C’mon people, really? Vice President Joe Biden uses a gun metaphor about aspiring Vice President Paul Ryan’s gun metaphor and we’re supposed to get our proverbial knickers in a twist? I reckon pundits who pillory pols for firing-off gun metaphors to target voters is shooting blanks. Besides, is anyone who’s surprised when Joltin’ Joe comes out all guns blazing, rhetorically speaking? The delicious irony: the left-leaning, gun control supporting media are the ones up in arms. “The race for president has tightened,” washingtonpost.com reports with characteristic insight. “And perhaps it has become uncomfortably close out west.” Perhaps. Perhaps not. Maybe the WaPo should just bite the bullet and do some straight shooting on their election campaign coverage. I know: them’s fighting words! Or not.


  1. Nothing but crickets so far for old Joe ?….. 🙂

    I’m going to miss you Uncle Joe… Not so Much….

  2. I like (NOT!) how Joe B used the sarcastically intoned comment “..these are the Republican Leaders of The House..” in reference to Ryan and Company’s book about guns as if exercising their Constitutional Rights to own and use firearms was something they ought to be ashamed of and the derisive laughter that remark evoked. Just goes to show how seriously twisted he and his followers are. These people are a serious threat to American Rights with their cavalier attitudes towards personal liberty. They disgust me.

    • I thought by now, with all the evidence we have on Joe, that everyone agrees the man fits the definition of “Zombie”,

      Here it is from my dictionary: “The body of a dead person given the semblance of life, but mute and will-less, by a supernatural force, usually for some evil purpose.”

      Please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe he sure fits THAT description.

    • Like herpes? I think they’re starting to realise that barry shot himself in the foot after calling for bringing up another AWB.

      • Agreed, although Mittens actually did one 8 years ago. (2004 MA AWB which Mittens was thoroughly approving of and one of the worst in the country. Still in effect.)

        Neither can be trusted a fraction of the distance they can be thrown.

        • Ralph has explained that to my satisfaction. And mitt didn’t mention a new AWB and “cheap” pistols in the same breath. .during the debate. Not 8 years ago,

    • Because Romney’s already proven he’ll happily sign a bill to prevent you from buying “assault weapons”?

      Look up that 2004 AWB that Mr. “freedom and liberty” not only signed, but enthusiastically endorsed. Then get back to us.

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