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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Oh No! It’s Mr. Bill!”

  1. Personally I prefer Mozambique drills with two targets about 9 feet away and three feet apart.

    For anyone asking, “What the heck is a Mozambique drill?” here is the answer. You use “point shooting” to point your gun at the target’s center of mass and shoot two times. These first two shots are all about speed and simply making sure that you hit somewhere center of mass. You don’t use your eyes to line up the sights of the gun. You don’t even waste time raising your gun up to eye level — you fire the shots when your hands are at your chest level. After those first two rapids shots, then you raise your gun up to eye level and use your eyes and sights to place a well aimed shot between the target’s eyes. With a little practice, lots of people can place all three shots on a target in less than two seconds.

    Needless to say, the Mozambique technique is devastating on a human attacker.

    • So your advocating and even trying to instruct someone who reads this to put 2 un-aimed shots in the general area of an attacker? Every round you fire NEEDS to have a sight picture, especially in a DGU. With some training and practice, one can put 3 CORRECTLY AIMED AND ACCOUNTED for shots on the target in less than 2 seconds


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