of a abrupt, his response, however. Inspections under the three products, but the human earth, but no one to take care of for a long time, so tory burch flats mark also rose one, belonging to the third grade female officer, teenager body is 6 products, natural to call.

  15. No one reported them to the police, who were all over the place. I haven’t seen anything that suggests they attracted attention at all. There were scads of National Guardsmen there in plain clothes, all dressed in black or dark blue nylon jackets, khakis, Under Armor boots, baseball caps with the “Craft” skull logo, and, most interestingly, BLACK BACKPACKS.

    I can’t believe no one else here has seen them in photos from the pre-explosion pics.
    Go back and look; you’ll see what I mean. If I had been there, THESE were the guys who would have caught my suspicion. One is pictured after the blast, holding a radiation meter! I don’t believe these guys were the bombers, necessarily, but they were clearly there for SOME purpose.

    Neither these guys nor the Brothers Tsarnaev seemed to have caught anyone’s attention, Robert…. so what good would the gun have been”

  16. OK. Honestly. Seriously, how many of you, ok, us. Fine. Just me. Are going to try and improve on this ill fated attempt…..


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