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Reader Rudukai13 writes . . .

I recently received a completed custom design I commissioned from Wright Armory in Tempe, Arizona. It’s inspired by the Apache Revolvers of the mid 19th century. An array of unusual combinations of revolvers and knuckledusters were available at the time.

Ever since learning about the history of the Apache knuckleguns many years ago I’ve wanted to try building one of my own. Recent events conspired and that dream has finally becoming a reality.

The project started off as a limited-edition “The Dude” model of the NAA Pug .22 Magnum mini revolver, with color case hardened frame and stainless steel cylinder.

The gun was then sent out to Wright Armory where a one-off custom set of stainless steel knuckledusters were designed, fabricated, and fitted to the frame of the mini revolver.

I took a trip to the range where the customized NAA Pug fired dozens of CCI Maxi-Mag and Speer Gold Dot .22 Magnum rounds without a single light strike, failure to fire, stuck case, hitch, glitch, or hiccup of any kind.

I’ve confirmed that the design is, in fact, a very functional gun..


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Just yesterday I tested the knuckles using a large chunk of ice, impacting it by alternating the front of the knuckle stalls and the pinky knuckle stall for a “hammerfist” strike . . .


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The Apache remained firmly in my grasp throughout the testing and proved to be extremely comfortable – and effective – when used as a striking implement.

This project was meant to create a unique and interesting display piece and some “man jewelry,” not unlike, I think, the original Knucklegun designs the build was inspired by.

I’m extremely pleased with the way the piece turned out aesthetically, and am further heartened in knowing that it could in fact be a functional pistol or impact weapon should the need ever arise.

In short, I accomplished the goals I set out to achieve when I first had the idea for this project:

– A functional mini revolver: check

– A functional knuckleduster: check

– A badass, one-of-a-kind, Steampunk pocket jewelry piece: uh…motherf*cking check

For more information, the entire project was chronicled on the forums here.


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    • For what, exactly?

      ‘Brass Knuckles’, ‘Knuckle Dusters’, whatever you wanna call ‘em, are dealt with under State law, not Federal law.

      Where I live, Florida, Brass Knuckles, even saps are an official Martha Stewart ‘Good Thing’, as long as you have your carry permit on you…

      • “How long you think before ATF show up?”

        For what, exactly?

        It’s not an AOW, but it is a knuckleduster, brass knuckles, whatever you wanna call them.

        There’s no federal law against them. Here in Florida, you can carry them if you have a concealed carry permit, along with things like saps.

        The serial number on the gun wasn’t touched. On the NAA, it’s laser-engraved on the frame just below the cylinder.

        He’s good-to-go…

  1. With the NAA mini-revolver, this knuckleduster grip may just be necessary,
    because you only get 5 shots, they’re all .22 caliber, and a reload required disassembling the gun. This grip should be standard equipment on NAA mini-revolvers!
    Have you contacted NAA about making them available for sale on their website?

    Of course, it would be “void where prohibited by law” because of some stupid state and local laws. Can you imagine being stopped and frisked, then told, “Your gun is perfectly legal because you have a CCW permit, but its grip is going to get you arrested on felony charges for having brass knuckles.” Maybe build a plastic version for the slave states?

    • “This grip should be standard equipment on NAA mini-revolvers!
      Have you contacted NAA about making them available for sale on their website?”

      Someone could mass-produce that with a CAD program driving a water-jet cutter.

      Currently, brass knucks are state-regulated, but that’s open for attack, thanks to Saint Thomas’s glorious ‘Bruin’ decision.

      Develop a CAD file, and start a business. It’s the American way! 😉

  2. I like that the knuckles are aligned for pointing the barrel downrange, unlike some historical designs where switching to the knucks not only involves extra motion(s) to reorient the hand, but also a likelihood of muzzling oneself.

      • I agree that building a switchblade mechanism (where legal) into the shroud would be a fun next step!

        • You know (hey, another good handle!), I was just scrolling down the page on my phone and happened to land on my reply with neither one of your comments visible. Sat there a few seconds staring at the Umm… in front of my words thinking now why the hell would I have started my comment off like that, it makes zero sense to put umm at the begin… doh! Funny.

        • I responded because I wasn’t sure. I can’t disagree about the “fun” part, but the fun level would have to be much higher to make me risk it.

