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OMG! People Beauty Contest Bans Gun Photos! OMG!

Robert Farago - comments No comments

We’re all kinds of pro-gun around here. We see no reason why anyone should discriminate against an American seeking to exercise their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. But if someone doesn’t want people carrying a firearm on their property it’s their right to ban guns from their property. Just as it’s our right not to visit them if that’s the way they want to be about it. By the same token, if a magazine (not clip) wishes to exclude pictures of guns from their beauty contest, that’s perfectly legal and, in People’s case, entirely predictable. I mean, it’s not as if it was . . .

a “women of a certain age showing their primary method of personal defense” contest. And if it was, I’d be binning at least one of the shots sent in by Bob Ferris for his wife’s poor trigger discipline. (Notice how Sandra picks up the gun at the end of the report.) Still, it’s good (if weird) to see CNN take up their case with only a modicum of gentle ribbing. I especially liked the slam against the dead tree picture book; the couple aren’t canceling their subscription to People because they don’t have one. Nice one.

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “OMG! <em>People</em> Beauty Contest Bans Gun Photos! OMG!”

  1. I oppose every effort to limit gun rights, because it has been shown, time and time again, that each incremental loss of freedom is followed, immediately, by a new demand. The gun grabbers will never be satisfied until all of the guns are gone. Therefore we must fight each and every battle, and never give an inch. Freedoms surrendered must be repurchased with blood.

  2. Well, the sites and the laser are now both set to POI.

    The rear site sits to the right of slide center by a good 3/32″ and the front site sits 1/8″ to the left of center of the slide. Looks like crap!

    Then the front site dot must be level with the top of the rear site, or at least half way up out of the notch.

    The height doesn’t bother me, but the horizontal offset bugs the hell out of me!

  3. Thanks for posting a picture of the enemy of my Liberty. Now I know the anti-gun goof. And NRA’s values are not mine either, but I am a Life Member and believe the Constitution is my line in the sand, and most politicians have stepped all over it trying to rub it out.

  4. I love my bro pg 13 308.it is crazy accurate.and I put a trijicon accu point on it.now I pray for that stag to come walking across the creek,ill blow him inhalf.I can shoot a flea of a nats ass.very nice riflr.I wanna see the sbr w/-7.5 barrel and a 7″ monorail on it all digitan.even the barrel digitan,even do the stock digitan.id buy it now contact meand ill pay for it

  5. The damage is done. Guys at my job are already high-fiving about the new “super ammo.” I was skeptical of the claims even before STB410 got ahold of it due to the Le Mas “blended metal” ammunition debacle of the early 2000’s. However, no matter how many times I tell people that they’re falling victim to marketing hype they won’t listen.

    Slow-motion photography of trocars coming out of a water balloon = marketing win.


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