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“Kristina Brown and her husband own the Lakeside Guns Shop in Acworth, Ga., and are building a $3.5 million gun range in nearby Powder Springs, north of downtown Atlanta.” The new venture – which is called The Governor’s Club – sounds like an ambitious project. Leaving aside the “you didn’t build that” question, one more high-end, class joint for busting some caps is a good thing. The only complicating factor: The Gov’s gonna have a bar, too. A clubby place to kick back after a hot afternoon on the range, down an oat soda or two and spin yarns about that zombie that got away . . .

The Brown’s aren’t being stoopid about the alcohol. They’ve thought through the whole guns-and-booze-don’t-mix thing. Thoroughly.

“Customers will have to order a drink with their identification card and once the card is accepted, and flagged, they cannot be checked back into the range that day.” The statement went on to say, “Georgia Law allows persons with gun permits to bring their weapon into a restaurant that serves alcohol, we are taking it even a step further.”

No problem there, right? Well . . .

A new sub division is being built about 100 yards from the club and some home owners in the area off C.H. James Parkway and Elliot Road think having a gun range and alcohol in the same location is a bad idea.

“I mean, that’s just stupid,” Traci Hart, a mother of three young children said.

She said her neighborhood is nice and quiet and they don’t want the gun range.

“We don’t need drunk people running around in and out of the neighborhood,” Hart said.

But if the Browns were building, say, a golf course featuring a 19th hole with beer-swilling duffers stumbling out, we’d bet dollars to donuts Traci wouldn’t be on camera voicing her concerns to the local actioneyewitnessonyourside TV reporter. Somehow gun owners (who can’t shoot after drinking) aren’t trustworthy enough to enjoy a tall frosty one after a round of skeet, but golfers knocking back a brew or two after a good walk spoiled is no problemo.

Come to think of it, if it’s beyond the pale to serve beer at a gun range, why is it any better for bars to have parking lots? Designated drivers aside, how many pub patrons who get into their cars after bellying up can really pass a roadside sobriety test? Isn’t allowing all those parking spaces just aiding and abetting drunk driving? Shouldn’t the only thing outside a bar be a cab stand?

Here’s the lengthy statement about the club’s liquor license approval from their web site:

Governors Gun Club has been granted permission to obtain a serving license in our members lounge. The lounge is not available to the general public or all club members. The lounge is only accessed by key cards issued to a limited group of members (Full Metal Jacket Members). All food and beverage services will be charged to the member’s account allowing tracking of their beverage purchases. Once a beverage is purchased on the customer’s account, the account is flagged and they cannot be checked into the range that day. Full Metal Jacket Members who wish to have a drink after shooting have available to them Gun Valet Service. This service allows their firearms to be stored in the facility vault until a future visits. Additionally, the members with the required level of access to the lounge have member lockers available to them.

Georgia law provides that persons with permits may carry firearms in restaurants and bars that serve alcohol; however, more stringent rules and measures are being implemented in the club. Service is not available to the general public or all club members, it is only available to a limited group of members. Members CANNOT drink and shoot, drink then shoot, or drink while in possession of a firearm. Members have strict contractual rules of their membership privileges that address facility conduct including drinking. The members lounge is not a bar and will not be used as one. This is a relaxing social atmosphere for members to enjoy food and limited drinks responsibly. Irresponsible and excessive drinking will not be tolerated by members, and will not be served by the staff. Members must be responsible firearm owners and responsible drinkers; otherwise they will not be patrons or members at the facility.

Most of the City Council Members and the Mayor are satisfied with guidelines and measures we are taking to insure a safe environment. Opposition was from council member Nancy Hudson who votes against ALL alcohol applications. Two citizens spoke in opposition to the application. One simply stated that “Alcohol and firearms do not mix.” The second person to speak did not address the application, rather their interpretation and opinion of a specific council member’s comment.

We know that unfortunately not everyone who owns a firearm exercises the necessary responsibility, but most firearm owners accept the obligation and grave responsibility that goes along with gun ownership. We also know that alcohol can and is often abused by many; however, it is unfair for some to assume that everyone who drinks is incapable of exercising personal responsibility and restraint and would choose to make that decision for everyone.



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  1. “But if the Browns were building, say, a golf course featuring a 19th hole with beer-swilling duffers stumbling out, we’d bet dollars to donuts Traci wouldn’t be on camera voicing her concerns to the local actioneyewitnessonyourside TV reporter.”

