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OMG! People Are Building Their Own Rifles! And It’s Legal! OMG!

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments


Mother Jones is to firearms as Saveur is to the Hardee’s. The first is aware of the second’s existence, but appalled to have them in the same country and disgusted that they’re legal and – quelle horreur! – popular.

Which brings us to Bryan Shatz’s intrepid little journey to the wilds of Southern California to attend and participate in a rifle “build party.” Poor Bry. He’s obviously horrified by how relatively little cash and effort are needed to put a functional rifle in the hands of the unwashed masses.

You can tell that he’s only really happy again once he bisects his new AK with a chop saw. *sniff* Oh well. Plenty more where that one came from.

0 thoughts on “OMG! People Are Building Their Own Rifles! And It’s Legal! OMG!”

  1. “According to police records, a few minutes later Michael Bellah used a piece of metal to pry open the woman’s front door. He choked her, and sexually assaulted her. Later that day he was arrested by the State Police.”

    Seems to me if she had a gun and used it. That would have saved tax money in the long run. We wouldn’t have to spend tax money on the court system, house him, feed him, etc. The way I see it we could save the tax money and spend it on the schools. It’s for the children.

  2. I feel very sorry for this woman, but Ralph is right. You and your family’s safety is your own responsibility. No one else will be there when the time comes to defend them, especially from a lethal threat.

  3. Apparently he cut the receiver in half with a cutoff wheel and threw it in the trash. According to the ATF this is insufficient to be categorized as destruction of the weapon. They require a cutting torch be used in such a manner that it cuts no less than 1/4 inch wide, destroying material.
    So he illegally transferred a rifle to his garbage men.

    • Oh he also committed multiple felonies in California as well. Several people have reported him and I hope he gets to spend a few years in a cell to think over his hatred of gun owners.

        • Looked to me 922r for starters. It didn’t look like it was in “sporting” configuration to me. Chapter 27 of the Code of Federal Regulations Section 478.11 defines these SAWs. Specific examples of these features include:

          – High capacity (greater than 10 round for rifles, 5 rounds for shotgun) magazines
          – Pistol grip attachment
          – Folding buttstock
          – Muzzle device/attachment (to include a threaded barrel capable of receiving a device)
          – Bayonet lugs
          If your rifle or shotgun incorporates those features, it no longer is considered “suitable for sporting purposes”.

          Which leads me to Title 27 Chapter 1 Section 178.39(a) No person shall assemble a semiautomatic rifle or any shotgun using more than 10 of the imported parts listed in paragraph (c) of this section if the assembled firearm is prohibited from importation under section 925(d)(3) as not being particularly suitable for or readily adaptable to sporting purposes.

          He stated that he assembled this from a collection of parts he bought. These rules were made in 1968 just for a guy like this. If they are not going to enforce this law then what is the point of having any laws? Its funny to me that when a anti-gun tries to show some BIG loop hole in the gun laws they find out it is already covered with a law about 40 years ago. Just not enforced. Well I say lets start enforcing it with him to make an example that we are really serious about gun crimes.

  4. I swear thats my distant cousin Irving Rosenberg in drag.

    Otherwise, I think the stereotyping and labeling by the gun grabbers is hysterical. Increasing numbers of people from the Left of Center are buying guns as are people from groups that traditionally avoided and even condemned guns. Non-gun owners know gun owners and strong supporters of the 2A as real people, friends, neighbors, family, and co-workers. No one who owns guns and is a strong advocate can make the gun grabbers look like the crazy fools and liars they are better than themselves.

    Irving err I mean ‘Martha’ please keep writing. Thanks!

  5. I only ever hear “high-powered rifle”. What’s considered low-power? .22 lr? Is there such a thing as medium-power? Pistol caliber carbines?

    • To the anti-gun people, anything that moves faster than you could throw it is “high powered.” They pee their pants at the thought of airsoft guns.

      As for medium-powered rifles, the AR and AK would be the classic examples. Pistol-caliber carbines would be the low end of medium, and .243 and 30-30 would be the high end of medium. I think.

      (It was a rhetorical question, I know, but…)

  6. “It is an offence to make, an offence to possess and an offence to use,” he said.”

    I find that offensive.

  7. Think of the money all the cash-strapped organizations could save if they would just distribute all those “cash for guns” weapons to the people who actually needed them, or even bought them each a brand new pistol AND training. Less cost for police patrols and a whole lot less cost to try, convict, and house the perps.

  8. ‘You know, obviously, if he comes inside the residence and assaults you, can you ask him to go away?’

    Really? Wait………. really!?

  9. Given the way I shot today at the local 3 Gun match, people would be entirely safe if I was blasting away with an AR.

  10. I read the article when it came out. I love how they paint everyone at the build party as a felon attempting to circumvent the laws. More yellow journalism trying to drum up fear where it is not needed. Why go to a build party for a semi auto AK at a build party when you can go get one cheaper in the black market.

  11. Felony 1 – constructs an illegal assault weapon (mag lock not working the position he has it mounted)

    Felony 2 – transports illegal assault weapon

    Felony 3 – probable 922r violation

    Felony 4 – illegally disposes of illegal assault weapon

  12. To say that it’s always the owner’s fault and never the dog’s is nothing but Walt-Disney utopian fantasy. If only that were true. Last year when I was looking for a dog for my wife I looked at a beautiful pure-bred Great Dane, about as peaceful a breed as you can get. Unfortunately, this particular dog was born a coward and when he was frightened he protected himself by acting aggressive. He had nipped one of the children and was considered a menace by his groomer.

    The owners were not skilled dog trainers, but they provided a loving home and spent a lot of money creating a physical environment which allowed the dog to live a happy life without being a threat to outsiders.

    After several sessions with the dog and a lot of research, I thought it would have been possible to rehabilitate him, but at terrific cost in time and responsibility. I don’t like to think of him because I might have been his last hope. He has probably been euthanized by now.

    Learning how to handle a firearm responsibly is something an idiot can master in 15 minutes. Learning to train a live animal with a will of its own to behave in a safe manner is all circumstances is the art of a lifetime, and it is well beyond a significant segment of the population. There are dogs that are genetically predisposed to be more of a challenge than most dog owners can meet.

  13. Slightly off topic: I’m going to Williamsburg Va on Monday and want to observe my constitutional rkba for my first time ever. It’s ok to just walk around Va with my XDm on my hip?

  14. Interesting. Is it just me or did he have a much bigger smile on his face after firing the rifle than when he destroyed the rifle?

  15. A recently purchased Gen 3 made in 2011 but never fired had a similar issue on a training range during a dry practice drill as I was coming up from the ready and finger off the trigger. The slide simply slid forward and dropped off the end of the frame–as I stood there with my mouth hanging open is shock, no doubt. The range master said something like, ” How did you manage to do that?” “I have no idea,” said I. I had fired 150 test rounds through the pistol before taking it to the training session. After firing it, I ha cleaned and lubed it and later installed a Lone Wolf Distributing Extended Slide Lock . When the slide slid off the frame, I already fired several rounds through the gun during the training course. The slide lock was in place. I replaced the slide and continued training for the day. That evening, I field stripped the pistol, cleaned it well and inspected the internal parts with no issues discovered, including the slide lock and slide lock spring. I relubed the gun and finished the last day of the four day session, firing a couple of hundred rounds, mostly from the holster timed. No further problem encountered. WTF happened? I still am mystified. I was using a Kydex holster made for a G19 and owned and used by me since maybe 2002 without any problem. I index my trigger finger on the one side of the slide lock, but have been doing that for years, and both sides must be pulled down at the same time. I never had anything like this to happen before and I own and shoot eight Glocks. I still have not been able to figure what happened. I am not a Glock worshiper, but have found them to be generally reliable and more reliable than some. I am going to have to run a few hundred more rounds trouble free through this Glock before I trust it to carry.

  16. I guess I need to abdicate all personal responsibility to the guberment in a real hurry before the final collapse.

  17. Why, why, why… I can tell you why, they’re Democrats. They don’t like the Supreme Court of the United States telling them that the Bill of Rights applies to them too and they intend to make it as onerous as possible.

  18. I used a M16A1 in the Army. The only thing the platform has going for it is the light weight and accuracy. On the other hand I found the AK47 very easy to break down and clean, usually always fires no matter how dirty it is which means it is very dependable. I wouldn’t trust the M16/M15 platform from experience.

  19. The video article’s introduction is ripe with logical fallacies. It leads the uncritical mind to conclude that individuals making firearms that are not overseen and approved by the state as a bad thing.

    Neglected Aspect. The OVERWHELMING majority of murders committed in all of known human history has not been by the individual who rises up to “break the law”. It has been by those who have subverted their own individual morality to that of the collective, and who will murder to enforce the law.

    In assuming that regular people should get permission from the state to own or make their own firearms is akin to saying that the abused should go to the abuser for help.

  20. 1. The number of Gun Dealers on 01/01/2015 A.D is before is 64,747 F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers too! Is (01)(02) Is Class-1 Is (01) & Class-2 (02) Pawn Shop & Gun Dealers too! Regular Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts too. The N.F.A. Gun Dealers F.F.L.s is (01) With Tax Stamp N.F.A. too! An (09) N.F.A. Intermediate Class-3 is About 70 too!

  21. 1. On, 01/01/ 2019 A.D. The Number Of Gun Dealers Decline way down too.( 63,114) F.F.L.s too. The number of Regular Gun Dealers Retailers is about, (55,563) (01) F.F.L.s too. The Pawn Shop & Gun Shops is (02) is (7551) too. They are Still going down each month too! Is Smaller Gun Dealers Retailers Outlet Stores don”t make at all too! They sell to bigger Gun dealers Retailers how has money too! It true!!!

  22. 1. 02/01/2019 A.D. The Number is (2) of N.F.A. Gun Dealers F.F.L.s is limited up to two per each State too. Including F.F.L.s (01) With Tax Stamp is a Class-3 N.F.A in included too! Theses F.F.L.s Licenses is under St-ricked controlled by the( B.A.T.F.E.A.) Agency by the U.S.A treasury Dept of Firearms Licenses is N.F.A. Applications S tricked Con trolls those Applications too! Is (09)& (011) & (010) too! Is Full Auto”s weapons too! Agree!!! They don”t Give them out so easily too. They very hard to get it too! Very diff ult to get them progresses it too! The illegal Non citizens other Counties too! Are off Limits too! In any State in the U.S.A. too! There are Certain Licenses Are Off Limits to Regular Gun Dealers Retailers Regulars Stores Fronts Stores Businesses Is Class-1 is (01) & Pawn Shop & gun shops is class-2 is (02) Too!! Is off limits too! I agree!!! Yes? These F.F.L.Licenses Not Gun Dealers Licenses too! At All too! I agree?? Yes Sir!!! Is Mgr is corporation companies, i.n.c companies!! F.F.L.s Ammo Mfr. (06) Regular Gun Mfr is (07) N.F.A. Mfr. is (010) The Import & (08) N.F.A. Ammo Regular important weapons over seas too. The Distributive Foreign Guns are Full auto”s N.F.A. is, Mfr is over seas too!!! To import Gun into the U.S.A. with a valid F.F.L.s is a (011) to is Class-2 only too! They have S tricked Con trolls on threes Applications Fr-oms is N.F.A. Licensees By the B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency of the U.S.A. Treasury Dept is in charge those Applications too! Not Private Corp.Companies Or I.N.C Co”s to like 1-800-123.com too! Agree!! Yes? He is Off limits to, Class-2 Licenses is, (08 N.F.A. Ammo )& (011) N.F.A. Import & Export . Mfrs is ,(06) Ammo mfr. (07) Regular Gun Mfg is (07) & N.F.A. (010) Mfg too! Agree! Yes?? By the U.S.A. Treasury Dept of the U.S. Is the A.T.F. License Agency too Agree!!!

  23. 1 . 01/01/2018A.D. There is. About near count of 364,000,000 Long Guns is 2/3 s an HandGuns is 1/3 too.new,used.relic too. The total of Rifles is 161,777.777.777 too. The Shotguns is 80,888,888.888 too. The total of long Guns production is 242,66),666.666 too. 2.The HandGuns total count is 121,333,333,.333. Too. The total of Semiauto Pistals is 80,888,888.888 too. The total Revolvers is 40,444,444,4443 too. Agree!

  24. 1. Total of Class-1 is (01) F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts,Retailers Business Gun Dealers is (55,563)! The total of Pawn Shop & Gun Dealers is, (7,551) Store Fronts Retailers is Class-2 Is (02)F.F.L.s too! The Total of F.F.L.s is Regular Gun Dealers is 63,114!!! Is official count of regular Gun dealers Retailers too! True!!!

  25. 1. There is eleven States Refused to melt there Conceited Firearms too! There is more Long Guns Rifles,Shotguns too! is 2/3 is 0.66% too! True!! There is about 1/3 Less hand Guns is 0.33% too! True!!! The Solution is we cut down the number of Long Guns, & Hand Guns Productions cut is order by Police Reports in 50 States too! I agree!!! It should be done immediately too! by 0.80 % too!To reduce Crime in 50 States too! I agree!!! Yes? Or Disagree? No? Why??? Only allow whats be order by Retailers Store Fronts Gun Dealers request : if the buyer puts down by 0.50 % too! With his or Her money to, if they will buy it too! Agree!! Don”t mfrs extra Firearms to stand on shelves to collect dust too! You are losing money too! I agree!!! The Solution is Only allow Arms production is 0.10% per Years too! The Firearms will be come very hard to find in any Gun Stores too! (01) Or Pawn Shop & Gun Store too. (02) Ammo will be scariest for any Handguns of any Caliber too! Revolvers ,Semi automatics Firearms too! Agree!!! There are 348,000,000 Long Guns is 2/3 is 0.66% too! Hand Guns is less then 1/3 to is 0.33% too! I agree!!! P.S. Rifles is 2/3″s is (0.66)% too. Shotguns is 1/3 is (0.33) % too! Is long Guns / Hand Guns is conceal Weapons only too! Semi-Automatics Hand Guns is 0.90- a Plumier body 0.10 Steal Parts barrel magazine plastic Spring in metal too! Is (0,66) % too The Trigger is Plastic the inner parts is cheep mfg parts in the Semiautomatic Pistols too! Production is should be (0.05) % too! In one Year too! The revolvers are made of Steel too! Productions is (0.33)% too!!! True!!! The Hand Guns production will be (0.05)% productions only with orders too! Agree!!! Long Guns is production is (0.05) % to mfr in one year time too! Divided by per month time too! Do you Agree!!!??? Yes? By vote U.S. Congress House ? & U.S Senate House will vote on it too! Agree!!!!! The Number of smaller Gun Stores will decline in time in each month time too! There numbers will be controlled F.F.L.s Licenses will be tight control by the all the B. A.T.F.E.A. Agency By the U.S.A. Treasury too! Do you Agree!!! Yes? Or Disagree?? No? Why?

