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“For a city without guns, some seem to have them for protection,” a TTAG reader writes. “Someone should beat the drums that Bloomberg was not able to keep them safe when the time came and keeping people unarmed does not help.” To wit this [via]: “Hardened New Yorkers are ready to battle lowlife criminals to protect their homes and stores in storm-ravaged areas plagued by looting and break-ins. In Coney Island, several residents were loading up their guns, sharpening their machetes and brandishing other deadly weapons. Jacinto Gonzalez (left), 42, picked up a baseball bat and stood guard outside his two-story rowhouse on West 27th Street near Neptune Avenue with his family . . .

Another Coney Island resident, Roberto Aviles, brandishing a rusty 3-foot machete and warning he has a gun, who has lived in Coney Island since 1995 with his wife, says he’s ready to take on phony burglars posing as Con Ed workers.

Chris Lane, a 50-year-old resident of the Coney Island Houses, put together a small arsenal with his double pump action gun.

Lane said he scared off a bunch of thugs skulking around the hallways of his building when the storm struck Monday night.

“They were roving in packs, not just one or two people. I had more than a little something, too,” Lane said, referring to his weapons. “I let it be known that my floor is off limits.”

A sign outside a home in Long Beach, LI, summed it all up for storm weary New Yorkers. It read, “Looters will be shot by local vet.”

Just wait ’til Bloomberg hears about this! After order is restored, of course.


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  1. Good on them to take arms for their protection.

    That said, my words of caution to NYC residents would be to keep any and all presence of arms on the QT. Right now King Bloomberg’s got his hands full, but once the power’s back on and the subway’s are running you’d best believe he’ll be looking for any scapegoat he can for Sandy-related problems with his administration-and gun owners are a very convenient target, especially in that anti-gun political environment.

    • Posting signs and speaking to the mass media about gun ownership is not a wise thing to do in NYC since Bloomberg’s Gestapo might soon drop by to confiscate those guns.

  2. Good for Jacinto and Roberto. Here is more from the article:

    Chris Lane, a 50-year-old resident of the Coney Island Houses, put together a small arsenal with his double pump action gun.

    Lane said he scared off a bunch of thugs skulking around the hallways of his building when the storm struck Monday night.

    “They were roving in packs, not just one or two people. I had more than a little something, too,” Lane said, referring to his weapons. “I let it be known that my floor is off limits.”

    A sign outside a home in Long Beach, LI, summed it all up for storm weary New Yorkers. It read, “Looters will be shot by local vet.”

    Sorry Bloomberg, Common sense still exists in NYC.

  3. Necessary for the security of a free state, a well regulated militia,…..oh, nevermind.

    Sorry, but this is a shame that the people cannot legally defend themselves in time of crisis. OR, if neighbors in the region wanted to go help and patrol the streets, they cannot do so for fear of prosecution. Its times like these that the second amendment was intended.

    • EXACTLY!! By the way, did anyone see how our friend Bloomberg weathered the storm?? Personal bodyguards? Electricity? Food and water? Transportation? Any problems with looters?

    • Actually, this is a very good point, and clearly overlooked by many. The “security” the 2A refers to isn’t just security from enemies without, it’s the security of society against any who would attempt to damage it. The situation in NY/NJ is exactly what the 2A was written to guard against.

  4. It’s just too bad the storm didn’t drag the entire city out to sea and free this country of that embarrassment to the dignity of free men.

    • Actually some good people there……now if we could be selective……and allow Bloomberg and his 25 billion dollars get dragged out to sea??? With you there.

    • My sister and her children live in Kew Gardens NYC. I could care less about her worthless lazy Rabbi husband who doesn’t work and support his family.

  5. I like the line, “Phony Burglars posing as Con Ed Workers.” I guess the burglary in that case arrives every month in the mail.

    BTW, I’m participating in an upcoming Appleseed at the Westside Pistol and Rifle Club in early December – I’ll probably have an opportunity to speak with the instructor and attendees about armaments in the wake of Sandy…

  6. Dude with the bat has the same expression my uncle used to have when “the sh!t was going down.” My respect for everyone out there in NY risking their lives to protect their families and neighbors with whatever they have.

    On the positive side, maybe all this post-Sandy crime will cause a public outcry that will not only get Bloomberg fired, but it will get NY to evaluate its laws about citizen ownership of firearms.

  7. “They were roving in packs, not just one or two people. ” Which is why we need more than six shots on tap. I bet Bloomie’s bodyguards have evil assault clips and shoulder things that go up…

  8. The situation demonstrates that people innately recognize their right to self-defense in extreme adversity and prepare to do so with whatever means they have. Too bad these same people in NYC do not recognize in their pre catastrophe lives what their instinctual faculties tell them in the present dire situation, then they would come to their senses and vote Bloomberg and his like “off the Island”.

  9. Everyone should know that Obama and Bloomberg caused Sandy to happen. Oh wait, can’t use that excuse again. Obama uses that one all the time. Oh well, Congrats to the people of NYC who are standing up and protecting themselves.

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