Like it? Buy it! Amazon Japan is selling the mechanical suit above for 120 million yen, around $1 million. Gunnies (with easy access to really smooth and level pavement) need apply. “The KURATAS suit, which was first designed in 2012, runs on diesel and can move at 10 kilometers an hour,” reports. “Additionally, it has an arsenal of weapons, which includes a machine gun that shoots 6,000 BB bullets a minute and an external launcher that shoots plastic water bottles. The system inside the suit can also detect targets β€” including humans β€” with automatic alignment. Once the system has a target . . .

the machine gun can be activated with a smile, which creators are calling a “Smiling Shot.” Although the idea of activating a shooting spree with smiling seems quite maniacal, the creators say that the mechanical suit is meant to be peaceful and not harmful to humans.

That’s how all those movies start. [h/t DD]


    • Nope, Japan did — Since birth, Japanese men have always dreamed of riding giant robots, and when kids are asked what they want to be when they grow up, they proudly answer “I want to be a robot pilot, Mama!” It’s the Japanese Dream! ….. that, and some other stuff about tentacles that I can’t talk about on here XD

  1. Not only am I a furry but I’m also ssuuppeerr into the Japanese concept known as ‘mecha’. And I’ve been aallll over this thing since it first came out. I’d give about anything for one of those…

  2. Would give around $1 million for one? πŸ˜‰ Anyway looks like fun, at this point no practical use for it. Plus I’m a smoker.

      • How do you stop the gun then? Cause I’m gonna be smiling from long before the hatch closes.

        The idea of owning a giant robot with a giant gun is creating a new fetish in me.

        • I’m right there with you, but I think I will wait another decade. By then if you spend a million bucks, you’ll probably get something you could actually use.

  3. Young, hot Asian proxy in “Daisy Duke” shorts, sold separately! Though I’d rather have Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) in one of those loading suits.

    “Giggle switch” replaced by “smile shot”. Only surpassed by the “money shot”.

    • Yeah, watching her climb in was an instant flashback to underwear-clad Weaver climbing in…

      Saw on Wired a while back where folks are working on loading suits..

      • “Yeah, watching her climb in was an instant flashback to underwear-clad Weaver climbing in…”

        Well now I have to go back and watch the video.

        • I typed too soon.

          I was thinking of the climbing into the spacesuit Ripley does at the end of Alien 1.

  4. Coming next year to your local PD!

    (finally, they’ll have something to mount that M2 they’ve got from the feds on!)

    • Hmm…I saw a trainload of MRAPs and Humvees going through Cleveland Saturday night. Not sure where they were headed, though.

    • I’m no chemical engineer, but that part struck me as odd, too. All I could think of is that they’re using the word “gasoline” generically to mean any fossil fuel for a vehicle, then used “diesel” to mean the specific type of engine. Only similar example I could think of would be like saying gasoline powered two-stroke motor, which actually runs on a 50:1 gas/oil mixture. Who knows? I’m probably over thinking it and should just enjoy the show.

      • Likely a translation problem. There were several places in that video where the translations were just off.

  5. Doesn’t take long before we can purchase a Chinese one for 8888.88 dollars.

    Comes with mounted type 56 and Molotov cocktail thrower.

  6. I have the oddest boner right now.

    And it’s both shaped like and got a hankering for giant robot suits with guns.

  7. Buy frame
    Up armor with commercially available kevlar plates,
    Add real weapons.
    Sell to Pentagon for PROFIT.


    • Yeah but they also said that the launcher would “sometimes hit it’s Mark”. If I am spending one mil I think I am upgrading to at least 10/22s

  9. Now to give it more powerful motors (10km/hr, srsly?), cover it in better armor (at least up to 14.5mm to deflect normal small arms fire, and slats to stop RPGs and stuff), and add a pair of Class 3 M3s in place of the BB guns, and we might have a nice basic combat mecha.

  10. ONLY the Japanese! God Bless ’em! I wonder how far back-ordered they are on these wonderful things?

  11. Well, this is obviously what the Founding Fathers intended for me when they said “right to own and bear arms.” Why don’t gun-control advocates understand that?! πŸ˜‰

    I’ll take one. I’m assuming the model is included in that price — she better be, for their sake!

  12. It occurs to me that one could buy an old soviet tank and operate it for less than the cost of this toy. Well time to start shopping for tanks.

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