  26. 1.We must cut the number of smaller F.F.L.s is,Class-1- (01) Class-2 (02 & N.F.A. Extra Gun Dealers is (09)& (01) with tax Stamp is N.F.A. Rules apply too! They Must Cut down is N.F.A Gun Dealers is Cut down by (0.75) % too A gee !!!They must be cut down by (0.75) % cut off too! Agree!!! Reason is :this will stop the Flow of Guns Off the Streets By the Robbie’s of Smaller Gun Stores by trade to is Gun Shop by Trade too! And Sporting Hunting,Fishing ,Camping & Gun Stores Is (01) F.F.L..s too! There is to of those Stores have F.F.L.s is (01) Licenses Too. Agree! Solution is : Cut Off Licenses by (0.75) % 0ff too! Renewals Cancelled off Applications is Stopped too! By (0.75)% cut off too! Agree! Problem Stores Pawn Shops & Gun Stores is (02) They must cut off F.F.L.s Licenses & 15 States Cut off Licenses to sell Firearms too! By (0.75) % Cut off too! Agree! Renewals applications Are Cut off by the A.T.F too .By the Sheriff’s Dept of all counties of 50 States in all too! Agree! Reason is To many Guns are Getting Stolen out of Gun Stores in eastern section of the U.S. N.E.S.W. is 1/3 is eastern section of the U.S.A too! Do you Agree! Yes Or Disagree? No? Why?? How come this problem Started too! true!!! We should allow (0.25%) Gun Dealers remaining in business too! They must be thinned out to in eastern section too! Little to crowed too! Meaning is to many eggs in one nest too! I agree!! They have to thinned out little bit too! Agree!!!!! Fewer Guns will be melted in Steel mills Liquid Plants too to Crime Guns into Rebar Steel Roods too! Garner, tools Shelves, of Garden tools, items too! do you agree!!! The eleven States should do the same thing too! Like Texas, & Chicago Tenn, Michigan , New Mexico ,too! Louisiana, Oklahoma, There Eleven States will nit melt Crime Guns at all too! Agree!! The Gun Dealers Will not accept those Crime Guns in there Gun Stores too! Agree! They take Those States to U.S.Circuit to Get those Gun Melted down i Still Mill too!!! I do agree that all States will melt down those Crime Firearms to melted Steal too! to make Rebar too!!!!! I agree!!! The Police Dept don”t want those Gun s on the Streets of Cities is high crime by Street Criminals, Relisted Criminals , Foreign Non Citizens Foreign Criminals too! From Other Nation Trying to fee to the U.S.A too! It True!!! Wake up America U.S. Citizens too! Tell your representative to get Crime Guns Melted ! In Still Mills too! Tell Eleven States to Change this bad Law too! Many Police adepts towns. Townships, Cities, Counties Sheriffs , Don”t like it at all too! Trying Sell those Crime Guns, In Gun Stores too! They don”t want those Guns in there Gun Stores too! Does in make sense too! think about it; for a minute too! Get my Drift Sir? Or MAM ? Is complaint too!

  27. 1. (01/01/2019 A.D. The Number Regular Gun dealers is,Class-1 is (01) is 55,000,F.F.L.s Holders too. The Number of Pawn Shops & Gun Dealers, is Class-2 Is (02)holders to is 8,000 too! The Total Count of Gun Dealers Store Fronts Business ,63,000(,F.F.L.s) to total is left in the U.S.a too! They still declining each month too!!! True!!!

  28. 1. We are close to about near count of 49,000 Retailer Gun Dealers is the total count is correct now. We went from 63,000 F.F.L.to lower number of F.F.L.is about 49,000 too. They are still going down in numbers by each month too. Agree! We lost about 14,000Gun Dealers did decline is out of Busineses too. True!

  29. 1. The Federal Law says by the U.S.A. Treasury Division too. The B.A.T.F.E.A. Division will enforced a Federal Law is 1 Gun Dealer Retailers Store Front F.F.L.s is (01) or (02) or N.F.A is (09) too! is 100,000 Residences too! They should go by the population of each State too! An Divided Population into 100,000,Residences People population as it ; too. The Number Of Gun Dealers F.F.L.s too . Will Be Legal too! Agree! All the States Will Abide by the Federal Firearms License Per one Gun Dealer Law Saying is I F.F.L. Holder Retailer Gun Dealer Store Front Business per Unit too. Agree!! Solution is All The Extra Gun Dealers will Be Cut way down too! Is Smaller Gun Dealers Smaller Gun Stores will be Cut way down too! By the A.T.F too! They will Revoked the Current F.F.L.s license & sheriff will revoked there current License Is (01)(02) & N.F.A. is (09) tax Stamp too. An Class-1-(01) With a Tax Stamp is N.F.A. is Rules do apply : is rules are Violated too. Agree!!! Or illegal Gun Sales too! True!! They will close your Gun Store Down too! And Take all Ammo & Guns away too! An put them in Truck to take them away too!! Agree!!! For Rog Gun Dealers are Bad apples retailers Store Fronts too! Agree!! It time to Close them down too! If they are nor following the Federal Laws & State Laws of selling Guns Legally with in the law too! I agree! Yes?? There Renewals will be cut off too! Agree!!!!! There is no second Chance of getting your Gun Business back the way it is before too! True !! It gone!!! Your are History !!! The Gun Dealers of the past history is gone too! Agree!!! This way to Clean Bad Gun Dealers retailers Bad Apples out of business too! I agree!!! The A.T.F will put there foot down too! If Laws are broken to your Face too! Of a violation you commuted a criminal affluence you commuted too . as a bad Gun Dealer Retailer went roe direction too! Why? How come ??? Some States are over crowed by smaller Gun Dealers too! agree! This is why some must cut down an out of business too. true . This why we have 394,000,000 Firearms in the 50 States in the U.S.A too! The 2/3 is long guns : Rifles Very popular is 0.66% too! Shotguns is not popular too! is (0.33)% is 1/3 too! True!! Conceal weapons : Hand Guns is semi-automatics is (0.66)% & 2/3 too. Very popular too The Revolvers is 1/3 is 0.33)% too! Not so popular too! Is 2/3 is (0.66) % too. Long guns Rifles,Shotguns, too. The Hand Guns is 1/3 is (0.33)% too! Semi auto” Pistols & Revolvers handguns too! It True !! Facts are There too! Agree!!!

  30. 1.The State of ILLINOIS has to many smaller Gun Stores tool The mumber Gun Dealers is (01) &🐰(02) ; 2446 F.F.Ls too. The new fee is a 3 year is a State LIcense : to sell all FIrearms at state level with in State borderlines of Illinois State only too.Agreed!! $1500.00 too. The Grovenor has sigh Crime bill into State Law too. True!!! This is reason is Crime with stolen Guns being robbed by street Ganges of the under world of Druges a. Blood money is available too.true? Why? The solution is to make the crime fit the number of Prison time in jail to the number of years fit the crime by criminals of foreign citizens an American criminals in the USA too.agree! The blood money comes from Mexico nation of Drugs of the under world of crime too. Is true! The A.T.F. Agents should esconfiscate those 80,000 Firearms from Sears warehouse Building in some ware in The City of cadicago too. The A.T.F.should melt those Guns used in crimes by criminals Gangs too. Weapons were taken by city police department too. Those Guns should be melted immeasurably by Federal U.S.A. Court order too. Agree ! The A.T.F.should cut down about 2000 F.F.L.Dealers will be shut down too. By certain Names are not folling the Federal laws & State laws too. Agree? They would leave about number of F.FL,s Dealers Retailers of 446 too! Agree! They will check there Gun Sales twice Year too!agree! This is why the crime is so high in the State of Illinois too.Agree!!!

  31. 1. By each month go by to in number Days one or three Gun Dealers. Call it quits too. There numbers are going down too.true!
    The slow business the Gun Dealer make $5.00 on sale of a Firearm too .True!

  32. 1.A Crime Guns is used by Criminals too.They will not no the Gun 😆😆Dealers Store Gun Racks or HandGuns used by criminals to Guns they robbed out of smaller gun Stores too. It true. It true. In all the States in the U.S.A.too. This is reason is those 11 States should be shamed of them selves to make the decision too. To make dirty Money by selling criminals used. Guns back on Gun Dealers Shelves too. It true! Listen to this information is on the News of N.B.C.A.BC. C.B.S. Are encouraged them to sell those Guns is confiscated by Police Depts of Towns.Townships, Citied , State police of or Highway payroll State police are making money on selling those concated Guns items back to those F.F.L. Gun Dealers are accepting those guns back into there Gun Stores is class-1 is(01 &class-2 PawnSop &GunDralers shelves for longguns Riflrs ,Shotguns an Handguns in Glass counter too . It true ! Why? Those Gun Dealers don’t care about the Federal Laws &states Laws to in all the 50 states too. Reason is those States assembly need to change the law to not selling Criminals Guns back on Gun Dealer shelved too. An the State Senate should look into this matter of changing the state law too.It time to the right way to send those Gun items to A Steel mill to melt all those Guns the criminals used on crimes of robbing Gun Stores too. Those 11States should be on probation by the U.S . Justice Dept by the Federal Grovernment should put them on 10 year sentace too. This is unsafe to a dangerous law by paid by the street criminals thuges of the underworld of crimnal Ganges in the U.S.A. Too. The F.F.L.Gun Dealers Retailers know about this racked too. To paid some lawyer is crooked a take money bribes of blood money to in back account it true! The police Depts should be disbanded too. Is close down too.I agree! The street Criminals will get those Guns back in there hands too. By buying Guns from bad crooked roe Gun Dealers is (01)(02) is regular Gun Dealers Store Fronts is bad Retailers too. Those Gun Dealers broken the Public trust too. Selling Guns is used by Criminals Ganges used Guns in Crimes too. They those Guns get back on the GunDealers shelves in the Gun Stores too. true! This law got to change too. Is to send the Guns to a Still Mill to get those Crime Guns to be melted too.To turn them to rebar strips steel units to repaired out bridges an turn then metals to Drain Covers for Street Drains covets made of heavy steel units too.true. I agree they should go for it too !! Do you agree?Yes?or Disagree?No? Why? How come the delayed ???why?

  33. 1. There is now near count of the total Firearms Dealers Retailers did reduced to a lower number of Federal FIrearms Licenses is reduced to 50,630 Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts Business too. The A.T.F. Will revoked there current Federal Firearms LIcense too.An the Sheriffis in 15 States will Revoked there curent LIcense too. An F.FL.s renuals will be revoked too. Is shut off. Too. The number of smaller Gun Dealers will be reduiced in smaller numbers too. The total of Gun Dealers will be cut is about 14097 F.F.L. Licenses too. In crowed in some States has to many smaller Gun Dealers smaller Guns Stores too. In the eastern States has the most Gun Dealers Retailers store outlets Business too. There is to many Gun Stores near Mexico border is four States is California, Mexico,Arzonia, Texas too and up Gulf of Mexico up to Florida too. Agree!
    The A.T.F. Needs to do there job too. Agreed !’!!

  34. 1. The Federal U.S.A. Law is to all States to follow it too. If the States don’t follow U.S.A. Law is Federal level by the B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency by U.S.A.Treasury Dept Is in Charge🐰Too. P.S. note: or a regular One Gun Dealer F.F.L. LIcense is (01)&(02) &N.F.A.is (09) F.F.L.too. Or. One (01) with tax stamp is N.F.A. Is class-3 too per 100,000 residences per one Gun Dealer regular ones too.agree! Do you agree?yes? Or Disagree?No?why?

  35. 1. Some states do have to many Gun Dealers F.F.L. Dealers Retailers smaller Gun Stores too.Do you agree Sir? Or Mam? Some states need to asked the A.T.F.to cut some of the smaller FF.L.s holders down to agree! Reason is the Crime Rate is about Guns & Ammo thiefts too. The State Law in Origon State passed a State Law by State Assembly members House did passes with flying colors too.It passed too!! Later the send the State Bill to State Senate House in Origan to the vote on it all voted on it too. Is one Ammo box per 31 days each month goes by too. It is a good Law on the State of Origan State too. Later it got to the Grovernor desk She sighed into State Law too.It passed with flying colors too. The State of ILLionios should. Passed the same law on Ammo for Longguns Rifles,Shotguns . Conceal Weapons is Hand Guns Semiautos Pistals with limit of 10 Shot clips too. Is a cap Limit too.Revolvers is one HandGun per sale to the Public every 31Days too.Agree! Yes? Or Disagree? No?Why?How the subject problem is spreading in 50 States in all too Agree!Yes? Or Disagree? No? Why? How come this problem? Why ?

  36. 1. F.FL. Dealers Retailers Store Fronts an Commercial Properties located industrial assign zones call Commercial Block Zones. 😆Locations by Zoning Commsion of Building Codes &Commercial Properties only. Opening a Gun Businese only too.Agreed.This goes for Pawn Shops& Gun Stores too. Is F.F.L.S is restricted to an (02) F.F.L.S too. And Sporting Goods , Hunting, Fishing, Camping, & Gun Dealers Too. The Stores is only sell Long. Guns Rifles, Shotguns , Ammo for long Guns only as restricted too. Agree. The Pawn Shop Junk Stores &. Gun Stores too is Resitrictrd to sell Long Guns & Long Guns Ammo only sold in Pawn Stores Gun Stores too. They can’t not sell Hand Guns or it Hand Gun Ammo too. Agree. They should not sell HandGuns or it ammo for conceal Weapons HandGuns too. They. Should stop selling Hand Guns or Hand Guns Ammo too. They can’t sell it no more too.Agree. The jail Crimsnals Shop there a lot too.ItTrue!!!
    The Chair man should say no Conceal Weapons is Semiauto Pistals or 10 Shot Chips too. Or Revolvers Hand Guns Weapons Too. Agree!

  37. R 1. F.FL. Dealers Retailers Store Fronts an Commercial Properties located industrial assign zones call Commercial Block Zones. 😆Locations by Zoning Commsion of Building Codes &Commercial Properties only. Opening a Gun Businese only too.Agreed.This goes for Pawn Shops& Gun Stores too. Is F.F.L.S is restricted to an (02) F.F.L.S too.

