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Regular readers of this website will know that the groping goons working for the Transport Security Theater Group confiscate weapons from aspiring airline passengers on a daily basis. Not from hijackers, obviously. From just plain folks who—d’oh!—forget they’re packing a gun. Or a knife. Or a pair of tweezers. Or a large bottle of shampoo. It was only a matter of time before someone semi-famous got caught in/on the net for not leaving home without their heater. That would be 70’s beefcake, former Dallas star Jack Scalia. “The 61-year-old, who played Nicholas Pearce on the hit show, was apprehended at LAX Airport in Los Angeles after he was found to be carrying a Glock 9mm,” reports. And . . . that’s it. I reckon these stories works in our favor. Regular exposure to tales of law-abiding citizens so comfortable with their gun they fall afoul of the feds helps normalize self-defense firearms. At least subconsciously.

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  1. That was a classic video. The first woman was very smoking hot and the last one was quite an amusing sexually twisted character. If girls schools produce women like her then three cheers for those schools.

  2. Jack Scalia is a fifth-rate actor, a tenth-rate baseball player and recently had the charter of his 501(c)3 revoked ’cause the money that was raised to help returning GIs turned up kinda, well, y’know, missing.

  3. Honestly, I don’t think John Q. Public sees a story like this and thinks”An honest citizens is being picked on for exercising his right to self defense.” I think it’s more likely they see this and go “Thank god we have TSA looking out for us. No telling what that man was up to.” YMMV.

    I only fly when there’s no other option.

  4. How many laws did that guy violate before trying to take a gun past airport security?

    An arrest waiting to happen.

  5. This would be good, except TSA will use this to further justify their existence.

    Once I can get my car to go 600 mph, I won’t ever have to deal with TSA again.

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