I’m about as au fait with long range shooting as Danika Cejas is with scaphism (which may or may not be a shame depending on your blood sugar levels). The Burris Eliminator may be larger than an Airstream trailer and heavier than Proust but it’s my only chance of hitting a target beyond 50 yards—providing someone programs the range-finding scope for my chosen ammo. But I like obscure firearms in obscure calibers. Not to own, obviously. To want to own. Like the TADS KS-11 chambered in .408 Cheyenne Tactical. ‘Cause who doesn’t want to shoot a projectile at 3500 ft/s (take that Lapua) with .5 MOA or better? Tawazun Advance Defense Systems sold 16 of ’em to “government personnel” at the Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition. Shame it wazzunt me.


      • LMAO both preferably, but no the gun. My chances with Danika are nill… I can’t flash that many franklins in front of her on my best day hahaha

        • ha! The price of the gun could get you a non famous model that looks as good as Danika plus breakfast and laundry included in a pre-developed country possibly for some months depending where you go.

    • This former active duty ‘civilian’ would dearly love to accentuate his wife-unit’s flower garden with an M60A3 MBT or M5511 AR/AAV or M1 MBT as a suitable reminder that moi wasn’t a has-been, all that long ago. Since they’re dumping the things in the ocean as artificial reefs these days, surely that can’t be too much to ask?

  1. The website says that the rifles are built by Lobaev – does he work for Tawazun now? I had heard that he moved to Switzerland after the Russian government cancelled his manufacturing license for his sporting and match rifles as well as for his barrels. Would be interesting to know if other Lobaev products will be offered by Tawazun in the future in addition to this rifle design.

  2. “And the award for most obscure simile goes to… well, folks, we really don’t need even to open up the envelope, do we?”

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