  38. 1(. Reminder is ): (U.S.A Complaint is: Not doing your Job as an Agent Or Inspector of Checking Gun Sales too! I do agree Sir! & Mam ! Too!The Federal Law States is 1 Federal Firearms License -Gun Dealer Regular F.F.L. Retailer Store is Gun Shop by Trade Is Regular Gun Store Business ; per 100,000 Residences too! Agree! Yes! The Federal is above all 50 States Governments’ in the U.S.A. too! The B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency will enforced the Federal Law is top Banana Sir? Mam ? too! Do you agree? Yes Or Disagree? No? Why? How Come this Problem is accruing now!!! Why?? That’s there Inspectors Of A.T.F .Duties as a Agent of Gun Regulations must Stand today world too! Let’s put the Duties to the Grind Store an do you Job too! I agree!!! Problem is we are to Lax on the duties as a A.T.F. inspector Agent of the B.A. T. F.E.A. Division too Off Gun Sales need to checked twice a Year too! Do you Agree? Yes Or Disagree? No? Why? How Come ???

  39. 1.Com plaint is : is 5,106 F.F.L.s holders too. Most of them are smaller ones too! True!!!There is Number of Gun Dealers Federal Firearm Licenses way to much too! Some need to cut way down a lot too! Do you Agree!! only in this State of Texas too! Do you agree? Sir? & Mam? Think about for a second too! Do get by Drift in this subject too! Meaning to many F.F.L.s Gun Dealers Retailers too! Agree!! The Federal Laws States is one F.F.L. Gun Dealer is per 100,000 Residences only is a enforced by the Federal Law still Stands today too! Agree!!! Solution is The A.T.F. Should down size the number of Gun Dealers is smaller Gun Dealers Units too. By Sending Letter There F.F.L.s is not being renamed & State License by the Country telling your State License not being renewed no More too! We got to Cut down the number of Smaller Gun Dealers number down a lot too! I agree!! The State of Texas Should have About Max cap is allow by, A.T.F. too!! To a limit of 1500 F.F. L .s (01)(02) Regulars Gun Dealer Retailers Store Fronts is should be 16 miles from each other Gun Stores too> Do you agree!!! And max Cap Limit on N.F.A. Gun Dealers Retailer is no higher the Three (09) or (01 With tax Stamp is N.F.A. if ordered too! By Gun Shop By Trade Is Regular Gun Shop Dealers (01) Allowed to have it only too . The Pawn Shops& Gun Dealers is restricted to (02) F.F.L.s Licensee only too ! A ruling by the A.T.F. Regulations on F.F.L.S Licenses too Do you Agree? Yes? This State is A lot of Drugs from the Mexican Border too! is California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas , too! And Gulf Of Mexico Ocean too, Up to Florida cost too! Agree!! State Of Florida needs to cut down it to many Gun Dealers F.F.L.s holders too. Only Allow 2 N.F.A Gun Dealers is 2 the maxim cap limit too! Agree!! A lot of illegal Drugs come threw the State of Texas, & Florida ,New México, Arizona, California, State too! They also dig Tunnels under the Border near cities close to the border too! If they find one They should put on report on record too! Solution is: Poor Cement to fuelled tunnel hold too! Do you Agree!! Yes??? To many Illegal Buying Guns at a Gun Store with there Green Card too! They Can but Long guns, & Handguns too! on 4473 form in 50 States too! It True!!! Why ? The U.S Citizen is first in the 50 States too! True We are First in Line too! Agree!!! Theses People can hurt The American Citizens is born in the Nation is the U.S. too! I agree!!! The Illegal Aliens should not be Allow to buy Guns & Ammo in the 50 States too! I do agree!!! They Should Stopped this now!! I agree!!!

  40. 1. We went from 60,000 F.F.L holders is (01)(02) is regulars GunDealers to decline of 28,112 F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts GunDealers too! I agree! Problem is they are not logging those Guns items in the Regustered Record Book of the Name of Retailers Recorded Book too. Problem is they to lazy to put the type of Name of Firearms an serial number is not logged in the records Business Gun Book too. This series problem for Gun Dealers Store fronts Gun Dealers Retailers Business too. This shame on there part too. This is there responsibility on there part too. Most of them say it to much work too . I say bulshit it your job asa Gun Dealer Retailer do sell FIrearms too.Agree! You sell longguns , Rifles.Shotguns . An Conceal Weapons too . Is Semiauto’matics Pistals with 10 shot clips too. Revolvers with 6,8 shot double Revolvers ,an single shot handguns too. I agree! If not you can’t handle the Gun Shop Retailer Gun Business too. You will told to shunt down your Gun Business too! The B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency of U.S.A.Treasury Dept! Will shiut you down too. You have to log in ammo in the The Ammo Record book for the A.T.F. To Do you agree?Yes?Or Disagree? No?why?

  41. 1. The total of F.F.L.s Regular Retailers Gun Dealers is (55,000) . The Pawn Shop & gun dealers is 7,000 too. There is total of (62,000) too! They went down of 1000 F.F.L.s holders less too! True!!! They are Declining to Reason is To many Anti Gun Laws in few States are increasing a lot do time would tell!!!!

  42. 1. 01/01/2019 There is,(01) 56,000 F.F.L.s & 7000 F.F.L.s is (02) too! The number of F.F.L.s decline to 34,000 too!! Later They decline to 28,000 F.F.L.s Retailers Dealers too! This will cut down the number of F.F.L.s way Down too! Solution is: Put an Cap on the number of F.F.L.s Gun dealers Regulars (02) And (0.01 % on F.F.L.s (02) Pawn Shop Junk& Gun Dealers Licenses too . In all the 50 States too! I agree!!! The Maximum Cap limit should be for the U.S.A. is (20,000) F.F.L.s Holders too ! I do agree!! It makes a lot of scene too. Agree!!! The 50 States Governments of 50 States Should Limit of F.F.L.s Li mt is (400) F.F.L.s holders too! Is maximum Cap, Limit Number Of F.F.L.s Holders is regular Dealers only too! I agree too! By the Federal Agency Of the U.S. Treasury Dept too! I Agree!!! I”m am thinking about U.S A. Public safety of Law abiding Citizens too! In 50 States The Solution is : This will have better F.F.L.s Applications Controls on First Time You are becoming Gun Dealers Regular Store Front Retailer Business too! For the First 3 Years Your F.F.L.License Is (01) Or a Pawn Shop& Gun Dealers is (02) Too. And State License too. Is needed too! Agree!!! The Fee $ 200.00 For the first Years too. The State License to at State you live in to: is $100.00 Fee for first 3 Years too. The Second 3 Years is $90.00 cost for the F.F.L.s License Application cost too. The State License is $ 45.00 Fee: for 3 Years Renewals Applications to An beyond too. They should better controls the Regular F.F.L.s (01) & (02) too. I agree!!! And Renewals Applications By the The B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency Of the U.S.A. Treasury Dept Main Building too! I do Agree!!! P.S. Let”s be more care Full how we issued F.F.Ls Licenses Applications out Carefully how we do it the write way ;is legal with in the Guide Lines, Rules An regulations Of Federal Laws & State Laws ,country Laws, Cites Laws, Town Ship laws , towns laws on most current all the Gun Laws Too. Do you Agree ? Yes? Or Disagree? No? Why? How Come this Discussion we are going to talk about too!! Do you agree!!!

  43. 1, note: The Number of Gun Dealers Retailers is: (12/05. 2016 is 56,577 F.F.L.s to 03/06/2019 is decline down to 50,630 F.F.L.s too! Store Fronts F.F.L.s is (01) to (02) Retailers Stores is 50 States did decline too! Reason is: there is to many Bad apples Gun Dealers Retailers Stores Fronts , Vender Gun Dealers have Businesses in homes too! Townhouses, too! Apartments Bldgs. too. Which is illegal too! The A.T.F. License Agency will not renewed there F.F.L.s Licenses ,too !!! Or the Sheriffs counties Not renewals State Licenses for Vender Gun Dealers Can’t Proved an Store Front Retailer Store With no Windows on Building too! There Renaults Fee$$ is 2500.00 for 3 Year Renaults too! There State License Fee$$ for 3 Year renewals is $1500.00 Every three Years renewals : By the Sheriff’s Dep’t of State Licenses Renaults too! They are the only ones they are allowed to do it too! Agree! This is the Reason is all the 49 States are doing it now! too! Agree!!! Do you agree? Yes?? The Gun Dealers F.F.L.s Are Not Following the Federal Law: & The 50 States Gun Laws regulations must be followed too! Agree!! To many Gun Dealers (01)(02) Selling Guns as a Straw Gun Sales Not using Instant Check Buckhound not being called in first too! Agree!! Why? How Come this problem accrued for 5 years period too! In the 50 States too! true!!! why??

  44. 1. The maximum cap limit in the U.S.A. Grovernment level should be ( 10,000) F.FL. Holders should be:maximum cap limit too. The 50 States maximum cap: limit should should be about ; (200)F.F.L.s (01)(02) regular Licenses Gun Dealers Retailers Stores:,Commercial Properties located in industrial Block assigned Zones for starting new Busineses too. There should be maximum cap Number of F.F.L. is controlled by the number of applications is a lot to apply for it too. To processes it is a lot harder to get it finishing too. Theses Number of F.F.L.s will be controlled by the A.T.F. Agency of the U.S.A. Treasury’s too. Agree! No more Applications will not be issued not past maxium number of Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts Businesses too.Agree! No extra Gun Dealers will not added too. Agreed!!!

  45. 1. The class-3 is N.F.A. (09) is time for increase new Fee$ should a lot higher rate N.F.A. F.F.L. Old rate is $3000.00 for three Year too.Should higher Number for increase is needed now! Sir?or Mam? The solution is to do it now too. The new Rate for 3 Year Renuals every Year should: be $$$ 10,000 Dollars cost for type-(09) FF.Ls is N.F.A. Rules of ; Regulations by the B. A.T.F.E.A. Agency too. Note: there is to many Class-3 F.F.L.s is (09) N.F.A. Is making inspections on All Class-3 N.F.A. Gun Dealers is (09) only too. The 3Year Renuals rate is new rate should be $10,000.00 fee for Type-(09) LIcense Renuals every time :you renual your F.F.L.s N.F.A. LIcense every time too. This is reminder to bring this to House of Representives to vote on the Bill tool Then it goes to the U.S. Senate House to vote on it too. They should passed it in both Houses to pass it too. The current President should sighed it into law too! Do you agree? Sir?orMam? What do you think ?? What is your opion ????

  46. 1. The F.F.Ls is (01)&(02) to is boosted up, an added fee$ is $500.00 more too. The total increase ,will be total 3-Year Renuals Rate will be; about $3000.00 each time you apply , for application for F.F.L.s Renuals too. Agree! Yes? The State LIcense to sell all FIrearms at State level too. I agree. Yes? Do you agree?Sir?or Mam? Reason is this will put out the bad Gun Dealers are not Following the Federal Law,an State Laws of all the 50 States too. Do you agree? Yes? The Gun Owners Want this rate too. Agreed!!!

  47. 1.The new rate for LIcense new Rate will will be in all 50 States is 3-Year Renuals at the Sheriffis Dept. of State LIcense fee $$ will be $ 1500.00 per renuals for all Retailer Store Front Gun⌨️Businesses too. Do you agree? Yes ? Reason is this will shut down a lot of the crooked Roge Gun Dealers are not following State &Federal Laws too.I Agree! Yes? Do you agree? Theses are F.F.L. Gun Dealers now following Laws of not selling Guns &Ammo too. They make a list in all the 50 States too.Agree! If they not following the Federal an State Laws of Selling Gun leggally! They should shut down an revoked there curent F.F.L. LIcense anState LIcense should be revoke by Sheriffis Dept of Country level working with the A.T.F
    police Agency by the B.AT.F.E.A. Agency tooI I agree! Yes!

  48. 1. If there to many violations on the Retailers Gun Records Book of the number FIrearms not logged in the Record Book Too. Or the Firearms Repaired Log Record Book too. If the Customer sends a Firearm back to the Gun Dealers is (01)(02) an N.F.A. Gun Dealers is (09 F.F.L. Is FullAuto FIrearms too. Is send back to M.F.R. Too. The GunDealer Logged the Date the HandGun or Long Gun is sent out an put and set Date to of month the Day AnYear to pick up the Gun item by United Parcle Service to send the Gun item to the M.F.G to get it repaired too. They will Charge from M.FG of the Gun is being repaired too. After they repaired the Gun item too.The M.FG. Calls the Retailer Store Gun Dealer when the Gun is fixed in a Letter Repair Report too. The Gun Dealer gives A copy of the Letter to the owner Customer too. There is a charge a Money Repaired $$Fee too. The Gun Dealer log The Returning Date in the Gun Repair Repaired Loge Record Book too! The A.T.F. Will check the Gun Repaired Book all FIrearms ate sent out to the Factory M.FG too. The send out Date is logged in first too! The name of owner of the Firearm address and town, Township, Citie, Country of the State He or She lives in too. agree. In Gun Log Repaired Book too. When the Gun item is sent out to Factory of M.F.G. After it :Repaired . They will Bill the Costomer will be billed by money fee $ too. After the Gun is returned to Owner too. The Retailer of Gun Store (01) (02) Regular GunDealers only Too. An N.F.A. Is (01) with tax stamp. Or master N.F.A is (09) with black tax stamp with number too. Agree!!! The Returned Date when the Gun Dealer recive Gun item back to the Gun Store too. The returned Date of the Gun item is back to Gun Store with a Letter saying your Gun been fixed too. The Gun Dealer will give copy of the report to owner of the FIrearm or FIrearms too. The Gun Dealer will charge a money fee to customer Bill He or She will pay for it by Check or Money order too. Agree. The Gun Dealergive reciep too. The Costomer is Bill is paid in Full too. The Gun Dealer gives the Gun Back to Costomer too, He or She shack his hand too . You are done . Do you agree? Yes? Or Disagree. No?why?

  49. 1. The New Rate is 3-Year Renewals Is N.F.A. Is Class-3 is a only will be (09) Gun Dealers Is Full auto Weapons The 3-Year Rate Will cost Every N.F.A. Gun Dealers of higher F.F.L:s Fee$$$ will be ( $16,000.00) Every there Years Renewals too. Or no set money + Charge Or more too! Do you Agree!! Yes? Or Disagree?no? Why??? With the (01) F.F.L.s Tax Number is to Make it a N.F.A. Class-3 Licence too! The New Renewals 3 – Year Rate is $$$ 11,000.00 Rate Every Year Rate Or more $$$ Ne set Rate too! Do You Agree? Yes Or Disagree? No? Why?