    Don’t count on that. It was quite a number of years ago when a horse racing track called Hollywood Park In Inglewood, CA wanted to relocate to a location near me.

    I was furious, nothing having to do with guns at all.

    Ever lived near a golf course? Besides balls breaking neighboors windods, fly off into streers at passing cars,

    I was furious, and my opposite had nothing to do with guns.

    • If some drunken Scotsman broke my windods I’d be furious, too. But seriously aren’t you just voicing a “not in my back yard” attitude? Are you sure that all of the places you frequent never annoy the residents that live in the area of such a venue? And as far as Nancy Hudson goes maybe being a mother ‘o 3 wee tots she’d be happier if they transformed her neighborhood into, say Sesame Place and brought back prohibition.

  2. In GA, a licensed gun carrier can CCW/OC in a restaurant that serves alcohol (Applebee’s, Outback, etc) so long as they don’t drink at all. It sounds like this private club has measures in place to prevent their customers from breaking the law. Happy hunting.

      • With all respect.
        If you want to join the club you must obey the rules. Or better yet, shoot but don’t drink. Problem solved.

        From the sounds of it Lakeside Guns Shop seems to have a belt and suspenders attitude towards safety. From the amount of dollars they have invested, I doubt they would risk their investment over sloppy gun security. They are, after all, professionals and apparently competent ones at that. Unless a member has a rad custom piece or a true rarity I would imagine they have a bunch of their own guns to play with.

      • So will they offer a valet cleaning service while you enjoy a frosty tall one?
        That would be the end all be all in high end clubs!
        I don’t see anything wrong here. They are taking steps to be responsible business owners.
        I’m assuming they already have the permit for the range.

  3. Come to think of it, if it’s beyond the pale to serve beer at a gun range, why is it any better for bars to have parking lots?

    Exactly this. One of the classic psychological pitfalls of risk assessment. People driving home from the bar after drinking has been going on since there have been bars and wheeled vehicles, so nobody even thinks about it.

    • I cannot stand drunk drivers! When I get to run this country I’m putting cops with breathalyzers in the parking lot of every bar in the country. Then watch your car insurance drop like rock.

        • Really? So you believe that your right to drive drunk supersedes someone else’s right to not die in a horrible car accident? Please, expound upon that, if you will.

      • Look up and understand “malum prohibitum” and “malum in se.”

        The most basic moral prohibitions are few–no rape, no murder, no stealing, and a few more. Are you sure that you want to work toward constraining all such human behavior that might lead to a malum in se violation? Manslaughter is a crime already, are you sure you want to outlaw every circumstance and behavior that has ever lead to manslaughter? “No,” you’d probably reply; “Just the most likely ones–DUI, for instance.” Don’t get me wrong, DUI is a wretched failure in judgment. However, it is not actually harming anyone. Some very careful thought needs to be put into legal prohibition of such things.

        Keep in mind, your intrepid political machine is ‘In for a penny, in for a pound’ in the regulation and legislation departments. As soon as you ask them to start preventing tragedy, their eyes light up, and you can kiss your liberty goodbye.

        The sentiments you present are the basis for much of the erosion of your 2nd amendment rights. (Maybe you don’t care about that, but I and many others certainly do.)

    • I’ve often thought that states should offer a Drunk Driving license. Go to a BMV, get drunk in front of the officer to, let’s say .12, then take the driving test. If you can pass it, you get your legal limit raised. If you can’t, then it stays the same as it is for everyone else.

      I bet a lot of folks would happily put down $50 to $100 to take a yearly drunk driving test.

  4. I think Traci should open up a massage parlor next door and employ unemployed ladies to offer rubdowns to the gentlemen after they have shot some and drunk some giving the men time to unload the alcohol out of their system.

  5. Guns and booze are a bad combination and most responsible shooters know that. It is pretty obvious that the club is ensuring that those two things aren’t separate so I don’t see the problem. Also, given the environment I bet you are much less likely to have any fights.

    • Aren’t you at all concerned with the guys who “have a few” after using the shooting range and then are less fit going home with their guns. It’s not just about the driving, it’s about being totally capable of managing gun safety.

  6. People sticking their noses into other peoples’ business. That’s all it is.

    Heaven forbid someone try to build and maintain a profitable private business in modern America.

    -“I mean, that’s just stupid,” Traci Hart, a mother of three young children said.