    • *Perfect*, an ‘out-the-front’ switchblade or gravity knife as part of the palm metal!

    • jwm,

      Actually, I think the most effective location would be coming out of the bottom of the revolver grip. Thus, in order to stab, you would have to make a “hammer” motion with your hand/arm.

      To clarify: when your hand is outstretched in the typical position to fire the revolver (barrel axis parallel to ground and muzzle pointing away from the shooter), the knife blade would be pointing almost straight down toward the ground.

      This enables you hold the revolver “sideways” (a.k.a. gangster style) and have an extremely effective grip on the knife for knife fighting.

      • uncommon:
        Bare blade combined with brass knuckles seems to me like a recipe for self-inflicted wounds. To boot, this rig would get you time in the calaboose where I live (in Michigan).

  3. J frame. Beat them with the empty revolver if necessary. A trench knife would probably be more effective, if a bit harder to conceal. Still, an interesting little hybrid.

    • Gadsden Flag,

      I really like the idea of a j-frame revolver with knuckle grips–assuming the size does not become too large to somehow carry in a pocket or fanny pack or something.

      Given that pretty much any handgun caliber is “anemic”, I wonder if a j-frame revolver chambered in something like .30 caliber, capable of pushing something like a 90 grain bullet at 850 feet-per-second out of a 2-inch barrel, with the knuckle grips would be nearly ideal?

      Of course a 90 grain, .30 caliber bullet at 850 feet-per-second sounds really underwhelming. I can tell you with certainty that 99.9% of criminal attackers do NOT want to be on the receiving end of that. Five rounds of that plus knuckle grips? I can think of significantly less effective self-defense measures.

      • If I’m going to go that route I’d rather have the j frame and a bowie knife. Shoot 5 and then get all stabby.

        • Love my big Bowie knives, even if all I really do is have beer with them. Actually have one (well, two) that’s locally made. I saw the name Searles stamped on the spine and took an interest and bought it, recognizing the name. Sure enough when I tracked down and called the maker, who had recently passed, they replied yes, we are direct descendants of one of Jim Bowies favored blacksmiths. Cool stuff .

  4. I haven’t seen a cooler example of “I made it because i very well can,” in a while.

    • Glorious, isn’t it?

      Something else to drive the Leftist Scum ™ into an impotent rage! 🙂

    • That was exactly the purpose of this project. It’s not supposed to be practical, just functional. And my kind of cool

  5. I like it when gun folks think outside of the box. Being inside an elevator with a criminal having this type of weapon would come in handy. It takes more time than most people think for a criminal to bleed out.
    If you can’t run away you maybe in for a fist fight, for your life.

    Besides the 2A is about ARMS. Not just guns.

  6. Years ago a company made a 3 inch bayonet knife with a pic rail attached to it. For attaching to the underside rail of a semi-auto handgun. At the time I thought it was just silly. I no longer think that way anymore.
    I think there is a time and a place for every weapon.

    • It would be a knucklebuster, or “kucklebuster” according to the author. Maybe even rip yer arm off, because creedmore…

  7. I would not want to have to explain that item to a jury full of people who weren’t smart enough to get out of jury duty.

    • Just tell them it’s a magnetic gravity assisted safety device whose function is to reduce the velocity of the projectile to reduce lethality and help combat Global Warming™. Or that it’s for the children…

  8. In Nevada, you may not carry “metal knuckles.” Doesn’t say you can’t have the hard polymer type. They work quite well.

  9. Not bad, not bad at all. Given that you’ll probably be in melee range if you’re using an NAA 22, it’s a suitable modification.

  10. Not for the first time. What a load of bollocks. What exactly are you gonna do with ’em? One sight of them and you are gonna get yourself shot by bnthe bad guys for sure. Childish or what? Laughable for sure. Bet you shot your lot over them thar things for sure Brass knucks never were that effective except on some poor bugger who did not know how to combat them. They were always ‘frighteners’ more than anything that’s why the pro security forces don’t have them dont have them. Think about it? If you haven’t got near enough to use them the chances arev that you’ve been shot anyway. And to use them to attack is certain sure to get you considerable time. Good luck with that one!!
    Talk ‘gangsta’ about fanaticists.

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