  50. 1. In the U.S.A There Should Be maximum Cap limit in the U.S.A. Should Be Federal Law of ( 5000.00) F.F.Ls Retailers Store Fronts (01)(02) Or N.F.A. Is (09) too! The State Governments of (50) States too! It should be (100) F.F.L.s (01)(02) Regular ones . The N.F.A (09) too! Is included as well too! Do you Agree!!! Yes ? Or Disagree? No? Why?

  51. 1. The U.S.A. Federal Law says : in all 50 States too. Is one Federal FIrearms LIcense Retailer Store Front an Commercial Property to as one unit too. Is per 100,000 Residences too. Is a one Gun Dealer is Per unit too. Agree!!! Do you agree?Yes? It is U.S. Grovernment Regulation is enforced by B .A.T.F. E.A. Police Unit too.Agree. Is Swart unit too. Thur! Federal FIrearms LIcense Gun Law is Federal Level too. By the Treasury Dept is in charge of B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency in Washington D.C. too. All the States must bay this Federal U.S.A . Law is in Federal Level by the U.S .A Grovernment will enforced it too. With out warning too. True!!! A lot of the extra Gun Dealers F.F.L.s will be cut off too. And State Licenses will be cut off by the Country Sheriffis Dept of Licenses dept of issued a State LIcense for Retailer Gun Dealer LIcense renuals Applications is cut off too! Agree! Do you agree? Yes? Or Disagree?No? Why? How come this come on too?? Why???

  52. 1. The U.S.A. Com Plant is Serios too! To Cut Down the Number of Extra Gun Dealers Dealers (01) & (02) too> if there is to many too!!! Agree!! The Federal Firearms License : Federal Law Stands in the U.S.A. Law; is one Gun Dealer Retailer Store Front Gun Dealer :per 100,000 Residences of the U.S.A. Population. is over 300,000,000 People in the U.S.A too. They should determaned the number of Gun Dealers F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts busineses too! Agree!! The Maxium Cap limit in the Federal Level in the U.S.A. Should be (3000) F.F.L.s holders Retailers Firearms Dealers (01)(02) Regular Gun Dealers retailers too! Agree!! Is the Maxium Cap Limit too! Agree!! 2. Each State of 50 States should count the population of People: should Clounted too! Is Living in the 50 States to Determined The Population of People living in each of the 50 States too! Regulation is One Gun Dealer Retailer Store Front & Commercial Properity in industrial Assign Block zone only too! Per 100,000 Residences Per F.F.L.s Holder Gun Dealers Retailer Busineses too! I do Agree! Yes? By Zoning Commision is Properties laws & Building Codes Laws Are Enforced too! Agree!!! If there to many Gun Dealers Extras too They Will Be Shut Down too! By the B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency too! By the U.S.A Treasury Headquarters C.E.O. Bu the Federal Level will enforced it too! Do you Agree? Yes? By The Federal Law says is : One Gun Dealer Retailer Busineses per 100,000 Residences ;should be enforced by the Checking population by each of every State in the U.S.A. too! Do you Agree? Yas?? Each the 50 States will check it population living in each State too! They will determaned the number of F.F.L.s Holders Retailer Firearms Dealers (01)F.F.L.s should be 2/3s . An all the (02 ) F.F.L.s 1/3 is too! Is maxium Cap Limit too! Agree! to controll Crime too! In every State of 50 the U.S.A. too! Do you Agree? yes? Or Disagree? No? Why?? What is the Reason is???

  53. 1. U.S.A Complaint is : Not Check out in every State In the U.S.A. To! I Agree! We must Check this out in every State un the U .S.A. Too! This is serious matter too! I agree!The U.S.A. in all 50 States Must complied with this Federal Firearms License’s : per (100,000) Residences is every State must complied with this Federal Regulation Law is Every State is all 50 States too! Do you Agree? Yes? Or Disagree? No? Why? Some States have to many F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts Gun Dealers too! (01)(02) Regular Retailers Gun Stores too! Some F.F.L.s Should Cut Down to if there is to many too! In some States do have to many F.F.L.s Dealers too! Some must be Cut down too! Each Gun Dealers is Counted in Number to Fit that Population in all the 50 States too! It is Federal U.S.A Laws For All Gun Dealers Retailers do sell Firearms too! Agree!!! Agree! The N.F.A. F.F.L.s (09) is Regulated is 2 in western, Midwestern States too! The East cost States Is (09) is maximum number to per 1/2 of the east cost States too! Agree! Do you Agree? Yes? ( Or Disagree?)( No?) Why?? The N.F.A Dealers F.F.L.s is (09) too! There is to many of them too! Do you Agree!? Yes They should be Cut Down too! They are Full Auto’s Weapons Guns Too! The Weapon is by it self too!

  54. 1. The number of Retailers Store Fronts Decline from 12/16 2016 A.D is 56,577 F.F.L.s Holders to 05/01/2019 A.D. is( 50,630 F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts Businesses) will decline way Down too! in Past 3 Years too! Still Declining down ward too! True!!! Smaller Gun Stores too! Going out each month notice out of Business too! Money is Very to Spend too! Customers have little Spending Money too!!! in 50 States too!

  55. 1. 05/01/2019 A.D. Date: 01/01/2014 A.D. in the U.S. 70,000 F.F.L.s Retailers. on 01/01/2015 A.D. 64.747 F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers Store Fronts Businesses On 01/01/2016 A.D. is 56,577 F.F.L.s Retailer Gun Dealers Store Fronts. on 01/01/2017 A.D is 54,902 F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts Businesses . 01/01 2018 A.D is 51,271 F.F.L.s Store Fronts Retailers Businesses too. On 01/01/2019 A.D The total of Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts is 50,630 F.F.L.s Retailer Gun Dealers Businesses too! On 05/01/2019 A.D is About near of 49,000 F.F.L. Retailers Businesses Store Fronts too! P.S They Are Still going Down by each of the passing Months goes by too! true!! They are numbers declining too! Is F.F.L.s Gun Dealers Smaller Gun Stores numbers are going down each month too! It true!!! The Smaller Gun Dealers Businesses is hard to survived by each of the passing month goes by too! It true!!!

  56. 1. The Number Of F.F.L.s Store Fronts Gun Dealers Smaller Stores will De oped Way down a lot too. From 49,000 F.F.L.s Retailer Gun Dealers Store Fronts to lower Number of 34,788 F.F.L.s too. Still going Down a lot to by each Month too! There Are Smaller Gun Dealers Smaller Stores do sell Firearms too! Reason is: Getting in trouble by not Following Federal Law & State Laws the State they live in too! It true!! Selling Guns to Non Citizens Illegal Criminal Al liens Of other Nations too! An selling Guns to Criminals Felons Ganges too! It true!!! This is reason the The, U.S Treasury Dept Headquarters Blvd. B. A.T.F in checking Gun Dealers F.F.L.s Stores Fronts on Route -5 From California , Organ , Washing ton State too! There is Crooked Gun Dealers Retailers is 1 out of 4 out of 10 Gun Dealers do Follow the Federal Laws & State Laws too! Selling Gun Legally too! Agree! There is A-lot Mistakes on those 4477 An the instant Applications too! Felons Lie too. Male & Female too! It true!! Theses are bad Gun Dealers are Money Hungary too! They will sel any Firearms is Long Guns, Hand guns too! Under table De ales Which is illegal too! Is Bad Gun Sales of Crooked Gun Dealers in all the 50 States too! It happen in the Crowed States with big populations of People too! In States with more Gun dealers too! agree! It True! illegal Gun Sales , Selling more Hand Guns under the Table De ales is Illegal for Any Gun Dealer Retailers (01)(02) Regular F.F.L.s Class-3 is not excused to is all N.F.A. Is (09) too! The A.T.F. Will Shut them Down too! And Revoked The Current F.F.L.s License is (01)(02) Regular Gun Dealers . An N.F.A Gun Dealers to is (09) is Class-3 Retailers too! They not Excused too! By the A.T.F. too! Agree! If they Don”t Follow the Law of Selling Firearms Legally. By not Following Gun Laws of selling Gun with in the Law too! There is Quite of Bad Gun Dealers Retailers smaller Gun Stores never been is in spec ted By Inspectors of A.T.F. too! Do you Agree! Sir? & Mam ? Or Disagree? No? Sir? Or Mam? What do you Think ??? The Federal Law Should do something to correct this Mince of Crooked Gun Dealers Smaller Gun Dealers An Big Gun Dealers Retailers Medium Gun Dealers Store Dealers Are Bad apples too! Do you Agree! Yes? Or No? They should cut down of Bad Apples Gun dealers Out of Business too! Or Shut them down too! I Agree! The B.A T F. E . A. Division Headquarters Dept should Set the Rules For Gun Dealers Retailers Stores Fronts Businesses in all 50 States in all too! Do you agree? Yes ? Or Disagree? No? WHy??

  57. 1. There is about 25,000 Retailers Store Fronts in U.S.A.!!! On 50 States too! Each State of 50 States maximum Cap Limit of 500 F.F.L.s Store Fronts to is maxim Limit too!

  58. 1. The maxim cap Limit should be About near Count of 5000 F.F.L. Gun Dealers Retailers (01)(02) In the U.S.a First too! I agree! The Maximum Cap Limit For each, Of (50) States to ; should be no more then (100) F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers too! I agree! Is Maximum Cap limit too! This will Keep an better track of Number Of F.F.L.S Licenses Applications in each of the 50 States too! Do you Agree!!! Sir? Or Mam? F.F.L.s Licenses Directors in charge In Each: of the 50 States in Federal Building in each State too! of each Dept too! For State And Cut Down the N.F.A Gun Dealers is 2 per Each State of Fifty in the U.S.A. Agree! Is Class-3 is (09) too! All the Extras Licenses will get Letters say there Class-3 Is (09) Applications is cancelled too! Is not more Applications is Class-3 Gun Dealers Is (09) Licensees is N.F.A. is cut off too! Reason is They will be observed for 1 Year Probation too! For Class-3 License is Retailer Gun Dealers is (09) F.F.L.s too! The State License For Selling Firearms in 16 States will be Limited too! For Federal Firearm Dealers Retailer Store Fronts Gun Dealers Regulars Is Class-1 is (01) & (02) An Class-3 is for (09) Is Destructive Firearms Is Machine Guns only too! The New Federal Law Will be Change to one F.F.Ls Gun Dealer Retailer Gun Shop By Trade too. is 5 00,000 Residences Per One Gun Dealer Retailer Store Front Gun dealer too! The State License Will Be Banned too! Removed by the A.T.F. Agency because it is in valid ed too! Other Few States don”t Want this State License For Firearms Retailer Gun Dealers Store Fronts too! It is unnecessary too! The State License : At State Level : Should be removed too! It is Unnecessary State License to sell all Firearms too! Do You agree? The Answer is Yes? They Should removed it too! The State License for Gun Retailers Gun Dealers , In port & Export F.F.L.s (08) & (011 Is N.F.A. Rules do apply too! Agree! Companies And Gun Mfg is (06) (07) & N.F.A. is (09) too! should Limited by all the The States in the U.S.A. To Limited them out of the Gun Dealers Retailer Gun Stores in all of them too! Reason is: The Waste of Tax payer money in each of States is 16 of them should Limited it too! It should should be banned by the A.T.F. Should removed it too! There is 16 States have State Licenses For Gun Dealers Store Fronts Businesses too! The State License to sell Firearms should removed by the A.T.F authorities Agents only too! i do agree!!! Yes !! This Waste of Tax Money too! By those 16 States are Doing it too! Which is Illegal to do it too! By Federal Law Says The State License Should taken out of Circulation By A.T.F. Agents to Removed it now!! Agree!!! Go!!!

  59. 1. Shooters Industrials should cut Hand Gun production every Year too. By certain percentage too. It should voted by States levels second State Grovernment should do this to stop Hand Gun Thief too. The Hand Gun msgs should cut production by 0.88) percentage handguns :on the streets , of towns ,townships ,cities ,an counties , in all the 50 States too. The mags should vote on it too. Reason is : there will be better controls too. 0.88 percent is controlled to as a cut off too. Only allow only every Year It should be only (12) percent production too. There will not be not as many HandGuns stolen too. It will less handguns in production too. Agree! Do agree Sir?orMam? Yes? Reason is I will take a bite out of stolen Handguns are robbed by Gun thieves too. Not as many HandGuns will not as many as before in the past too. There is a Solution to crude the bulk of Stolen HandGuns as not as many too. Do you agree?

  60. 1. There is to many Rifles & Shotguns being mfg. too I do agree! Sir?orMam? We must tell Shooters industries of Long Gun mfgs to cut about cut down production of Long Guns is down by (0.88) Percent cut of production too. Only allow for orders only no more then3 4 Guns per Gun Dealers is F.F.L. Gun Dealers Regulated of quanta of no more then four Guns being ordered too. This will allow on one Year is (12) percent is maximum cap limit on mfg Guns is Rifles is 2/3 s. Shotguns1/3 is Year too. Divided by(12) Months even too. Reason is to cut the Flow of mag Long Guns way down too. Cut. The bulk of Guns is being av too. If nobody is not buying it too. Or Do you agree? Sir? Or Mam? Too, This make a lot of sense to save tax Money in the United States of too. Only orders from F.F.L. Gun Dealers Store Fronts Retailers can make orders is limited :up to four Guns per-month out of the 12 months out of 1Year period too! But the B .A.T.F. E.A .Agency will Agree to cut down LongGun production by (0.88) Percent cut off by all LongGun msgs &Hand Gun msgs too . Would do it too. To save money too. No one buying Guns that fast too. Only allow production will be (0.12) percent to for one Year period too.
    Only allow 4Hand Guns to ordered per F.F.L. License F.F.L . Gun Dealers Retailers Stores Fronts Business inly too . No then four HandGuns being ordered by each Gun Dealer is F.F.L. Is (01) (02) regulars too and N.FA. Is (09) or (01) with tax stamp is class-3 too. Agree!!!

  61. 1. There is to many Guns treated in in many Long Guns Rifles & Shotguns too. There is a-lot of them too. Are used Guns too. There inside the barrel is many warned out a-lot too. It true this need to looked into by an Gun Smith Doctor for sick Guns not well too. Remember the Firearm is patient too. There Riffling needs to bore by an expectance GunSmith too. I do agree. Reason is if the Gun is beyond repaired it needs put in a cart an sent to the still mill to melted down too. I do agree! Same for Shotguns as well too. Some Shotguns are riffled to they only shot slugs only too. There barrels wear out a-lot too. It true! Remember it! We need to cut the numbers of used Guns numbers too. Reason is: there is to many of them in a lot Gun Stores too. It true! The Gun Dealer most those Guns are trade 1/2in too. Most of them need to junked an sent to the still mill to melted too. I do agree. Sir?or Mam? What do think about problem of to many used Rifles an Shotguns are used too . Are warmed out or 1/2 are warned out too! It true!

