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Ohio Homeowner Fatally Shoots Intruder

Doug Howlett - comments 23 comments

An attempted burglary in Englewood, Ohio, turned deadly early Friday morning when a homeowner shot and killed the alleged intruder. The incident occurred at a residence around 2 a.m., and authorities are now investigating what they say appears to be a clear case of self-defense.

According to WDTN, the homeowner’s girlfriend called 911 after he woke her up to alert her that it sounded like someone was breaking into their home.

“I was just woken out of my sleep,” the woman told the 911 operator. “My boyfriend said to grab our gun. I don’t know what’s going on.”

During the 911 call, the boyfriend can be heard identifying the suspect as a white male and noting that the back windows of the home had been broken. Just moments later, three gunshots rang out in the background of the call, prompting screams from the woman as she informed the dispatcher of shots fired.

Englewood Police arrived to find the suspect, later identified by the Montgomery County Coroner’s Office as 43-year-old Matthew Culham, lying dead in the yard. Police Chief Corey Follick told reporters that the boyfriend confronted Culham outside the home, and when Culham came at him, the boyfriend fired in self-defense.

“This subject stayed on their property and confronted the homeowner when he was out double-checking to see what all may have been damaged or stolen,” Chief Follick said, noting that such behavior is unusual. “Most burglars, if they determine that a home is occupied, once they’re detected, they normally flee the area.”

According to WKEF, the woman on the call can be heard stating, “We couldn’t find the magazine,” underscoring the frantic moments before the shots were fired. Despite the chaos, the homeowner’s actions appear to have stopped a potentially violent encounter.

The case is currently under investigation by the Englewood Police Department and will be reviewed by the Montgomery County Prosecutor’s Office. However, no charges have been filed at this time, nor are they expected.

23 thoughts on “Ohio Homeowner Fatally Shoots Intruder”

  1. “Chief Follick said, noting that such behavior is unusual. ‘Most burglars, if they determine that a home is occupied, once they’re detected, they normally flee the area.’ ”

    Chief Follick obviously never lived where we used to live. There, an occupied home was not a deterrent and they didn’t care if they were detected or not … that is until permit-less carry arrived and they started getting notified of the change in the balance of power via bullets.

  2. According to WKEF, the woman on the call can be heard stating, “We couldn’t find the magazine,” – What? Why wasn’t the magazine in the gun? Hope they learned a lesson here.

      • jwm,


        See my comment below explaining how a careful revolver choice (and ammunition selection) can be a very good self-defense firearm solution.

    • “What? Why wasn’t the magazine in the gun?”

      Safety, don’t ya know, Catboss.

      It’s the same as those brainless fuckwits that wedge a block of rubber behind the triggers of their striker-fired handguns as a ‘safety’… 🙁

    • Cool now move anywhere diverse and see the changes in both who and how often and tell me what you notice. Lived in both at various times and compile the data for both every year.

      • I live in a very diverse area. San Francisco Bay area. And I’m an old man. You know who worries me when I’m out walking? Groups of young whites. They are entitled, want to copy their rap idols and dumber than a bag of rocks.

        Personal experience only.

        And my experience shows me that we will still have crime even if there were no black folks.

        • Crime is everywhere now compare incidence rates and breakdown of data. Your data point does not observable trends or generally repeating patterns make. Oh and for NY we play a fun trick where hispanics (and yes mostly illegals lately), arabs, persians, pakistanis and some Indians are counted as white (no hispanic or other breakout). Does wonders for getting DHS grants for combating white extremism (yes we and others count 9/11 as a white supremacist attack) so ignore basic data as you wish.

        • Moderation but bigger picture caution. Basically our individual experiences are only barely relevant to our local areas.

  3. “Despite the chaos, the homeowner’s actions appear to have stopped a potentially violent encounter.” The perp is at O.A.T. but no violent encounter, hmm interesting take on ‘violent encounters’. For the homeowner hope it’s ‘dirty deeds done dirt cheap’.

      • Much praise to Danial Penny’s defense attorneys and to those who donated on Danial’s behalf. Commenting from an undisclosed locale behind the proverbial iron curtain ‘east coast’.

  4. This type of event in general illustrates the utility of a larger revolver for home defense–especially something like a large-frame revolver with 6-inch barrel chambered in .357 Magnum with an 8-round cylinder. I would personally load it with .38 Special +P, 150 grain full wadcutter cartridges.

    The beauty of the above is simplicity and reliability, and even the option for one-handed operation if you need your other hand to hold objects (such as a flashlight, two-way radio, or cell phone), turn on light switches, open doors, etc.

    • 627? If so yeah could see that being a good option. Redhawk also had an 8 shot 357 for a while. I am sure the various 41, 44, 45lc and 500 special options could work well too but hard to beat available options in 357/38 for actually existing outside of reloading for just about anywhere.

        • Anything with a barrel 4 in or over absolutely agree with 125g especially when you can safely get some stupidly higher pressure out of a gp (not as sure on the 7 shot vs the 6)

          • I haven’t reloaded in decades. My experience then taught me to trust Rugers. Now I just use factory loads and I’m confident that gp will deal with it.

            That 7 shot was an impulse buy. But it suits me.

          • Unless you are going with something silly in underwood or buffalo bore I doubt you could buy anything commercially loaded that could be a problem. Bubba’s pissin hot reloads™ from a shady gunshow vendor may be an issue but even the sp101 has been easily able to keep up with anything I put together with the various 158 gr options.

  5. Couldn’t find the magazine.
    “I can’t find the magazine.”
    Look in the bathroom honey.
    Went outside to check for damage.
    Not a good idea if the police are on the way.
    *BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM* Put the gun down Now Muthafcker( I like the cops new street talk, real professional) * *BLAM BLAM BLAM* Quit Resisting.
    No captain every time I fired he moved, kept doing that until I ran out of bullets. Wasn’t the precinct supposed to be issued grenade launchers?

  6. If he died in the yard and bled out, I’ll bet that patch of grass grows really good this spring.

    If he lost control of his bladder and bowels too and shat himself, maybe that would help; if you can stand the smell of “stinky dead guy’s poop” for a few weeks.

    • Off topic but I just came back from the grocery store, its flue season and someone pulled a Biden without Depends. Diarrhea is genetic, it runs in your jeans, and there it was right in front of the two for one frozen pizza.
      So much for fine dining with Debbie W and her farting gas bags.
      Yuck, I say, Yuck


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