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Omaha, NB's new Mayor Jean Stothert (courtesy

TTAG reader DA writes:

You ran a post in March on the Omaha, NE mayor’s bid to ban “assault” weapons here. Well, the Omaha mayoral election was this past Tuesday, and I’m happy to report that Mayor Jim Suttle, the anti-gun Democrat, was soundly SPANKED by City Councilwoman Jean Stothert [above], a conservative Republican. She will be Omaha’s first woman mayor when she takes office on 10 June. In truth, the gun control (and assault weapons) issue was never really an issue during this election. However, Suttle made it an issue when he inexplicably ran ads that emphasized the subject very early in the campaign . . .

This was seen by many people as indicative of his tone deafness on the issues, as banning assault weapons, and gun control in general, just has not been a “top of mind” issue in Omaha. Why the Mayor chose to raise the issue so prominently in his campaign mystified many people, but also helped solidify the perception that he’s clueless and out of touch… which he is.

Stothert won the election the old-fashioned way: she earned it. She ran a flawless campaign, and flat out-worked her opponent on the ground. She had the widest voter appeal, she ran against the public employee unions and their long-standing exploitation of taxpayers, and she took full advantage of the many hapless political stumbles Suttle had made during his first term. In short, she flat kicked his ass.

The happy result: A friend to law-abiding gun owners will be in the Omaha mayor’s office for at least the next four years.

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  1. Gun control may not be the top issue in a given election over the coming year. But it will be an issue and thanks to slow joes and barry’s bungled handling of the issue it may tip the balance in our favor in some of the closer races.

    • I almost wonder if he brought up the whole gun thing during the campaign hoping it would stir up some Bloomberg backing. Obviously it either did not, or backfired hilariously.

      • I’m more interested in whether he got funding for some of his advertising spend because he agreed to beat the gun-control drum as part of his re-election campaign.

        That’s where I’d be looking if I were looking into the campaign-spending records.

  2. I voted in this election. Even though I disagree with most of the victor’s policies, I had to vote against Suttle because of his anti-Second Amendment stance.

      • Maybe Aaron is a fireman, EMT, county hospital doctor – one of those “publicly employed leeches.”

        She’s right on 2A, but as imperfect as most pols on other stuff.

        But… while noone’s perfect, the right person won.

  3. Gun grabbers vote on any of a dozen different issues, because they are, for the most part, doctrinaire lefties, who buy into the whole “progressive” agenda.

    Gun owners vote on gun rights. They will cross over party and ideological lines in order to vote for the pro-gun candidate and against the anti-gun candidate, when given a choice.

    So, being a gun grabber can only lose you votes. You will get all of your fellow travellers, anyway, whether you support gun rights or not. But supporting gun rights is good for a good 10% in any election, much of it at the cost of your opponent, if he happens to be anti-gun.

    • Why do they call people who would return us to the serfdom of the 1400s “Progressive”? There’s no punchline cause it isn’t a joke, an oxymoron perhaps, but not a joke.

  4. Go, Mayor-elect Stothert!! Beating a numbskull incumbent is fabulous! Gone are the days when a red state incumbent can sit back & get re-elected just because s/he is an incumbent, particularly when facing a sensible, energetic fireball like Stothert.

  5. Why the Mayor chose to raise the issue so prominently in his campaign mystified many people

    Maybe because (i) he got campaign money from Bloomberg or (ii) was told that there was an anti-Republican backlash because of the defeat of M-T. Maybe both.

  6. Huffington Post was crowing how Suttle was a member of Nanny Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Guns. I wonder if the HuffPo posted that Suttle got spanked!

    Stothert: 57%
    Suttle: 41%

  7. Back in the previous article about Mayor Suttle’s Gun Control advertisement, I mentioned that I hoped Omaha could get it together and vote his scum out of office. It makes me happy to see that for once the people actually got it together and made a change. And I am happy to say my vote was a part of that.

  8. and this is how it’s going to start the tide will turn… today Omaha …tomorrow Colorado next week chicago next month california next year new york vote the tyrant’s out

    • I’m not holding my breath. The American people as a whole have already displayed without a shadow of a doubt what stupid, easily-led, pathetic fools they are.

  9. I love when I checked the list on the gun grabber’s website I did not see a single listing for OK, I keep saying we are the most red state in the Union. Govenor, both senators, all 5 House Of Representatives are Conservative. And if you do research, in both of the elctions of the “emporer” he did not win a single county. Not even red TX can claim that……

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