  62. 1. The total count maybe a-Lot les to: the number of Retailers Gun Dealers my-be about near count is in U.S.A. It will be about near count of (56,577) Store Fronts Gun Dealers in all 50 States too. It may be official of correct count of F.F.L. Holders too. Do you agree? Or Disagree? No? Question is what correct count of F.F.L.S ???

  63. Question: Is how many F.F.L.s Dealers is (01) (02) and N.F.A .not paying Billing on time :when they order Guns or Ammo to restock there shelves too. The A.T.F.E.A Agency should investigate this late payment not on time too. Reason This is pure lazy on the Owner of any Gun Store too. Or Pawn Shops Gun Dealers too. An all N.F.A Gun Dealer is Class-3 is (09) or Class-1 is only (01) with N.F.A is extra tax stamp is N.F.A. Is class-3 too. True P.S. they put there bills in a shoe box too. There is two Shoe boxes too one box say Billing Bills been paid in time less then 10 days too. But they give you 30 Days to pay the rest of the money on time too. The A.T.F.E.A. Division agency will revoked there current F.F.L.s Gun Dealers License. Plus you own money for the Gun product s from Gun Distributors co.corp.I.N.C too!! Do you agree?Yes? Or Disagree?No? Why??? What is the problem you having with ?why????

  64. 1. 01/01/ 2020 A.D. : There will left is total number count will be 49,000 F.F.L.S will be left in the U. S. A too. They are still going down too. So many per month time too. Is 28 Days to 31 days too. True!! Gun Dealers smaller Gun Stores are declining in numbers too. Every month time passed by too. Facts is there too! Struck Anti-guns Laws by leftest Politics Lies are closing smaller Guns Stores out of Business too. It true?? There is some states the number Gun Stores are declining each month time too. Is so many smaller Gun Stores are going out Business for good is gone gone too! True! Facts are there on our elected officials we voted into office at State level is. No. 2. or Federal Level is No. 1 too !! True!!!!7

  65. 1.A warning to crooked Bad Gun Dealers how break the Federal FIrearms License Laws or State Gun Laws to of All 50 States too. Agree The antigun Democrats are left wingers will do it too. Is 0.40 percent of those Gun dealers get there F.F.LS revoked too.There Renaults will ;be cut off too. Is (01)(02) regulars (01) is tax stamp is N.F.A. Licensee. Gun Dealers .A the N.F.A. Is (09) an too . Will be confiscated to by The B . A.T.F. E.A. Agency police of A.T.F. E.A. In. Police of A.T.F.E.A. Too.agree!!!!

  66. 1. We need increased new 3-Year rate to replaced the old rates for F.F.L.s Licenses is Retailer sales (01)(02) regulars an N.F.A is (09) . The import an export F.F.Ls is not Retailers Gun Dealers Licenses. At all too !! Agree is (08) &(011) is N.F.A. Distributors Corp co.corp.I.N.C.Co. An. MF.G . Co.Corp.I.N.C. Is (06) (07) An N.F.A. Is (010) Is not Retailers. Gun Dealers Licenses too. Higher rates should put on a vote too. Agree. Higher 3Year rates is needed badly too!! Do agree Sir? Or Man? it is time to act on it now !!!!

  67. 1.The population of Washington State is 76,660,000 total count too. The Federal FIrearms License ruling is should enforced by the Number of Retailers Store Fronts Gun Stores too. The maximum cap limit should be : 76.6 F.F.L. Retailers Store Fronts Gun Stores to: is maximum cap limit of number of GunDealers regulars Stores (01) is 0.90 percent too. The Pawn Shop Gun Dealers should be (02) is 0.03 percent do have F.F.L.Licences too. Is limited controlled is stick of numbers of F.F.L.s is(02)issued carefully too.I do Agree?Yes? Sir.or Man? Do YouAgree! Yes? Man? Reason is : Washington State has to many Gun Dealers is about 400 plus F.F.L.S holders needs to cut way down a lot too. There is to many of them too . They. Should go by population of each country too. An deterrent number Retailer Gun Dealers should allowed to remained in Business too. This should check by the B . A.T.F. E. Agency which in charge of licensing a new Gun Dealer To get anF.F.L. Is (01) an State License to sell conventional Firearms Semiautomatic Firearms too. Accessories too. Agree! Sir? Or Man?yes!!! The maximum cap limit should be about 76.6 Retailer Gun Dealers Store Fronts in State of Washington too. Do you Agree Sir?yes!orMan?yes? It should more Gun controls on F.F.L Gun Dealers Licensing at all !I Agree? Yes?

  68. 1. One Retailer Gun Dealer Store Front by Trade too. Per one F.F.L. Is (01) or (02) regulars or N.F.A .is (09) too. Agree!!! Yes? An State License to sell in 15 States too,

  69. 1.One F.F.L. Retailer Gun Dealer per Store Front an Commercial property located in industrial location too. Is Federal Law is 100,000 Residents population in by Trade too .By Trade Gun Shop Business too. Agree Yrs? Sir? Or Man? Do you agree? Yes ? The Regulations was set in the U.S.A. Too. True?
    It ‘s is Federal U.S.A. Government regulations too.Agree!

  70. 1. The number of Firearms is Rifles Shotguns Revolvers Semiautomatics Pistols is 69,000 in the Chicago City in state of IL too. The Gun Volt were confiscated Guns are storied by Police Department of Chicago too. The senior Officer of Chicago Police Department should say those Guns should melted in a Steel Mill too. They should melt those Guns to Liquid Metal Steel too. And msg rebar for Bridges Repair too. Agree, or melt Crime Guns into Drain Street pipe road covers too. This very good idea :to take Guns off the dead end Streets too. To send Guns to Steel Mill to melt to liquid Steel too, Make harder too shelves tools too 0r rakes too. Or Hand Garden Hand tools too. For Garden equipment tools should be made out out those Crime Guns is melted down too. The B.A.T.F.E A. Should take those Guns out of Chicago Warehouse safe An take it to Still Mill to melt all those Guns used by street Criminals used in Crimes too. Another Reason is The Gun Retailers Gun Dealer will not accept those Crime Guns in : Stores to sell them on market to law abiding citizens too. The law abiding U.S.A. Citizens will not buy Gun use in Crime too. Those Guns will be melted down too. It is right thing to do it too. After all those Guns used by Criminals too. They will be melted down in steel Mill too. An melted all those 69.000 FIrearms is Long guns &Hand Guns. Melted-down to liquidate to melted steel to Rebar strips units too. Of Garden tools units too. For Gardens plants too. An Hand Garden Tools too. It make sense too. Agree!!! Shrug hammers tools with wooden handles too. An picks with wooden handles haws tools with wooden handles too. We melt those Crime Guns turned into nuts ,bolts washers . Lock washers too. Agree. Do you Agree?Yes? Or Disagree? No? Why? What do you think Sir?or Mam? What your opinions????

  71. 1. Those 11 States should be permitted by Federal U.S.A. Circuit Federal Court to over turn those ruling is by State Senate or assembly too. Those States want to melt those Guns used in Crimes by Criminals too. The Town Police Town ship Police don’t to keep those Guns used in serious Crime too. An City Police of 11 States don’t want to sell those Crime Guns used in Crimes too. The State Police & High Way Patrol State Police said those Guns should be melted down too. The States of should vote on to to change the bad law of putting Crime Guns back on Retailer Gun Dealers shelvers to sell them on market too. Those Gun Dealers will not accept those crime Guns used in Crimes by Criminals too. They insist those Guns be sent to a Steel Mill to melt those Crime Guns too. There no way those Criminals will not get those FIrearms back on Market on the Gun Dealers shelves is not good thing to start too. This wrong way of serving Justice in our Court s too. The courts Judges will say the decision is those Crime Guns. Should go to the Steel Mill to melt those Guns are used in Crimes to by Criminals of world Crime too. P.S. most Retailer Guns Dealers don”t want those Guns at all to back on there shelves too. I do agree! The Federal circuit U.S A. Will make ruling is in those 11States change law too. The new decision is to send those Crime Guns used by Criminals in the U.S .A Or foreign Criminals too. Those Guns should be melted down in Steel Mill too . The Federal Circuit U.S.A will make that decision of melting those Guns is taken to Steel Mils they do melt steal to Liquid too. They can make Drain covers for public Roads for Road Drains too. Or rebar for bridges are need Repairs too . They can make shelves tools too. Or Hand Garden tools too. They can make I Beans to make building too. Are steal Metal. Beans for wind turbines for electric power is power by wind blows wind blades too. Agree!!! Those Guns will be gone for good is melted down in steel Mill Metal Plant too.I do agree? Yes? Sir? Or Mam? What do you think ??? What is your opinion ????

  72. 1. Note: The Date was 06/29/2016 A.D. was 34,788 F.F.L.s Holders Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts too. On today Date is 08/16/2019 A.D. the total is left : in the U.S.A. is 23,000 F.F.L.s Gun Dealers Store fronts too. They are Still Declining down ward too! The Bass Pro Sporting Hunting ,Fishing Camping & Gun Stores . An Callas Ballas Out door Stores is Fishing Hunting Camping Sporting & Gun Stores mega Stores are huge stores are Putting Smaller Gun Stores out of Business too!

  73. 1. There is to many N.F.A. Gun Dealers is (09) too! Some need to be cut way down too! There is to many of them too! The B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency in Washington of D.C. Headquarters need to Investigate this Problem too! There is to many N.F.A. F.F.L.s Licenses is Distractive Weapons too! Is Full Auto’s Weapons can Fire from 600 Rounds to 3000 Rounds per Minute too! Not all Gun Dealers Retailers can be trusted at all too! The Extras need to Cut way Down too . The Renaults need to cut off too!

  74. 1. The maximum Cap Limit for U.S.A. Is (15,000) F.F.Ls Retailers (01) (02) F.F.L.s An State Licences in 16 States too! Gun Dealers Store Fronts Businesses. The States Level Should be max um Cap Limit of F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts Businesses is limit is 300 F.F.L.s holders (01)(02) Regulars An N.F.A Gun Dealers The Maximum Cap limit is no more then (100) F.F.L.s is (09)In the U.S.A too! Is maximum Cap limit too! Is restricted Number Of N.F.A. GUN Dealers Up to Limit too> They will Allow 2 N.F.A Gun Dealers per 50 States too! I agree! They Are Machines Weapons only too!

  75. 1. By (01/01/2024 A,D there will be about near count of (50,630) F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers soon too! They will be tighter controls on the F.F.L. s Renewals Applications too! On Processioning Applications for F.F.L.s Is (01) (02) Regular Gun Dealers Retailers Licences to in the Future too! Do you agree! Yes ? Sir? Or Mam? Question is : What is your op ion Sir? Or Mam? The B.A.T.F.E.A. Licensing Dept should work on this Solution to reduce Gun Thief t By Gun Thief’s do steal Firearms too! Is hand Guns, Ling Guns, Ammo too! Is true!!! They should work on the reduction on Eastern States is 1/3 of the east cost has the most Gun Dealers is way to m any too! It true!!! They need to be cut down a lot Too. There is to many OF THEM IS CROWED TOGETHER TOO! it TRUE!!! They should do work on it too! By population of each State too! Agree!! Is over Crowed by Smaller Gun Dealers Retailers too! Just to Many of them At the east Cost too! Some needs to be cut down a lot too! Is Crowed too!! Is 1 F.F.L.. Dealer Retailer per 100,000 Residences too! Agree! by Federal Law too! Do you Agree? yes? or Disagree? No? Why? What is the Problem to talk about is a con conversation needs to Talk to solve Problem At the A.T.F . Licence HQ too! I agree? Yes?? Sir? Or Mam? What is your answer???? We wait for solution to solved the Problem too! I agree!!! Yes?? Sir? Or Mam?

  76. 1. There is right time to increase the F.F.L. Fee in $$$ too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? The F.F.L.s Licences is (01) (02) Is Regular Gun Dealers Retailers Or Pawn Shop & Gun Dealers too! I agree! Yes? They Should do it too! The N.F.A. Gun Dealers Is (09) too! Needs an increase in 3 Year Renewals too. Agree. It is time to decide to do it too! I agree! The Answer is Yes too! The import & Export F.F.L.s Licenses Need an increase of cost of living too! Is 3 year renewals of new rates too! I agree! It is time too. This is not an Gun Dealers retailers Store Front Licence too! Is no more too! The Licence Rules has change too! I agree! By the Change of the B.A.T.F.E.A. Licence Agency Rules do apply too! They are enforced too! Agree! Is Class-2 Regulations do apply too! Agree! Is (08 N.F.A. ) & N.F.A. is (011) This is not Retailers Gun Dealers F.F.L. License is no more too! I agree! It is Corporation Distributor Or Companies Co. s Distributor I.N.C. only too! Agree ! The Gun Msgs Class-2 regulations too!Is Ammo is (06) & Regular Gun Megs is(07) too! The N.F.A is (010) too! P.S It is time for in cease for all F.F.L.s Licenses Rates do need a in crease of higher Fees too! I do agree Sir? Or Mam ? What is your onion of the Article too! I be leaved it make a off of sense too! Reminder is to think about for a minute too! Sir? Or Mam? The cost of living is very high too! The Minimum Wage will be 1.00 Higher to on January (01) 2020 A.D. on the Third Day too! is Official Rate is $13:00 An Hour for any Jobs in all the ( Fifty States) too! I do agree! Sir? Or Mam? What do you Think about this subject ??

  77. 1. The State of IL voted State License for F.F.Ls Retailers Gun Dealers:a 3-Year increase or applications are new too The fee is in $1500.00 too!! True the Governor sigh it into law too. True!
    Note: only 1,140 Gun Dealers apply for it too! The 0.60 Percent quit too. Or retired too. Agree

  78. 1. The population of State of Washington:is 76,700,000 now too. There is 400 plus F.F.L.Holders too. The Federal U.S.A. Is over the 50 State Governments. too! The U.S.A. Ruling is ; 1 Gun Dealer per 100,000 Residents per population of people too. The Rules is voted by U.S. congress House First too. And voted by the U.S.A Senate House too. Then is Sighed by the right wing U.S.A President of the U.S.A. Too. Is signed into Federal U.S.A Law too. Agree! Complaint is ; there is to many smaller Gun Dealers Store Fronts today is most of them are smaller Gun Stores too. Some must cut way down too! I do agree Sir?orMam? Too! Do you agree ? Think about for a minute too! It make a lot of sense too. I talking the north of Washington state at the west cost of the Pacific ocean cost too. Some of the smaller Gun Dealers smaller GUN STORES MUST BE CUT WAY DOWN TOO! Or one huge Bass pro Sporting Store is needed too megaStore Sporting Hunting Fishing Camping & Gun Store too. Or Calballas out Door Store will replace several of 200 Smaller Gun Stores too. I do agree Sir?or. Mam? Do you agree ???? Think for minute : this make a lot of senses too! Do you agree! The A,.T.F. Should reduce the number of extras to. Smaller Gun Dealers Do Illegal under table straw Gun Sails to Criminals Fellows with arrest Records by police Department of town police.Township Police or Cites Police too. Or Sheriffs Debt officers , or State Police of 25 States too. an Highway Patrol & State Police too. Of 25 States too. Do you agree! Sir?or Man ? .