    She said her neighborhood is nice and quiet and they don’t want the gun range.-

    So how come the ‘nice and quiet’ general public has to be exposed to your three stupid, noisy kids in restaurants, stores, malls, etc? How do I know they’re stupid? Well, with her as their mother, how could they be otherwise?

  7. *****Full Metal Jacket Members who wish to have a drink after shooting have available to them Gun Valet Service. This service allows their firearms to be stored in the facility vault until a future visits. *****

    Sounds like a great way to dodge a TRO if cupcake’s not feeling warm and fuzzy.Divorced gun owners ought to support this business at all costs.

    • You are 100% right on about guys and divorce. I’m going through one right now and that place would be great for me and I don’t drink.

  8. For what its worth, I think its a good business move. Put one in my city!!

    I’m sure the membership fees are expensive, but we can see by their rules and amenities are pretty good.

  9. I just went to their website, and right away a pop-up came regarding the bar and the security measures they’re taking

  10. Is there still confusion about “you didn’t build that” referencing all the publicly funded infrastructure that enables everyone to start and run their businesses?

  11. I don’t see anything wrong with what Traci Hart said.

    Have you ever moved into some where and though gee I’m glad there’s going to be a gun range built now! Oh its going to have a bar too? I don’t want that either!

    Zimmerman also lead you guys into a stupid hatred for her, by pointing out the precautions they are going to have and the fact the bar won’t be open to everyone, where as Traci Hart doesn’t know this.

    • by pointing out the precautions they are going to have and the fact the bar won’t be open to everyone, where as Traci Hart doesn’t know this.

      A clever way to get around the obscenity filter, Chase, anagramming that last word.

    • Then maybe Traci Hart should learn a thing or two about what she’s being asked about before running her mouth. Better to be thought a fool…

  12. It looks to me like the Members having access to the Bar (after shooting) will pay a premium Membership fee, and thus, “Joe Six-Pack” is probably priced out of the picture.
    The owners have thought-out their policies well in theory and it remains to be seen how it will work in practice, but looks pretty well controlled. Atlanta, Ga. is a town where there are a lot of moneyed folks, so filling their quota of FMJ members will be a cinch, and depending on prices for Membership whatever lesser levels they have should fill up easily, as well.
    I don’t hate Traci Hart for expressing her point-of-view, although I don’t agree with it. People like her don’t get that if you compromise your young children’s Right to Keep and Bear Arms when they are toddlers, you thrust them into the Adult World later with no recourse for effective personal defense. So, how would you feel when your child makes it to adulthood only to get killed by a criminal because you championed infringing their RKBA when they were toddlers?
    Having a Gun Range in your backyard really isn’t a problem. I have two outdoor ranges within a few miles where pistol, rifle, trap, skeet and sporting clays are shot daily and in over twenty years have never heard a report of stray projectiles causing issues. Also have several Golf Courses within the same area and have heard of a few stray golf balls breaking windows and beaning people, but more the exception than the rule.
    About sixteen years ago there was an “open” Public Shooting Area in one of the canyons about 20 miles from my house…a friend and I used to go out there once in awhile to shoot rifle and pistol. We observed directly an instance where a drunk hurt himself because of the lethal combination of firearms and alcohol and stopped going out there. He split his forehead open after drunkenly failing to control recoil from what we thought was a .44 magnum revolver. We were in process of leaving due to our concerns over the situation of being next to some people who arrived after we had been there awhile, and were obviously drinking alcohol and shooting guns. We saw the injury happen and did not stick around to see any more of the matter.
    So, yeah, stringent controls in a Shooting Club where alcohol can be obtained is an absolutely necessary thing.

  13. I live about ten minutes from the soon to be opened “Governor’s Club” and have lived in this area all of my life. WSB-TV is the most Liberal television station in the metro Atlanta area. And I would bet you dollars to doughnuts that the “reporter” from channel 2 news didn’t report the news accurately. He most likely stirred up a bunch of soccer moms with miss-information about what was actually being built just outside the entrance of their subdivision. And after canvasing the entire area, he finally found someone who he could spin the facts to get his desired response. Never believe anything you hear on WSB-TV.

  14. The average person who can afford to go to a range like this much yet afford to be a member is not going to go out shooting in the nearby neighborhood. Why does one have to go to a range with a bar in order to go on a drunken shooting spree. One of her neighbors could get loaded and then go shooting in her neighborhood. It doesn’t have to be someone from the range.

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