  79. 1. The solution is population of Washington State is 76,660,000 population too. The mini should be 76.6 F.F.L Holders maximum cap limit too. Is (01) regular GunDealers by Trade too. An Pawn Shop & Gun Dealers too. Only be allowed by Federal Law is (0.01) percent is allowed to apply for a F.F.L .License is (0.02) too. Agree! There is to many smaller 🚍Gun Dealers Retailers too. Is 411 F.F.L.s too. By Yellows Pages too! True! What saying over 334 Gun Dealers needs to cut down by the. B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency will cut off Renaults applications off too. Including State Licenses will be fee to is a lot higher too Agree! It will bea lot higher the State of ILLINOIS State Law Rate too . The State Washington State Will be deuces too. Of an new higher rate of 2000.00 every 3- years renal rate by the State License Agency of Washington State too.I do e agree!Yes? Do you agree? Sir? Or Mam? What do think what’s is your. option Sir?or Mam? The number of Gun Dealers need to cut is is 334 Gun Dealers need to cut down too. There is to many of them to it true . The A.T.F should reduce there numbers way down a lot too. I I I Agree !!! Let’s get the ball rolling now before you change your mind too Agree! What you do think about this situation today problems too? Thank you !!!

  80. 1. Population of Washington State is 7,660,00 too. one Gun Dealer Retailer Store Front Business is per 100,000 Residents too! The maximum cap limit is for Washington State is : This is correct one too,
    Law The number of Gun Dealers way to many to is true ! The maximum cap limit should be 76.6 F.F.L.S holders store fronts Gun Retailers Stores too. Is maximum cap limit too. Do you agree Sir ?or Mam? Yes? Or Disagree?No? What is. Change of new plan of to many eggs in one location too. Crowed together too! True! Is 🕷F.F.L. Is (01)(02) regular GunDealers too. N.F.A is the maximum cap limit is is Two F.F.Ls is (09) License. Is class-1 (01)& Class-3 is (09) too only allow two of those N.F.A. Gun Dealers of full-autos Guns to sold to ex military solders of Mochica oath keepers of out U.S.A. Constitution of bill of Rights is 2. Amendment &4th Amendment an1st amendments too . Do you Agree Sir.? Or Man? If any all judges tried to change this they will be hunted an shot too. Warning to all courts Judges too Local city counties States or circuit courts judges or court of U.S.apeals too. Or sir pregame U.S.A Courts too! They should go by the Constitution to; it says too. They should not put there owned wards in not add to the Bill of Rights to of free people of July 04. 1789A.D. Too. By George Washington our first Elected President of new Nation is born too. Of new country to be for all people how want to Americans Citizens to learn English language is first language to be not Spanish is second language or Latin too. I agree! Yes? Agree!!

  81. 1. 12 States Should change the State Law to not sell Crime Guns on Market in Any Gun Stores in 50 States too! Question is: How many dishonest Crooked Gun Dealers are bad Gun Dealers:L like to sell Crime Guns in 38 States Are Agents the Guns used by Criminals an Foreign Criminals of other counties too! Do you Agree? Think for a minute time you decided to Stop those Guns Not go on the Gun Dealers Retailer Glass Shelves too! The Percentage is 0.25 % too! Do you Agree ? Sir? Or Mam? If they sell those Guns used by Criminals to sell to Law abiding Citizens to buy those Hand Guns Semi pistols & revolvers hand Guns too! Earn Blood Money By Crooked Town Police, Township Police Departments , City Police Departments of those 12 States Refused to melt those Crime Guns Used in Crimes by Criminals & Foreign Criminals of other Counties too! This Facts is True!! Solution is : We must make a list of those, F.F.L. Gun Dealers (01)(02) N.F.A. (09) Retailers of La wen enforcement too! The A.T.F will Refused there Renewals Applications of those Gun Dealers, F.F.L.s Licenses is (01) (02) N.F.A (09) theses Applications will be shut off too! Agree!! Denied too!! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? The B. A.T.F. E. A. Must investigate the matter of those 12 States Refused to Melt Those Crime Guns !! To be sent to a Still Mill to melt those Guns too! The A.T.F must get a warrant from a Federal U.S.A Judge too! A U.S.A. Circuit Judge too! To Get those Crime Guns to the Still Mill Plaint too! To Make Garden Tools too! Or Rebar Strips for Road Bridges too! Or Steel heavy Duty I beams for Highway Bridges too! Or Interstate too! Those Warehouses need to empty out by the A.T.F E Enforcement too! Those Crime Guns in those 12 States need to empty those warehouse to to sent to the Still Mill Plants to melt those Guns used in Crime too! I Agree !!! Like California State( is:) doing it too! The The Federal Law is not to sell those Crime Guns on Market too! Or a Gun Shop By Trade regular Gun Store! Sporting Hunting Fishing Camping Or Pawn Shop & Gun Store too! Those Dealers Will Loose there Licenses Too! There Renewals Applications, (01)(02) N.F.A.(09) Dealers will be Close down too! And Put on trial in Federal U.S.A. Circuit Court Criminal Trial Case too. Or Foreign Criminals Will arrested An put on Trail Criminals Crooked Gun Dealers Like to Break the Rules too! The A.T.F Will Make List of Bad Gun Dealers Retailers Store names too! An F.F.L. License will mention too! Do you Age? Sir? or Mam? This Illegal Of Selling Crime Guns in those 12 States must stopped now too!! Do you Agree!! Sir Or Mam??

  82. 1. Those 12 States Refused to melt those Guns too. Question is : How Many Warehouses Full of Crime Guns too! in the 12 States too!( The A.T.F Needs a U.S.A Federal Quart Order) to Get those Guns Are Crime Guns an empty out Warehouses full of Crime Guns Criminals Used a lot too> It True!! The Guns must not be sold t6o any Retailers Gun Dealers Gun Stores too. how has a federal License (01)(02) N.F.A. Dealers (09) Full Auto’s Dealers too. Solution is to act down now too! Transport them to the Steel Metal Plant too! Melt those Crime Guns too! Male Tools items , Garder tools Drain Covers Water Drains parts too! Those Guns Must not reach the Gun Dealers Market Stores (01 ) (02) N.F.A Stores (09 ) too!!! Is Federal Violation Law too. The A.T.F. Can Revoked there F.F.L.s Licenses too. Cut of Renuaws

  83. 1. There is About Near Cout of F.F.L.s (01)(02) & N.F.A. (09). Is About 46,000 Retailers Gun Dealers Store Fronts Stores too> 05/16/2023 A.D. !!!

  84. 1. The Some of the 50 States has excises amount of to many Gun Dealers (01)(02) N.F.A. (09) too! Some must be cut down too! If they are to many Gun Dealers in one nest location too! They Should Cut off Renewals Applications off too! (01) (02) Regular Gun Dealers ! An N.F.A (09) Only Allow 2 N.F.A Dealers to Take 1/2 of each State of 50 States too! Some States Allow it to have Class-3 Dealers Stores. Some States Will not Allow Class-3 Stores too! Is F.F,L.(09) too! Do you Agree Sir ? Or Mam?

  85. !. The Big Cities in 50 States in each of the cities too! They New Federal Law To Allow On Gun Dealers By trade Regular Gun Shop Store. Is to Allow 1,000,000 Residences too!

  86. 1. The Future Will Be mega cities too! The Gun Shop By Trade is Regular Gun Shop Store is Class-1 (01) too! There Will be 2,500,000 Million People per Gun Dealer is F.F.L.s License Dealer too! Stricter Federal Law too! Do you Agree! Sir? Or Mam? It will harder to apply for Class_1 Is (01) Application From to Processes it too! The Pawn Shop Dealers& Gun Dealers Will be limited too! The Pawn Shop Dealers Junk Dealers Can”t trusted to Sell Firearms Or Ammo too . Or Gun Parts Or Gun Power too! Smokes Power, Or Black Power too! Do you agree! Sir? Or Mam? The A.T.F E Should Not issued F.F.L.s License for Pawn Shop Junk Dealers too! They Should off limits too! They Can”t be Trusted too! Do you Agree? Sir? or Mam? The Public would agree to that measure ton take action too! To De-manned it immediately too!! Do yoiu Agree? Sir? Or Mam?

  87. 01/01/2022 was (01) 50207 Gun Dealers decline too. To date to is 06/02/2022 in 6 months is 50,630 (01) is 2022 A.D too! Including (02) F.F.L.s too! Still declining down ward each month time too!

  88. 1. (01/01 / 2023 A.D. (01) & (02) is 50630 F.F.L.s dealers too! Now!!! 06/02/2023 A.D They will Decline to sharp decline to 41,315 F.F.L. Retailers store Dealers. decline too! They are still dropping each month time too! Gun sales is very slow too! It true!!!

  89. 1. The A.T.F Inspectors Should check those 12 States TO KEEP AN EYE ON THOSE gun dealers STORES FRONTS Crooked Gun Dealers Buying those crime Guns to sell to the public too! To earn blood money too! Also a warning: to make notice. Watch out other Gun Dealers retailers of 38 States too . They are trying to buy those crime Guns. To sell in their Gun Stores too I’m talking Crooking one’s to sell those Guns on market. To deceive the Law-abiding Citizens to make the U.S. Citizens to buy those crime Guns used by Criminals too! Foreign Criminals of other counties too! It true!! Those Gun Dealer Retailers should but be put on the Suspicious List of bad Gun Dealers (01)(02) N.F.A. (09) too! option License too! If they are caught with the Evidence of an Hand Guns Revolver Or Semi-Automatic Hand Guns too! The A.T.F. Inspectors call the B. A.T.F.E Police Division too! to revoked there current License is Class_1 (01) Class 2 is (02) Class-3 Is N.F.A is (09) License to be revoked too! Those Gun Dealers should on Registered List Suspicious List Busted by A.T.F Police Division Of U.S.A Treasury Dept Of In charge of F.F,L. License s Dept only too! Those Gun Dealers should shut down an put out of business too! They List of those Crooked Gun Dealers Put on the Revoked List paper File too! On Refence History File too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam?

  90. . 1. The total OF Gun Dealers is Retailers Gun Dealers Stores Fronts is (01) 51,084 (02) 6,507 & N.F.A (09) is 145 the total count is 57,736 Retailers Gun Dealers Store fronts too.

  91. 1. There is 51,084 (01) + 1,507 (02+ N.F.A. 145 (09) equals 52,737 F.F.L.s total count too. P.S.There numbers are declining every month period of time! Do You agree? Sir? or Mam??

  92. 1.56000 (01)+8000(02)+2500(06)+10,000(07)+66(09 equals 76,566 F.F.L.s.
    L. s total on July 9,2023 A.D.Do you agree?Sir?or Mam?

  93. 1. There Is To Many Gun Dealers count is 1504 Retailer Gun Dealers too! State of Florida Has to many Guns Dealers too. The A.T.F. Must Cut of Application Froms off of 1128 Gun Dealers is way to many too. Solution is: To Reduce Crime too! The Counties, Cities, Town Ships . Tow3ns in all the counties want to cut off 1128 Retailers Stores F.F.L.s too! Solution is: Total Of 376 Gun Dealers Retailers Still in business!!! Agree!!! Reason Gun Crime is Very High too! In the State Of Florida too! The A.T.F needs to Cut off (01)(02) Regulars Dealers, N.F.A Dealers (09) too! Do you Agree ??? Sir?? Or Mam???

  94. 1. Time fee Raise in Coszt in $ dollars too! The New Fee$ for Class-1 Is (01) Class-2 -(02) Should: increase too! For 3-year renewals should be, ( $1000.00) for every Renaults Applications is file an Process at once too! This time for increase too!! Do you agree?? Sir? or Mam?

  95. 1. Time fee Raise in Coszt in $ dollars too! The New Fee$ for Class-1 Is (01) Class-2 -(02) Should: increase too! For 3-year renewals should be, ( $1000.00) for every Renaults Applications is file an Process at once too! This time for increase too!! Do you agree?? Sir? or Mam?

  96. 1 By 2 Years from now the Renewals F.F.L.s Fees $$$$ Should be a lot higher too! For Example: the Renewals Fees of Higher Rate; is ($$$1500.00 Renewals Fees to every three Years too! Until the last day the old License expires F.F.L.s (01)(02) Regulars Gun Dealers Store Fronts too! The N.F.A. Retailers should be Higher too! For Type(09) Class-3 License is $$$5000.00 Every time they Have new tax Stamp renewals it too. Every Three Years to the last day too! Do you agree??? Sir??? or Mam?/ Reason is: to agree on it too!! We are keeping the Law-abiding Citizens safe too! Agree!! Sir? Or Mam??

  97. 1. The B.A.T.F.E.A License Agency Of the U.S.A Treasury Will Increase Fees on N.F.A. Licenses too! The new Rate will be every. 3 Years renewals too! Agree!!!! This is Another 2 Years in the Future too! The new Rate will be $ 16,000 .00. Every 3 years or more no set rates too! For (09) (010) (011) There Will Increases in the Future Years to come too! Reason is cost of $$$ Fees is going up too! Every year too! Theses is full automatics weapons. Small Arms weapons too! Do you Agree??? Sir???? Or Mam????

  98. 1. THE, F.F.L.s regular Retailers Dealers New Increase is in the Future will be a lot higher too! (01) (02) For 3 years Renaults: will be. a lot higher Fees $$$ the cost of $ 4000.00 Every There Years Every Time They Apply for a new License. on the last day the old License expires too! For First Time the Fees $$$ Will be the Same rate too! Do you agree???? Sir??? Or Mam??? This is in 5 Years in future too.! It is time for higher Fees. For regular Gun Dealers Retailers to in 50 States too! The cost of Living is rising. Every Year too! Do you Agree???? Sir??? Or Mam???

  99. 1. On January 20, 1024 If Biden Or Harris gets Related for: another 4 years in Office too. The Assault: Ban Semiautomatic Military Rifles Copies of Reginald Full auto Military Weapons too. An the large Ammo Clips Drums Bandoleers too! Are Banned too! The Ammo Clips For semiautomatics Pistols Has a Limit up to 11 To 1000 Rounds is Banned too! to January 20 , 2029 A.D. Do you Agree? Sir? or Mam? There no mass Shooting With AR -15 Semiautomatic Rifles Not been used too! It True!! This is Gun safety too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam??

  100. 1. (01) 50540 + (02) 6449 + (09) 143 +57,132 ! Is Total count the latest is number of Gun Dealers Retailers Stores in business today too!

  101. 1. There is a lot less small are Retail (01ers store Fronts Gun Dealers (01)(02)(09) is about near count of 49000 f.f.l.s too.They still deciding each month time passes too.. There much less Gun Dealers smaller Gun Stores is way to many one location cities,townships,towns too
    They need cut down if crowed together too
    I do agree . the a.t.f Do yoy should do it more jobs too.more violation s straw sales of hand guns. an long guns too. I agree . Do you agree.Sir.orMam.

  102. 1.The A.T.F. Is finding a lot of Straw. Sales. to Ex Follens with Criminals Arrest Records in on the east coast is 1/3 in the Atlantic coast Northeast South Wast to as far as Florida cost too! Question is how many Guns Stores Fronts, (01) & Pawn Shops & Gun Stores (02) Selling Hand Guns & Long Guns to foreign Criminals. Are born other Counties too! If they have Criminal Records, they should arrest Them of illegal Entry threw Mexico too! An the D.E.A. Police Should Grag the Drugs in Bag Units too! The Mexico Government Should Secure Their Border of other side of Mexico from California to New Mexico, Arzona, An Texas too! The A.T.F should Start Revoking Current F.F.L.s Licenses Of Retailers Gun Dealers (01)(02) Regular ones. An N.F.A Gun Dealers Is (09) too! P.S. They Should Cut off there Renaults.
    Applications Froms off to cancel. Them off!!! There is F.F.L.s Licenses out too! The Number of Gun Dealers Up to Gulf Of Mexico to Florida too! By 0.85% Cut off number of Gun Dealers off too! Shut them down too! There to many Gunn Dealers Stores there too! They Need to be cut way down too. There will fewer Guns going to Mexico border. Crossing too! Do you Agree???? Sir????? & Mam?????? This is U.S.A COMPLANT too! I Agree! Action needs to taken by the Border Patroll Police to there Part too! I agree!!! Do you Agree? Sir??? Or Mam???

  103. 1. The Number Of F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts Gun Dealers should be A lot Less Gun Dealers Stores too! Are The Small Stores too! Should be about: 25,315 Gun Dealers Retailer Stores too! Not All Gun Dealers don’t Obay the Federal Laws. The State Laws Country Laws, Cities Laws, Township Laws, Town Laws too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? The Bad Gun Dealers Retailers should shut down by the A.T.F Inspections Enforcement Agents too! I Agree!!! Do you agree? Sir?> Or Mam? This is very serios too! There Sales Records Need to Check too! Long Guns, & Hand Guns as well too! We need Stricker Rules on Gun Dealers Don’t Obay the Federal Laws & State Laws to in 50 States too! I Do Agree!! We Need to Revoke their Current F.F, L.s License (01)(02) & Class-3 License, Dealers not Excused too. Is 09) N.F.A License too! An Cut of Their Renaults Applications off for good too! Is Counselled out too! You Are history too! Goodbye!! You Never Get An Gun Dealers License An State License to Sell Firearms & Ammo too Accessories Gun Parts too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? We Get to get Very Strickled too!!

  104. 1. (01)(02)(09): There is about near count of 50,630 Retailers Stores Fronts Gun Dealers!! Still Numbers are declining a lot each month too. There less Gun Dealers selling Guns too. Rifles & Semiautomatics Pistols too. is (0.66% too! Most popular today too! The Guns Are Less Popular is Shotguns, Revolvers too! is (0.33% Less popular too! They Are Cutting it down by (0.75 %) too! Other (0.25% in production too! Do you Agree?????> Sir???? Or Mam???

  105. 1, There Is 6,608 Pawn Shop S & Gun Dealers Stores Fronts Retailers Is Class-2 Is (02) Only too! Problem To Many Pawn Shops $ Gun Dealers has to many F.F.L.s too! The B.A.T.F.E.A. Needs to cut off! Is 5000 F.F.L.s Class-2 Is (02) Licenses Applications Need to be concealed. Out too! The Remaining count should be: (1608) (02) F.F.L, s in 50 States too. Reason This Will Flow the number. Guns not as many on the wrong Guns in the Wrongs Hands Criminals and Foreign Criminals of other nations too! Do you agree??? Sir??? Or Mam??? Think a minute for second too!!! It make alot of sense too! Most people would agree with it too!

  106. 1. U.S Complaint is all 50 States : The Gun Retailers Store Fronts Dealers are saying They don”t The Pawn Shops Junk Dealers Not to Sell Guns an Ammo too! Accessorizes Of Gun Parts too! Power tools Too! The A.T.F E A. Should take the F.F.L.s License is (02) off the F.F.L.s List too! This will do more harm too! There F.F.L.s License Should be Abolish too! Is the Class-2 Is (02) License too! The Agency should to Li mate this License too. of the The Treasury List too . There Should total count of 6,608 F.F.L.s Licenses to Pawn Shops& Gun Dealers Licenses too!!!P.S 6,608 F.F.L.s Will be Limited too!! Fewer Guns off Streets! Town Streets, Townships Streets , Cities Streets, Country Roads too! too! Retailer Pawn Shops Junk Dealers With F.F.L.s Licenses is (02) Applications should cancelled too! The F.F.l.s License is Class-2 Is (02) For only is It Should Limited too! This does more harm then it helps to Reduce Crimes of Loose Guns By Pawn Shops & Gun Dealers takes of the The F.F.L.s License List too . By the U.S Treasury Beau-re too! Should take it off the F.F.L.s List too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam?

  107. 1 The Number of F.F.L.s Dealers Dropping Less than of 50,630 Dealers. Per month period of time too! Numbers are decreasing. Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? Biden is cutting them allot! Out of 38 States those Gun Dealers Are Buying Crime Guns From those 12 States Refused to melt those Guns too!!! They are used by Criminals & Foreign Criminals too! Those Gun Dealers Should be put on a Suspicious List By the A, T.F. Should be watch from a distance too! If they are Caught by the A.T.F. E. A. Agents too! They will Revoked there. current F.F.L. Too. Is (01)(02) & (09) too! Renaults Applications are cut off for good too! They will be close down too! Is out of Businesses too! We must put our foot down too. Not to allow this not happen never again too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Man? This must stop now to before it to late to Stopped it too! I agree!!! Do you Agree? Sir? or Mam?

  108. !. A lot of F.F.L.s Dealers Dropped From 50630 down to 49000 Retailers. Gun Dialers too! They still going down each time too! We could lose 7000 F.F.L.s Dealers Stores Fronts too! Could as far as 42,000 F.F. L.s Retailers Gun Stores too! Maby!!! Reason is There will fewer Guns of the Streets too! Towns, Townships, Cities, Counties, States, too. The Number of used Guns are getting scarcest too. They hard fine, throes Guns too! It true!!! Those Shelves getting empty too. do time will tell too!

  109. 1.Thoese 12 States need to watch from a distance too!!! They refused to melt those Crime Guns used by criminals too! Or foreign Criminals of other nations Counties too! If other Gun Dealers sell those Guns on market too! Those Gun dealers will be raided by the A.T.F. Police & special Agents too! Will Revoked current F.F.L.s License too. (01)(02) N.F.A (09) too! An State License by those counties’ Sheriffis revoked the State License too! On the A.T.F Raid too! No renewals applications is cut off for good!! You are history too! Non-Citizens or American Citizens too!!! A WARNING TO ENFORCED TOO! do YOU AGREE???> SIR??? or MAM???

  110. 1. Those 12 States Refused to melt those crime Guns to not to be sent to a Steel mill plant to melt those guns too! Those warehouses loaded with crime Guns should: Be melted to send to a steel plant too! The A.T.F Should empty those warehouses immutably as soon as passable too! Some of those warehouses has over 9000 Crime Guns being storied there in a one of those warehouses. It’s it true! They should State empty those’ Warehouses out too! In all those 12 States too! They should not be sent to market too! Not be sent to a Gun Dealers Stores: of retailers. Stores too! (01) Sporting Goods Hunting Fishing & Gun Stores too! Not to be sent to; Pawn Shop Junk& Gun Shops Stores to put money on a illegal Crime Guns; Rifles, Shot Guns & Conceal Weapons Sem pistols, handguns too! If they used in Crime by Criminals too! Foreign Criminals of other Counties too! This is very serios matter too! Nothing to laugh at too! Not a Serios Joke too! Action needs to take now to be it too. To late to stopped it too! If the A.T.F Should do it now! Get moving now. Warehouses need to empty of thousands of Crome Guns to be sent to a Steel mill) Plant does melts steel!!too!!! melt those Guns now! I agree!!! Action need to taken now!!! By the A.T.F too! Do you Agree???? Sir???? Or Mam ????? It up to you if you start the job now!!! I Agree!! Get the ball rolling now!!!

  111. 1. The number of Gun Dealers Retailers Stores dropped to 49,000 Retailers Stores too! They still declining every month period of time too.

  112. !. On October ,1 st to 31 st : the number of Firearms Dealers went down to (56,694) F.F.L.s Store Fronts Retailers left too. They still de clinging too. Each month: we lost few; Gun Dealers ,-Retailers of Class-1 is(01)&2 is(02) too! one retired or going out of business! DSo you agree? Or Sir? Or Mam?

  113. 1. On 01/02/2023 A.D there were about (58,329) F.F.L.,s . Later (08 months later the Date was 10/02/2023 A.D. the number of Gun Dealers decline to (56,694) Retailers Gun Dealers too> They Lost 1,635 Gun Dealers Retired Or go out of Business too! The State Laws are getting to difficult too. The number of Gun Dealers are declining each month period of time too. Do you agree? Sir ? Or Mam?

  114. 1. There is about on 11/30/2023 Date is 34,000! Later on, the number of Gun Dealers will decline to: to 28,000!!! (01)(02) (09) Gun Dealers Licenses only too! In a sharp decline every month too! Do you agree? Sir?> Or Mam? Biden & Harras will more Gunn Dealers Retailers down too! It true!!! Later von will be Less of 28,000 F.F.L.s Dealers too!

  115. 1. The Total of Gun Dealers Retailers is F.F.L.s Holders (01)(02) & N.F.A (09) Licenses. This is mistake. on (64,747) F.F.L.s in correct date too. On Date was (01/02/2020 A.D. The total of Gun Dealers Store Fronts was 52,799. (01) (020 N.F.A (09) Gun Dealers Federal Firearms Licenses only to sell at retailers Gun Sales Licenses only by the B.A.T.F.E.A. Dept of Licenses of the U.S.A Treasury is in charge only too! They set, the Rules. For Federal Laws & State Laws of all 50 States, too! P.S. The Federal Firearms Licenses not for Retailer Gun Dealers Stores Fronts Not to have is class-2 Regulations to is Import & Export Licenses is off Limits is (08) & N.F.A. is (011) too! Agree! The Meg Licenses is Ammo is (06) Regular Gun mgs is (07) Regular Guns too! Agree! The Distractive Gun mfg. is (010) Licenses on Class-2 Regulations too! This enforced. By the B.A.T.F.E.A. License Dept of Licensed by The U. S.A. Treasury Dept is In Charge too! They issued the Applications for those Licenses too. Do you Agree? Sir?m or Mam?

  116. 1. The A.T.F should shut down the 1-800 F.F.L. 123.com He is applications for (01)(02) & N.F.A. is (09) too! He is not allowed. Off Limits to not To issued Applications. For Import & Export Licenses (08) & N.F.A. (011) Too. And Mfg. Licenses (06) Ammo (07) Regular Guns & Class-3 Guns (010) too! Is not allow too! By the U.S Treasury Rules apply too! Do You Agree! Sir Or Mam?

  117. 1. The. A.T.F. should shut down 1-800-123.com not to not issued Applications froms for; Class-1. (01). (02) an N.F.A. (09) too. They should close them down too. reason is they are out of control too. The B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency should shut them down too. They do more harm then good too. They increase the number of ,F.F.L.Retailer Gun. Dealers count on. 01/02/2020 A.D. was ,52,799 F.F.L Dealers. To on 12/07/2023; A.D. The total count increase to Number ofF
    F.L.s is (64 747 Gun Dealers on 113. 2023. A.D. by Gary too. Do you agree. Sir. or Mam. What do you think so far . no

  118. 1. The U.S.A Federal Level is maxium cap limit is: (15,000) F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers (01) (02) Regular Class-01 Dealers. An N.F.A Rules do apply for Dealers Retailers is Class-3 is (09) too. Each 50 States is maximum cap limit. Is 300 F.F.L.s Retailers s Stores, is cap. Limit too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? P.S If Biden & Harras Sigh the new Crime Bill national wide too! An Statewide too. The B. A.T.F.E.A. Agency will enforce those rules too! It will be controlled by the License agency. by the U.S.A Treasury Headquarters Rules too! Agree!!! There will be a lot less Gun Dealers Midsize Stores Big Stores sell Firearms. too! P.S. Only Gun Shop By Trade will sell Long Guns Rifles & Shotguns, Hunting season too. Handguns will be a lot in less production limit by 0.90% Cut off too! They will Allow 0.10% To sell handguns of Semiauto pistols will limit clip to maximum of 10 Rounds too! Do you agree? Sir Or Mam? The public would like that too! I agree! Treasure Security will approve of the Bill too! On Vice President Desk & President too! The Congress will vote on to passed too! The U.S Senate will vote on too! get the Federal Law passed too! There will be a lot less Gun Dealers Gun Stores too! the Bulks will be cut down too! There will be less Shooting too! In the Cities, Town ships Towns, too! The Guns will be hard to find Gun Stores too! Agree! Sir Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? This is my U.S. Complaint to keep out U.S.A Citizens safe too! From Criminals An Foreign Criminals of other Counties too! Agree To terms of safety of out U.S.A Citizens too! They come First too! Agree!

  119. 1. The A.T.F should limit Cap the Number of Gun Dealers Stores: 15,000 (Gun Dealers not be added too! 01)(02) N.F.A (09) Is maxium cap limit of Federal Level. The 50 State Level is 300 F.F.L.s Dealers Store Fronts is. Cap limit is 300 F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers too! No new ones should add too!

  120. 1. The number of Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts is ! 49,642 (01) + 128 (02) + (09) 150 = 56,172 Retailers Gun Stores is Latest count too!

  121. 1. we need to cut about 19,000 F.F.L.S. Dealers still to many in some states too .Do. you agree? inspectors of A.T.F. E.A. Sir?or Mam? Reason is, fewer guns by Roger Gun Dealers 01/02/09. ?? should be done immeadly ! yes! these bad Gun. dealers crooked too.

  122. 1.Complant is: To many N.F.A. Applications is given out to Freely too! I would Question. 1800-123. com too. There is State of Viginia. The count is 18 N.F.A. (09) Class-3 Licenses. too! State of Texas has 10. N.F.A Licenses. Florida has 10. N.F.A (09) Licenses. State Pennsylvania has, 10 CLASS-3 licenses. TOO. there IS 48 TOTAL class 3. (09) .N F.A. Licenses too! Why? How come this many N.F.A (09) Licenses too! They should correct it a big Mistake too! Solution is: The A.T.F.E.A. Needs to Cut off Rentals Applications Off. Starting Viginia State 16 Licenses need to cut off! Next the States needs to cut off 8 F.F.L.s is N.F.A Licenses for Texas, Pennsylvania, Florida, needs to cut it off is the* N.F.A (09) F.F.L.s Class3 Licenses too! Solution is there should two N.F.A. Licenses Retailers is (09) F.F.L.s only for Texas, Pennsylvania, Viginia, Florida too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? This should not ulcer again no more too. I Agree !!!!!!!

  123. 1.note: there will be a lot of F.F.L.S holders ; 01/02/ N.F.A. 09 Gun Dealers Retailers Store fronts smaller or medoum busi ess. Biden an Harris will cut more GunDealers stores if they to many in nest agg too. I Agree! fewer guns of the cities townships towns on 50 states too. Gun Companies. corparions. or I.NC.Companirs of mfgs will movie out of the U.S.A. too. If gun laws get to stricked to do business in the 50 states too. or they will close. up on the U.S..A. to move to.
    foreogn counties too. they will buy there U.S..gun mfg too. @And take it out of the U.S.A.
    too. they will build it there European nation too. they will do too. less gun laws on those nations too. Do you agree. Sir?or Mam ? This is warning too.

  124. 1. Report is: the number of Gun Dealers. The. Store. count before 56,172 . The number Of F.F.L.s decline to ( 34,888) Store fronts Retailers 01,02 regulars. The N.F.A. Dealers. is (09).a lot had decline in numbers is went down too. I say is 1/3 put out of business is To many Full. automatic Gun Dealers rentals applications is cut off by the A.T.F. office by the U.S.A Treasury dept.

  125. 1 The U.SA. lost about 21,824 F.F.L.s Retailers. (01/02/N.F
    .A. (09/ too. out of business too
    reason is stricter Gun regulations by selling Firearms is getting difficult too. To buy a long gun or handgun is do paper work too.You have to wait 10 business days too. No weekend no holidays too. This is better start check on your round too. when you purchase a Rifle shotgun . revolver or semiauto postal handgun with 10 round clips too. some one clip or
    two clips too.Do you agree! Sir? or Mam?

  126. 1. The Number off Retailers is 34,888 Store Fronts Gun Stores (01)(02) Regulars, & N.F.A. 09), too. There is 55,992 is Last Month too! It was December. This month now January 19, 2024, The Number of F.F.L.s 38,888 F.F.L.s Retailers Dealers Store Fronts Gun Sellers too!

  127. 1. The Number of Gun dealers i most current count on 01/01/2024 A.D is latest count (34,888) too! (01)(02) N.F.A. (09) too. There numbers are dropping each month too!

  128. The number of Retailers Store Fronts dropped. From 55,000 to lower count of 50,630 too. From 01/01 /2020 A.D 52,000 to 01/01/2024 A.D 01/1/22/2024 by the new Year too! It took them drop too Later they dropped way down to (34,888) Retainers. Stores Fronts> They are still Dropping. each month too.

  129. !. Note: The number Of Retailers Store Fronts, (01)(02) N.F.A. (09) before 34,888 F.F.L.s was old record too. They decline, way down, to (25,000. F.F.L.s Retailers Stores Dealers in all Fifty. States.) In all the States Do have Gun Dealers Retailers Gun Stores too! By each month their numbers are declining too

  130. 1. The Total of Retailers Store Fronts Gun Dealers (01)(02) Regulars. An N.F.A Retailers Gun Dealers (09) is 150. The Regular Gun Dealers is (29,167) F.F.L.s Holder’s too! Is Latest Report too!

  131. 1. There Is (01) & (02) F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts regular Gun Dealers in 50 States is Regular ones is the count is ( 29,017) Gun Dealers Stores Fronts too. Is total count too!! Not including Not the Count of 150 N.F.A Gun Dealers too! Do you Agree? Sir? or Mam? Thank you !!!

  132. 1. The Number of F.F.Ls (01)(02) regulars Dealers N.F.A. Dealers(09) decline to (34,000) too!! Later they decline to, 28,000 F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers A.F.F. will cut down number of F.F,L.s way down too!! A good Solution is A.T.F will put a cap on the number of F.F.L.s First Government Level is U.S.A. 5000 F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers Store Fronts :a enforced U.S.A( number Cap) on the number of Gun Dealers retailers Stores too! Agree! First!! Second the each State will be limit up to 100 F.F.L.s Retailers Gun dealers State number cap on it too! Do you agree??? Sir???? Or Mam ????

  133. !. There Will Be A Cap on the Number of F.F.L.,s Dealers Retailers Stores too . not to add on extra Gun Dealers number number cap is limit too!! On U.S.A. Level Or States Level of all 50 States too!

  134. 1. The Maximum U.S.A Government Enforcement Cap by the A.T.F. Police Unit The inspectors Agents of B.A.T.F.E.A., Agency office Will enforce it!!! The Government Cap will be 10,000. of 50 States in all to; (01)(02) Regulars Dealers Retailers. The N.F.A Dealers (09) Class-3 Retailers will be reduced by 0.75% Licenses will be cut off too. Renaults is cut off too! is (09) Applications is cancelled off too! 2. The State Government’s will have limited count of maximum cap. Is no more than 200 F.F.L.s A Cap on it for Licenses. By the inspection of the inspections will be informed Dept of F.F.L.s License Dept Headquarters Director if there is more beyond the Cap limit per 50 States in all is maximum cap limit by enforced by the A.T.F. E. A. Headquarters Head director the report too! If there Less the 200 F.F.L.s They might put a new Gun Dealers Retailer Store unit too! The U.S A Level is the same way too! If there Less, then 10,000 F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers Stores too! They will Fill It in to Quata Number up tp 10,000 is maximum cap limit too! Do you agree??????? Sir??????? Or Mam??????

  135. 1. The Finial solution is U.S.A. Government: The Federal Cap limits 5000 F.F.L.s Licenses (01)(02)(09) Retailers Gun Dealers Store Fronts Businesses is Cap limit too! The State Government is 50 States too! (01)(02) N.F.A. (09) Licensees the Maximum Limit is up to 100 F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers per each of 50 States too! Do not Add beyond the maximum cap limits is Enforced by A.T.F. Inspectors rules in al 50 States in all too! They will be notified the A.T.F Police Force to if there over the cap limit for each of 50 States too! They will counsel the Gun Dealers Rentals Applications will be halted and scrapped too! Do you agree??? Sir?? Or Mam??? They are new rules by the A.T.F Too!! They are Structed too! Agreement to be enforced too!

  136. 1.There is total of Retailers Gun Stores Fronts Gun Dealers Still official . An there is ( 01) 49,642 + (02) 6380 + (09) 150 = 56,172 Still Official yet: nothing Change too! The latest record too! Last year on December 2023 A.D.!!

  137. !. We don’t have. 64,747 Gun Dealers Retailers stores too. We lost 8,575 Gun Dealers Stores went out of Businesses too! (01)(02) N.F.A (09) too! F.F.L.s Licenses only too.

  138. 1. There is about before it was (38,888) F.F.L.s (01) (02) Before too. It just declines to 25,000 (01)(02) now> Theyb are declining each month too!

  139. The Number of Gun Dealers Store before was 34,788 too. Now there ls less then 25,000 too They are declining too.!

  140. 1. Regular Gun Dealers Retailers is (01). There is Pawn Shop Gun Dealers (02) is Subtracted is 7800 too. The overall count is (55,000) Retailers Store Fronts total too!!! Date is correct count too! 03/5/2024 A.D.

  141. !. Regular Sellers is Retailers Dealers (01) is 42,200. + The Pawn Shop Gun Dealers (02) is 7800 . = 50,000 F.F.L.s total in 50 State too.

  142. 1. Out of 50,000 Retailers in out of 38 regular States Are buying Crime Guns from 12 States refused to melt those Crime Guns is Bad State Law is earning Blood Money from those 12 States Selling them on Market to Crooked Gun Dealers Retailers are: buoying those Guns are Used by Fallon Criminals & Foreign Criminals of other Counties too . It Facts is There too! The A.T.F Should monitor these Calls too . If they Get Caught Selling those Crime Guns to Law abiding U.S.A Citizens by bad dishonest Gun Retailers Dealers (01) (02) & N.F.A (09) Dealers too! The A.T.F will revoked there Current Federal Firearms Licenses too! And Cut off there Renewals Applications too. Be cancelled them out too! Your History too. They will confiscated All your Guns in there Store too! An Ammo too is Removed too! Your are close down for d=good too! Of a A.T.F. Raid too! I agree! They do it more often too! I do Agree! Do you Agree?? Sir? or Mam? Selling Crane Guns is Violation of Federal Law too! You will be close down for good too. As you will have Criminal Record in Federal U.S. Circuit Count is federal level too! Agree!!! Do you Agree? Or Mam?? Or Sir?? This is hard lesson too if you break Federal Laws is Not to Sell Crime Guns in Gun Store too> Which is Illegal too! Plus those 12 States will be observed by the A.T.F. Too! There will br Arrests as well too! By Federal Agents too! The A.T./F Police Will be on the raids too! They will close those GFun Dealers retailers down an out of Business too! I do agree! The A.T./F take action Now If to late to Stop it t00!!! Spreading to other States too! Stop it Now !!!

  143. 1. A Remain count of F.F.L. Gun Dealers Count is way lower count. Is (2,167) Retailers Gun Dealers Sellers Stores in 50 States. in all too. Reason is strickled Gun Laws Not all Gunn Dealers obey Federal laws. & State Laws! This reason is they closed them down too! By Revoked Current F.F.L.s (01)(02) & N.F.A (09) too Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? They Cut off Renaults Applications is Stopped too! An into garbage pail too! Gun Dealers Licenses to apply for too! To Procuresses it to is very hard to too!

  144. !. On the Year date 03/25/2024 A.D. Not all Gun Dealers Retailers do not obey: , Federal. U.S Laws: And State Laws too! out of 2,167 F.F.L.s in 50 States too! On 0.05) % Will sell Crime Guns from those 12 States to; that REFUSED TO MELT THOSE guns USED CRIME SEANS TO BY U.S.A criminals & foreign. Criminals’ com illegally threw Mexico. Came to Mexico & U.S Border too! Wake U.S.A Citizens in 50 States too! Warning is invading. the U.S.A to take over the U.S.A too! This could be turning into Red Dawn War of other Nations. Attacked the U.S.A Citizens are living in there States too! To take it over by the United Nations Security Councial Orders To Take over Washington. D.C too! The U, S. Leage of Nations too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? That means good by U.S.A. is gone too! This is Warning to the U.S Citizens in the 50 States too! Wake up sell the Coffie!!!! The U.S Citizen will be put in Prison Camps too! Like Nasty Germany in war world 2 !!! !! too! those With Prision Guards i Guard Towers too! Every conner of camp Too! This is warning to American Citizens living in 50 States in the U.S.A Will be taken by Illegal Ingerman’s try to overthrow the current government. is TOO. ARE history BOOKS OF THE PAST TOO!!! iT TRUE!!!

  145. To cut down! 1. There is to many Class-3 Retailers Dealers Stores too! There is150 Stores too! Solution is: To cut down about. 75 F.F.L.s Licenses off too! An no renal Applications or not to be issued too! Type (09) with tax stamp at right top conner too. Only too. Do you. Agree? Sir? or Mam? Those weapons are made for war only too! The F.F.L.s Licenses is (09) With Tax Stamp Is Class-3 only Gun Dealers with Law enforcement. Sales only too! I agree!! Do you agree? Sir? or Mam?

  146. !. There is about near count of 44,000 Retailer Gun Dealers Is (01)Stores Fronts. (02) is 0.66666.66 Pawn Shop & gun dealers (02) too!

  147. !. There is about near count of: (01)(02) Retailers Stores Gun Dealers count is 25,315. too. Alot went out of Business. Not Many Guns Dealers don’t Obay Federal Firearms Licenses Laws $ State Laws, And Country Laws Too! Some Town Townships Pew furred. Sheriffs Dept of Country too! Take over it too! I agree!! Town Police & Townships Police is waste of Money too! They should do away with Them too! We don’t at all too! Do you agree? Sir Or Mam?

  148. 1. There is About Certain number of Retailers Stores do have warning Letters. Of Buying Crine guns from those 12 States too. Those Retailers are selling crime Guns too! Selling guns out to 38 States. Those Pawn Shops are buying Crime Guns too! Retailers Stores too. 12 States refused to melt those guns in steel mill too! There is 55,300 Retailers too! (01(02) N.F. A. (09) Dealers too! They May be selling them too! The Pawn Shops & Junk Dealers F.F.L.s Maybe selling them too! This needs to be checked out too. by, A.T.F investigators too! Those Crime Guns should not be on market in a Gun Stores, Sporting Hunting, Camping Fishing Gun Stores too! Pawn Shop & Junk & Gun Stores too! They not excused too! I am talking pawn shops & Gun Stores too! (02) F.F.L.s & State License from country Sheriff’s Dept of State License office of the country they live in too! office how issued the License. If they are caught sell those Crime Guns Used by Criminals or Foreign Criminals of other Counties too! Solution is: Cut of renewals Applications off on F.F.L.s (01)(02) N.F.A (09) too! Closed them down too! Out of Business too! Do you agree? Sir? Or Mam? Let”s Put foot down now too! I agree! If they have Warning Letters too from the A.T.F E.A. License Dept Firearms Office too! I agree.!


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